Message Name | Error Message |
DUPLICATE_OVERLAP | Mutually exclusive course has duplicate or overlapping terms. |
When entering the same mutual exclusion for multiple term ranges, the ranges cannot overlap. |
EQUIVALENCY_EXISTS | Course already an equivalent, cannot be a mutual exclusion. |
An excluded course cannot be both an equivalent and a mutual exclusion to the excluding course. |
INVALID_CRSE_NUMB | Course number for the course mutual exclusion is not valid. |
The course number for this subject does not exist in the database. |
INVALID_CRSE_NUMB_MEXC | Course number for the course mutual exclusion is not valid. |
The course number for this subject does not exist in the database. |
INVALID_DATA_ORIGIN | Data origin for the course mutual exclusion is not valid. |
A valid data origin must be entered for the course mutual exclusion. |
INVALID_EFF_TERM | Effective term for the course mutual exclusion is not valid. |
A valid term code must be entered for the effective term of the course mutual exclusion. |
INVALID_END_TERM | End term for the course mutual exclusion is not valid. |
A valid term code must be entered for the end term of the course mutual exclusion. |
INVALID_GRDE_CODE | Grade for the course mutual exclusion is not valid. |
A valid grade code must be entered for the course mutual exclusion. |
INVALID_LEVL_CODE | Level for the course mutual exclusion is not valid. |
A valid level code must be entered for the course mutual exclusion. |
INVALID_MEXC_TO_ITSELF | A course cannot be a mutual exclusion to itself. |
The excluded course cannot be the same as the excluding course. |
INVALID_START_TERM | Start term for the course mutual exclusion is not valid. |
A valid term code must be entered for the start term of the course mutual exclusion. |
INVALID_SUBJ_CODE | Subject for the course mutual exclusion is not valid. |
A valid subject code must be entered for the course mutual exclusion. |
INVALID_SUBJ_CODE_MEXC | Subject for the course mutual exclusion is not valid. |
A valid subject code must be entered for the course mutual exclusion. |
INVALID_USER_ID | User ID for the course mutual exclusion is not valid. |
A valid user ID must be entered for the course mutual exclusion. |
MISSING_CRSE_NUMB | Course number is missing and is required by the course mutual exclusion. |
Course number is required for the course mutual exclusion and cannot be null. |
MISSING_EFF_TERM | Effective term is missing and is required by the course mutual exclusion. |
Effective term is required for the course mutual exclusion and cannot be null. |
MISSING_PARENT | The excluding course does not exist in the catalog. |
The excluding course of the mutual exclusion group does not exist in the catalog. |
MISSING_PARENT_MEXC | The excluded course does not exist in the catalog. |
The excluded course of the mutual exclusion group does not exist in the catalog. |
MISSING_SUBJ_CODE | Subject is missing and is required by the course mutual exclusion. |
Subject is required for the course mutual exclusion and cannot be null. |
MISSING_USER_ID | User ID is missing and is required by the course mutual exclusion. |
User ID is required for the course mutual exclusion and cannot be null. |
PK_NOT_FOUND | Cannot find record using primary or unique key for the course mutual exclusion. |
Course mutual exclusion record cannot be found in the database using the primary or unique key. |
P_DELETE_FAILED | Cannot delete course mutual exclusion because the record does not exist. |
Course mutual exclusion record cannot be deleted because it does not exist in the database. |
P_SEQUENCE_ERROR | Oracle sequence error occurred on the primary key of the course mutual exclusion restriction. |
Report this error to your system administrator. |
RECORD_EXISTS | Course mutual exclusion record cannot be created because it already exists. |
Course mutual exclusion record already exists in the database. |