Message Key | Error Message |
AWARDED_CHANGED_ERROR | Awards exist for learner outcome, cannot change status to sought from awarded |
An attempt was made to change the status from sought to awarded when awards already exist. |
INVALID_ACYR_CODE | Invalid learner outcome academic year code |
An attempt was made to create or update the learner outcome academic year code to an invalid value. Outcome academic year code is null or the code already exists. |
INVALID_ACYR_CODE_BULLETIN | Invalid learner outcome bulletin academic year code |
An attempt was made to create or update the learner outcome bulletin academic year code to an invalid value. Outcome bulletin academic year code is null or the code already exists. |
INVALID_COLL_CODE_DUAL | Invalid learner outcome dual degree college code |
An attempt was made to create or update the learner outcome dual degree college code to an invalid value. Value must exist in the College Validation Table (STVCOLL). |
INVALID_DEGC_CODE_DUAL | Invalid learner outcome dual degree code |
An attempt was made to create or update the learner outcome dual degree code to an invalid value. Value must exist in the Degree Validation Table (STVDEGC). |
INVALID_DEGS_CODE | Invalid learner outcome degree status code |
An attempt was made to create or update the learner outcome degree status code to an invalid value. Value must exist in the Degree Status Validation Table (STVDEGS). |
INVALID_DEPT_CODE_DUAL | Invalid learner outcome dual degree department code |
An attempt was made to create or update the learner outcome dual department code to an invalid value. Value must exist in the Department Validation Table (STVDEPT). |
INVALID_FEE_IND | Invalid learner outcome fee indicator |
An attempt was made to create or update the learner outcome fee indicator to an invalid value. Valid values are 'Y', 'N', and NULL. |
INVALID_GRST_CODE | Invalid learner outcome graduation status code |
An attempt was made to create or update the learner outcome graduation status to an invalid value. Value must exist in the Graduation Status Validation Table (STVGRST). |
INVALID_LEVL_CODE_DUAL | Invalid learner outcome dual degree level code |
An attempt was made to create or update the learner outcome level to an invalid value. Value must exist in the Level Validation Table (STVLEVL). |
INVALID_MAJR_CODE_DUAL | Invalid learner outcome dual degree major code |
An attempt was made to create or update the learner outcome degree major to an invalid value. Value must exist in the Major Validation Table (STVMAJR). |
INVALID_MISSING_DUAL_DEGREE | Missing learner outcome dual degree code |
An attempt was made to create or update the learner outcome degree code to an invalid value. Value must exist in the Degree Code Validation Table (STVDEGC). |
INVALID_PIDM | Invalid or missing PIDM |
An attempt was made to create or update the learner outcome PIDM (unique internal ID for an individual who has records in the system). Required Key. |
INVALID_TERM_CODE_GRAD | Invalid learner outcome graduation term |
An attempt was made to create or update the learner outcome graduation term to an invalid value. Value must exist in the Term Validation Table (STVTERM). |
INVALID_TERM_CODE_STUREC | Invalid learner outcome record effective term code |
An attempt was made to create or update the learner outcome term to an invalid value. Value must exist in the Term Validation Table (STVTERM). |
MISSING_SEQ_NO | Missing learner outcome degree sequence number |
The learner outcome degree sequence number is missing and must be supplied. |
INVALID_TERM_CODE_COMPLETED | Invalid learner outcome completed term code |
An attempt was made to create or update the learner outcome completed term to an invalid value. Value must exist in the Term Validation Table (STVTERM). |
MISSING_ACYR_CODE_BULLETIN | Missing learner outcome value bulletin academic year |
The learner outcome value bulletin academic year is missing and is required. |
MISSING_DEGS_CODE | Missing learner outcome value degree status code |
The learner outcome value degree status code is missing. Must be a valid value on the Degree Status Validation Table (STVDEGS). |
MISSING_PIDM | Missing learner outcome value PIDM |
The learner outcome PIDM is missing and is required. (PIDM: Unique internal ID for an individual who has records in the system.) |
MISSING_TERM_CODE_STUREC | Missing learner outcome value learner record effective term code |
The learner outcome value learner record effective term is missing. Must be a valid value on the Term Validation Table (STVTERM). |
PK_NOT_FOUND | Cannot find learner outcome record using primary or unique key |
An attempt was made to delete or update the learner outcome record using PIDM and sequence number. |
P_DELETE_FAILED | Cannot delete learner outcome, record does not exist |
An attempt to delete a learner outcome record was unsuccessful because the record could not be found. |
RECORD_EXISTS | Cannot create learner outcome, record already exists |
An attempt to create a learner outcome record was unsuccessful because the record already exists; duplicates are not allowed. | |
INVALID_STUDY_PATH | Invalid study path sequence for outcome, it must be active for the learner |
The study path being applied to the outcome must be active for the learner. | |