
Package sb_enroll_ver_service_rules

Support subprograms for the Enrollment Verification Self-Service Options API (sb_enroll_ver_service).

Program units
p_register_entity   Registers the attribute value pairs to the message cache for delete operations.
p_register_entity   Registers the attribute/value pairs to the message cache for create and update operations.
p_validate   Validates all the data in the record.


Procedure p_register_entity(p_operation_type     NUMBER,
                            p_internal_record_id gb_common.internal_record_id_type)

Registers the attribute value pairs to the message cache for delete operations.
This signature uses the ROWID only for the delete operations.

p_operation_type   Type of DML operation: create, update, delete. NUMBER Required
p_internal_record_id   Database ROWID. VARCHAR2(18) required


Procedure p_register_entity(p_operation_type     NUMBER,
                            p_eprt_code          sfrenss.sfrenss_eprt_code%TYPE,
                            p_wsso_code          sfrenss.sfrenss_wsso_code%TYPE,
                            p_acct_type_cde      sfrenss.sfrenss_acct_type_cde%TYPE,
                            p_data_origin        sfrenss.sfrenss_data_origin%TYPE,
                            p_user_id            sfrenss.sfrenss_user_id%TYPE DEFAULT gb_common.f_sct_user,
                            p_charge             sfrenss.sfrenss_charge%TYPE,
                            p_charge_per_cde     sfrenss.sfrenss_charge_per_cde%TYPE,
                            p_internal_record_id gb_common.internal_record_id_type)

Registers the attribute/value pairs to the message cache for create and update operations.
This signature registers all the parameters.

p_operation_type   Type of DML operation: create, update, delete. NUMBER Required
p_eprt_code   Type of the enrollment verification request. VARCHAR2(4) Required Key
p_wsso_code   Service option available to self-service requests. VARCHAR2(4) Required Key
p_acct_type_cde   Indicates what type A/R account is to be created: one of the student's accounts or a miscellaneous one. Values C or M. VARCHAR2(1) Required
p_data_origin   Origin of the data. VARCHAR2(30) Required
p_user_id   Most recent user to create or update the record. VARCHAR2(30) Required
p_charge   Charge associated with the service. NUMBER(12,2)
p_charge_per_cde   How the service is charged, by the C (copy) or R (request). VARCHAR2(1)
p_internal_record_id   Database ROWID. VARCHAR2(18) required


Procedure p_validate(p_eprt_code      sfrenss.sfrenss_eprt_code%TYPE,
                     p_wsso_code      sfrenss.sfrenss_wsso_code%TYPE,
                     p_acct_type_cde  sfrenss.sfrenss_acct_type_cde%TYPE,
                     p_data_origin    sfrenss.sfrenss_data_origin%TYPE,
                     p_user_id        sfrenss.sfrenss_user_id%TYPE DEFAULT gb_common.f_sct_user,
                     p_charge         sfrenss.sfrenss_charge%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_charge_per_cde sfrenss.sfrenss_charge_per_cde%TYPE DEFAULT NULL)

Validates all the data in the record.

p_eprt_code   Type of the enrollment verification request. VARCHAR2(4) Required Key
p_wsso_code   Service option available to self-service requests. VARCHAR2(4) Required Key
p_acct_type_cde   Indicates what type A/R account is to be created: one of the student's accounts or a miscellaneous one. Values C or M. VARCHAR2(1) Required
p_data_origin   Origin of the data. VARCHAR2(30) Required
p_user_id   Most recent user to create or update the record. VARCHAR2(30) Required
p_charge   Charge associated with the service. NUMBER(12,2)
p_charge_per_cde   How the service is charged, by the C (copy) or R (request). VARCHAR2(1)