Message Key | Error Message |
ASSIGNMENTS_EXIST | Faculty instructional assignments exist, cannot delete the record |
An attempt to delete faculty information was not permitted because instructional assignments exist for the term on the SIRASGN table. |
CHILDREN_EXIST_SIRATTR | Cannot delete faculty data, faculty attributes exist (SIRATTR) |
An attempt to delete faculty information was not permitted because faculty attributes exist on the SIRATTR table. |
CHILDREN_EXIST_SIRCMNT | Cannot delete faculty data, faculty comments exist (SIRCMNT) |
An attempt to delete faculty information was not permitted because faculty comments exist on the SIRCMNT table. |
CHILDREN_EXIST_SIRDPCL | Cannot delete faculty data, faculty college and department data exists (SIRDPCL) |
An attempt to delete faculty information was not permitted because faculty college and department information exists on the SIRDPCL table. |
INVALID_CNTR_CODE | Invalid Faculty CNTR Code |
An attempt was made to create or update the faculty Contract Rules Code with an invalid value. The Contract Rules Code must exist in the Contract Rules Validation Table (STVCNTR).
INVALID_FCNT_CODE | Invalid Faculty Contract Code |
An attempt was made to create or update the Faculty Contract Type Code with an invalid value. The Contract Type Code must exist in the Contract Type Validatin Table (STVFCNT).
INVALID_FCST_CODE | Invalid Faculty Status Code |
An attempt was made to create or update the Faculty Status Code with an invalid value. The Status Code must exist in the Faculty Status Code Validation Table (STVFCST). |
INVALID_FCTG_CODE | Invalid Faculty Category Code |
An attempt was made to create or update the Faculty Category Code with an invalid value. The Category Code must exist in the Faculty Category Code Validation Table (STVFCTG). |
INVALID_FSTP_CODE | Invalid Faculty FSTP Code |
An attempt was made to create or update the Faculty Staff Type Code with an invalid value. The Staff Type Code must exist in the Faculty Staff Type Code Validation Table (STVFSTP). |
INVALID_PIDM | Invalid or missing Faculty PIDM |
An attempt to create or update faculty information was unsuccessful because a person record does not exist. |
INVALID_SCHD_IND | Invalid Schedule Indicator, should be 'Y' for yes or blank for no |
An attempt was made to create or update the faculty schedule indicator to a value other than 'Y' (Yes) or null (blank - No). |
INVALID_TERM_CODE_EFF | Invalid Faculty Effective Term Code |
An attempt was made to create or update the effective term for faculty information to an invalid value. The Term Coe must exist in the Term Code Validation Table (STVTERM). |
INVALID_WKLD_CODE | Invalid Faculty Workload Code |
An attempt was made to create or update the Faculty Term Workload Rules Code with an invalid value. The Term Workload Rules Code must exist in the Faculty Term Workload Rules Validation Table (STVWKLD). |
MISSING_FCST_CODE | Missing mandatory Faculty Status Code |
The Faculty Status Code is missing and must be a valid value in the Faculty Status Code Validation Table (STVFCST). |
MISSING_FCST_DATE | Missing mandatory Faculty Status Date |
The faculty status code date is missing and must be designated with a valid date value and format. |
MISSING_PIDM | Missing mandatory Faculty PIDM |
The faculty information could not be created because a match could not be found for the internal personal identification number. |
MISSING_TERM_CODE_EFF | Missing mandatory Faculty Effective Term Code |
The faculty information effective term code is missing and must be a valid value in the Term Code Validation Table (STVTERM). |
INSTR_ASSIGN_EXIST | Instructional assignments exist, cannot inactivate the record |
An attempt made to update faculty status to inactive was not permitted because instructional assignments exist for the term on the SIRASGN table. |
NON_INSTR_ASSIGN_EXIST | Non-instructional assignments exist, cannot delete the record |
An attempt to delete faculty information was not permitted because non-instructional assignments exist for the term on the SIRNIST table. |
PK_NOT_FOUND | Cannot find Faculty record using primary or unique key |
An attempt to find a faculty information record was unsuccessful because the record could not be found using the primary or unique key of internal personal identification number (PIDM) and effective term. |
P_DELETE_FAILED | Cannot delete, Faculty record does not exist |
An attempt to read, update or delete faculty information failed because no matching record was found. |
RECORD_EXISTS | Cannot create, Faculty record already exists |
An attempt to create a faculty record was unsuccessful because the record already exists. |