Package sb_wl_term_control
This package provides the Common Business interface for the Waitlist Term Control API (sb_wl_term_control).
This has the waitlist configuration for each term. The key to the waitlist term control entry is the term code.
Business Entity Name
Base table name
TYPE wl_term_control_rec IS RECORD (
r_term_code sobwltc.sobwltc_term_code%TYPE,
r_auto_notify_ind sobwltc.sobwltc_auto_notify_ind%TYPE,
r_online_notify_ind sobwltc.sobwltc_online_notify_ind%TYPE,
r_wl_pos_webc_disp_ind sobwltc.sobwltc_wl_pos_webc_disp_ind%TYPE,
r_stu_notify_ind sobwltc.sobwltc_stu_notify_ind%TYPE,
r_fac_notify_ind sobwltc.sobwltc_fac_notify_ind%TYPE,
r_adv_notify_ind sobwltc.sobwltc_adv_notify_ind%TYPE,
r_reg_notify_ind sobwltc.sobwltc_reg_notify_ind%TYPE,
r_camp_severity sobwltc.sobwltc_camp_severity%TYPE,
r_degree_severity sobwltc.sobwltc_degree_severity%TYPE,
r_program_severity sobwltc.sobwltc_program_severity%TYPE,
r_department_severity sobwltc.sobwltc_department_severity%TYPE,
r_atts_severity sobwltc.sobwltc_atts_severity%TYPE,
r_chrt_severity sobwltc.sobwltc_chrt_severity%TYPE,
r_dupl_include_ind sobwltc.sobwltc_dupl_include_ind%TYPE,
r_link_include_ind sobwltc.sobwltc_link_include_ind%TYPE,
r_preq_include_ind sobwltc.sobwltc_preq_include_ind%TYPE,
r_corq_include_ind sobwltc.sobwltc_corq_include_ind%TYPE,
r_time_include_ind sobwltc.sobwltc_time_include_ind%TYPE,
r_capc_severity sobwltc.sobwltc_capc_severity%TYPE,
r_levl_severity sobwltc.sobwltc_levl_severity%TYPE,
r_coll_severity sobwltc.sobwltc_coll_severity%TYPE,
r_majr_severity sobwltc.sobwltc_majr_severity%TYPE,
r_clas_severity sobwltc.sobwltc_clas_severity%TYPE,
r_appr_severity sobwltc.sobwltc_appr_severity%TYPE,
r_user_id sobwltc.sobwltc_user_id%TYPE,
r_deadline_notify sobwltc.sobwltc_deadline_notify%TYPE,
r_letr_code_stu_notify sobwltc.sobwltc_letr_code_stu_notify%TYPE,
r_letr_code_fac_notify sobwltc.sobwltc_letr_code_fac_notify%TYPE,
r_letr_code_adv_notify sobwltc.sobwltc_letr_code_adv_notify%TYPE,
r_letr_code_reg_notify sobwltc.sobwltc_letr_code_reg_notify%TYPE,
r_pidm sobwltc.sobwltc_pidm%TYPE,
r_data_origin sobwltc.sobwltc_data_origin%TYPE,
r_host_name sobwltc.sobwltc_host_name%TYPE,
r_max_resend_hrs sobwltc.sobwltc_max_resend_hrs%TYPE,
r_internal_record_id gb_common.internal_record_id_type);
Business Entity record type
TYPE wl_term_control_ref IS REF CURSOR RETURN wl_term_control_rec;
Entity cursor variable type
TYPE wl_term_control_tab IS TABLE OF wl_term_control_rec INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
Entity table type
Function f_api_version RETURN PLS_INTEGER
Returns the API version number.
Version of the API signature. Changes only when the signature changes.
Function f_exists(p_term_code sobwltc.sobwltc_term_code%TYPE,
p_rowid gb_common.internal_record_id_type DEFAULT NULL)
Checks if a record exists.
Term code associated with the entries on the Automated Waitlist Term Control Form (SOAWLTC). VARCHAR2(6) Required Key
Database ROWID of the record to be selected. VARCHAR2(18)
Function f_isequal(rec_one wl_term_control_rec,
rec_two wl_term_control_rec) RETURN VARCHAR2
Compares two records for equality.
Tests each field of rec_one against the corresponding field of rec_two. Two null values are considered equal.
Y if all values in records are equal, otherwise N. Nulls match Nulls.
Function f_query_all(p_term_code sobwltc.sobwltc_term_code%TYPE)
RETURN wl_term_control_ref
Selects all records for the entity.
Term code associated with the entries on the Automated Waitlist Term Control Form (SOAWLTC). VARCHAR2(6) Required Key
A cursor variable that will fetch a set of records.
Function f_query_one(p_term_code sobwltc.sobwltc_term_code%TYPE)
RETURN wl_term_control_ref
Selects one record using the key.
Term code associated with the entries on the Automated Waitlist Term Control Form (SOAWLTC). VARCHAR2(6) Required Key
A cursor variable that will fetch exactly one record.
Function f_query_by_rowid(p_rowid gb_common.internal_record_id_type)
RETURN wl_term_control_ref
Selects one record using the ROWID.
Database ROWID of the record to be selected. VARCHAR2(18) Required
A cursor variable that will fetch exactly one record.
Function f_query_one_lock(p_term_code sobwltc.sobwltc_term_code%TYPE,
p_rowid gb_common.internal_record_id_type DEFAULT NULL)
RETURN wl_term_control_ref
Selects one record and locks it.
Term code associated with the entries on the Automated Waitlist Term Control Form (SOAWLTC). VARCHAR2(6) Required Key
Database ROWID of the record to be selected. VARCHAR2(18)
A cursor variable for one record, locking the record.
Procedure p_create(p_term_code sobwltc.sobwltc_term_code%TYPE,
p_auto_notify_ind sobwltc.sobwltc_auto_notify_ind%TYPE,
p_online_notify_ind sobwltc.sobwltc_online_notify_ind%TYPE,
p_wl_pos_webc_disp_ind sobwltc.sobwltc_wl_pos_webc_disp_ind%TYPE,
p_stu_notify_ind sobwltc.sobwltc_stu_notify_ind%TYPE,
p_fac_notify_ind sobwltc.sobwltc_fac_notify_ind%TYPE,
p_adv_notify_ind sobwltc.sobwltc_adv_notify_ind%TYPE,
p_reg_notify_ind sobwltc.sobwltc_reg_notify_ind%TYPE,
p_camp_severity sobwltc.sobwltc_camp_severity%TYPE,
p_degree_severity sobwltc.sobwltc_degree_severity%TYPE,
p_program_severity sobwltc.sobwltc_program_severity%TYPE,
p_department_severity sobwltc.sobwltc_department_severity%TYPE,
p_atts_severity sobwltc.sobwltc_atts_severity%TYPE,
p_chrt_severity sobwltc.sobwltc_chrt_severity%TYPE,
p_dupl_include_ind sobwltc.sobwltc_dupl_include_ind%TYPE,
p_link_include_ind sobwltc.sobwltc_link_include_ind%TYPE,
p_preq_include_ind sobwltc.sobwltc_preq_include_ind%TYPE,
p_corq_include_ind sobwltc.sobwltc_corq_include_ind%TYPE,
p_time_include_ind sobwltc.sobwltc_time_include_ind%TYPE,
p_capc_severity sobwltc.sobwltc_capc_severity%TYPE,
p_levl_severity sobwltc.sobwltc_levl_severity%TYPE,
p_coll_severity sobwltc.sobwltc_coll_severity%TYPE,
p_majr_severity sobwltc.sobwltc_majr_severity%TYPE,
p_clas_severity sobwltc.sobwltc_clas_severity%TYPE,
p_appr_severity sobwltc.sobwltc_appr_severity%TYPE,
p_user_id sobwltc.sobwltc_user_id%TYPE DEFAULT gb_common.f_sct_user,
p_deadline_notify sobwltc.sobwltc_deadline_notify%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
p_letr_code_stu_notify sobwltc.sobwltc_letr_code_stu_notify%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
p_letr_code_fac_notify sobwltc.sobwltc_letr_code_fac_notify%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
p_letr_code_adv_notify sobwltc.sobwltc_letr_code_adv_notify%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
p_letr_code_reg_notify sobwltc.sobwltc_letr_code_reg_notify%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
p_pidm sobwltc.sobwltc_pidm%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
p_data_origin sobwltc.sobwltc_data_origin%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
p_host_name sobwltc.sobwltc_host_name%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
p_max_resend_hrs sobwltc.sobwltc_max_resend_hrs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
p_rowid_out OUT gb_common.internal_record_id_type)
Creates a record.
Term code associated with the entries on the Automated Waitlist Term Control Form (SOAWLTC). VARCHAR2(6) Required Key
Indicator for whether the automatic waitlist notification functionality is active for the term. Valid values are Y or N. VARCHAR2(1) Required
Indicator for whether the waitlist notification will be active during registration or if notification will be only performed by a batch process. Valid values are Y or N. VARCHAR2(1) Required
Indicator for whether the student's position in the waitlist will be displayed on self-service. Valid values are Y or N. VARCHAR2(1) Required
Indicator for whether the student will be notified when a seat becomes available. Valid values are Y or N. VARCHAR2(1) Required
Indicator for whether the primary instructor will be notified when a seat becomes available. Valid values are Y or N. VARCHAR2(1) Required
Indicator for whether the primary advisor will be notified when a seat becomes available. Valid values are Y or N. VARCHAR2(1) Required
Indicator for whether the registrar will be notified when a seat becomes available. Valid values are Y or N. VARCHAR2(1) Required
Indicator for campus restriction checking at registration time for the term. Values are "F"-fatal error, "N"-no check. VARCHAR2(1) Required
Indicator for degree restriction checking at registration time for the term. Values are "F"-fatal error, "N"-no check. VARCHAR2(1) Required
Indicator for program restriction checking at registration time for the term. Values are "F"-fatal error, "N"-no check. VARCHAR2(1) Required
Indicator for department restriction checking at registration time for the term. Values are "F"-fatal error, "N"-no check. VARCHAR2(1) Required
Indicator for attribute restriction checking at registration time for the term. Values are "F"-fatal error, "N"-no check. VARCHAR2(1) Required
Indicator for cohort restriction checking at registration time for the term. Values are "F"-fatal error, "N"-no check. VARCHAR2(1) Required
Indicator for whether waitlisted courses are included in duplicate course error checking at registration time for the term. Valid Values are Y or N. VARCHAR2(1) Required
Indicator for how for whether waitlisted courses are included in linked course error checking at registration time for the term. Valid Values are Y or N. VARCHAR2(1) Required
Indicator for whether waitlisted courses are included in prerequisite error checking at registration time for the term. Valid Values are Y or N. VARCHAR2(1) Required
Indicator for whether waitlisted courses are included in course and section co-requisites error checking at registration time for the term. Valid Values are Y or N. VARCHAR2(1) Required
Indicator for whether course section time conflicts are checked at registration time for the term. Valid Values are Y or N. VARCHAR2(1) Required
Indicator for whether course section capacity is checked at registration time for the term. Values are "F"-fatal error, "W"-warning, "N"-no check. VARCHAR2(1) Required
Indicator for whether course-level restrictions are checked at registration time for the term. Values are "F"-fatal error, "W"-warning, "N"-no check. VARCHAR2(1) Required
Indicator for whether course or section college restrictions are checked at registration time for the term. Values are "F"-fatal error, "N"-no check. VARCHAR2(1) Required
Indicator for whether course or section student field of study restrictions are checked at registration time for the term. Values are "F"-fatal error, "N"-no check. VARCHAR2(1) Required
Indicator for whether course or section class restrictions are checked at registration time for the term. Values are "F"-fatal error, "N"-no check. VARCHAR2(1) Required
Indicator for whether course section special approval indicators are checked at registration time for the term. Values are "F"-fatal error, "N"-no check. VARCHAR2(1) Required
ID of the user who inserted or last updated the data. VARCHAR2(30) Required
Number of hours that the student has to register for a course after receiving the available seats notification. NUMBER(4)
Letter code that will be used to notify the student of available seats. VARCHAR2(15)
Letter code that will be used to notify the primary instructor of available seats. VARCHAR2(15)
Letter code that will be used to notify the primary advisor of available seats. VARCHAR2(15)
Letter code that will be used to notify the registrar of available seats. VARCHAR2(15)
Unique identifier(PIDM) of the Registrar to be notified when a seat becomes available. NUMBER(8)
Source system that created or updated the row. VARCHAR2(30)
Host Name to be used when an email is sent for seats available notification. VARCHAR2(30)
Number of hours to attempt to resend failed email messages. NUMBER(4)
Database ROWID of the record to be created. VARCHAR2(18) Required
Procedure p_delete(p_term_code sobwltc.sobwltc_term_code%TYPE,
p_rowid gb_common.internal_record_id_type DEFAULT NULL)
Deletes a record.
Term code associated with the entries on the Automated Waitlist Term Control Form (SOAWLTC). VARCHAR2(6) Required Key
Database ROWID of the record to be deleted. VARCHAR2(18)
Procedure p_lock(p_term_code sobwltc.sobwltc_term_code%TYPE,
p_rowid_inout IN OUT gb_common.internal_record_id_type)
Locks a record.
If the ROWID is not passed in, the record is located using the key values and the ROWID of the locked row is passed in p_rowid_inout.
Term code associated with the entries on the Automated Waitlist Term Control Form (SOAWLTC). VARCHAR2(6) Required Key
Database ROWID of the record to be locked. VARCHAR2(18) Required
Procedure p_update(p_term_code sobwltc.sobwltc_term_code%TYPE,
p_auto_notify_ind sobwltc.sobwltc_auto_notify_ind%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
p_online_notify_ind sobwltc.sobwltc_online_notify_ind%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
p_wl_pos_webc_disp_ind sobwltc.sobwltc_wl_pos_webc_disp_ind%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
p_stu_notify_ind sobwltc.sobwltc_stu_notify_ind%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
p_fac_notify_ind sobwltc.sobwltc_fac_notify_ind%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
p_adv_notify_ind sobwltc.sobwltc_adv_notify_ind%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
p_reg_notify_ind sobwltc.sobwltc_reg_notify_ind%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
p_camp_severity sobwltc.sobwltc_camp_severity%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
p_degree_severity sobwltc.sobwltc_degree_severity%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
p_program_severity sobwltc.sobwltc_program_severity%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
p_department_severity sobwltc.sobwltc_department_severity%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
p_atts_severity sobwltc.sobwltc_atts_severity%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
p_chrt_severity sobwltc.sobwltc_chrt_severity%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
p_dupl_include_ind sobwltc.sobwltc_dupl_include_ind%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
p_link_include_ind sobwltc.sobwltc_link_include_ind%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
p_preq_include_ind sobwltc.sobwltc_preq_include_ind%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
p_corq_include_ind sobwltc.sobwltc_corq_include_ind%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
p_time_include_ind sobwltc.sobwltc_time_include_ind%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
p_capc_severity sobwltc.sobwltc_capc_severity%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
p_levl_severity sobwltc.sobwltc_levl_severity%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
p_coll_severity sobwltc.sobwltc_coll_severity%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
p_majr_severity sobwltc.sobwltc_majr_severity%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
p_clas_severity sobwltc.sobwltc_clas_severity%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
p_appr_severity sobwltc.sobwltc_appr_severity%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
p_user_id sobwltc.sobwltc_user_id%TYPE DEFAULT gb_common.f_sct_user,
p_deadline_notify sobwltc.sobwltc_deadline_notify%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
p_letr_code_stu_notify sobwltc.sobwltc_letr_code_stu_notify%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
p_letr_code_fac_notify sobwltc.sobwltc_letr_code_fac_notify%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
p_letr_code_adv_notify sobwltc.sobwltc_letr_code_adv_notify%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
p_letr_code_reg_notify sobwltc.sobwltc_letr_code_reg_notify%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
p_pidm sobwltc.sobwltc_pidm%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
p_data_origin sobwltc.sobwltc_data_origin%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
p_host_name sobwltc.sobwltc_host_name%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
p_max_resend_hrs sobwltc.sobwltc_max_resend_hrs%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
p_rowid gb_common.internal_record_id_type DEFAULT NULL)
Updates a record.
Term code associated with the entries on the Automated Waitlist Term Control Form (SOAWLTC). VARCHAR2(6) Required Key
Indicator for whether the automatic waitlist notification functionality is active for the term. Valid values are Y or N. VARCHAR2(1) Required
Indicator for whether the waitlist notification will be active during registration or if notification will be only performed by a batch process. Valid values are Y or N. VARCHAR2(1) Required
Indicator for whether the student's position in the waitlist will be displayed on self-service. Valid values are Y or N. VARCHAR2(1) Required
Indicator for whether the student will be notified when a seat becomes available. Valid values are Y or N. VARCHAR2(1) Required
Indicator for whether the primary instructor will be notified when a seat becomes available. Valid values are Y or N. VARCHAR2(1) Required
Indicator for whether the primary advisor will be notified when a seat becomes available. Valid values are Y or N. VARCHAR2(1) Required
Indicator for whether the registrar will be notified when a seat becomes available. Valid values are Y or N. VARCHAR2(1) Required
Indicator for campus restriction checking at registration time for the term. Values are "F"-fatal error, "N"-no check. VARCHAR2(1) Required
Indicator for degree restriction checking at registration time for the term. Values are "F"-fatal error, "N"-no check. VARCHAR2(1) Required
Indicator for program restriction checking at registration time for the term. Values are "F"-fatal error, "N"-no check. VARCHAR2(1) Required
Indicator for department restriction checking at registration time for the term. Values are "F"-fatal error, "N"-no check. VARCHAR2(1) Required
Indicator for attribute restriction checking at registration time for the term. Values are "F"-fatal error, "N"-no check. VARCHAR2(1) Required
Indicator for cohort restriction checking at registration time for the term. Values are "F"-fatal error, "N"-no check. VARCHAR2(1) Required
Indicator for whether waitlisted courses are included in duplicate course error checking at registration time for the term. Valid Values are Y or N. VARCHAR2(1) Required
Indicator for how for whether waitlisted courses are included in linked course error checking at registration time for the term. Valid Values are Y or N. VARCHAR2(1) Required
Indicator for whether waitlisted courses are included in prerequisite error checking at registration time for the term. Valid Values are Y or N. VARCHAR2(1) Required
Indicator for whether waitlisted courses are included in course and section co-requisites error checking at registration time for the term. Valid Values are Y or N. VARCHAR2(1) Required
Indicator for whether course section time conflicts are checked at registration time for the term. Valid Values are Y or N. VARCHAR2(1) Required
Indicator for whether course section capacity is checked at registration time for the term. Values are "F"-fatal error, "W"-warning, "N"-no check. VARCHAR2(1) Required
Indicator for whether course-level restrictions are checked at registration time for the term. Values are "F"-fatal error, "W"-warning, "N"-no check. VARCHAR2(1) Required
Indicator for whether course or section college restrictions are checked at registration time for the term. Values are "F"-fatal error, "N"-no check. VARCHAR2(1) Required
Indicator for whether course or section student field of study restrictions are checked at registration time for the term. Values are "F"-fatal error, "N"-no check. VARCHAR2(1) Required
Indicator for whether course or section class restrictions are checked at registration time for the term. Values are "F"-fatal error, "N"-no check. VARCHAR2(1) Required
Indicator for whether course section special approval indicators are checked at registration time for the term. Values are "F"-fatal error, "N"-no check. VARCHAR2(1) Required
ID of the user who inserted or last updated the data. VARCHAR2(30) Required
Number of hours that the student has to register for a course after receiving the available seats notification. NUMBER(4)
Letter code that will be used to notify the student of available seats. VARCHAR2(15)
Letter code that will be used to notify the primary instructor of available seats. VARCHAR2(15)
Letter code that will be used to notify the primary advisor of available seats. VARCHAR2(15)
Letter code that will be used to notify the registrar of available seats. VARCHAR2(15)
Unique identifier(PIDM) of the Registrar to be notified when a seat becomes available. NUMBER(8)
Source system that created or updated the row. VARCHAR2(30)
Host Name to be used when an email is sent for seats available notification. VARCHAR2(30)
Number of hours to attempt to resend failed email messages. NUMBER(4)
Database ROWID of the record to be updated. VARCHAR2(18)