
Package sb_phoneassignment

This package provides the Common Business interface for the Phone Assignment API (sb_phoneassignment).
This API provides the capability to create and maintain information with regard to an applicant's phone assignment.  Phone assignments can be made for students and non-students.  Phone assignments are made based on term, and the internal personal identification number (PIDM) must have an active phone application that includes the phone assignment term.

Program units





Business Entity name


TYPE phoneassignment_rec IS RECORD(

   r_pidm                        slrpasg.slrpasg_pidm%TYPE,
   r_term_code                   slrpasg.slrpasg_term_code%TYPE,
   r_prcd_code                   slrpasg.slrpasg_prcd_code%TYPE,
   r_phone_account_number        slrpasg.slrpasg_phone_account_number%TYPE,
   r_phone_area                  slrpasg.slrpasg_phone_area%TYPE,
   r_phone_ext                   slrpasg.slrpasg_phone_ext%TYPE,
   r_phone_number                slrpasg.slrpasg_phone_number%TYPE,
   r_begin_date                  slrpasg.slrpasg_begin_date%TYPE,
   r_end_date                    slrpasg.slrpasg_end_date%TYPE,
   r_total_days                  slrpasg.slrpasg_total_days%TYPE,
   r_total_months                slrpasg.slrpasg_total_months%TYPE,
   r_total_terms                 slrpasg.slrpasg_total_terms%TYPE,
   r_pscd_code                   slrpasg.slrpasg_pscd_code%TYPE,
   r_pscd_date                   slrpasg.slrpasg_pscd_date%TYPE,
   r_onl_or_bat                  slrpasg.slrpasg_onl_or_bat%TYPE,
   r_ar_ind                      slrpasg.slrpasg_ar_ind%TYPE,
   r_roll_ind                    slrpasg.slrpasg_roll_ind%TYPE,
   r_assess_needed               slrpasg.slrpasg_assess_needed%TYPE,
   r_data_origin                 slrpasg.slrpasg_data_origin%TYPE,
   r_user_id                     slrpasg.slrpasg_user_id%TYPE,
   r_internal_record_id          gb_common.internal_record_id_type);

Entity record type


TYPE phoneassignment_ref IS REF CURSOR
   RETURN phoneassignment_rec;

Entity cursor variable type


TYPE phoneassignment_tab IS TABLE OF phoneassignment_rec

Entity table type


Function f_api_version RETURN PLS_INTEGER

Returns the API version number.

Version of the API signature. Changes only when the signature changes.


Function f_exists(p_rowid VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2

Checks to see if a record exists.

p_rowid   Database ROWID of the record to be selected.

Y if found, otherwise N.


Function f_isequal(rec_one phoneassignment_rec, rec_two phoneassignment_rec) RETURN VARCHAR2

Compares two records for equality.

rec_one   First record to compare. Defined as type phoneassignment_rec.
rec_two   Second record to compare. Defined as type phoneassignment_rec.

Y if all values in records are equal, otherwise N. Nulls match Nulls.


Function f_query_all(
      p_pidm                   slrpasg.slrpasg_pidm%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
      p_term_code              slrpasg.slrpasg_term_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
      p_prcd_code              slrpasg.slrpasg_prcd_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
      p_phone_account_number   slrpasg.slrpasg_phone_account_number%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
      p_phone_area             slrpasg.slrpasg_phone_area%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
      p_phone_ext              slrpasg.slrpasg_phone_ext%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
      p_phone_number           slrpasg.slrpasg_phone_number%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
      p_begin_date             slrpasg.slrpasg_begin_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
      p_end_date               slrpasg.slrpasg_end_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
      p_total_days             slrpasg.slrpasg_total_days%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
      p_total_months           slrpasg.slrpasg_total_months%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
      p_total_terms            slrpasg.slrpasg_total_terms%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
      p_pscd_code              slrpasg.slrpasg_pscd_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
      p_pscd_date              slrpasg.slrpasg_pscd_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
      p_onl_or_bat             slrpasg.slrpasg_onl_or_bat%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
      p_ar_ind                 slrpasg.slrpasg_ar_ind%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
      p_roll_ind               slrpasg.slrpasg_roll_ind%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
      p_assess_needed          slrpasg.slrpasg_assess_needed%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
      p_data_origin            slrpasg.slrpasg_data_origin%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
      p_user_id                slrpasg.slrpasg_user_id%TYPE DEFAULT NULL
   ) RETURN phoneassignment_ref

Selects all records for the entity

p_pidm   Internal identifier associated with the phone assignment.  NUMBER(8)
p_term_code   Term associated with the phone assignment. VARCHAR2(6)
p_prcd_code   Phone rate code associated with the phone assignment.  VARCHAR2(4)
p_phone_account_number   Phone account number associated with the phone assignment. VARCHAR2(20)
p_phone_area   Area code of the phone number associated with the phone assignment. VARCHAR2(3)
p_phone_ext   Extension of the phone number associated with the phone assignment. VARCHAR2(4)
p_phone_number   Phone number associated with the phone assignment.  VARCHAR2(7)
p_begin_date   First day of the phone assignment.  DATE
p_end_date   Last day of the phone assignment. DATE
p_total_days   Total number of days of the phone assignment. NUMBER(9,5)
p_total_months   Total number of months of the phone assignment. NUMBER(7,5)
p_total_terms   Total number of terms of the phone assignment. NUMBER(7,5)
p_pscd_code   Phone plan status code of the meal assignment. VARCHAR2(2)
p_pscd_date   Date the phone plan status code was last updated. DATE
p_onl_or_bat   Specifies whether the phone assignment was created online or in batch using the batch scheduler.  VARCHAR2(1)
p_ar_ind   Specifies whether the phone assignment charges have been processed. VARCHAR2(1)
p_roll_ind   Controls whether the phone assignment can be rolled using the roll forward process.  VARCHAR2(1)
p_assess_needed   Specifies whether fee assessment is needed for the phone assignment. VARCHAR2(1)
p_data_origin   Source system that generated the data.  VARCHAR2(30)
p_user_id   Oracle ID of the user who inserted or last updated the data. VARCHAR2(30)

A cursor variable that will fetch the set of records.


Function f_query_one(
      p_pidm                   slrpasg.slrpasg_pidm%TYPE,
      p_term_code              slrpasg.slrpasg_term_code%TYPE,
      p_prcd_code              slrpasg.slrpasg_prcd_code%TYPE,
      p_phone_account_number   slrpasg.slrpasg_phone_account_number%TYPE,
      p_phone_area             slrpasg.slrpasg_phone_area%TYPE,
      p_phone_ext              slrpasg.slrpasg_phone_ext%TYPE,
      p_phone_number           slrpasg.slrpasg_phone_number%TYPE,
      p_begin_date             slrpasg.slrpasg_begin_date%TYPE,
      p_end_date               slrpasg.slrpasg_end_date%TYPE,
      p_total_days             slrpasg.slrpasg_total_days%TYPE,
      p_total_months           slrpasg.slrpasg_total_months%TYPE,
      p_total_terms            slrpasg.slrpasg_total_terms%TYPE,
      p_pscd_code              slrpasg.slrpasg_pscd_code%TYPE,
      p_pscd_date              slrpasg.slrpasg_pscd_date%TYPE,
      p_onl_or_bat             slrpasg.slrpasg_onl_or_bat%TYPE,
      p_ar_ind                 slrpasg.slrpasg_ar_ind%TYPE,
      p_roll_ind               slrpasg.slrpasg_roll_ind%TYPE,
      p_assess_needed          slrpasg.slrpasg_assess_needed%TYPE,
      p_data_origin            slrpasg.slrpasg_data_origin%TYPE,
      p_user_id                slrpasg.slrpasg_user_id%TYPE
   ) RETURN phoneassignment_ref

Selects one record using the key.

p_pidm   Internal identifier associated with the phone assignment.  NUMBER(8) Required
p_term_code   Term associated with the phone assignment. VARCHAR2(6) Required
p_prcd_code   Phone rate code associated with the phone assignment.  VARCHAR2(4) Required
p_phone_account_number   Phone account number associated with the phone assignment. VARCHAR2(20) Required
p_phone_area   Area code of the phone number associated with the phone assignment. VARCHAR2(3) Required
p_phone_ext   Extension of the phone number associated with the phone assignment. VARCHAR2(4) Required
p_phone_number   Phone number associated with the phone assignment.  VARCHAR2(7) Required
p_begin_date   First day of the phone assignment.  DATE Required
p_end_date   Last day of the phone assignment. DATE Required
p_total_days   Total number of days of the phone assignment. NUMBER(9,5) Required
p_total_months   Total number of months of the phone assignment. NUMBER(7,5) Required
p_total_terms   Total number of terms of the phone assignment. NUMBER(7,5) Required
p_pscd_code   Phone plan status code of the meal assignment. VARCHAR2(2) Required
p_pscd_date   Date the phone plan status code was last updated. DATE Required
p_onl_or_bat   Specifies whether the phone assignment was created online or in batch using the batch scheduler.  VARCHAR2(1) Required
p_ar_ind   Specifies whether the phone assignment charges have been processed. VARCHAR2(1) Required
p_roll_ind   Controls whether the phone assignment can be rolled using the roll forward process.  VARCHAR2(1) Required
p_assess_needed   Specifies whether fee assessment is needed for the phone assignment. VARCHAR2(1) Required
p_data_origin   Source system that generated the data.  VARCHAR2(30) Required
p_user_id   Oracle ID of the user who inserted or last updated the data. VARCHAR2(30) Required

A cursor variable that will fetch exactly one record.


Function f_query_by_rowid(p_rowid VARCHAR2) RETURN phoneassignment_ref

Selects one record using the ROWID.

p_rowid   Database ROWID of the record to be selected. VARCHAR2(18) Required

A cursor variable that will fetch exactly one record.


Function f_query_one_lock(
      p_rowid                  VARCHAR2
   ) RETURN phoneassignment_ref

Selects one record and locks it.

p_rowid   Database ROWID of the record to be selected.

A cursor variable for one record, locking the record.


Procedure p_create(
      p_pidm                         slrpasg.slrpasg_pidm%TYPE,
      p_term_code                    slrpasg.slrpasg_term_code%TYPE,
      p_prcd_code                    slrpasg.slrpasg_prcd_code%TYPE,
      p_phone_account_number         slrpasg.slrpasg_phone_account_number%TYPE
            DEFAULT NULL,
      p_phone_area                   slrpasg.slrpasg_phone_area%TYPE
            DEFAULT NULL,
      p_phone_ext                    slrpasg.slrpasg_phone_ext%TYPE
            DEFAULT NULL,
      p_phone_number                 slrpasg.slrpasg_phone_number%TYPE,
      p_begin_date                   slrpasg.slrpasg_begin_date%TYPE,
      p_end_date                     slrpasg.slrpasg_end_date%TYPE,
      p_total_days                   slrpasg.slrpasg_total_days%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
      p_total_months                 slrpasg.slrpasg_total_months%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
      p_total_terms                  slrpasg.slrpasg_total_terms%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
      p_pscd_code                    slrpasg.slrpasg_pscd_code%TYPE,
      p_pscd_date                    slrpasg.slrpasg_pscd_date%TYPE,
      p_onl_or_bat                   slrpasg.slrpasg_onl_or_bat%TYPE,
      p_ar_ind                       slrpasg.slrpasg_ar_ind%TYPE,
      p_roll_ind                     slrpasg.slrpasg_roll_ind%TYPE
            DEFAULT NULL,
      p_assess_needed                slrpasg.slrpasg_assess_needed%TYPE,
      p_data_origin                  slrpasg.slrpasg_data_origin%TYPE
            DEFAULT gb_common.data_origin,
      p_user_id                      slrpasg.slrpasg_user_id%TYPE DEFAULT gb_common.f_sct_user,
      p_rowid_out              OUT   VARCHAR2

Creates a record

p_pidm   Internal identifier associated with the phone assignment.  NUMBER(8) Required
p_term_code   Term associated with the phone assignment. VARCHAR2(6) Required
p_prcd_code   Phone rate code associated with the phone assignment.  VARCHAR2(4) Required
p_phone_account_number   Phone account number associated with the phone assignment. VARCHAR2(20)
p_phone_area   Area code of the phone number associated with the phone assignment. VARCHAR2(3)
p_phone_ext   Extension of the phone number associated with the phone assignment. VARCHAR2(4)
p_phone_number   Phone number associated with the phone assignment.  VARCHAR2(7) Required
p_begin_date   First day of the phone assignment.  DATE Required
p_end_date   Last day of the phone assignment. DATE Required
p_total_days   Total number of days of the phone assignment. NUMBER(9,5)
p_total_months   Total number of months of the phone assignment. NUMBER(7,5)
p_total_terms   Total number of terms of the phone assignment. NUMBER(7,5)
p_pscd_code   Phone plan status code of the meal assignment. VARCHAR2(2) Required
p_pscd_date   Date the phone plan status code was last updated. DATE Required
p_onl_or_bat   Specifies whether the phone assignment was created online or in batch using the batch scheduler.  VARCHAR2(1) Required
p_ar_ind   Specifies whether the phone assignment charges have been processed. VARCHAR2(1) Required
p_roll_ind   Controls whether the phone assignment can be rolled using the roll forward process.  VARCHAR2(1)
p_assess_needed   Specifies whether fee assessment is needed for the phone assignment. VARCHAR2(1) Required
p_data_origin   Source system that generated the data.  VARCHAR2(30)
p_user_id   Oracle ID of the user who inserted or last updated the data. VARCHAR2(30)
p_rowid_out   Database ROWID of the record to be created.  VARCHAR2(18)


Procedure p_delete(
      p_pidm                   slrpasg.slrpasg_pidm%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
      p_term_code              slrpasg.slrpasg_term_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
      p_rowid                  VARCHAR2,
      p_purge_process          VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'N'

Deletes a record.

p_pidm   Internal identifier associated with the phone assignment.  NUMBER(8)
p_term_code   Term associated with the phone assignment. VARCHAR2(6)
p_rowid   Database ROWID of the record to be deleted.  VARCHAR2(18)
p_purge_process   Determines when deletes are allowed, Y for purge, N for form.  Defaults N.


Procedure p_lock(p_rowid_inout IN OUT VARCHAR2)

Locks a record.
If the ROWID is not passed in, the record is located using the key values and the ROWID of the locked row is passed in p_rowid_inout.

p_rowid_inout   Database ROWID of the record to be locked.


Procedure p_update(
      p_pidm                   slrpasg.slrpasg_pidm%TYPE
            DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
      p_term_code              slrpasg.slrpasg_term_code%TYPE
            DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
      p_prcd_code              slrpasg.slrpasg_prcd_code%TYPE
            DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
      p_phone_account_number   slrpasg.slrpasg_phone_account_number%TYPE
            DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
      p_phone_area             slrpasg.slrpasg_phone_area%TYPE
            DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
      p_phone_ext              slrpasg.slrpasg_phone_ext%TYPE
            DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
      p_phone_number           slrpasg.slrpasg_phone_number%TYPE
            DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
      p_begin_date             slrpasg.slrpasg_begin_date%TYPE
            DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_date,
      p_end_date               slrpasg.slrpasg_end_date%TYPE
            DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_date,
      p_total_days             slrpasg.slrpasg_total_days%TYPE
            DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
      p_total_months           slrpasg.slrpasg_total_months%TYPE
            DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
      p_total_terms            slrpasg.slrpasg_total_terms%TYPE
            DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
      p_pscd_code              slrpasg.slrpasg_pscd_code%TYPE
            DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
      p_pscd_date              slrpasg.slrpasg_pscd_date%TYPE
            DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_date,
      p_onl_or_bat             slrpasg.slrpasg_onl_or_bat%TYPE
            DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
      p_ar_ind                 slrpasg.slrpasg_ar_ind%TYPE
            DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
      p_roll_ind               slrpasg.slrpasg_roll_ind%TYPE
            DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
      p_assess_needed          slrpasg.slrpasg_assess_needed%TYPE
            DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
      p_data_origin            slrpasg.slrpasg_data_origin%TYPE
            DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
      p_user_id                slrpasg.slrpasg_user_id%TYPE
            DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
      p_rowid                  VARCHAR2

Updates a record.

p_pidm   Internal identifier associated with the phone assignment.  NUMBER(8)
p_term_code   Term associated with the phone assignment. VARCHAR2(6)
p_prcd_code   Phone rate code associated with the phone assignment.  VARCHAR2(4)
p_phone_account_number   Phone account number associated with the phone assignment. VARCHAR2(20)
p_phone_area   Area code of the phone number associated with the phone assignment. VARCHAR2(3)
p_phone_ext   Extension of the phone number associated with the phone assignment. VARCHAR2(4)
p_phone_number   Phone number associated with the phone assignment.  VARCHAR2(7)
p_begin_date   First day of the phone assignment.  DATE
p_end_date   Last day of the phone assignment. DATE
p_total_days   Total number of days of the phone assignment. NUMBER(9,5)
p_total_months   Total number of months of the phone assignment. NUMBER(7,5)
p_total_terms   Total number of terms of the phone assignment. NUMBER(7,5)
p_pscd_code   Phone plan status code of the meal assignment. VARCHAR2(2)
p_pscd_date   Date the phone plan status code was last updated. DATE
p_onl_or_bat   Specifies whether the phone assignment was created online or in batch using the batch scheduler.  VARCHAR2(1)
p_ar_ind   Specifies whether the phone assignment charges have been processed. VARCHAR2(1)
p_roll_ind   Controls whether the phone assignment can be rolled using the roll forward process.  VARCHAR2(1)
p_assess_needed   Specifies whether fee assessment is needed for the phone assignment. VARCHAR2(1)
p_data_origin   Source system that generated the data.  VARCHAR2(30)
p_user_id   Oracle ID of the user who inserted or last updated the data. VARCHAR2(30)
p_rowid   Database ROWID of the record to be updated.  VARCHAR2(18) Required


Procedure p_calc_days_months_terms(
      p_term_code                slrpasg.slrpasg_term_code%TYPE,
      p_prcd_code                slrpasg.slrpasg_prcd_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
      p_total_days               slrpasg.slrpasg_total_days%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
      p_total_months             slrpasg.slrpasg_total_months%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
      p_total_terms              slrpasg.slrpasg_total_terms%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
      p_total_days_out     OUT   slrpasg.slrpasg_total_days%TYPE,
      p_total_months_out   OUT   slrpasg.slrpasg_total_months%TYPE,
      p_total_terms_out    OUT   slrpasg.slrpasg_total_terms%TYPE,
      p_err_msg_out        OUT   gb_common_strings.err_type

Calculates the days, months and terms of the phone assignment.

p_term_code   Term code of the phone assignment.  VARCHAR2(6) Required
p_prcd_code   Phone assignment code. VARCHAR2(4)
p_total_days   Value of the total days.  NUMBER(9,5)
p_total_months   Value of the total months.  NUMBER(7,5)
p_total_terms   Value of the total terms.  NUMBER(7,5)
p_total_days_out   Calculated value of the total days.  NUMBER(9,5)
p_total_months_out   Calculated value of the total months.  NUMBER(7,5)
p_total_terms_out   Calculated value of the total terms.  NUMBER(7,5)
p_err_msg_out   Returns an error message if there is one.  VARCHAR2