Package sb_facsec_access_rules Support subprograms for the FACSEC_ACCESS (sb_facsec_access). |
Program units |
f_parent_exists | |
p_register_entity | Registers the attribute value pairs to the message cache for delete operations. |
p_register_entity | Registers the attribute/value pairs to the message cache for create and update operations. |
p_validate | Validates all data in the record. |
Function f_parent_exists(p_proc_code sorfacs.sorfacs_proc_code%TYPE) RETURN VARCHAR2
Procedure p_register_entity(p_operation_type NUMBER, p_internal_record_id gb_common.internal_record_id_type)
Registers the attribute value pairs to the message cache for delete operations.
This signature uses the ROWID only for delete operations.
Parameters |
p_operation_type |
Type of DML operation: create, update, delete. NUMBER Required | |
p_internal_record_id |
Database ROWID VARCHAR2(18) required |
Procedure p_register_entity(p_operation_type NUMBER, p_proc_code sorfacs.sorfacs_proc_code%TYPE, p_role_cde sorfacs.sorfacs_role_cde%TYPE, p_active_ind sorfacs.sorfacs_active_ind%TYPE, p_all_access_ind sorfacs.sorfacs_all_access_ind%TYPE, p_pin_control_ind sorfacs.sorfacs_pin_control_ind%TYPE, p_relationship_ind sorfacs.sorfacs_relationship_ind%TYPE, p_primary_ind sorfacs.sorfacs_primary_ind%TYPE, p_attr_type_check_ind sorfacs.sorfacs_attr_type_check_ind%TYPE, p_user_id sorfacs.sorfacs_user_id%TYPE DEFAULT gb_common.f_sct_user, p_data_origin sorfacs.sorfacs_data_origin%TYPE, p_sysreq_ind sorfacs.sorfacs_sysreq_ind%TYPE, p_internal_record_id gb_common.internal_record_id_type)
Registers the attribute/value pairs to the message cache for create and update operations.
This signature registers all parameters.
Parameters |
p_operation_type |
Type of DML operation: create, update, delete. NUMBER Required | |
p_proc_code |
Process code to access levels for Processes. VARCHAR2(60) Required Key | |
p_role_cde |
Role code to Access levels. VARCHAR2(4) Required Key | |
p_active_ind |
Indicates whether or not the process is active for access on self service faculty. VARCHAR2(4) Required | |
p_all_access_ind |
Indicates whether or not all users can access the processes. VARCHAR2(4) Required | |
p_pin_control_ind |
Indicates whether or not the faculty should enter the students PIN while accessing the process. VARCHAR2(4) Required | |
p_relationship_ind |
Indicates whether or not the faculty should have a relation while accessing the process. VARCHAR2(4) Required | |
p_primary_ind |
Indicates whether or not the faculty should be a primary instructor while accessing the process. VARCHAR2(4) Required | |
p_attr_type_check_ind |
Indicates whether or not Attribute Checking should be done. VARCHAR2(4) Required | |
p_user_id |
ID of the user who inserted or last updated the data. VARCHAR2(120) Required | |
p_data_origin |
Source system that generated the data. VARCHAR2(120) | |
p_sysreq_ind |
Indicates whether record is Required by the System. VARCHAR2(4) | |
p_internal_record_id |
Database ROWID VARCHAR2(18) required |
Procedure p_validate(p_proc_code sorfacs.sorfacs_proc_code%TYPE, p_role_cde sorfacs.sorfacs_role_cde%TYPE, p_active_ind sorfacs.sorfacs_active_ind%TYPE, p_all_access_ind sorfacs.sorfacs_all_access_ind%TYPE, p_pin_control_ind sorfacs.sorfacs_pin_control_ind%TYPE, p_relationship_ind sorfacs.sorfacs_relationship_ind%TYPE, p_primary_ind sorfacs.sorfacs_primary_ind%TYPE, p_attr_type_check_ind sorfacs.sorfacs_attr_type_check_ind%TYPE, p_user_id sorfacs.sorfacs_user_id%TYPE DEFAULT gb_common.f_sct_user, p_data_origin sorfacs.sorfacs_data_origin%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_sysreq_ind sorfacs.sorfacs_sysreq_ind%TYPE DEFAULT NULL)
Validates all data in the record.
Parameters |
p_proc_code |
Process code to access levels for Processes. VARCHAR2(60) Required Key | |
p_role_cde |
Role code to Access levels. VARCHAR2(4) Required Key | |
p_active_ind |
Indicates whether or not the process is active for access on self service faculty. VARCHAR2(4) Required | |
p_all_access_ind |
Indicates whether or not all users can access the processes. VARCHAR2(4) Required | |
p_pin_control_ind |
Indicates whether or not the faculty should enter the students PIN while accessing the process. VARCHAR2(4) Required | |
p_relationship_ind |
Indicates whether or not the faculty should have a relation while accessing the process. VARCHAR2(4) Required | |
p_primary_ind |
Indicates whether or not the faculty should be a primary instructor while accessing the process. VARCHAR2(4) Required | |
p_attr_type_check_ind |
Indicates whether or not Attribute Checking should be done. VARCHAR2(4) Required | |
p_user_id |
ID of the user who inserted or last updated the data. VARCHAR2(120) Required | |
p_data_origin |
Source system that generated the data. VARCHAR2(120) | |
p_sysreq_ind |
Indicates whether record is Required by the System. VARCHAR2(4) |