Message Name | Error Message |
INVALID_CAMP_CODE | Campus Code for the curriculum default is not valid |
The campus code must exist in the STVCAMP validation table |
INVALID_COLL_CODE | College Code for the curriculum default is not valid |
The college code must exist in the STVCOLL validation table |
INVALID_DEGC_CODE | Degree Code for the curriculum default is not valid |
The degree code must exist in the STVDEGC validation table |
INVALID_DEPT_CODE | Department Code for the curriculum default is not valid |
The department code must exist in the STVDEPT validation table |
INVALID_LEVL_CODE | Level Code for the curriculum default is not valid |
The level code must exist in the STVLEVL validation table |
INVALID_LMOD_CODE | Learner Module Code for the curriculum default is not valid |
The learner module code must exist in the STVLMOD validation table |
INVALID_MAJR_CODE | Major Code for the curriculum default is not valid |
The major code must exist in the STVMAJR validation table and have the major indicatory checked |
INVALID_PROGRAM | Program for the curriculum default is not valid |
The program must exist in the SMRPRLE table |
MISSING_DATA_ORIGIN | The Data Origin is missing and is required for the curriculum default |
A data origin is required |
MISSING_LMOD_CODE | The Learner Module Code is missing and is required for the curriculum default |
The learner module code is required and cannot be left blank |
MISSING_USER_ID | The User ID is missing and is required for the curriculum default |
The User ID is required |
PK_NOT_FOUND | Cannot find the curriculum default record using the primary or unique key |
A Curriculum Default with the User ID and specified Learner Module does not exist to update |
P_DELETE_FAILED | Cannot delete the curriculum default because the record does not exist |
A Curriculum Default with the User ID and specified Learner Module does not exist to delete |
RECORD_EXISTS | Cannot create curriculum default because the record already exists |
A record already exists for the User ID and Learner Module Code |