
Package sb_roommate_str

This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Roommate API.

Message KeyError Message
ANOTHER_ROOMMATEPerson has another roommate application defined
Person has an existing roommate application for the term.
FEMALE_BLDGRoommmate Application Building is restricted to females only
Building code can be assigned only to roommate applications where the person and the roommate are female.
FEMALE_ROOMRoommate Application Room is restricted to females only
The room code can be assigned only to roommate applications where the person and the roommate are female.
ID_NOT_EXISTRoommate Application ID does not exist
The requested roommate on the roommate application is not a valid ID.
INVALID_PIDMInvalid or missing Roommate Application PIDM
The internal personal identification number specified on this roommate application does not exist in the person identification table.
INVALID_ONEUPInvalid Roommate Application Oneup
The oneup number for this roommate application is invalid.
INVALID_ALL_ONEUPInvalid Roommate Application Oneup to Add
The oneup number specified for creating this roommate application is invalid.
INVALID_TERM_CODEInvalid Roommate Application Term Code
The term code specified on this roommate application does not exist in the term code table.
MALE_BLDGRoommate Application Building is restricted to males only
The building code can be assigned only to roommate applications where the person and the roommate are male.
MALE_ROOMRoommmate Application Room is restricted to males only
The room code can be assigned only to roommate applications where the person and the roommate are male.
MISSING_ONEUPMissing mandatory Roommate Application One-Up Number
The required one-up number on the roommate application was not specified.
MISSING_PIDMMissing mandatory Roommate Application PIDM
The required internal personal identification number on the roommate application was not specified.
MISSING_TERM_CODEMissing mandatory Roommate Application Term Code
The required term code on the roommate application was not specified.
NO_HOUSING_TERMHousing term record does not exist for term; cannot create roommates for this Roommate Application
The housing term record must exist for the term before the roommate application can be processed.
PK_NOT_FOUNDCannot find Roommate Application record using primary or unique key
The roommate application does not exist with the data that was specified.
P_DELETE_FAILEDCannot delete, Roommate Application record does not exist
The roommate application cannot be deleted because the application could not be located given the specified values.
RECORD_EXISTSCannot create, Roommate Application record already exists
The roommate application cannot be created because the application already exists.
STUDENT_NOT_APPLIEDCannot accept Roommate application if student has not applied
The student does not have a housing application for the term specified on the roommate application.

Program units



error_tab gb_common_strings.errmsg_tab_type;

Global error table that holds the error message.


Function f_get_error(p_errorname VARCHAR2) return varchar2

Returns the error message corresponding to p_errorname.

p_errorname   Name associated with the error message.