* Message Key | Error Message |
* BILL_IN_RANGE | Section billing hours must be in course billing hours range |
* An attempt was made to create or update section billing hours to a value that is not within the range of the course billing hours, as defined in the Course General Information Base Table (SCBCRSE
). |
* BOTH_COMPONENTS | Either Best of Components or Subset of Components may be entered for section, but not both |
* An attempt was made to create or update Best of Components and Subset of Components for the section. Only one of these fields may be entered for the section, not both. |
* CAMP_RESTRICTION | Course has campus restriction, cannot create section |
* An attempt was made to create or update the section campus code to one that is restricted for the course, as defined in the Course Campus Restriction Repeating Table (SCRRCMP). |
* CANNOT_CHANGE_ACCL | Academic calendar cannot be changed for section when enrollment exists |
* An attempt was made to update the academic calendar for a section in which students are enrolled. |
* CANNOT_CHANGE_DUNT | Cannot change Duration Unit when enrollments exist for section, or when section is not Open Learning |
* An attempt was made to update the duration unit for a section in which students are enrolled, or a section which is not an open learning section. |
* CANNOT_CHANGE_EXTENSIONS | Cannot change number of extensions when enrollments exist for section, or when section is not Open Learning |
* An attempt was made to update the number of extensions for a section in which students are enrolled, or a section which is not an open learning section. |
* CANNOT_CHANGE_INSM | Cannot change Instructional Method when enrollments exist for section |
* An attempt was made to update the instructional method for a section in which students are enrolled. |
* CANNOT_CHANGE_LEARNER_FDATE | Cannot change Learner Start From Date when enrollments exist for section, or when section is not Open Learning |
* An attempt was made to update the Learner Start From Date for a section in which students are enrolled, or a section which is not an open learning section. |
* CANNOT_CHANGE_LEARNER_TDATE | Cannot change Learner Start To Date when enrollments exist for section, or when section is not Open Learning |
* An attempt was made to update the Learner Start To Date for a section in which students are enrolled, or a section which is not an open learning section. |
* CANNOT_CHANGE_PRIOR_ENRL | Cannot change Prior Enrollment Count for section |
* An attempt was made to update the prior enrollment count for the section. This value is set when the section is created, and it may not be changed. |
* CANNOT_CHANGE_PTRM | Cannot change Part-of-Term fields when enrollments or meeting times exist, or when section is Open Learning |
* An attempt was made to update a Part-of-Term field for a section in which students are enrolled or meeting times exist, or a section which is an open learning section. |
* CANNOT_CHANGE_REGF_DATE | Cannot change Registration From Date when enrollments exist for section, or when section is not Open Learning |
* An attempt was made to update the Registration From Date for a section in which students are enrolled, or a section which is not an open learning section. |
* CANNOT_CHANGE_REGT_DATE | Cannot change Registration To Date when enrollments exist for section, or when section is not Open Learning |
* An attempt was made to update the Registration To Date for a section in which students are enrolled, or a section which is not an open learning section. |
* CANNOT_CHANGE_SCHD | Cannot change Schedule Type when meeting times exist for section |
* An attempt was made to update the schedule type for a section for which meeting times exist. |
* CANNOT_CHANGE_SUBJ_CRSE | Cannot change Subject Code or Course Number on existing section |
* An attempt was made to update the subject code or course number for the section. These values are set when the section is created and they may not be changed. |
* CANNOT_CHANGE_UNITS | Cannot change number of units when enrollments exist for section, or when section is not Open Learning |
* An attempt was made to update the number of units for a section in which students are enrolled, or a section which is not an open learning section. |
* CONTACT_HOURS_ERROR | Section contact hours must be entered for a Continuing Education course with variable contact hours |
* An attempt was made to create or update a Continuing Education section with NULL contact hours. Contact hours must be entered when a Continuing Education course has variable contact hours. |
* CONT_IN_RANGE | Section contact hours must be in course contact hours range |
* An attempt was made to create or update section contact hours to a value that is not within the range of the course contact hours, as defined in the Course General Information Base Table (SCBCRSE
). |
* CRED_IN_RANGE | Section credit hours/CEUs must be in course credit hours/CEUs range |
* An attempt was made to create or update section credit hours to a value that is not within the range of the course credit hours, as defined in the Course General Information Base Table (SCBCRSE). |
* INACTIVE_CRSE | Course is inactive; cannot create section |
* An attempt was made to create a section for a course that is not active for the term, as defined by the course status code in the Course General Information Base Table (SCBCRSE). |
* INCOMPLETE_PART_OF_TERM | Part-of-Term data is not complete for section |
* An attempt was made to create or update a section without supplying all the Part-of-Term data that is required for a section that is not an open learning section. |
* INVALID_ACCL_CODE | Invalid Academic Calendar Code for section |
* An attempt was made to create or update the section academic calendar code with an invalid value. The academic calendar code must exist in the Academic Calendar Type Validation Table (STVACCL). |
* INVALID_ACCT_CODE | Invalid Account Code for section |
* An attempt was made to create or update the section accounting method code with an invalid value. The code must exist in the Attendance Accounting Method Code Validation Table (STVACCT). |
* INVALID_CAMP_CODE | Invalid Campus Code for section |
* An attempt was made to create or update the section campus code with an invalid value. The campus code must exist in the Campus Validation Table (STVCAMP). |
* INVALID_CAPP_PREREQ_TEST_IND | Invalid value for the indicator used to enable or restrict courses in CAPP (degree evaluation) areas to be used as prerequisites for section |
* An attempt was made to update the indicator used to enable or restrict courses in CAPP (degree evaluation) areas to be used as prerequisites for the section with a value other than 'Y' or 'N'. |
* INVALID_CRSE_GMOD_CODE | Invalid Grading Mode for course in section |
* An attempt was made to create or update the section grading mode to one that is not defined for the course in the Course Grading Modes Repeating Table (SCRGMOD). |
* INVALID_CRSE_SCHD_CODE | Invalid Schedule Code for course in section |
* An attempt was made to create or update the section schedule code to one that is not defined for the course in the Course Schedule Type Repeating Table (SCRSCHD). |
* INVALID_DUNT_CODE | Invalid Duration Code for section |
* An attempt was made to create or update the section duration code with an invalid value. The duration code must exist in the Duration Unit Code Validation Table (GTVDUNT). |
* INVALID_GMOD_CODE | Invalid Grade Mode for section |
* An attempt was made to create or update the section grading mode with an invalid value. The grading mode must exist in the Grading Mode Code Validation Table (STVGMOD). |
* INVALID_GRADABLE_IND | Invalid Gradable Indicator for section |
* An attempt was made to create or update the section gradable indicator with a value other than 'Y' or 'N'. |
* INVALID_GSCH_NAME | Invalid Grade Scale Definition Code for section |
* An attempt was made to create or update the section grade scale definition code with a value that does not exist in the Grade Scale Header table (SHBGSCH). |
* INVALID_INSM_CODE | Invalid Instructional Method for section |
* An attempt was made to create or update the section instructional method code with an invalid value. The code must exist in the Instructional Method Code Validation Table (GTVINSM). |
* INVALID_PRNT_IND | Invalid Print Indicator for section |
* An attempt was made to create or update the section print indicator with a value other than 'Y' or 'N'. |
* INVALID_PTRM_CODE | Invalid Part-of-Term Code for section |
* An attempt was made to create or update the section Part-of-Term code with an invalid value. The Part-of-Term code must exist in the Section Part-of-Term Controls Table (SOBPTRM). |
* INVALID_RESERVED_IND | Invalid Reserved Seats Indicator for section |
* An attempt was made to create or update the section reserved seats indicator with a value other than 'Y' or 'N'. |
* INVALID_SAPR_CODE | Invalid Special Approval Code for section |
* An attempt was made to create or update the section special approval code with an invalid value. The special approval code must exist in the Special Approval Validation Table (STVSAPR). |
* INVALID_SCHD_CODE | Invalid Schedule Code for section |
* An attempt was made to create or update the section schedule code with an invalid value. The schedule code must exist in the Schedule Type Code Validation Table (STVSCHD). |
* INVALID_SESS_CODE | Invalid Session Code for section |
* An attempt was made to create or update the section session code with an invalid value. The session code must exist in the Session Code Validation Table (STVSESS). |
* INVALID_SSTS_CODE | Invalid Status Code for section |
* An attempt was made to create or update the section status code with an invalid value. The section status code must exist in the Section Status Validation Table (STVSSTS). |
* INVALID_TERM_CODE | Invalid Term Code for section |
* An attempt was made to create the section term code with an invalid value. The term code must be defined in the Term Base Table (SOBTERM). |
* INVALID_TUIW_IND | Invalid Tuition Waiver Indicator for section |
* An attempt was made to create or update the section tuition waiver indicator with a value other than 'Y' or 'N'. |
* INVALID_VOICE_AVAIL | Invalid Self-Service and Voice Response Availability Indicator for section |
* An attempt was made to create or update the section voice available indicator with a value other than 'Y' or 'N'. |
* INVALID_WAIT_CAPACITY | Cannot set Waitlist Capacity to NULL when Waitlist Count exists for section |
* An attempt was made to update the section waitlist capacity to 0 or NULL when students are already waitlisted for the section. |
* LEARNER_DATE_LESS | Learner Start From Date is less than Registration From Date for section |
* An attempt was made to update the Learner Start From Date or the Registration From Date so that the Learner Start From Date is less than the Registration From Date. |
* LEARNER_FDATE_GREATER | Learner Start From Date is greater than Learner Start To Date for section |
* An attempt was made to update the Learner Start From Date or the Learner Start To Date so that the Learner Start From Date is greater than the Learner Start To Date. |
* LINK_IDENTIFIER_SAME | Link identifier cannot be the same as link connector for section |
* An attempt was made to update the section link identifier with the same link connector code that exists for the section in the Section Link Course Repeating Table (SSRLINK). |
* MEETING_TIMES_EXIST | Meeting times exits, cannot inactivate section |
* An attempt was made to update the section status code to one that is defined as "inactive" in the Section Status Validation Table (STVSSTS). This is not permitted when meeting times exist. |
* MISSING_CAMP_CODE | Missing mandatory Campus Code for section |
* The campus code is required and must be a valid value from the Campus Code Validation Table (STVCAMP). |
* MISSING_CAPP_PREREQ_TEST_IND | Missing mandatory indicator used to enable or restrict courses in CAPP (degree evaluation) areas to be used as prerequisites for section |
* The indicator for CAPP (degree evaluation) areas to be used as prerequisites for section is required and must be set to 'Y' or 'N'. |
* MISSING_CENSUS_ENRL_DATE | Missing mandatory Census Date for section |
* The section census date is required and must be set to a valid date value. |
* MISSING_CRN | Missing mandatory CRN for section |
* The CRN is generated by the system and is required. It should be set to 'ADD' for the system to generate the next available CRN from the Term Base Table (SOBTERM) Course One-up Number. |
* MISSING_CRSE_NUMB | Missing mandatory Course Number for section |
* The course number is required for the creation of a section. |
* MISSING_DUNT_CODE | Duration Unit must be entered for Open Learning section |
* The duration unit is required for an open learning section. The duration unit code must exist in the Duration Unit Code Validation Table (GTVDUNT). |
* MISSING_ENRL | Missing mandatory Actual Enrollment Count for section |
* The actual enrollment count is required and should not be altered, except by the registration process. When creating a new section, the actual enrollment count should be set to 0. |
* MISSING_INSM_CODE | Instructional Method must be entered for Open Learning section |
* The instructional method is required for an open learning section. The instructional method code must exist in the Instructional Method Code Validation Table (GTVINSM). |
* MISSING_LEARNER_DATE | Learner Start From and To Dates must be entered for Open Learning section |
* The Learner Start From Date and the Learner Start To Date are required for an open learning section. |
* MISSING_MAX_ENRL | Missing mandatory Maximum Enrollment Count for section |
* The maximum enrollment count is required for the section. It may be set to 0. |
* MISSING_NUMBER_OF_EXTENSIONS | Missing mandatory Number of Extensions for section |
* The number of extensions is required for the section. It may be set to 0. |
* MISSING_NUMB_UNITS | Number of Units must be entered for Open Learning section |
* The number of units is required for an open learning section. |
* MISSING_PARENT | Subject/course not defined in course catalog; cannot create section |
* The subject code and course number are required and must be defined in the Course Catalog Base Table (SCBCRKY). |
* MISSING_PRIOR_ENRL | Missing mandatory Prior Enrollment Count for section |
* The prior enrollment count is required for the section. It may be set to 0. |
* MISSING_PROJ_ENRL | Missing mandatory Projected Enrollment Count for section |
* The projected enrollment count is required for the section. It may be set to 0. |
* MISSING_REG_DATE | Registration From and To Dates must be entered for Open Learning section. |
* The Registration From Date and the Registration To Date are required for an open learning section. |
* MISSING_REG_ONEUP | Missing mandatory Registration One-up Number for section |
* The registration one-up number is required for the section. It may be set to 0. |
* MISSING_SCHD_CODE | Missing mandatory Schedule Type for section |
* The schedule type is required for the section. The schedule code must exist in the Schedule Type Code Validation Table (STVSCHD). |
* MISSING_SEATS_AVAIL | Missing mandatory Seats Available Count for section |
* The seats available count is required and should not be altered, except by the registration process. When creating a new section, the seats available count should be set to the maximum
enrollment. |
* MISSING_SEQ_NUMB | Missing mandatory Sequence Number for section |
* The sequence number is required for the section. |
* MISSING_SSTS_CODE | Missing mandatory Status Code for section |
* The status code is required for the section. The section status code must exist in the Section Status Validation Table (STVSSTS). |
* MISSING_SUBJ_CODE | Missing mandatory Subject Code for section |
* The subject code is required for the section. The subject code must exist in the Subject Code Validation Table (STVSUBJ). |
* MISSING_TERM_CODE | Missing mandatory Term Code for section |
* The term code is required for the section. The term code must be defined in the Term Base Table (SOBTERM). |
* MISSING_VOICE_AVAIL | Missing mandatory Self-Service and Voice Response Availability Indicator for section |
* The voice availability indicator is required for the section. Valid values are 'Y' and 'N'. |
* NOT_INDEP_ACCT_CODE | Attendance accounting method must be defined as Independent Study for Open Learning section |
* An attempt was made to update the accounting method on an open learning section with a value that is not defined as Independent in the Attendance Accounting Method Code Validation Table (STVACCT
). |
* NOT_OFFERED | Course not offered for term, cannot create section |
* The section cannot be created because the course is not offered for this term, as specified in the Course Catalog Base Table (SCBCRKY). |
* NO_CAMP_ACCESS | User does not have access permission to this campus for section |
* The user does not have permission to access the campus, based on entry in the Campus Security Table (SOBPROF). |
* NO_SOBODTE | Rules have not been established for this Open Learning section |
* Open learning section cannot be created until rules are established in the Open Learning Registration Date Default Table (SOBODTE). |
* NO_SUBJ_CRSE | Subject/course does not exist for section |
* The subject/course combination is not defined for this term in the Course General Information Base Table (SCBCRSE). |
* OLR_CONTROL | Registration date default rules prohibit update of Registration Dates and Census Dates for section |
* The rules established in the Open Learning Registration Date Default Table (SOBODTE) prohibit update of the Registration Dates and Census Dates for this open learning section. |
* OLR_INCOMPLETE | Registration Dates, Instructional Method, and Duration information is incomplete for creation of open learning section |
* Registration Dates, Instructional Method, and Duration information are all required for an open learning section. |
* OLR_OR_TRADITIONAL | Both Part-of-Term information and Registration Date / Duration information found for section |
* Only Part-of-Term information may exist for a traditional section, and only registration date/duration information may exist for an open learning section. Both types of information may not
exist. |
* PK_NOT_FOUND | Cannot find record using primary or unique key for section |
* An attempt was made to update a section that does not exist. |
* P_DELETE_FAILED | Cannot delete, record does not exist for section |
* An attempt was made to delete a section that does not exist. |
* RECORD_EXISTS | Cannot create, record already exists for section |
* An attempt was made to create a section that already exists. |
* REGISTRATIONS_EXIST | Registration(s) exist, cannot inactivate section |
* An attempt was made to update the section status code to one that is defined as "inactive" in the Section Status Validation Table (STVSSTS). This is not permitted when enrollments exist. |
* REG_FDATE_GREATER | Registration From Date is greater than Registration To Date for section |
* An attempt was made to update the Registration From Date or the Registration To Date so that the Registration From Date is greater than the Registration To Date. |
* SECTION_EQUAL_COURSE_BILL | Section billing hours must equal course billing hours |
* An attempt was made to create or update the section billing hours to a value other than the course billing hours low or the course billing hours high. |
* SECTION_EQUAL_COURSE_CONT | Section contact hours must equal course contact hours |
* An attempt was made to create or update the section contact hours to a value other than the course contact hours low or the course contact hours high. |
* SECTION_EQUAL_COURSE_CRED | Section credit hours/CEUs must equal course credit hours/CEUs |
* An attempt was made to create or update the section credit hours to a value other than the course credit hours low or the course credit hours high. |
* SECTION_EXISTS | Section exists with same subject, course, and section number |
* An attempt was made to create a section with the same subject code, course number, and sequence number as an existing section. This is not permitted unless the sequence number equals 0. |
* SECTION_HAS_REGISTRATION | Section has registration; cannot delete |
* An attempt was made to delete a section in which students are enrolled. |
* SEC_LAB_HRS_EQUAL | Section lab hours must equal course lab hours |
* An attempt was made to create or update the section lab hours to a value other than the course lab hours low or the course lab hours high. |
* SEC_LAB_HRS_RANGE | Section lab hours must be in course lab hour range |
* An attempt was made to create or update the section lab hours to a value that is not within the range of the course lab hours, as defined in the Course General Information Base Table (SCBCRSE). |
* SEC_LEC_HRS_EQUAL | Section lecture hours must equal course lecture hours |
* An attempt was made to create or update the section lecture hours to a value other than the course lecture hours low or the course lecture hours high. |
* SEC_LEC_HRS_RANGE | Section lecture hours must be in course lecture hour range |
* An attempt was made to create or update the section lecture hours to a value that is not within the valid range of lecture hours, as defined in the Course General Information Base Table (SCBCRSE
). |
* SEC_OTH_HRS_EQUAL | Section other hours must equal course other hours |
* An attempt was made to create or update the section other hours to a value other than the course other hours low or the course other hours high. |
* SEC_OTH_HRS_RANGE | Section other hours must be in course other hour range |
* An attempt was made to create or update the section other hours to a value that is not within the range of the course other hours, as defined in the Course General Information Base Table (SCBCRSE
). |
* START_DATE_GREATER | Start date greater than end date for section |
* An attempt was made to create or update the start date or end date for the section. The section start date may not be greater than the section end date. |
* TERM_CONTROL_C | Term Control requires default Part-of-Term information and Census Dates for creating section |
* The section override indicator in the Section Part-of-Term Controls Table (SOBPTRM) prohibits creating section Part-of-Term information or census dates different than those defined in this table. |
* TERM_CONTROL_U | Term Control prohibits update of Part-of-Term information, Census Dates, and Schedule Type for section |
* The section override indicator in the Section Part-of-Term Controls Table (SOBPTRM) prohibits update of the section Part-of-Term information or census dates. |
* TERM_RESTRICTION | Course has term restriction, cannot create section |
* An attempt was made to create a section with a term code that is restricted for the course, as defined in the Course Term Restriction Repeating Table (SCRRTRM). |
* TRADITIONAL_INCOMPLETE | Part-of-Term information is incomplete for creation of traditional section |
* An attempt was made to create a traditional section without complete Part-of-Term information, which includes the Part-of-Term code, Part-of-Term start and end dates, and Part-of-Term weeks. |
* WAIT_NOT_AVAILABLE | Waitlist is not available for an open learning section |
* An attempt was made to create or update the section waitlist capacity for an open learning section. |
* MISSING_PREREQ_CHK_METHOD_CDE | Missing value for prerequisite checking method. | |
* INVALID_PREREQ_CHK_METHOD_CDE | Valid values for prerequistite checking are B for Basic, C for CAPP, and D for DegreeWorks |