Banner Business Entity and Business Process APIs - Student
Release 8.6

sb_admissionsapplication This package provides the Common Business interface for the Admissions Application API (sb_admissionsapplication).
sb_admissionsapplication_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the Admissions Application API.
sb_admissionsapplication_str This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Admissions Application API.
sb_application_decision This package provides the Common busines interface for the Application Decision API (sb_application_decision).
sb_application_decision_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the Application Decision API.
sb_application_decision_str This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Application Decision API.
sb_athletic_acad_prog This package provides the Common Business interface for the Athletic Academic Progress API (sb_athletic_acad_prog).
sb_athletic_acad_prog_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the Athletic Academic Progress API.
sb_athletic_acad_prog_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Athletic Academic Progress API.
sb_athletic_admissions This package provides the Common Business interface for the Athletic Admissions API (sb_athletic_admissions).
sb_athletic_admissions_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the Athletic Admissions API.
sb_athletic_admissions_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Athletic Admissions API.
sb_athletic_attributes This package provides the Common Business interface for the Athletic Attributes API (sb_athletic_attributes).
sb_athletic_attributes_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the Athletic Attributes API.
sb_athletic_attributes_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Athletic Attributes API.
sb_athletic_comments This package provides the Common Business interface for the Athletic Comments API (sb_athletic_comments).
sb_athletic_comments_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the Athletic Comments API.
sb_athletic_comments_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Athletic Comments API.
sb_athletic_competition This package provides the Common Business interface for the Athletic Competition API (sb_athletic_competition).
sb_athletic_competition_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the Athletic Competition API.
sb_athletic_competition_str This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Athletic Competition API.
sb_athletic_compliance This package provides the Common Business interface for the Athletic Compliance API (sb_athletic_compliance).
sb_athletic_compliance_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the Athletic Compliance API.
sb_athletic_compliance_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Athletic Compliance API.
sb_athletic_degc_comp This package provides the Common Business interface for the Athletic Degree Completion API (sb_athletic_degc_comp).
sb_athletic_degc_comp_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the Athletic Degree Completion API.
sb_athletic_degc_comp_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Athletic Degree Completion API.
sb_athletic_eligibility This package provides the Common Business interface for the Athletic Eligibility API (sb_athletic_eligibility).
sb_athletic_eligibility_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the Athletic Eligibility API.
sb_athletic_eligibility_str This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Athletic Eligibility API.
sb_athletic_transfer This package provides the Common Business interface for the Athletic Transfer API (sb_athletic_transfer).
sb_athletic_transfer_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the Athletic Transfer API.
sb_athletic_transfer_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Athletic Transfer API.
sb_catlg_int_partner This package provides the Common Business interface for the Catalog Integration Partner API (sb_catlg_integration_partner).
sb_catlg_int_partner_rules This package contains the support subprograms for the Catalog Integration Partner API.
sb_catlg_int_partner_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Catalog Integration Partner API.
sb_centricperiod This package provides the Common Business interface for the Centric Period API (sb_centricperiod).
sb_centricperiod_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the Centric Period API.
sb_centricperiod_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Centric Period API.
sb_centricperiod_term This package provides the Common Business interface for the Centric Period Term API (sb_centricperiod_term).
sb_centricperiod_term_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the Centric Period Term API.
sb_centricperiod_term_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Centric Period Term API.
sb_compliance_xml This package provides the Common Business interface for the Compliance XML API (sb_compliance_xml).
sb_compliance_xml_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the Compliance XML API.
sb_compliance_xml_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Compliance XML API.
sb_course This package provides the Common busines interface for the Course API (sb_course).
sb_course_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the Course API.
sb_course_str This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Course API.
sb_course_labor This package provides the Common Business interface for the Course Labor Distribution API (sb_course_labor).
sb_course_labor_rules This package provides support subprograms for the Course Labor Distribution API.
sb_course_labor_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Course Labor Distribution API.
sb_course_registration This package provides the Common busines interface for the Course Registration API (sb_course_registration).
sb_course_registration_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the Course Registration API.
sb_course_registration_str This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Course Registration API.
sb_crse_atts_restriction This package provides the Common Business interface for the Course Student Attribute Restriction API (sb_crse_atts_restriction).
sb_crse_atts_restriction_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the Course Student Attribute Restriction API.
sb_crse_atts_restriction_str This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Course Student Attribute Restriction API.
sb_crse_chrt_restriction This package provides the Common Business interface for the Course Cohort Restriction API (sb_crse_chrt_restriction).
sb_crse_chrt_restriction_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the Course Cohort Restriction API.
sb_crse_chrt_restriction_str This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Course Cohort Restriction API.
sb_crse_dept_restriction This package provides the Common Business interface for the Course Department Restriction API (sb_crse_dept_restriction).
sb_crse_dept_restriction_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the Course Department Restriction API.
sb_crse_dept_restriction_str This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Course Department Restriction API.
sb_crse_mutual_exclusion This package provides the Common Business interface for the Course Mutual Exclusion API (sb_crse_mutual_exclusion).
sb_crse_mutual_exclusion_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the Course Mutual Exclusion API.
sb_crse_mutual_exclusion_str This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Course Mutual Exclusion API.
sb_crse_select_pri This package provides the Common Business interface for the Waitlist Course Selection Priority API (sb_crse_select_pri).
sb_crse_select_pri_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the Waitlist Course Selection Priority API.
sb_crse_select_pri_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Waitlist Course Selection Priority API.
sb_curric_status_event This package provides the Common Business interface for the Curriculum Status Event API (sb_curric_status_event).
sb_curric_status_event_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the Curriculum Status Event API.
sb_curric_status_event_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Curriculum Status Event API.
sb_curriculum This package provides the Common Business interface for the Learner Base Curriculum API (sb_curriculum).
sb_curriculum_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the Learner Base Curriculum API.
sb_curriculum_str This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Learner Base Curriculum API.
sb_curriculum_archive This package provides the Common Business interface for the Curriculum Archive API (sb_curriculum_archive).
sb_curriculum_archive_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the Curriculum Archive API.
sb_curriculum_archive_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Curriculum Archive API.
sb_curriculum_default This package provides the Common Business interface for the Curriculum Default API (sb_curriculum_default).
sb_curriculum_default_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the Curriculum Default API.
sb_curriculum_default_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Curriculum Default API.
sb_datafile_delimiter This package contains the Common Business interface for the Datafile Delimiter API (sb_datafile_delimiter).
sb_datafile_delimiter_rules This package contains the support subprograms for the Datafile Delimiter API.
sb_datafile_delimiter_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Datafile Delimiter API.
sb_datafile_test_score This package contains the Common Business interface for the Datafile Test Score API (sb_datafile_test_score).
sb_datafile_test_score_rules This package contains the support subprograms for the Datafile Test Score API.
sb_datafile_test_score_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Datafile Test Score API.
sb_edi_acad_sess_sum This package provides the Common Business Interface for the EDI Academic Session Summary API (sb_edi_acad_sess_sum).
sb_edi_acad_sess_sum_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the EDI Academic Session Summary API.
sb_edi_acad_sess_sum_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the EDI Academic Session API.
sb_edi_acad_session This package provides the Common Business Interface for the EDI Academic Session API (sb_edi_acad_session).
sb_edi_acad_session_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the EDI Academic Session API.
sb_edi_acad_session_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the EDI Academic Session API.
sb_edi_acad_summ This package provides the Common Business Interface for the EDI Academic Summary API (sb_edi_acad_summ).
sb_edi_acad_summ_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the EDI Academic Summary API.
sb_edi_acad_summ_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the EDI Academic Summary API.
sb_edi_acrec_ude This package provides the Common Business Interface for the EDI Academic Record UDE API (sb_edi_acrec_ude).
sb_edi_acrec_ude_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the EDI Academic Record UDE API.
sb_edi_acrec_ude_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the EDI Academic Record UDE API.
sb_edi_course This package provides the Common Business Interface for the EDI Course API (sb_edi_course).
sb_edi_course_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the EDI Course API.
sb_edi_course_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the EDI Course API.
sb_edi_doc_header This package provides the Common Business Interface for the EDI document Header API (sb_edi_doc_header).
sb_edi_doc_header_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the EDI Document Header API.
sb_edi_doc_header_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the EDI document Header API.
sb_edi_header This package provides the Common Business Interface for the EDI Header API (sb_edi_header).
sb_edi_header_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the EDI Header API.
sb_edi_header_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the EDI Header API.
sb_edi_identification This package provides the Common Business Interface for the EDI Identification API (sb_edi_identification).
sb_edi_identification_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the EDI Identification API.
sb_edi_identification_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the EDI Identification API.
sb_edi_immunization This package provides the Common Business interface for the EDI Immunization API (sb_edi_immunization).
sb_edi_immunization_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the EDI Immunization API.
sb_edi_immunization_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the EDI Immunization API.
sb_edi_medical This package provides the Common Business Interface for the EDI Medical API (sb_edi_medical).
sb_edi_medical_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the EDI Medical API.
sb_edi_medical_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the EDI Medical API.
sb_edi_status This package provides the Common Business Interface for the EDI Status API (sb_edi_status).
sb_edi_status_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the EDI Status API.
sb_edi_status_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the EDI Status API.
sb_edi_stud_ude This package provides the Common Business Interface for the EDI Student UDE API (sb_edi_stud_ude).
sb_edi_stud_ude_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the EDI Student UDE API.
sb_edi_stud_ude_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the EDI Student UDE API.
sb_edi_subtest This package provides the Common Business Interface for the EDI Subtest API (sb_edi_subtest).
sb_edi_subtest_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the EDI Subtest API.
sb_edi_subtest_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the EDI Subtest API.
sb_edi_subtest_score This package provides the Common Business Interface for the EDI Subtest Score API (sb_edi_subtest_score).
sb_edi_subtest_score_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the EDI Subtest Score API.
sb_edi_subtest_score_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the EDI Subtest Score API.
sb_edi_test This package provides the Common Business Interface for the EDI Test API (sb_edi_test).
sb_edi_test_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the EDI Test API.
sb_edi_test_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the EDI Test API.
sb_edi_trans_ude This package provides the Common Business Interface for the EDI Transcript UDE API (sb_edi_trans_ude).
sb_edi_trans_ude_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the EDI Transcript UDE API.
sb_edi_trans_ude_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the EDI Transcript UDE API.
sb_enroll_ver_payment This package provides the Common Business interface for the Enrollment Verification Self-Service Payment Options API (sb_enroll_ver_payment).
sb_enroll_ver_payment_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the Enrollment Verification Self-Service Payment Options API.
sb_enroll_ver_payment_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Enrollment Verification Self-Service Payment Options API.
sb_enroll_ver_service This package provides the Common Business interface for the Enrollment Verification Self-Service Options API (sb_enroll_ver_service).
sb_enroll_ver_service_rules This package contains the support subprograms for the Enrollment Verification Self-Service Options API.
sb_enroll_ver_service_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Enrollment Verification Self-Service Options API.
sb_enrollment This package provides the common business interface for the Enrollment API (sb_enrollment).
sb_enrollment_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the Enrollment API.
sb_enrollment_str This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Enrollment API.
sb_estimated_grades This package provides the common business interface for the Estimated Grades API (sb_estimated_grades).
sb_estimated_grades_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the Estimated Grades API.
sb_estimated_grades_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Estimated Grades API.
sb_facsec_access This package provides the common business interface for the Faculty Security Access API (sb_facsec_access).
sb_facsec_access_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the Faculty Security Access API.
sb_facsec_access_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Faculty Security Access API.
sb_fac_sec_dates This package provides the common business interface for the Faculty Security Dates API (sb_fac_sec_dates).
sb_fac_sec_dates_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the Faculty Security Dates API.
sb_fac_sec_dates_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Faculty Security Dates API.
sb_facassignment This package provides the Common Business interface for the Faculty Assignment API (sb_facassignment).
sb_facassignment_rules This package provides support subprograms for the Faculty Assignment API.
sb_facassignment_str This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Faculty Assignment API.
sb_faculty This package provides the Common Business interface for the Faculty API (sb_faculty).
sb_faculty_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the Faculty API.
sb_faculty_str This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Faculty API.
sb_faculty_feedback This package provides the Common Business interface for the Faculty Feedback API (sb_faculty_feedback).
sb_faculty_feedback_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the Faculty Feedback API.
sb_faculty_feedback_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Faculty Feedback API.
sb_feedback_codes This package provides the Common Business interface for the Faculty Feedback Codes API (sb_feedback_codes).
sb_feedback_codes_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the Faculty Feedback Codes API.
sb_feedback_codes_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Faculty Feedback Codes API.
sb_feedback_session This package provides the Common Business interface for the Faculty Feedback Session API (sb_feedback_session).
sb_feedback_session_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the Faculty Feedback Session API.
sb_feedback_session_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Faculty Feedback Session API.
sb_fieldofstudy This package provides the Common Business interface for the Field of Study API (sb_fieldofstudy).
sb_fieldofstudy_rules This package provides support subprograms for the Field of Study API.
sb_fieldofstudy_str This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Field of Study API.
sb_fieldofstudy_allowed This package provides the Common Business interface for the Field of Study Maximum Current and Active API (sb_fieldofstudy_allowed).
sb_fieldofstudy_allowed_rules This package contains the support subprograms for the Field of Study Maximum Current and Active API.
sb_fieldofstudy_allowed_str This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Field of Study Maximum Current and Active API.
sb_fieldofstudy_archive This package provides the Common Business interface for the Field of Study Archive API (sb_fieldofstudy_archive).
sb_fieldofstudy_archive_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the Field of Study Archive API.
sb_fieldofstudy_archive_str This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Field of Study Archive API.
sb_gradapp This package provides the Common Business interface for the Graduation Application API (sb_gradapp).
sb_gradapp_rules This package contains the support subprograms for the Graduation Application API.
sb_gradapp_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Graduation Application API.
sb_gradapp_displayrule This package provides the Common Business interface for the Graduation Application Display Rule API (sb_gradapp_displayrule).
sb_gradapp_displayrule_rules This package contains the support subprograms for the Graduation Application Display Rule API.
sb_gradapp_displayrule_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Graduation Application Display Rule API.
sb_gradapp_eligible This package provides the Common Business interface for the Graduation Application Eligibility Rules API (sb_gradapp_eligible).
sb_gradapp_eligible_rules This package contains the support subprograms for the Graduation Application Eligibility Rules API.
sb_gradapp_eligible_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Graduation Application Eligibility Rules API.
sb_gradapp_graddate This package provides the Common Business interface for the Graduation Application Graduation Date Availability API (sb_gradapp_graddate).
sb_gradapp_graddate_rules This package contains the support subprograms for the Graduation Application Graduation Date Availability API.
sb_gradapp_graddate_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Graduation Application Graduation Date Availability API.
sb_gradapp_paymentopts This package provides the Common Business interface for the Graduation Application Payment Options API (sb_gradapp_paymentopts).
sb_gradapp_paymentopts_rules This package contains the support subprograms for the Graduation Application Payment Options API.
sb_gradapp_paymentopts_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Graduation Application Payment Options API.
sb_gradapp_selrule This package provides the Common Business interface for the Graduation Application Select Rules API (sb_gradapp_selrule).
sb_gradapp_selrule_rules This package contains the support subprograms for the Graduation Application Select Rules API.
sb_gradapp_selrule_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Graduation Application Select Rules API.
sb_highschool This package provides the Common Business interface for the High School API (sb_highschool).
sb_highschool_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the High School API.
sb_highschool_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the High School API.
sb_incmp_grading This package provides the Common Business interface for the Incomplete Grade Rule API (sb_incmp_grading).
sb_incmp_grading_rules This package contains the support subprograms for the Incomplete Grade Rule API.
sb_incmp_grading_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Incomplete Grade Rule API.
sb_learner This package provides the Common Business interface for the Learner API (sb_learner).
sb_learner_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the Learner API.
sb_learner_str This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Learner API.
sb_learnercurricstatus This package provides the Common Business interface for the Learner Curriculum Status API (sb_learnercurricstatus).
sb_learnercurricstatus_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the Learner Curriculum Status API.
sb_learnercurricstatus_str This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Learner Curriculum Status API.
sb_learnermodule This package provides the Common Business interface for the Learner Module API (sb_learnermodule).
sb_learnermodule_rules This package provides support subprograms for the Learner Module API.
sb_learnermodule_str This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Learner Module API.
sb_learneroutcome This package provides the Common Business interface for the Learner Outcome API (sb_learneroutcome).
sb_learneroutcome_rules This package provides support subprograms for the Learner Outcome API.
sb_learneroutcome_str This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Learner Outcome API.
sb_mass_entry This package provides the Common Business interface for the Mass Entry API (sb_mass_entry).
sb_mass_entry_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the Mass Entry API.
sb_mass_entry_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Mass Entry API.
sb_mass_entry_column This package provides the Common Business interface for the Mass Entry Column API (sb_mass_entry_column).
sb_mass_entry_column_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the Mass Entry Column API.
sb_mass_entry_column_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Mass Entry Column API.
sb_mass_entry_form This package provides the Common Business interface for the Mass Entry Form API (sb_mass_entry_form).
sb_mass_entry_form_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the Mass Entry Form API.
sb_mass_entry_form_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Mass Entry Form API.
sb_mealassignment This package provides the Common Business interface for the Meal Assignment API (sb_mealassignment).
sb_mealassignment_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the Meal Assignment API.
sb_mealassignment_str This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Meal Assignment API.
sb_pagefieldconfig This package provides the Common Business interface for the Page and Field Configuration API (sb_pagefieldconfig).
sb_pagefieldconfig_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the Page and Field Configuration API.
sb_pagefieldconfig_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Page and Field Configuration API.
sb_pesc_status_export This package provides the Common Business Interface for the PESC Status Export API (sb_pesc_status_export).
sb_pesc_status_export_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the PESC Status Export API.
sb_pesc_status_export_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the PESC Status Export API.
sb_pesc_status_imp This package provides the Common Business Interface for the PESC Status Import API (sb_pesc_status_imp).
sb_pesc_status_imp_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the PESC Status Import API.
sb_pesc_status_imp_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the PESC Status Import API.
sb_phoneassignment This package provides the Common Business interface for the Phone Assignment API (sb_phoneassignment).
sb_phoneassignment_rules This package provides support subprograms for the Phone Assignment API.
sb_phoneassignment_str This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Phone Assignment API.
sb_recruit This package contains the Common business interface for the Recruit API (sb_recruit).
sb_recruit_rules This package contains the support subprograms for Recruit API.
sb_recruit_str This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Recruit API.
sb_registration_msg This package provides the Common Business Interface for the Registration Error Messages API (sb_registration_msg).
sb_registration_msg_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the Registration Error Messages API.
sb_registration_msg_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Registration Error Messages API.
sb_roommate This package provides the Common Business interface for the Roommate API (sb_roommate).
sb_roommate_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the Roommate API.
sb_roommate_str This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Roommate API.
sb_roompreference This package provides the Common Business interface for the Room Preference API (sb_roompreference).
sb_roompreference_rules This package provides support subprograms for the Room Preference API.
sb_roompreference_str This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Room Preference API.
sb_scp_continuant This package provides the Common Business interface for the SCP Continuant API (sb_scp_continuant).
sb_scp_continuant_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the SCP Continuant API.
sb_scp_continuant_str This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the SCP Continuant API.
sb_scp_ruletimestat_lvl This package provides the Common Business interface for the SCP Rule Time Status Level API (sb_scp_ruletimestat_lvl).
sb_scp_ruletimestat_lvl_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the SCP Rule Time Status Level API.
sb_scp_ruletimestat_lvl_str This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the SCP Rule Time Status Level API.
sb_scp_ruletimestat This package provides the Common Business interface for the SCP Rule Time Status API (sb_scp_ruletimestat).
sb_scp_ruletimestat_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the SCP Rule Time Status API.
sb_scp_ruletimestat_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the SCP Rule Time Status API.
sb_scp_timestatus_hist This package provides the Common Business interface for the SCP Time Status History API (sb_scp_timestatus_hist).
sb_scp_timestatus_hist_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the SCP Time Status History API.
sb_scp_timestatus_hist_str This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the SCP Time Status History API.
sb_sect_atts_restriction This package provides the Common Business interface for the Section Student Attribute Restriction API (sb_sect_atts_restriction).
sb_sect_atts_restriction_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the Section Student Attribute Restriction API.
sb_sect_atts_restriction_str This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Section Student Attribute Restriction API.
sb_sect_chrt_restriction This package provides the Common Business interface for the Section Cohort Restriction API (sb_sect_chrt_restriction).
sb_sect_chrt_restriction_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the Section Cohort Restriction API.
sb_sect_chrt_restriction_str This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Section Cohort Restriction API.
sb_sect_dept_restriction This package provides the Common Business interface for the Section Department Restriction API (sb_sect_chrt_restriction).
sb_sect_dept_restriction_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the Section Department Restriction API.
sb_sect_dept_restriction_str This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Section Department Restriction API.
sb_section This package provides the Common Business interface for the Section API (sb_section).
sb_section_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the Section API.
sb_section_str This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Section API.
sb_section_labor This package provides the Common Business interface for the Class Schedule Labor Distribution API (sb_section_labor).
sb_section_labor_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the Class Schedule Labor Distribution API.
sb_section_labor_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Class Schedule Labor Distribution API.
sb_smrprle Standard functions and procedures for the Program Rules Table.
sb_studypath This package provides the Common Business interface for the Study Path API (sb_studypath).
sb_studypath_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the Study Path API.
sb_studypath_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Study Path API.
sb_studypath_enrollment This package provides the Common Business interface for the Study Path Enrollment API (sb_studypath_enrollment).
sb_studypath_enrollment_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the Study Path Enrollment API.
sb_studypath_enrollment_str This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Study Path Enrollment API.
sb_studypath_name This package provides the Common Business interface for the Study Path Name API (sb_studypath_name).
sb_studypath_name_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the Study Path Name API.
sb_studypath_name_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Study Path Name API.
sb_stvaccl Standard functions and procedures for the Academic Calendar Type Validation Table.
sb_stvacct Standard functions and procedures for the Attendance Accounting Method Code Validation Table.
sb_stvadmt Standard functions and procedures for the Admission Type Validation Table.
sb_stvapdc Standard functions and procedures for the Admission Application Decision Validation Table.
sb_stvaprn Standard functions and procedures for the Apprenticeship Code Validation Table.
sb_stvaprv Standard functions and procedures for the Catalog Approval Code Validation Table.
sb_stvapst Standard functions and procedures for the Admission Application Status Validation Table.
sb_stvartp Standard functions and procedures for the Room/Meal Application Request Type Validation Table.
sb_stvastd Standard functions and procedures for the Academic Standing Validation Table.
sb_stvblck Standard functions and procedures for the Block Code Validation Table.
sb_stvbskl Standard functions and procedures for the Basic Skill Validation Table.
sb_stvcact Standard functions and procedures for the Curriculum Activity Status Code Validation Table.
sb_stvcapl Standard functions and procedures for the Career Planning Validation Table.
sb_stvcast Standard functions and procedures for valid values for use in combined academic standing calculation.
sb_stvcntr Standard functions and procedures for the Contract Rules Code Validation Table.
sb_stvcsta Standard functions and procedures for the Course Status Code Validation Table.
sb_stvcsts Standard functions and procedures for the Student Curriculum Status Code Validation Table.
sb_stvdegs Standard functions and procedures for the Degree Status Code Validation Table.
sb_stvdivs Standard functions and procedures for the Division Code Validation Table.
sb_stvedlv Standard functions and procedures for the Education Level Validation Table.
sb_stvegol Standard functions and procedures for the Education Goal Validation Table.
sb_stvemex Standard functions and procedures for the Employment Expectation Validation Table.
sb_stveprt Standard functions and procedures for the Enrollment Verification Request Rules Code.
sb_stvests Standard functions and procedures for the Student Registration Status Validation Table.
sb_stvfcst Standard functions and procedures for the Faculty Status Validation Table.
sb_stvfctg Standard functions and procedures for the Faculty Category Validation Table.
sb_stvfstp Standard functions and procedures for the Faculty Staff Type Validation Table.
sb_stvgadr Standard functions and procedures for the Graduation Application Display Rule Validation Table.
sb_stvgain Standard functions and procedures for the Gain Status Code Validation Table.
sb_stvgast Standard functions and procedures for the Graduation Application Status Validation Table.
sb_stvgcmt Standard functions and procedures for the Gradebook Coded Comment Validation Table.
sb_stvgmod Standard functions and procedures for the Grading Mode Code Validation Table.
sb_stvgrst Standard functions and procedures for the Graduation Status Validation Table.
sb_stvhaps Standard functions and procedures for the Housing Application Status Code Validation Table.
sb_stvincm Standard functions and procedures for the Income Range Validation Table.
sb_stvintv Standard functions and procedures for the Interview Code Validation Table.
sb_stvleav Standard functions and procedures for the Leave of Absence Validation Table.
sb_stvlmod Standard functions and procedures for the Student Learner Module Code Validation Table.
sb_stvmrcd Standard functions and procedures for the Meal Rate Code Validation Table.
sb_stvmscd Standard functions and procedures for the Meal Status Code Validation Table.
sb_stvorsn Standard functions and procedures for the Orientation Session Validation Table.
sb_stvprac Standard functions and procedures for the Practical Training Validation Table.
sb_stvprev Standard functions and procedures for valid values for use in progress evaluation.
sb_stvpscd Standard functions and procedures for the Phone Status Code Validation Table.
sb_stvptrm Standard functions and procedures for the Part-of-Term Validation Table.
sb_stvpwav Standard functions and procedures for the Pre-Requisite Waiver Code Validation Table.
sb_stvrate Standard functions and procedures for the Student Fee Assessment Rate Validation Table.
sb_stvrecr Standard functions and procedures for the Recruiter Identification Validation Table.
sb_stvreps Standard functions and procedures for the Repeat Status Validation Table.
sb_stvresd Standard functions and procedures for the Residency Validation Table.
sb_stvrgre Standard functions and procedures for the Registration Reason Validation Table.
sb_stvrsta Standard functions and procedures for the Recruiting Status Code Validation Table.
sb_stvrsts Standard functions and procedures for the Course Registration Validation Status Table.
sb_stvrtyp Standard functions and procedures for the Recruit Type Validation Table.
sb_stvsapr Standard functions and procedures for the Special Approval Validation Table.
sb_stvschd Standard functions and procedures for the Schedule Type Code Validation Table.
sb_stvsess Standard functions and procedures for the Session Validation Table.
sb_stvssts Standard functions and procedures for the Section Status Validation Table.
sb_stvstsp Standard functions and procedures for the Student Study Path Status Validation Table.
sb_stvstst Standard functions and procedures for the Student Status Code Validation Table.
sb_stvstyp Standard functions and procedures for the Student Type Validation Table.
sb_stvtape Standard functions and procedures for the Electronic Prospect Tape Source Validation Table.
sb_stvtmst Standard functions and procedures for the Full/Part Time Status Validation Table.
sb_stvtprt Standard functions and procedures for the Transcript Verification Request Type Table.
sb_stvtrcn Standard functions and procedures for the Transfer Center Code Validation Table
sb_stvtrns Standard functions and procedures for the Name Source Validation Table.
sb_stvtspt Standard functions and procedures for the Test Score Percentile Types Table.
sb_stvvoed Standard functions and procedures for the Vocational Education Code Validation Table.
sb_stvwaiv Standard functions and procedures for validation entries for application fee waiver reasons.
sb_stvwkld Standard functions and procedures for the Workload Rules Code Validation Table.
sb_stvwpyo Standard functions and procedures for the Web Payment Options Validation Table.
sb_stvwrsn Standard functions and procedures for the Withdrawal Reason Validation Table.
sb_stvwsso Standard functions and procedures for the Web Self-Service Validation Table.
sb_term This package provides the Common Business interface for the Term API (sb_term).
sb_term_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the Term API.
sb_term_str This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Term API.
sb_test_percentile This package provides the Common Business interface for the Test Percentile API (sb_test_percentile).
sb_test_percentile_rules This package contains the support subprograms for the Test Percentile API.
sb_test_percentile_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Test Percentile API.
sb_testscore This package provides the Common Business interface for the Test Score API (sb_testscore).
sb_testscore_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the Test Score API.
sb_testscore_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Test Score API.
sb_transcript_name This package contains the Common Business interface for the Transcript Name API (sb_transcript_name).
sb_transcript_name_rules This package contains the support subprograms for the Transcript Name API.
sb_transcript_name_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Transcript Name API.
sb_transcript_name_source This package provides the Common Business interface for the Transcript Name Source API (sb_transcript_name_source).
sb_transcript_name_source_rul This package contains the support subprograms for the Transcript Name Source API.
sb_transcript_name_source_str This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Transcript Name Source API.
sb_transcript_req_name This package contains the Common Business interface for the Transcript Request Name API (sb_transcript_req_name).
sb_transcript_req_name_rules This package contains the support subprograms for the Transcript Request Name API.
sb_transcript_req_name_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Transcript Request Name API.
sb_transfer_crse This package contains the Common Business interface for the Transfer Course API (sb_transfer_crse).
sb_transfer_crse_rules This package contains the support subprograms for the Transfer Course API.
sb_transfer_crse_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Transfer Course API.
sb_transfer_crse_attr This package contains the Common Business interface for the Transfer Course Attribute API (sb_transfer_crse_attr).
sb_transfer_crse_attr_rules This package contains the support subprograms for the Transfer Course Attribute API.
sb_transfer_crse_attr_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Transfer Course Attribute API.
sb_transfer_crse_cmt This package contains the Common Business interface for the Transfer Course Comments API (sb_transfer_crse_cmt).
sb_transfer_crse_cmt_rules This package contains the support subprograms for the Transfer Course Comments API.
sb_transfer_crse_cmt_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Transfer Course Comments API.
sb_transfer_equiv This package contains the Common Business interface for the Transfer Equivalents API (sb_transfer_equiv).
sb_transfer_equiv_rules This package contains the support subprograms for the Transfer Equivalents API.
sb_transfer_equiv_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Transfer Equivalents API.
sb_transfer_equiv_attr This package contains the Common Business interface for the Transfer Equivalents Attribute API (sb_transfer_equiv_attr).
sb_transfer_crse_equiv_rules This package contains the support subprograms for the Transfer Equivalents Attribute API.
sb_transfer_equiv_attr_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Transfer Equivalents Attribute API.
sb_transfer_equiv_cmt This package contains the Common Business interface for the Transfer Equivalent Comments API (sb_transfer_equiv_cmt).
sb_transfer_equiv_cmt_rules This package contains the support subprograms for the Transfer Equivalent Comments API.
sb_transfer_equiv_cmt_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Transfer Equivalent Comments API.
sb_wl_collector This package contains the Common Business interface for the Waitlist Collector API (sb_wl_collector).
sb_wl_collector_rules This package contains the support subprograms for the Waitlist Collector API.
sb_wl_collector_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Waitlist Collector API.
sb_wl_exclusion This package contains the Common Business interface for the Waitlist Exclusion Rules API (sb_wl_exclusion).
sb_wl_exclusion_rules This package contains the support subprograms for the Waitlist Exclusion Rules API.
sb_wl_exclusion_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Waitlist Exclusion Rules API.
sb_wl_notification This package contains the Common Business interface for the Waitlist Notification API (sb_wl_notification).
sb_wl_notification_rules This package contains the support subprograms for the Waitlist Notification API.
sb_wl_notification_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Waitlist Notification API.
sb_wl_reordering This package contains the Common Business interface for the Waitlist Reorder Priority Rules API (sb_wl_reordering).
sb_wl_reordering_rules This package contains the support subprograms for the Waitlist Reorder Priority Rules API.
sb_wl_reordering_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Waitlist Reorder Priority Rules API.
sb_wl_section_ctrl This package contains the Common Business interface for the Waitlist Section Control API (sb_wl_section_ctrl).
sb_wl_section_ctrl_rules This package contains the support subprograms for the Waitlist Section Control API.
sb_wl_section_ctrl_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Waitlist Section Control API.
sb_wl_term_control This package contains the Common Business interface for the Waitlist Term Control API (sb_wl_term_control).
sb_wl_term_control_rules This package contains the support subprograms for the Waitlist Term Control API.
sb_wl_term_control_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Waitlist Term Control API.
sp_academic_period Process APIs related to GetAcademicPeriods.
sp_grading This package contains the Common Business interface for the Grading API (sp_grading).
sp_grading_rules This package contains the support subprograms for the Grading API.
sp_grading_str This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Grading API.
sp_housing_eligibility Process APIs related to Housing Applicant Eligibility.
sp_housing_profile Process APIs related to Housing Applicant Profile.