Package sb_curriculum_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the Learner Base Curriculum API.The primary procedure of this package is p_validate_insert. This executes the business rules for the base curriculum (SORLCUR table). There are no updates allowed to a curriculum; instead, the methodolgy is to employ non-destructive updates. To change the curriculum, the user must duplicate the record and make the changes to the newly inserted record. |
Program units |
f_seqno | Returns the sequence number for creation. |
p_register_entity | Registers the attribute/value pairs to the message cache. |
p_register_entity | Registers the attribute/value pairs to the message cache. |
p_validate_insert | Validates all the data in the record during an insert. |
FUNCTION f_seqno(p_pidm sorlcur.sorlcur_pidm%TYPE) RETURN NUMBER;
Returns the sequence number for creation. The key to the curriculum record is the PIDM and a sequence number. The sequence is a one-up by PIDM.
Parameters |
p_pidm |
PIDM: Unique internal ID for an individual who has records in the system. Required Key. |
Returns |
Sequence number for creation of a new curriculum. |
PROCEDURE p_register_entity(p_operation_type NUMBER, p_internal_record_id VARCHAR2);
Registers the attribute/value pairs to the message cache.
This signature uses the ROWID only for the delete operations.
Parameters |
p_internal_record_id |
Database ROWID. |
PROCEDURE p_register_entity(p_operation_type NUMBER, p_pidm sorlcur.sorlcur_pidm%TYPE, p_seqno sorlcur.sorlcur_seqno%TYPE, p_lmod_code sorlcur.sorlcur_lmod_code%TYPE, p_term_code sorlcur.sorlcur_term_code%TYPE, p_key_seqno sorlcur.sorlcur_key_seqno%TYPE, p_priority_no sorlcur.sorlcur_priority_no%TYPE, p_roll_ind sorlcur.sorlcur_roll_ind%TYPE, p_cact_code sorlcur.sorlcur_cact_code%TYPE, p_user_id sorlcur.sorlcur_user_id%TYPE, p_data_origin sorlcur.sorlcur_data_origin%TYPE, p_levl_code sorlcur.sorlcur_levl_code%TYPE, p_coll_code sorlcur.sorlcur_coll_code%TYPE, p_degc_code sorlcur.sorlcur_degc_code%TYPE, p_term_code_ctlg sorlcur.sorlcur_term_code_ctlg%TYPE, p_term_code_end sorlcur.sorlcur_term_code_end%TYPE, p_term_code_matric sorlcur.sorlcur_term_code_matric%TYPE, p_term_code_admit sorlcur.sorlcur_term_code_admit%TYPE, p_admt_code sorlcur.sorlcur_admt_code%TYPE, p_camp_code sorlcur.sorlcur_camp_code%TYPE, p_program sorlcur.sorlcur_program%TYPE, p_start_date sorlcur.sorlcur_start_date%TYPE, p_end_date sorlcur.sorlcur_end_date%TYPE, p_curr_rule sorlcur.sorlcur_curr_rule%TYPE, p_rolled_seqno sorlcur.sorlcur_rolled_seqno%TYPE, p_styp_code sorlcur.sorlcur_styp_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_exp_grad_date sorlcur.sorlcur_exp_grad_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_leav_code sorlcur.sorlcur_leav_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_leav_from_date sorlcur.sorlcur_leav_from_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_leav_to_date sorlcur.sorlcur_leav_to_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_rate_code sorlcur.sorlcur_rate_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_term_code_grad sorlcur.sorlcur_term_code_grad%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_acyr_code sorlcur.sorlcur_acyr_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_site_code sorlcur.sorlcur_site_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_appl_key_seqno sorlcur.sorlcur_appl_key_seqno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_appl_seqno sorlcur.sorlcur_appl_seqno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_internal_record_id VARCHAR2);
Registers the attribute/value pairs to the message cache.
This signature registers all the parameters.
Parameters |
p_pidm |
PIDM: Unique internal ID for an individual who has records in the system. Required Key. | |
p_seqno |
LCUR SEQNO: One-up number to define the row. Required Key. | |
p_lmod_code |
LEARNER MODULE CODE: Learner Module Code. Required Key. | |
p_term_code |
TERM CODE: Term code. Required Key. | |
p_key_seqno |
KEY SEQNO: Sequence number of the key record, saradap_appl_no, srbrecr_seqno, shrdgmr_seqno. Required Key. | |
p_priority_no |
PRIORITY NO: Priority of the curriculum within the module. Required Key. | |
p_roll_ind |
ROLL IND: Y/N indicator that specifies whether the learner curriculum should roll to academic history when courses are rolled. Required Key. | |
p_cact_code |
CURRICULUM ACTIVITY STATUS: Activity status code for the curriculum. Required Key. | |
p_user_id |
USER ID: Oracle ID of the most recent user to create or update a record. Required Key. | |
p_data_origin |
DATA SOURCE: Source system that generated the data. Required Key. | |
p_levl_code |
LEVEL CODE: Level code of the curriculum. Required Key. | |
p_coll_code |
COLLEGE CODE: College code of the curriculum. Required Key. | |
p_degc_code |
DEGREE CODE: Degree code of the curriculum. Required Key. | |
p_term_code_ctlg |
TERM CATALOG: Catalog term code of the learner curriculum. Required Key. | |
p_term_code_end |
TERM END: End term code of the curriculum. Required Key. | |
p_term_code_matric |
TERM MATRICULATED: Term code in which the learner matriculated into the curriculum. Required Key. | |
p_term_code_admit |
TERM ADMIT: Term code learner was admitted to curriculum. Required Key. | |
p_admt_code |
ADMIT CODE: Admissions code for the learners admission to the curriculum. Required Key. | |
p_camp_code |
CAMPUS CODE: Campus code of the curriculum. Required Key. | |
p_program |
PROGRAM: Program of the curriculum. Required Key. | |
p_start_date |
START DATE: Date on which the curriculum starts. Required Key. | |
p_end_date |
END DATE: Date on which the curriculum ends. Required Key. | |
p_curr_rule |
CURRICULUM RULE NUMBER: Rule number of the curriculum. Required Key. | |
p_rolled_seqno |
Sequence number from the SORLCUR table indicating the outcome curriculum. Required Key. | |
p_internal_record_id |
Database ROWID. Required Key. | |
p_styp_code |
STUDENT TYPE: Student type for the effective term. VARCHAR2(1) Required Key. | |
p_exp_grad_date |
EXPECTED GRAD: Expected graduation date. DATE Optional Key. | |
p_leav_code |
LEAVE: Reason for the student's leave of absence for the effective term. VARCHAR2(1) Optional Key. | |
p_leav_from_date |
LEAVE FROM DATE: Begin date for the student's leave of absence for the effective term. DATE Optional Key. | |
p_leav_to_date |
LEAVE TO DATE: End date for the student's leave of absence for the effective term. DATE Optional Key. | |
p_rate_code |
RATE: Specific assessment rate of the student for the effective term. VARCHAR2(5) Optional Key. | |
p_term_code_grad |
GRAD TERM: Term that the student intends to graduate. VARCHAR2(6) Optional Key. | |
p_acyr_code |
GRAD YEAR: Year that the student intends to graduate. VARCHAR2(4) Optional Key. | |
p_site_code |
SITE: Site Code. VARCHAR2(3) Optional Key. | |
p_appl_seqno |
APPL SEQNO: Sequence number from the application curriculum the learner curriculum was created from. NUMBER(4) Optional Key. | |
p_appl_key_seqno |
APPL KEY SEQNO: Application number from the application the learner curriculum was created from. NUMBER(4) Optional Key. |
PROCEDURE p_validate_insert(p_pidm sorlcur.sorlcur_pidm%TYPE, p_seqno sorlcur.sorlcur_seqno%TYPE, p_lmod_code sorlcur.sorlcur_lmod_code%TYPE, p_term_code sorlcur.sorlcur_term_code%TYPE, p_key_seqno sorlcur.sorlcur_key_seqno%TYPE, p_priority_no sorlcur.sorlcur_priority_no%TYPE, p_roll_ind sorlcur.sorlcur_roll_ind%TYPE, p_cact_code sorlcur.sorlcur_cact_code%TYPE, p_user_id sorlcur.sorlcur_user_id%TYPE, p_data_origin sorlcur.sorlcur_data_origin%TYPE, p_levl_code sorlcur.sorlcur_levl_code%TYPE, p_coll_code sorlcur.sorlcur_coll_code%TYPE, p_degc_code sorlcur.sorlcur_degc_code%TYPE, p_term_code_ctlg sorlcur.sorlcur_term_code_ctlg%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_term_code_end sorlcur.sorlcur_term_code_end%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_term_code_matric sorlcur.sorlcur_term_code_matric%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_term_code_admit sorlcur.sorlcur_term_code_admit%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_admt_code sorlcur.sorlcur_admt_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_camp_code sorlcur.sorlcur_camp_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_program sorlcur.sorlcur_program%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_start_date sorlcur.sorlcur_start_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_end_date sorlcur.sorlcur_end_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_rolled_seqno sorlcur.sorlcur_rolled_seqno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_keyseqno_out OUT sorlcur.sorlcur_key_seqno%TYPE, p_term_code_ctlg_out OUT sorlcur.sorlcur_term_code_ctlg%TYPE, p_roll_ind_out OUT sorlcur.sorlcur_roll_ind%TYPE, p_curr_rule_out OUT sorlcur.sorlcur_curr_rule%TYPE, p_curr_err_out OUT NUMBER, p_cact_code_out OUT sorlcur.sorlcur_cact_code%TYPE, p_term_code_out OUT sorlcur.sorlcur_term_code%TYPE, p_term_code_admit_out OUT sorlcur.sorlcur_term_code_admit%TYPE, p_term_code_matric_out OUT sorlcur.sorlcur_term_code_matric%TYPE, p_override_severity VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_severity_out OUT VARCHAR2, p_styp_code sorlcur.sorlcur_styp_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_exp_grad_date sorlcur.sorlcur_exp_grad_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_leav_code sorlcur.sorlcur_leav_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_leav_from_date sorlcur.sorlcur_leav_from_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_leav_to_date sorlcur.sorlcur_leav_to_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_rate_code sorlcur.sorlcur_rate_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_term_code_grad sorlcur.sorlcur_term_code_grad%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_acyr_code sorlcur.sorlcur_acyr_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_site_code sorlcur.sorlcur_site_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_appl_seqno sorlcur.sorlcur_appl_seqno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_appl_key_seqno sorlcur.sorlcur_appl_key_seqno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL);
Validates all the data in the record during an insert. Updates are not allowed except to the rolled sequence number which comes directly from the grade roll and learner outcome creation process.
Validation Steps Validate that the PIDM exists and is a person using common identification function f_get_entity. The returned entity must have a value of P.
Fill in defaults:
Parameters |
p_pidm |
PIDM: Unique internal ID for an individual who has records in the system. Required Key. | |
p_seqno |
LCUR SEQNO: One-up number to define the row. Required Key. | |
p_lmod_code |
LEARNER MODULE CODE: Learner Module Code. Required Key. | |
p_term_code |
TERM CODE: Term code. Required Key. | |
p_key_seqno |
KEY SEQNO: Sequence number of the key record, saradap_appl_no, srbrecr_seqno, shrdgmr_seqno. Required Key. | |
p_priority_no |
PRIORITY NO: Priority of the curriculum within the module. Required Key. | |
p_roll_ind |
ROLL IND: Y/N indicator that specified whether the learner curriculum should roll to academic history when courses are rolled. Required Key. | |
p_cact_code |
CURRICULUM ACTIVITY STATUS: Activity status code for the curriculum. Required Key. | |
p_user_id |
USER ID: Oracle ID of the most recent user to create or update a record. Required Key. | |
p_data_origin |
DATA SOURCE: Source system that generated the data. Required Key. | |
p_levl_code |
LEVEL CODE: Level code of the curriculum. Required Key. | |
p_coll_code |
COLLEGE CODE: College code of the curriculum. Required Key. | |
p_degc_code |
DEGREE CODE: Degree code of the curriculum. Required Key. | |
p_term_code_ctlg |
TERM CATALOG: Catalog term code of the learner curriculum. Optional Key. | |
p_term_code_end |
TERM END: End term code of the curriculum. Optional Key. | |
p_term_code_matric |
TERM MATRICULATED: Term code in which the learner matriculated into the curriculum. Optional Key. | |
p_term_code_admit |
TERM ADMIT: Term code learner was admitted to the curriculum. Optional Key. | |
p_admt_code |
ADMIT CODE: Admissions code for the learners admission to the curriculum. Optional Key. | |
p_camp_code |
CAMPUS CODE: Campus code of the curriculum. Optional Key. | |
p_program |
PROGRAM: Program of the curriculum. Optional Key. | |
p_start_date |
START DATE: Date on which the curriculum starts. Optional Key. | |
p_end_date |
END DATE: Date on which the curriculum ends. Optional Key. | |
p_curr_rule |
CURRICULUM RULE NUMBER: Rule number of the curriculum. Optional Key. | |
p_rolled_seqno |
SEQUENCE NUMBER: Sequence number on the outcome curriculum created during the grade roll. Optional Key. | |
p_term_code_ctlg_out |
RETURN CATALOG TERM: If curriculum checking is turned on, and if the upon insertion of a record the catalog code is blank, it is filled in with the term code. | |
p_roll_ind_out |
RETURN ROLL IND: Default Y. If curriculum is turned on, use values from SORCURR defined for the curriculum. | |
p_curr_rule_out |
RETURN CURRICULUM RULE: Curriculum rule. | |
p_curr_err_out |
RETURN CURRICULUM ERROR: Error message, which is filled in only if the severity level is a warning. | |
p_cact_code_out |
RETURN CURRICULUM ACTIVITY STATUS: Activity status code for the curriculum. If the input value is null, the soklcur.p_default_status is called to determine the status. | |
p_term_code_out |
RETURN TERM CODE: Term code, set to 999999 if the Learner module is Outcome since the degree record does not have a term code in its key. | |
p_term_code_admit_out |
RETURN ADMIT TERM CODE: Defaults the admissions term to the term code if the module is Learner and the input value is null. | |
p_term_code_matric_out |
RETURN MATRIC TERM CODE: Defaults the matriculation term to the term code if the module is Learner and the input value is null. | |
p_override_severity |
OVERRIDE SEVERITY LEVEL: Value of the curriculum checking severity level coded on SOACTRL. Certain processes must suppress and not process fatal errors. The out value is so the user interface can take appropriate action. Optional key. | |
p_severity_out |
SEVERITY LEVEL: Value of the curriculum checking severity level coded on SOACTRL. Certain processes must suppress and not process fatal errors. The out value is so the user interface can take appropriate action. Required Out Variable. | |
p_styp_code |
STUDENT TYPE: Student type for the effective term. VARCHAR2(1) Required Key. | |
p_exp_grad_date |
EXPECTED GRAD: Expected graduation date. DATE Optional Key. | |
p_leav_code |
LEAVE: Reason for the student's leave of absence for the effective term. VARCHAR2(1) Optional Key. | |
p_leav_from_date |
LEAVE FROM DATE: Begin date for the student's leave of absence for the effective term. DATE Optional Key. | |
p_leav_to_date |
LEAVE TO DATE: End date for the student's leave of absence for the effective term. DATE Optional Key. | |
p_rate_code |
RATE: Specific assessment rate of the student for the effective term. VARCHAR2(5) Optional Key. | |
p_term_code_grad |
GRAD TERM: Term that the student intends to graduate. VARCHAR2(6) Optional Key. | |
p_acyr_code |
GRAD YEAR: Year that the student intends to graduate. VARCHAR2(4) Optional Key. | |
p_site_code |
SITE: Site Code. VARCHAR2(3) Optional Key. | |
p_appl_seqno |
APPL SEQNO: Sequence number from the application curriculum the learner curriculum was created from. NUMBER(4) Optional Key. | |
p_appl_key_seqno |
APPL KEY SEQNO: Application number from the application the learner curriculum was created from. NUMBER(4) Optional Key. |