
Package sb_studypath_strings

This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Study Path API (sb_studypath).

Message NameError Message
INVALID_APRN_CODEInvalid study path apprenticeship code
Study path apprenticeship code must be valid on STVAPRN.
INVALID_ASTD_CODEInvalid study path academic standing code
Study path academic standing code must be valid on STVASTD.
INVALID_BLCK_CODEInvalid study path block code
Study path block code must be valid on STVBLCK.
INVALID_BSKL_CODEInvalid study path basic skill code
Study path basic skills code must be valid on STVBSKL.
INVALID_CAPL_CODEInvalid study path career planning code
Study path career planning code must be valid on STVCAPL.
INVALID_CAST_CODEInvalid study path combined academic standing code
Study path combined academic standing code must be valid on STVCAST.
INVALID_EDLV_CODEInvalid study path education level code
Study path education level code must be valid on STVEDLV.
INVALID_EGOL_CODEInvalid study path education goal code
Study path education goal code must be valid on STVEGOL.
INVALID_EMEX_CODEInvalid study path employment expectation code
Study path employment expectation code must be valid on STVEMEX.
INVALID_FULL_PART_INDStudy path full/part time indicator must be F or P or blank
Study path full/part time indicator must be F or P or blank.
INVALID_GAIN_CODEInvalid study path gain status code
Study path gain status code must be valid on STVGAIN.
INVALID_INCM_CODEInvalid study path income range code
Study path income range code must be valid on STVINCM.
INVALID_ORSN_CODEInvalid study path orientation code
Study path orientation code must be valid on STVORSN.
INVALID_PIDMInvalid study path PIDM
PIDM is not valid for the study path.
INVALID_PRAC_CODEInvalid study path practical training code
Study path practical training code must be valid on STVPRAC.
INVALID_PREV_CODEInvalid study path progress evaluation code
Study path progress evaluation code must be valid on STVPREV.
INVALID_RESD_CODEInvalid study path residency code
Study path residency code must be valid on STVRESD.
INVALID_SESS_CODEInvalid study path session code
Study path session code must be valid on STVSESS.
INVALID_STSP_CODEInvalid study path status code
Study path status code must be valid on STVSTSP.
INVALID_TERM_CODE_EFFInvalid study path effective term code
Study path effective term code must be valid on STVTERM.
INVALID_TRCN_CODEInvalid study path transfer center code
Study path transfer center code must be valid on STVTRNC.
INVALID_VOED_CODEInvalid study path vocation education status code
Study path vocation education status code must be valid on STVVOED.
MISSING_DATA_ORIGINData source is missing and is required for study path
An attempt was made to create or update a study path record without a data source.
MISSING_KEY_SEQNOKey sequence number is missing and is required for study path
An attempt was made to create or update a study path record without a key sequence number.
MISSING_PIDMPIDM is missing and is required for study path
An attempt was made to create or update a study path record without a PIDM.
MISSING_STSP_CODEStudy path status is missing and is required for study path
An attempt was made to create or update a study path record without a status code.
MISSING_TERM_CODE_EFFEffective term is missing and is required for study path
An attempt was made to create or update a study path record without an effective term code.
MISSING_USER_IDUser ID is missing and is required for study path
An attempt was made to create or update a study path record without a user ID.
PK_NOT_FOUNDCannot find study path record using primary or unique key
Cannot find study path record using primary or unique key.
P_DELETE_FAILEDCannot delete study path because the record does not exist
Cannot delete study path because the record does not exist.
P_DELETE_FAILED_DEGREECannot delete study path because a degree exists with the study path
Cannot delete study path because a non awarded degree exists for the study path.
RECORD_EXISTSStudy path already exists, study path not created
Cannot create study path because the record already exists.

Program units
f_get_error   Returns the error message corresponding to p_errorname.

error_tab   Global PL/SQL table that holds the error messages.


error_tab gb_common_strings.errmsg_tab_type;

Global PL/SQL table that holds the error messages.


Function f_get_error(p_errorname VARCHAR2)
  RETURN gb_common_strings.err_type

Returns the error message corresponding to p_errorname.

p_errorname   Name associated with the error message.