Package sb_enrollment_rules NOTE: Please be advised that this API is currently intended to only support internal operations.To ensure data integrity, this API is not supported when called by external applications or interfaces to manipulate data. The recommendation for external applications is to use message level integration to integrate with this entitity in Banner. This package provides the support subprograms for the Enrollment API (sb_enrollment). |
Program units |
p_register_entity | Registers the attribute/value pairs to the message cache. |
p_register_entity | Registers the attribute/value pairs to the message cache. |
p_validate | Validates all the data in the record. |
Procedure p_register_entity(p_operation_type NUMBER, p_internal_record_id VARCHAR2)
Registers the attribute/value pairs to the message cache.
This signature uses the ROWID only for the delete operations.
Parameters |
p_internal_record_id |
Database ROWID. VARCHAR2(18) |
Procedure p_register_entity(p_operation_type NUMBER, p_term_code sfbetrm.sfbetrm_term_code%TYPE, p_pidm sfbetrm.sfbetrm_pidm%TYPE, p_ests_code sfbetrm.sfbetrm_ests_code%TYPE, p_ests_date sfbetrm.sfbetrm_ests_date%TYPE, p_min_hrs sfbetrm.sfbetrm_min_hrs%TYPE, p_mhrs_over sfbetrm.sfbetrm_mhrs_over%TYPE, p_minh_srce_cde sfbetrm.sfbetrm_minh_srce_cde%TYPE, p_maxh_srce_cde sfbetrm.sfbetrm_maxh_srce_cde%TYPE, p_ar_ind sfbetrm.sfbetrm_ar_ind%TYPE, p_assessment_date sfbetrm.sfbetrm_assessment_date%TYPE, p_add_date sfbetrm.sfbetrm_add_date%TYPE, p_rgre_code sfbetrm.sfbetrm_rgre_code%TYPE, p_tmst_code sfbetrm.sfbetrm_tmst_code%TYPE, p_tmst_date sfbetrm.sfbetrm_tmst_date%TYPE, p_tmst_maint_ind sfbetrm.sfbetrm_tmst_maint_ind%TYPE, p_user sfbetrm.sfbetrm_user%TYPE, p_refund_date sfbetrm.sfbetrm_refund_date%TYPE, p_data_origin sfbetrm.sfbetrm_data_origin%TYPE, p_internal_record_id VARCHAR2)
Registers the attribute/value pairs to the message cache.
This signature registers all the parameters
Parameters |
p_term_code |
Term associated with this registration. VARCHAR2(6) Required Key | |
p_pidm |
Internal Identification Number of the person registered . NUMBER(8) Required Key | |
p_ests_code |
Student enrollment status code. VARCHAR2(2) Required | |
p_ests_date |
Date associated with the student enrollment status code. DATE | |
p_min_hrs |
Minimum hours for this term. NUMBER(9,3) Required | |
p_mhrs_over |
Maximum hours override for this term. NUMBER(9,3) Required | |
p_minh_srce_cde |
Minimum hours source code. VARCHAR2(1) Required | |
p_maxh_srce_cde |
Maximum hours source code. VARCHAR2(1) Required | |
p_ar_ind |
Term charges acceptance indicator. VARCHAR2(1) Required | |
p_assessment_date |
Date of the assessment for this term. DATE | |
p_add_date |
Date of the initial registration for this term. DATE Required | |
p_rgre_code |
Student Registration Reason Code. VARCHAR2(2) | |
p_tmst_code |
Most recently calculated time status code. VARCHAR2(2) | |
p_tmst_date |
Date change in time status occurred. DATE | |
p_tmst_maint_ind |
Flag indicating whether the change in time status was calculated by the system or overridden and updated by a user. VARCHAR2(1) | |
p_user |
Oracle ID of the user who updated or created the record. VARCHAR2(30) | |
p_refund_date |
Refund-by-total refund date used in performing fee assessment. This date is needed for refund-by-total processing to determine the refund period used in the last assessment. DATE | |
p_data_origin |
Source system that generated the data. VARCHAR2(30) | |
p_internal_record_id |
Database ROWID |
Procedure p_validate(p_term_code sfbetrm.sfbetrm_term_code%TYPE, p_pidm sfbetrm.sfbetrm_pidm%TYPE, p_ests_code sfbetrm.sfbetrm_ests_code%TYPE, p_ests_date sfbetrm.sfbetrm_ests_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_min_hrs sfbetrm.sfbetrm_min_hrs%TYPE, p_mhrs_over sfbetrm.sfbetrm_mhrs_over%TYPE, p_minh_srce_cde sfbetrm.sfbetrm_minh_srce_cde%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_maxh_srce_cde sfbetrm.sfbetrm_maxh_srce_cde%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_ar_ind sfbetrm.sfbetrm_ar_ind%TYPE, p_assessment_date sfbetrm.sfbetrm_assessment_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_add_date sfbetrm.sfbetrm_add_date%TYPE, p_rgre_code sfbetrm.sfbetrm_rgre_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_tmst_code sfbetrm.sfbetrm_tmst_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_tmst_date sfbetrm.sfbetrm_tmst_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_tmst_maint_ind sfbetrm.sfbetrm_tmst_maint_ind%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_user sfbetrm.sfbetrm_user%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_refund_date sfbetrm.sfbetrm_refund_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_data_origin sfbetrm.sfbetrm_data_origin%TYPE DEFAULT NULL)
Validates all the data in the record.
Parameters |
p_term_code |
Term associated with this registration. VARCHAR2(6) Required Key | |
p_pidm |
Internal Identification Number of the person registered . NUMBER(8) Required Key | |
p_ests_code |
Student enrollment status code. VARCHAR2(2) Required | |
p_ests_date |
Date associated with the student enrollment status code. DATE | |
p_min_hrs |
Minimum hours for this term. NUMBER(9,3) Required | |
p_mhrs_over |
Maximum hours override for this term. NUMBER(9,3) Required | |
p_minh_srce_cde |
Minimum hours source code. VARCHAR2(1) Required | |
p_maxh_srce_cde |
Maximum hours source code. VARCHAR2(1) Required | |
p_ar_ind |
Term charges acceptance indicator. VARCHAR2(1) Required | |
p_assessment_date |
Date of the assessment for this term. DATE | |
p_add_date |
Date of the initial registration for this term. DATE Required | |
p_rgre_code |
Student Registration Reason Code. VARCHAR2(2) | |
p_tmst_code |
Most recently calculated time status code. VARCHAR2(2) | |
p_tmst_date |
Date change in time status occurred. DATE | |
p_tmst_maint_ind |
Flag indicating whether the change in time status was calculated by the system or overridden and updated by a user. VARCHAR2(1) | |
p_user |
Oracle ID of the user who updated or created the record. VARCHAR2(30) | |
p_refund_date |
Refund-by-total refund date used in performing fee assessment. The date is needed for refund-by-total processing to determine the refund period used in the last assessment. DATE | |
p_data_origin |
Source system that generated the data. VARCHAR2(30) |