Message Name | Error Message |
INVALID_CRN | CRN is not valid. |
The CRN must exist in the section table for the same term as the Feedback Session. |
INVALID_FACULTY_PIDM | Faculty Pidm is not valid. |
The Faculty Pidm must exist in Spriden table. |
INVALID_SFBFFSC_ID | Feedback Session Id is not valid. |
There is no Feedback Session with the give Feedback Session surrogate id. |
INVALID_STATUS_IND | The Feedback Status is not valid. |
Valid values are O,M and C. |
INVALID_STUDENT_PIDM | Student Pidm is not valid. |
The Student Pidm must exist in the Spriden table. |
MISSING_CRN | Required CRN is missing. |
This value is required. |
MISSING_DATA_ORIGIN | Required Data Origin is missing. |
This value is required. |
MISSING_PARENT | Cannot create estimated_grades(sb_estimated_grades) because the the Feedback Session does not exist. |
You must supply a valid Feedback Session Id to create the Estimated Grade record. |
MISSING_SFBFFSC_ID | Required Feedback Session Id is missing. |
This value is required. |
MISSING_STATUS_CDE | Required Feedback Status is missing. |
This value is required. |
MISSING_STUDENT_PIDM | Required Student Pidm is missing. |
This value is required. |
MISSING_SURROGATE_ID | Required Surrogate Id is missing. |
This value is required. |
MISSING_USER_ID | Required User Id is missing. |
This value is required. |
MISSING_VERSION | Required Version number is missing. |
This value is required. |
PK_NOT_FOUND | Cannot find record using primary or unique key for the sb_estimated_grades API. |
There is no Estimated Grade record in the table with this key. |
P_DELETE_FAILED | Cannot delete estimated_grades(sb_estimated_grades) because the record does not exist. |
Someone may have deleted the record while you were working on it. Requery and try the operation again. |
RECORD_EXISTS | Cannot create estimated_grades(sb_estimated_grades) because the record already exists. |
There already is an Estimated Grade record for this person for this course and feedback session. |