Message Key | Error Message |
API_NOT_SUPPORTED | API call is not supported for the current release |
A new base term record cannot be created using the API. |
CHILD_PTRM_EXIST | Must delete all part-of-term rows before deleting the base term record |
An attempt was made to delete a base term record without deleting all associated part-of-term records first. |
CHILD_SECTION_EXIST | Cannot delete base term record, section record exists |
An attempt was made to delete a base term record when at least one course section exists for the term. |
CRN_ONEUP_INVALID | Course one-up number on base term record cannot be changed to a value lower than the maximum course number on file |
An attempt was made to update the term control CRN one-up number to a value less than the existing value. |
INVALID_ADD_DRP_WEB_UPD_IND | Invalid value for Web registration add/drop indicator on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the control to allow faculty access to add and drop student registration via self-service to a value other than 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes) |
INVALID_APPR_SEVERITY | Invalid value for special approval error checking severity on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the level of registration error checking to be enforced for special approvals to a value other than 'N' (No), 'W' (Warning) or 'F' (Fatal). |
INVALID_ATTR_WEB_SEARCH_IND | Invalid value for Web attributes search criteria indicator on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the control to allow search of classes (sections) by course attributes via self-service to a value other than 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
INVALID_CAMP_SEVERITY | Invalid value for campus error checking severity on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the registration error checking control to be enforced for campus restrictions to a value other than 'N' (No), 'W' (Warning) or 'F' (Fatal). |
INVALID_CAMP_WEB_SEARCH_IND | Invalid value for Web campus search indicator on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the control to allow search of classes (sections) by campus via self-service to a value other than 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
INVALID_CAPC_SEVERITY | Invalid value for capacity error checking severity on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the registration error checking control to be enforced for course section capacity limit to a value other than 'N' (No), 'W' (Warning) or 'F' (Fatal). |
INVALID_CLASLST_WEB_DISP_IND | Invalid value for Web class list display indicator on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the control to allow class lists to be available to faculty via self-service to a value other than 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
INVALID_CLAS_SEVERITY | Invalid value for class error checking severity on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the registration error checking control to be enforced for class restrictions to a value other than 'N' (No), 'W' (Warning) or 'F' (Fatal). |
INVALID_CLOSECT_WEB_DISP_IND | Invalid value for Web closed section indicator on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the control to allow closed sections (enrollment less than or equal to zero) to be displayed when a user requests a display of sections through self-service registration to a value other than 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
INVALID_COLL_SEVERITY | Invalid value for college error checking severity on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the registration error checking control to be enforced for college restrictions to a value other than 'N' (No), 'W' (Warning) or 'F' (Fatal). |
INVALID_COLL_WEB_CATL_SRCH_IND | Invalid value for Web catalog college search criteria indicator on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the control to allow colleges to be available as a search option for the course catalog search via self-service to a value other than 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
INVALID_CORQ_SEVERITY | Invalid value for corequisite error checking severity on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the registration error checking control to be enforced for corequisite courses to a value other than 'N' (No) or 'F' (Fatal). |
INVALID_CRED_WEB_UPD_IND | Invalid value for Web credit hour change indicator on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the control to allow users to change the credit hours for a variable credit hour course via self-service registration to a value other than 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
INVALID_CUT_OFF_DATE | Original charge cutoff date on base term record must be between term start date and term end date |
An attempt was made to create or update the original charge cutoff date to a date that is not within the start and end dates for the term. |
INVALID_DEGREE_SEVERITY | Invalid value for degree error checking severity on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the registration error checking control to be enforced for degree restrictions to a value other than 'N' (No), 'W' (Warning) or 'F' (Fatal). |
INVALID_DEPT_WEB_CATL_SRCH_IND | Invalid value for Web catalog department search criteria indicator on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the control to allow departments to be available as a search option for the course catalog search via self-service to a value other than 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
INVALID_DIV_WEB_CATL_SRCH_IND | Invalid value for Web catalog division search criteria indicator on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the control to allow divisions to be available as a search option for the course catalog search via self-service to a value other than 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
INVALID_DUPL_SEVERITY | Invalid value for duplicate error checking severity on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the course section duplicates registration error checking control to be enforced for degree restrictions to a value other than 'N' (No) or 'F' (Fatal). |
INVALID_DURATION_WEB_SRCH_IND | Invalid value for Web duration search criteria indicator on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the control to allow searches by course schedule duration for open learning classes to be available as a search option when a user requests a display of sections through self-service registration to a value other than 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
INVALID_DYNAMIC_SCHED_TERM_IND | Invalid value for Web term pull-down display indicator on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the control to allow users to look up classes for the term via self-service to a value other than 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
INVALID_ASSESS_SWAP_IND | Invalid value for course/hours swapping in registration indicator on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the control to allow course/hours to be swapped in registration fee assessment to a value other than 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
INVALID_ASSESS_REV_NRF_IND | Invalid value for reversal of charges to detail codes other than TUI or FEE indicator on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the control to allow reversal of charges to detail codes other than TUI or FEE to a value other than 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
INVALID_ASSESS_REG_GRACE_IND | Invalid value for grace when dropping course with same bill hours as course added on initial day of registration indicator on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the control to allow a grace period when dropping a course with the same bill hours as a course added on the initial day of registration to a value other than 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
INVALID_STUDY_PATH_IND | Invalid value for registration study path required indicator on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the registration study path required indicator to a value other than 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
INVALID_FUTURE_REPEAT_IND | Invalid value for registration future repeat indicator on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the registration future repeat indicator to a value other than 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
INVALID_FACSCHD_WEB_DISP_IND | Invalid value for Web faculty schedule display indicator on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the control to allow display of the faculty schedule for the term via the self-service product for faculty to a value other than 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
INVALID_FEE_ASSESSMENT | Invalid value for online fee assessment indicator on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the control to allow online fee assessment for the term to a value other than 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
INVALID_GMOD_WEB_UPD_IND | Invalid value for Web grade mode change indicator on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the control to allow users to change the grading mode for a course via self-service registration to a value other than 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
INVALID_GRADE_DETAIL_WEB_IND | Invalid value for Web grade detail display indicator on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the control to allow students to view grade detail information for graded courses via self-service to a value other than 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
INVALID_HOLD_SEVERITY | Invalid value for hold error checking severity on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the registration error checking control to be enforced for hold restrictions to a value other than 'N' (No), 'W' (Warning) or 'F' (Fatal). |
INVALID_INCL_ATTMPT_HRS_IND | Invalid value for including in-progress credit hours in classification indicator on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the control to specify whether attempted (in-progress) hours should be included in the calculation of student classification during registration to a value other than 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
INVALID_INPROGRESS_USAGE_IND | Invalid value for in-progress prerequisite indicator on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the control to specify whether in-progress courses may be allowed to satisfy course registration prerequisites to a value other than 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
INVALID_INSM_WEB_SEARCH_IND | Invalid value for Web instructional method search indicator on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the control to allow searches by instructional method to be available as a search option when a user requests a display of sections through self-service registration to a value other than 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
INVALID_INSTR_WEB_SEARCH_IND | Invalid value for Web instructor search indicator on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the control to allow searches by instructor to be available as a search option when a user requests a display of sections through self-service registration to a value other than 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
INVALID_LC_DESC_WEBC_DISP_IND | Invalid value for Web catalog long course description display indicator on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the control to allow long course descriptions to be displayed in the Web catalog to a value other than 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
INVALID_LC_TITLE_WEBC_DISP_IND | Invalid value for Web catalog long course title displayed indicator on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the control to allow long course titles to be displayed in the Web catalog to a value other than 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
INVALID_LEVL_SEVERITY | Invalid value for level error checking severity on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the registration error checking control to be enforced for level restrictions to a value other than 'N' (No), 'W' (Warning) or 'F' (Fatal). |
INVALID_LEVL_WEB_CATL_SRCH_IND | Invalid value for Web catalog level search criteria indicator on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the control to allow levels to be available as a search option for the course catalog search via self-service to a value other than 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
INVALID_LEVL_WEB_SEARCH_IND | Invalid value for Web level search criteria indicator on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the control to allow searching by level to be available as a search option when a user requests a display of sections through self-service registration to a value other than 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
INVALID_LEVL_WEB_UPD_IND | Invalid value for Web level change indicator on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the control to allow users to change the level for a course via self-service registration to a value other than 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
INVALID_LINK_SEVERITY | Invalid value for link error checking severity on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the registration error checking control to be enforced for course link restrictions to a value other than 'N' (No) or 'F' (Fatal). |
INVALID_LS_DESC_WEBS_DISP_IND | Invalid value for Web long section description display indicator on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the control to allow long section descriptions to be displayed when a user requests a display of sections through self-service registration to a value other than 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
INVALID_LS_TITLE_WEBS_DISP_IND | Invalid value for Web long section title display indicator on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the control to allow long section titles to be displayed when a user requests a display of sections through self-service registration to a value other than 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
INVALID_MAILER_WEB_IND | Invalid value for Web grade access indicator on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the control to allow students to view final grades for the term via self-service to a value other than 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
INVALID_MAJR_SEVERITY | Invalid value for major error checking severity on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the registration error checking control to be enforced for major errors to a value other than 'N' (No), 'W' (Warning) or 'F' (Fatal). |
INVALID_MINH_SEVERITY | Invalid value for minimum hours error checking severity on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the registration error checking control to be enforced for minimum number of credit hours allowed by student level to a value other than 'N' (No) or 'F' (Fatal).
INVALID_MAXH_SEVERITY | Invalid value for maximum hours error checking severity on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the registration error checking control to be enforced for maximum number of credit hours allowed by student level to a value other than 'N' (No) or 'F' (Fatal).
INVALID_MIDTERM_WEB_IND | Invalid value for Web midterm grade display indicator on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the control to allow students to view midterm grades for the term via self-service to a value other than 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
INVALID_OVERAPP_WEB_UPD_IND | Invalid value for Web registration approval override indicator on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the control to allow faculty and advisors to display and update course registration special approvals and overrides for students via self-service to a value other than 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
INVALID_PREQ_SEVERITY | Invalid value for prerequisite error checking severity on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the registration error checking control to be enforced for course prerequisites to a value other than 'N' (No) or 'F' (Fatal). |
INVALID_PROFILE_SEND_IND | Invalid value for term profile send indicator on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the control to allow term information to be sent to synchronized third-party partners to a value other than 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
INVALID_PROGRAM_SEVERITY | Invalid value for program error checking severity on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the registration error checking control to be enforced for course program restrictions to a value other than 'N' (No), 'W' (Warning) or 'F' (Fatal). |
INVALID_DEPT_SEVERITY | Invalid value for department error checking severity on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the registration error checking control to be enforced for course department restrictions to a value other than 'N' (No), 'W' (Warning) or 'F' (Fatal). |
INVALID_ATTS_SEVERITY | Invalid value for student attribute error checking severity on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the registration error checking control to be enforced for student attribute restrictions to a value other than 'N' (No), 'W' (Warning) or 'F' (Fatal). |
INVALID_CHRT_SEVERITY | Invalid value for cohort error checking severity on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the registration error checking control to be enforced for course cohort restrictions to a value other than 'N' (No), 'W' (Warning) or 'F' (Fatal). |
INVALID_MEXC_SEVERITY | Invalid value for mutual exclusion error checking severity on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the registration error checking control to be enforced for course mutual exclusion restrictions to a value other than 'N' (No) or 'F' (Fatal). |
INVALID_PROG_ATT_WEBC_SRCH_IND | Invalid value for Web catalog program search criteria indicator on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the control to allow course program attributes to be available as a search option for the course catalog search via self-service to a value other than 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
INVALID_REG_ALLOWED | Invalid value for registration allowed indicator on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the control to permit registration for the term to a value other than 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
INVALID_REPT_SEVERITY | Invalid value for repeat course error checking severity on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the registration error checking control to be enforced for the number of times a course may be repeated (repeat limit) to a value other than 'N' (No), 'W' (Warning) or 'F' (Fatal). |
INVALID_RPTH_SEVERITY | Invalid value for repeat hours error checking severity on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the registration error checking control to be enforced for the total number of credit hours that a course may be repeated (repeat hours) to a value other than 'N' (No), 'W' (Warning) or 'F' (Fatal). |
INVALID_SCHD_WEB_SEARCH_IND | Invalid value for Web schedule type search indicator on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the control to allow searches of classes (sections) by schedule type via self-service to a value other than 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
INVALID_SESS_WEB_SEARCH_IND | Invalid value for Web session search indicator on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the control to allow searches of classes (sections) by session code via self-service to a value other than 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
INVALID_SP_WEB_UPD_IND | Invalid value for Web study path change indicator on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the control to allow users to change the study path for a course via self-service registration to a value other than 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
INVALID_SECTIONFEE_IND | Invalid value for section fees by study path indicator on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the section fees by study path indicator value other than 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
INVALID_STYP_WEB_CATL_SRCH_IND | Invalid value for Web catalog schedule type search criteria indicator on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the control to allow schedule types to be available as a search option for the course catalog search via self-service to a value other than 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
INVALID_TERM_CODE | Term code does not exist in validation table; cannot create base term record |
The term code entered must be valid in the Term Code validation table STVTERM. |
INVALID_TIME_SEVERITY | Invalid value for time conflict error checking severity on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the registration error checking control to be enforced for course time conflicts to a value other than 'N' (No) or 'F' (Fatal). |
INVALID_TIV_DATE_SOURCE | Invalid value for source of Title IV start and end dates on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the default start and end dates for Title IV processing to a value other than 'T' (Term) or 'P' (Part of Term). |
INVALID_TMST_CALC_IND | Invalid value for online time status calculation indicator on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the control to automatically calculate a student's enrollment time status as a result of any registration activity to a value other than 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes).
INVALID_WEB_CAPP_CATLG_IND | Invalid value for WebCAPP (degree evaluation on the Web) compliance catalog term indicator on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the control to allow the term to be used for both dynamic catalog display and WebCAPP (degree evaluation on the Web) processing to a value other than 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
INVALID_WEB_CAPP_TERM_IND | Invalid value for WebCAPP (degree e valuation on the Web) compliance evaluation term indicator on base term record |
An attempt was made to create or update the control to allow the term to be used as a valid evaluation term for WebCAPP (degree evaluation on the Web) processing to a value other than 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
MISSING_ADD_DRP_WEB_UPD_IND | Missing mandatory value for Web registration add/drop indicator on base term record |
The required permit registration indicator for the term is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
MISSING_APPR_SEVERITY | Missing mandatory value for special approval error checking severity on base term record |
The required indicator to allow special approval registration error checking is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
MISSING_ATTR_WEB_SEARCH_IND | Missing mandatory value for Web attributes search criteria indicator on base term record |
The required indicator to allow search of classes (sections) by course attributes via self-service is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
MISSING_CAMP_SEVERITY | Missing mandatory value for campus error checking severity on base term record |
The required indicator for campus restrictions registration error checking is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No), 'W' (Warning) or 'F' (Fatal). |
MISSING_CAMP_WEB_SEARCH_IND | Missing mandatory value for Web campus search indicator on base term record |
The required indicator to allow search of classes (sections) by campus via self-service is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
MISSING_CAPC_SEVERITY | Missing mandatory value for capacity error checking severity on base term record |
The required indicator for course section capacity limit registration error checking is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No), 'W' (Warning) or 'F' (Fatal). |
MISSING_CLASLST_WEB_DISP_IND | Missing mandatory value for Web class list display indicator on base term record |
The required indicator to allow display of class lists via the self-service product for faculty is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
MISSING_CLAS_SEVERITY | Missing mandatory value for class error checking severity on base term record |
The required indicator for course section class restrictions registration error checking is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No), 'W' (Warning) or 'F' (Fatal). |
MISSING_CLOSECT_WEB_DISP_IND | Missing mandatory value for Web closed section indicator on base term record |
The required indicator to allow display of closed sections via self-service is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
MISSING_COLL_SEVERITY | Missing mandatory value for college error checking severity on base term record |
The required indicator for course section college restrictions registration error checking is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No), 'W' (Warning) or 'F' (Fatal). |
MISSING_COLL_WEB_CATL_SRCH_IND | Missing mandatory value for Web catalog college search criteria indicator on base term record |
The required indicator to allow colleges to be available as a search option for the course catalog search via self-service is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes).
MISSING_CORQ_SEVERITY | Missing mandatory value for corequisite error checking severity on base term record |
The required indicator for course section corequisites restrictions registration error checking is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No) or 'F' (Fatal). |
MISSING_CRED_WEB_UPD_IND | Missing mandatory value for Web credit hour change indicator on base term record |
The required indicator to allow users to change the credit hours for a variable credit hour course via self-service registration is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
MISSING_CRN_ONEUP | Missing mandatory value for course one-up number on base term record |
The required CRN one-up number used to generate CRN numbers for course sections for the term is missing and must be in the format 99999. |
MISSING_CUTOFF_DATE | Missing mandatory value for Title IV original charge cutoff date on base term record |
The required original cutoff date for all transactions associated with registration fee assessment for the term is missing and must be designated as a valid date. |
MISSING_DEGREE_SEVERITY | Missing mandatory value for degree error checking severity on base term record |
The required indicator for course section degree restrictions registration error checking is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No), 'W' (Warning) or 'F' (Fatal). |
MISSING_DEPT_WEB_CATL_SRCH_IND | Missing mandatory value for Web catalog department search criteria indicator on base term record |
The required indicator to allow departments to be available as a search option for the course catalog search via self-service is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes).
MISSING_DIV_WEB_CATL_SRCH_IND | Missing mandatory value for Web catalog division search criteria indicator on base term record |
The required indicator to allow divisions to be available as a search option for the course catalog search via self-service is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes).
MISSING_DUPL_SEVERITY | Missing mandatory value for duplicate error checking severity on base term record |
The required indicator for course section duplicates registration error checking is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No) or 'F' (Fatal). |
MISSING_DURATION_WEB_SRCH_IND | Missing mandatory value for Web duration search criteria indicator on base term record |
The required indicator to allow course schedule duration for open learning classes to be available as a search option when a user requests a display of sections through self-service registration is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
MISSING_DYNAMIC_SCHED_TERM_IND | Missing mandatory value for Web term pull-down display indicator on base term record |
The required indicator to allow users to look up classes for the term via self-service is missing and must be designated as a value of 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
MISSING_ASSESS_SWAP_IND | Missing mandatory value for course/hours swapping in registration indicator on base term record |
The required indicator to allow course/hours to be swapped in registration fee assessment is missing and must be designated as a value of 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
MISSING_ASSESS_REV_NRF_IND | Missing mandatory value for reversal of charges to detail codes other than TUI or FEE indicator on base term record |
The required indicator to allow reversal of charges to detail codes other than TUI or FEE is missing and must be designated as a value of 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
MISSING_ASSESS_REG_GRACE_IND | Missing mandatory value for dropping course with same bill hours as course added on initial day of registration indicator on base term record |
The required indicator to allow grace when dropping course with same bill hours as course added on initial day or registration is missing and must be designated as a value of 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes ). |
MISSING_STUDY_PATH_IND | Missing mandatory value for registration study path indicator on base term record |
The required indicator to specify whether study path is required for registration is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
MISSING_FUTURE_REPEAT_IND | Missing mandatory value for registration future repeat indicator on base term record |
The required indicator to specify whether future registrations should be considered in repeat course processing is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
MISSING_FACSCHD_WEB_DISP_IND | Missing mandatory value for Web faculty schedule display indicator on base term record |
The required indicator to allow display of the faculty schedule for the term via the self-service product for faculty is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
MISSING_FEE_ASSESSMENT | Missing mandatory value for online fee assessment indicator on base term record |
The required indicator to allow online fee assessment for the term is missing and must be designated as a value of 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
MISSING_GMOD_WEB_UPD_IND | Missing mandatory value for Web grade mode change indicator on base term record |
The required indicator to allow users to change the grading mode for a course via self-service registration is missing and must be designated as a value of 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
MISSING_GRADE_DETAIL_WEB_IND | Missing mandatory value for Web grade detail display indicator on base term record |
The required indicator to allow students to view grade detail information for graded courses via self-service is missing and must be designated as a value of 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
MISSING_HOLD_SEVERITY | Missing mandatory value for hold error checking severity on base term record |
The required indicator for course section holds registration error checking is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No), 'W' (Warning) or 'F' (Fatal). |
MISSING_INCL_ATTMPT_HRS_IND | Missing mandatory value for including in-progress credit hours in classification indicator on base term record |
The required indicator to specify whether attempted (in-progress) hours should be included in the calculation of student classification during registration is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
MISSING_INPROGRESS_USAGE_IND | Missing mandatory value for in-progress prerequisite indicator on base term record |
The required indicator to specify whether in-progress courses may be allowed to satisfy course registration prerequisites is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
MISSING_INSM_WEB_SEARCH_IND | Missing mandatory value for Web instructional method search indicator on base term record |
The required indicator to allow searches by instructional method to be available as a search option when a user requests a display of sections through self-service registration is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
MISSING_INSTR_WEB_SEARCH_IND | Missing mandatory value for Web instructor search indicator on base term record |
The required indicator to allow searches by instructor to be available as a search option when a user requests a display of sections through self-service registration is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
MISSING_LC_DESC_WEBC_DISP_IND | Missing mandatory value for Web catalog long course description display indicator on base term record |
The required indicator to allow long course descriptions to be displayed on the Web catalog is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
MISSING_LC_TITLE_WEBC_DISP_IND | Missing mandatory value for Web catalog long course title display indicator on base term record |
The required indicator to allow long course titles to be displayed on the Web catalog is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
MISSING_LEVL_SEVERITY | Missing mandatory value for level error checking severity on base term record |
The required indicator for course section level restrictions registration error checking is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No), 'W' (Warning) or 'F' (Fatal). |
MISSING_LEVL_WEB_CATL_SRCH_IND | Missing mandatory value for Web catalog level search criteria indicator on base term record |
The required indicator to allow levels to be available as a search option for the course catalog search via self-service is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No), 'W' (Warning) or 'F' (Fatal). |
MISSING_LEVL_WEB_SEARCH_IND | Missing mandatory value for Web level search criteria indicator on base term record |
The required indicator to allow searching by level to be available as a search option when a user requests a display of sections through self-service registration is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No), 'W' (Warning) or 'F' (Fatal). |
MISSING_LEVL_WEB_UPD_IND | Missing mandatory value for Web level change indicator on base term record |
The required indicator to allow users to change the level for a course via self-service registration is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No), 'W' (Warning) or 'F' (Fatal). |
MISSING_LINK_SEVERITY | Missing mandatory value for link error checking severity on base term record |
The required indicator for course section link restrictions registration error checking is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No) or 'F' (Fatal). |
MISSING_LS_DESC_WEBS_DISP_IND | Missing mandatory value for Web long section description display indicator on base term record |
The required indicator to allow long section descriptions to be displayed when a user requests a display of sections through self-service registration is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
MISSING_LS_TITLE_WEBS_DISP_IND | Missing mandatory value for Web long section title display indicator on base term record |
The required indicator to allow long section titles to be displayed when a user requests a display of sections through self-service registration is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
MISSING_MAILER_WEB_IND | Missing mandatory value for Web grade access indicator on base term record |
The required indicator to allow students to view final grades for the term via self-service is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
MISSING_MAJR_SEVERITY | Missing mandatory value for major error checking severity on base term record |
The required indicator for course section major restrictions registration error checking is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No), 'W' (Warning) or 'F' (Fatal). |
MISSING_MINH_SEVERITY | Missing mandatory value for minimum hours error checking severity on base term record |
The required indicator for course section minimum number of credit hours allowed by student level registration error checking is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No), 'W' (Warning) or 'F' (Fatal). |
MISSING_MAXH_SEVERITY | Missing mandatory value for maximum hours error checking severity on base term record |
The required indicator for course section maximum number of credit hours allowed by student level registration error checking is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No), 'W' (Warning) or 'F' (Fatal). |
MISSING_MIDTERM_WEB_IND | Missing mandatory value for Web midterm grade display indicator on base term record |
The required indicator to allow students to view midterm grades for the term via self-service is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No), 'W' (Warning) or 'F' (Fatal). |
MISSING_OVERAPP_WEB_UPD_IND | Missing mandatory value for Web registration approval override indicator on base term record |
The required indicator to allow faculty and advisors to display and update course registration special approvals and overrides for students via self-service is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No), 'W' (Warning) or 'F' (Fatal). |
MISSING_PREQ_SEVERITY | Missing mandatory value for prerequisite error checking severity on base term record |
The required indicator to enforce course registration prerequisite and/or test score restrictions is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No), 'W' (Warning) or 'F' (Fatal). |
MISSING_PROFILE_SEND_IND | Missing mandatory value for term profile send indicator on base term record |
The required indicator to allow term information to be sent to synchronized third-party partners indicator is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
MISSING_PROGRAM_SEVERITY | Missing mandatory value for program error checking severity on base term record |
The required indicator to enforce course registration program restrictions is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No), 'W' (Warning) or 'F' (Fatal). |
MISSING_DEPT_SEVERITY | Missing mandatory value for department error checking severity on base term record |
The required indicator to enforce course registration department restrictions is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No), 'W' (Warning) or 'F' (Fatal). |
MISSING_ATTS_SEVERITY | Missing mandatory value for student attribute error checking severity on base term record |
The required indicator to enforce course registration student attribute restrictions is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No), 'W' (Warning) or 'F' (Fatal). |
MISSING_CHRT_SEVERITY | Missing mandatory value for cohort error checking severity on base term record |
The required indicator to enforce course registration cohort restrictions is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No), 'W' (Warning) or 'F' (Fatal). |
MISSING_MEXC_SEVERITY | Missing mandatory value for mutual exclusion error checking severity on base term record |
The required indicator to enforce course registration mutual exclusion restrictions is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No) or 'F' (Fatal). |
MISSING_PROG_ATT_WEBC_SRCH_IND | Missing mandatory value for Web catalog program search criteria indicator on base term record |
The required indicator to allow course program attributes to be available as a search option for the course catalog search via self-service indicator is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
MISSING_REG_ALLOWED | Missing mandatory value for registration allowed indicator on base term record |
The required indicator to permit registration for the term is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
MISSING_REPT_SEVERITY | Missing mandatory value for repeat course error checking severity on base term record |
The required indicator for the number of times a course may be repeated (repeat limit) during registration error checking is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No), 'W' (Warning) or 'F' (Fatal). |
MISSING_RPTH_SEVERITY | Missing mandatory value for repeat hours error checking severity on base term record |
The required indicator for the total number of credit hours that a course may be repeated (repeat hours) during registration error checking is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No), 'W' (Warning) or 'F' (Fatal). |
MISSING_SCHD_WEB_SEARCH_IND | Missing mandatory value for Web schedule type search indicator on base term record |
The required indicator to allow searches of classes (sections) by schedule type via self-service is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
MISSING_SESS_WEB_SEARCH_IND | Missing mandatory value for Web session search indicator on base term record |
The required indicator to allow searches of classes (sections) by session code via self-service is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
MISSING_SP_WEB_UPD_IND | Missing mandatory value for Web study path change indicator on base term record |
The required indicator to allow users to change the study path for a course via self-service registration is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
MISSING_SECTIONFEE_IND | Missing mandatory value for Section fees by study path indicator on base term record |
The required indicator for section fees by study path is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
MISSING_STYP_WEB_CATL_SRCH_IND | Missing mandatory value for Web catalog schedule type search criteria indicator on base term record |
The required indicator to allow schedule types to be available as a search option for the course catalog search via self-service is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
MISSING_TERM_CODE | Missing mandatory value for term on base term record |
The required term code value is missing and must be valid in the Term Code validation table STVTERM. |
MISSING_TIME_SEVERITY | Missing mandatory value for time conflict error checking severity on base term record |
The required indicator for course registration time conflict restrictions during registration error checking is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
MISSING_TIV_DATE_SOURCE | Missing mandatory value for source of Title IV start and end dates on base term record |
The required indicator to designate the start and end dates for Title IV processing is missing and must be designated with a value of 'T' (Term) or 'P' (Part of Term). |
MISSING_TMST_CALC_IND | Missing mandatory value for online time status calculation indicator on base term record |
The required indicator for calculating a student's enrollment time status as a result of any registration activity is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
MISSING_WEB_CAPP_CATLG_IND | Missing mandatory value for WebCAPP (degree evaluation on the Web) compliance catalog term indicator on base term record |
The required indicator to allow the term to be used for both dynamic catalog display and WebCAPP (degree evaluation on the Web) processing is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
MISSING_WEB_CAPP_TERM_IND | Missing mandatory value for WebCAPP (degree evaluation on the Web) compliance evaluation term indicator on base term record |
The required indicator to allow the term to be used as a valid evaluation term for WebCAPP (degree evaluation on the Web) processing is missing and must be designated with a value of 'N' (No) or 'Y' (Yes). |
PK_NOT_FOUND | Cannot find record using primary or unique key on base term record |
The base term record does not exist. |
P_DELETE_FAILED | Cannot delete the base term record, term does not exist |
The base term record cannot be deleted because the record does not exist. |
RECORD_EXISTS | Cannot create the base term record, term already exists |
The base term record cannot be created because it already exists. |
INVALID_MEETING_TIME_SRC_CDE | Invalid value for Meeting Time Source on base term record. Valid values are 'Y' OR 'N' or null |
INVALID_PLAN_TERM_OPEN_CDE | Invalid value for Term Open For Planning on base term record. Valid values are 'Y' or 'N' or null |
INVALID_SEC_ALLOWED_PLAN_CDE | Invalid value of Section Allowed to be added to Plan on base term record. Valid values are 'Y' or 'N' or null |
INVALID_DEG_AUDIT_PLAN_CDE | Invalid value of Degree Audit System Integration on base term record. Valid values are 'Y' or 'N' or null |
INVALID_PLAN_DA_REG_CDE | Invalid value of Degree Audit Planning in Registration on base term record. Valid values are 'Y' or 'N' or null |
INVALID_PLAN_REG_CDE | Invalid value of Planning in Registration on base term record. Valid values are 'Y' or 'N' or null |
INVALID_MAX_PLANS | Invalid value for Maximum plans allowed for the term. Enter a value between 1 and 999 |
INVALID_COND_ADD_DROP_CDE | The value for Conditional Add Drop is invalid. Valid values are 'Y' or 'N' or null |
INVALID_AUTO_DROP_CDE | The value for Auto Drop is invalid. Valid values are 'C', 'Y', 'N' or null |
INVALID_ADMIN_DROP_CDE | The value for Admin Drop is invalid. Valid values are 'Y' or 'N' or null |
INVALID_DROP_LAST_CLASS_CDE | The value for Drop Last class allowed is invalid. Valid values are 'Y' or 'N' or null |