
Package sb_curriculum

This package provides the Common Business interface for the Learner base curriculum API.
This API works with the Concurrent Curricula foundation.  In releases before 7.0, curriculum data resided in the Admissions table SARADAP, Recruiting table SRBRECR, General Learner table SGBSTDN, and Learner Outcome table SHRDGMR.  Beginning with Release 7.0 curriculum data resides in the curriculum base table SORLCUR and the field of study table SORLFOS.
All processes that update curriculum have the following logic:
1.  Convert existing curriculum data to the new foundation.  This is done with the functions:
2. Insert module record (tables SRBRECR,  SARADAP, SGBSTDN OR SHRDGMR).
3. Insert primary curriculum (table SORLCUR)  and then at least one
 major (table SORLFOS).
4. Backfill curriculum from the base curriculum and fields of study to the original
 curriculum columns in Recruiting (SRBRECR), Admissions (SARADAP, Learner (SGBSTDN)
 and Learner Outcome (SHRDGMR).  The backfill procedure is
 soklcur.p_backload_cur(p_lmod, p_term_code, p_keyseqno, p_pidm).
 This method of backfilling ensures that reporting and other processing will not
 be interrupted during the implementation of the curriculum tables in
 Banner Student and Financial Aid.
 There is no update API for the curriculum and field of study entities.  The methodology
 is to employ non-destructive updates.  To make a change, the user must duplicate a curriculum
 record and make the changes on the newly inserted record.  This preserves an audit trail
 of all changes to the curriculum.

Program units
f_api_version   Returns the API version number.
f_exists   Checks to see if a curriculum exists using the primary key or the ROWID.
f_lmod_exists   Checks to see if a curriculum exists for a specific learner module.
f_query_all   Selects all curriculum records for the learner.
f_query_module   Selects all curriculum records for the learner and module.
f_query_current   Select the current or curriculum with the highest sequence records for the learner and module.
f_query_max_seq   Gets the maximum sequence for a priority.
f_find_current_all_ind   Selects the current (Y) or all (N) indicator for a curriculum.
f_isequal   Compares two curriculum records for equality.
f_query_one   Selects one curriculum using the primary key of PIDM and sequence number.
f_query_by_rowid   Selects one curriculum record using the ROWID.
f_query_one_lock   Queries and then locks a curriculum record.
f_lcur_order   Determines the numeric order for a curriculum based on its priority for all active and current.
p_create   Creates a curriculum record.
p_delete   Deletes a curriculum record.
p_module_delete   Deletes all curriculum records for a learner and module.
p_lock   Locks a curriculum record.

curriculum_rec   Entity record type for the base curriculum
curriculum_ref   Curriculum cursor variable type
curriculum_tab   Curriculum table type

M_ENTITY_NAME   Business Entity name.



Business Entity name.


TYPE curriculum_rec IS RECORD (
   r_pidm                    sorlcur.sorlcur_pidm%TYPE,
   r_seqno                   sorlcur.sorlcur_seqno%TYPE,
   r_lmod_code               sorlcur.sorlcur_lmod_code%TYPE,
   r_term_code               sorlcur.sorlcur_term_code%TYPE,
   r_key_seqno               sorlcur.sorlcur_key_seqno%TYPE,
   r_priority_no             sorlcur.sorlcur_priority_no%TYPE,
   r_roll_ind                sorlcur.sorlcur_roll_ind%TYPE,
   r_cact_code               sorlcur.sorlcur_cact_code%TYPE,
   r_user_id                 sorlcur.sorlcur_user_id%TYPE,
   r_data_origin             sorlcur.sorlcur_data_origin%TYPE,
   r_levl_code               sorlcur.sorlcur_levl_code%TYPE,
   r_coll_code               sorlcur.sorlcur_coll_code%TYPE,
   r_degc_code               sorlcur.sorlcur_degc_code%TYPE,
   r_term_code_ctlg          sorlcur.sorlcur_term_code_ctlg%TYPE,
    r_term_code_end           sorlcur.sorlcur_term_code_end%TYPE,
   r_term_code_matric        sorlcur.sorlcur_term_code_matric%TYPE,
   r_term_code_admit         sorlcur.sorlcur_term_code_admit%TYPE,
   r_admt_code               sorlcur.sorlcur_admt_code%TYPE,
   r_camp_code               sorlcur.sorlcur_camp_code%TYPE,
   r_program                 sorlcur.sorlcur_program%TYPE,
   r_start_date              sorlcur.sorlcur_start_date%TYPE,
   r_end_date                sorlcur.sorlcur_end_date%TYPE,
   r_curr_rule               sorlcur.sorlcur_curr_rule%TYPE,
   r_rolled_seqno            sorlcur.sorlcur_rolled_seqno%TYPE,
   r_styp_code               sorlcur.sorlcur_styp_code%TYPE         DEFAULT NULL,
   r_exp_grad_date           sorlcur.sorlcur_exp_grad_date%TYPE     DEFAULT NULL ,
   r_leav_code               sorlcur.sorlcur_leav_code%TYPE         DEFAULT NULL ,
   r_leav_from_date          sorlcur.sorlcur_leav_from_date%TYPE    DEFAULT NULL ,
   r_leav_to_date            sorlcur.sorlcur_leav_to_date%TYPE      DEFAULT NULL ,
   r_rate_code               sorlcur.sorlcur_rate_code%TYPE         DEFAULT NULL ,
   r_term_code_grad          sorlcur.sorlcur_term_code_grad%TYPE    DEFAULT NULL ,
   r_acyr_code               sorlcur.sorlcur_acyr_code%TYPE         DEFAULT NULL ,
   r_site_code               sorlcur.sorlcur_site_code%TYPE         DEFAULT NULL ,
   r_appl_key_seqno          sorlcur.sorlcur_appl_key_seqno%TYPE    DEFAULT NULL,
   r_appl_seqno              sorlcur.sorlcur_appl_seqno%TYPE        DEFAULT NULL ,
   r_internal_record_id      gb_common.internal_record_id_type ,
   r_user_id_update        sorlcur.sorlcur_user_id_update%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
   r_gapp_seqno           sorlcur.sorlcur_gapp_seqno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
   r_current_cde          sorlcur.sorlcur_current_cde%TYPE DEFAULT NULL );

Entity record type for the base curriculum


TYPE curriculum_ref IS REF CURSOR RETURN curriculum_rec;

Curriculum cursor variable type


TYPE curriculum_tab IS TABLE OF curriculum_rec INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;

Curriculum table type


Function f_api_version RETURN PLS_INTEGER

Returns the API version number.

Version of the API signature. Changes only when signature changes.


Function f_exists(p_pidm  sorlcur.sorlcur_pidm%TYPE,
                  p_seqno sorlcur.sorlcur_seqno%TYPE,
                  p_rowid VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL) RETURN VARCHAR2

Checks to see if a curriculum exists using the primary key or the ROWID.

p_pidm   PIDM: Unique internal ID for an individual who has records in the system.  Required Key.
p_seqno   LCUR SEQNO: One-up number to define the row. Required Key.
p_rowid   INTERNAL ROW IDENTIFICATION: Database ROWID.   Optional Key.

Y if found, otherwise N.


Function f_lmod_exists(p_pidm      sorlcur.sorlcur_pidm%TYPE,
                       p_seqno     sorlcur.sorlcur_seqno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                       p_lmod_code sorlcur.sorlcur_lmod_code%TYPE)

Checks to see if a curriculum exists for a specific learner module.

p_pidm   PIDM: Unique internal ID for an individual who has records in the system.  Required Key.
p_seqno   LCUR SEQNO: One-up number to define the row. Optional Key.
p_lmod_code   LMOD Code:  Module code.  Required Key.

Y if found, otherwise N.


Function f_query_all(p_pidm           sorlcur.sorlcur_pidm%TYPE,
                     p_seqno          sorlcur.sorlcur_seqno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_term_code      sorlcur.sorlcur_term_code%type DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_key_seqno      sorlcur.sorlcur_key_seqno%type DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_lmod_code      sorlcur.sorlcur_lmod_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_cact_code      sorlcur.sorlcur_cact_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_gapp_seqno     sorlcur.sorlcur_gapp_seqno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_rolled_seqno   sorlcur.sorlcur_rolled_seqno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_appl_seqno     sorlcur.sorlcur_appl_seqno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_appl_key_seqno sorlcur.sorlcur_appl_key_seqno%type default null)
  RETURN curriculum_ref

Selects all curriculum records for the learner.

p_pidm   PIDM: Unique internal ID for an individual who has records in the system. Required Key.
p_seqno   LCUR SEQNO: One-up number to define the row. NUMBER(4) Default NULL
p_lmod_code   LEARNER MODULE CODE: Learner Module Code. Required Key.
p_term_code   TERM CODE: Term code. Required Key.
p_key_seqno   KEY SEQNO:  Sequence number of the key record, saradap_appl_no, srbrecr_seqno, shrdgmr_seqno.  Required Key.
p_cact_code   CURRICULUM ACTIVITY STATUS:  Activity status code for the curriculum.  Required Key.
p_rolled_seqno   ROLLED SEQNO: Sequence number from the SORTLCUR table indicating the outcome created during the grade roll.  Optional Key.
p_appl_seqno   APPL SEQNO: Sequence number from the application curriculum the learner curriculum was created from.  NUMBER(4) Optional Key.
p_gapp_seqno   GRADUATION APPLICATION SEQNO: Sequence number from the graduation application table indicating it's key.  Optional Key.

A cursor variable that will fetch the set of records.


Function f_query_module(p_pidm      sorlcur.sorlcur_pidm%TYPE,
                        p_lmod_code sorlcur.sorlcur_lmod_code%TYPE)
  RETURN curriculum_ref

Selects all curriculum records for the learner and module. Return rows in descending order by sequence number so that the most recent is returned first.

p_pidm   PIDM: Unique internal ID for an individual who has records in the system. Required Key.
p_lmod_code   LMOD CODE: Module code to define where the curriculum exists. Required Key.

A cursor variable that will fetch the set of records.


Function f_query_current(p_pidm       sorlcur.sorlcur_pidm%type,
                         p_lmod_code  sorlcur.sorlcur_lmod_code%type,
                         p_term_code  sorlcur.sorlcur_term_code%type DEFAULT NULL,
                         p_keyseqno   sorlcur.sorlcur_key_seqno%type,
                         p_lcur_seqno sorlcur.sorlcur_seqno%type DEFAULT NULL,
                         p_active_ind sobcact.sobcact_active_ind%type DEFAULT NULL,
                         p_eff_term   sorlcur.sorlcur_term_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL)
  RETURN curriculum_ref

Select the current or curriculum with the highest sequence records for the learner and module.
Sorts all active records before inactive, and within the activity status by priority.

p_pidm   PIDM: Unique internal ID for an individual who has records in the system. Required Key.
p_lmod_code   LEARNER MODULE CODE: Learner Module Code. Required Key.
p_term_code   TERM CODE: Term code. Optional Key.
p_key_seqno   KEY SEQNO:  Sequence number of the key record, saradap_appl_no, srbrecr_ seqno, shrdgmr_seqno.  Required Key.
p_lcur_seqno   LCUR SEQNO: One-up number to define the row. Optional Key.
p_active_ind   ACTIVE IND:  Y/N indicator that specifies whether the curriculum is active.  Optional Key.
p_eff_term   LEARNER EFFECTIVE TERM: General Student Term code to base queries upon. Optional Key.

A cursor variable that will fetch the set of records.


Function f_query_max_seq(p_pidm        sorlcur.sorlcur_pidm%type,
                         p_lmod_code   sorlcur.sorlcur_lmod_code%type,
                         p_term_code   sorlcur.sorlcur_term_code%type,
                         p_keyseqno    sorlcur.sorlcur_key_seqno%type,
                         p_priority_no sorlcur.sorlcur_priority_no%type,
                         p_eff_term    sorlcur.sorlcur_term_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL)

Gets the maximum sequence for a priority. This is used in determining the most current curriculum.

p_pidm   PIDM: Unique internal ID for an individual who has records in the system.  Required Key.
p_lmod_code   LEARNER MODULE CODE: Learner Module Code. Required Key.
p_term_code   TERM CODE: Term code. Required Key.
p_key_seqno   KEY SEQNO:  Sequence number of the key record, saradap_appl_no, srbrecr_seqno, shrdgmr_seqno.  Required Key.
p_priority_no   PRIORITY NO: Priority of the curriculum within the module. Required Key.
p_eff_term   LEARNER EFFECTIVE TERM: General Student Term code to base queries upon. Optional Key.

The highest curriculum sequence number for the priority.


Function f_find_current_all_ind(p_pidm                 sorlcur.sorlcur_pidm%type,
                                p_lmod_code            sorlcur.sorlcur_lmod_code%type,
                                p_term_code            sorlcur.sorlcur_term_code%type,
                                p_keyseqno             sorlcur.sorlcur_key_seqno%type,
                                p_priority_no          sorlcur.sorlcur_priority_no%type,
                                p_seqno                sorlcur.sorlcur_seqno%Type,
                                p_eff_term             sorlcur.sorlcur_term_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                                p_current_cde          sorlcur.sorlcur_current_cde%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                                p_override_current_ind varchar2 default 'N',
                                p_end_term             sorlcur.sorlcur_term_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL)

Selects the current (Y) or all (N) indicator for a curriculum.
The current curriculum is the one with the maximum sequence number for a priority.

p_pidm   PIDM: Unique internal ID for an individual who has records in the system.  Required Key.
p_lmod_code   LEARNER MODULE CODE: Learner Module Code.  Required Key.
p_term_code   TERM CODE: Term code.  Required Key.
p_key_seqno   KEY SEQNO:  Sequence number of the key record, saradap_appl_no, srbrecr_seqno, shrdgmr_seqno. Required Key.
p_priority_no   PRIORITY NO: Priority of the curriculum within the module. Required Key.
p_seqno   LCUR SEQNO: One-up number to define the row. Required Key.
p_eff_term   LEARNER EFFECTIVE TERM: General Student Term code to base queries upon. Optional Key.
p_current_cde   CURRENT INDICATOR: Will be Y when row being displayed is the current curriculum.  Optional Key.
p_override_current_ind   OVERRIDE CURRENT: Y value always use the query method, N to send SORLCUR_CURRENT_CDE. Optional Key.
p_end_term   END TERM: The end term for the learrner curriculum.  Optional Key.

The value Y for current or N for all others.


Function f_isequal(rec_one curriculum_rec, rec_two curriculum_rec)

Compares two curriculum records for equality.

Y if all values in records are equal, otherwise N. Nulls match Nulls.


Function f_query_one(p_pidm  sorlcur.sorlcur_pidm%TYPE,
                     p_seqno sorlcur.sorlcur_seqno%TYPE)
  RETURN curriculum_ref

Selects one curriculum using the primary key of PIDM and sequence number.

p_pidm   PIDM: Unique internal ID for an individual who has records in the system. Required Key.
p_seqno   LCUR SEQNO: One-up number to define the row.  Required Key.

A cursor variable that will fetch exactly one record.


Function f_query_by_rowid(p_rowid VARCHAR2) RETURN curriculum_ref

Selects one curriculum record using the ROWID.

p_rowid   Database ROWID of the record to be selected.   Required Key.

A cursor variable that will fetch exactly one record.


Function f_query_one_lock(p_pidm  sorlcur.sorlcur_pidm%TYPE,
                          p_seqno sorlcur.sorlcur_seqno%TYPE,
                          p_rowid VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL)
  RETURN curriculum_ref

Queries and then locks a curriculum record.

p_pidm   PIDM: Unique internal ID for an individual who has records in the system.  Required Key.
p_seqno   LCUR SEQNO: One-up number to define the row.  Required Key.
p_rowid   Database ROWID of record to be selected.   Optional Key.

A cursor variable for one record, locking the record.


Function f_lcur_order(p_pidm      sorlcur.sorlcur_pidm%TYPE,
                      p_lmod      Sorlcur.sorlcur_lmod_code%TYPE,
                      p_term_code sorlcur.sorlcur_term_code%TYPE,
                      p_keyseqno  sorlcur.sorlcur_key_seqno%TYPE,
                      p_rowid     VARCHAR2,
                      p_eff_term  sorlcur.sorlcur_term_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL)

Determines the numeric order for a curriculum based on its priority for all active and current.
A zero is returned if the curriculum is neither current nor active.
Current curricula are the ones with the maximum sequence number for a priority.
Current learner curricula are the ones for a priority with the maximum sequence number and maximum term that is less than the general student end term.

p_pidm   PIDM: Unique internal ID for an individual who has records in the system.  Required Key.
p_lmod_code   LEARNER MODULE CODE: Learner module code.  Required Key.
p_term_code   TERM CODE: Term code.  Required Key.
p_key_seqno   KEY SEQNO:  Sequence number of the key record, saradap_appl_no, srbrecr_seqno, shrdgmr_seqno. Required Key.
p_rowid   Database ROWID of record to be selected.   Required Key.
p_eff_term   LEARNER EFFECTIVE TERM: General student term code to base queries upon. Optional Key.

An integer representing the order of the current and active curriculum.


Procedure p_create(
                   p_pidm              sorlcur.sorlcur_pidm%TYPE,
                   p_seqno             sorlcur.sorlcur_seqno%TYPE,
                   p_lmod_code         sorlcur.sorlcur_lmod_code%TYPE,
                   p_term_code         sorlcur.sorlcur_term_code%TYPE,
                   p_key_seqno         sorlcur.sorlcur_key_seqno%TYPE,
                   p_priority_no       sorlcur.sorlcur_priority_no%TYPE,
                   p_roll_ind          sorlcur.sorlcur_roll_ind%TYPE,
                   p_cact_code         sorlcur.sorlcur_cact_code%TYPE,
                   p_user_id           sorlcur.sorlcur_user_id%TYPE,
                   p_data_origin       sorlcur.sorlcur_data_origin%TYPE,
                   p_levl_code         sorlcur.sorlcur_levl_code%TYPE,
                   p_coll_code         sorlcur.sorlcur_coll_code%TYPE,
                   p_degc_code         sorlcur.sorlcur_degc_code%TYPE,
                   p_term_code_ctlg    sorlcur.sorlcur_term_code_ctlg%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_term_code_end     sorlcur.sorlcur_term_code_end%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_term_code_matric  sorlcur.sorlcur_term_code_matric%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_term_code_admit   sorlcur.sorlcur_term_code_admit%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_admt_code         sorlcur.sorlcur_admt_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_camp_code         sorlcur.sorlcur_camp_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_program           sorlcur.sorlcur_program%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_start_date        sorlcur.sorlcur_start_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_end_date          sorlcur.sorlcur_end_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_curr_rule         sorlcur.sorlcur_curr_rule%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_rolled_seqno      sorlcur.sorlcur_rolled_seqno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_override_severity VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_styp_code         sorlcur.sorlcur_styp_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_exp_grad_date     sorlcur.sorlcur_exp_grad_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_leav_code         sorlcur.sorlcur_leav_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_leav_from_date    sorlcur.sorlcur_leav_from_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_leav_to_date      sorlcur.sorlcur_leav_to_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_rate_code         sorlcur.sorlcur_rate_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_term_code_grad    sorlcur.sorlcur_term_code_grad%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_acyr_code         sorlcur.sorlcur_acyr_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_site_code         sorlcur.sorlcur_site_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_appl_seqno        sorlcur.sorlcur_appl_seqno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_appl_key_seqno    sorlcur.sorlcur_appl_key_seqno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_rowid_out         OUT VARCHAR2,
                   p_seqno_out         OUT sorlcur.sorlcur_seqno%TYPE,
                   p_curr_error_out    OUT NUMBER,
                   p_severity_out      OUT VARCHAR2,
                   p_user_id_update    sorlcur.sorlcur_user_id_update%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_gapp_seqno        sorlcur.sorlcur_gapp_seqno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_current_cde       sorlcur.sorlcur_current_cde%TYPE DEFAULT NULL)

Creates a curriculum record.  No updates are allowed to this table, except to the sorlcur_rolled_seqno.
That column is updated during the grade roll process when learner curriucla are rolled to the outcome degree.  The rolled sequence number is a cross-reference between the learner and the outcome curriculum data.

p_pidm   PIDM: Unique internal ID for an individual who has records in the system. Required Key.
p_seqno   LCUR SEQNO: One-up number to define the row. Required Key.
p_lmod_code   LEARNER MODULE CODE: Learner Module Code. Required Key.
p_term_code   TERM CODE: Term code. Required Key.
p_key_seqno   KEY SEQNO:  Sequence number of the key record, saradap_appl_no, srbrecr_seqno, shrdgmr_seqno.  Required Key.
p_priority_no   PRIORITY NO: Priority of the curriculum within the module.  Required Key.
p_roll_ind   ROLL IND: Y/N indicator that specifies if the learner curriculum should roll to academic history when courses are rolled.  Required Key.
p_cact_code   CURRICULUM ACTIVITY STATUS:  Activity status code for the curriculum.  Required Key.
p_user_id   USER ID: Oracle ID of the most recent user to create or update a record.  Required Key.
p_data_origin   DATA SOURCE: Source system that generated the data.  Required Key.
p_levl_code   LEVEL CODE: Level code of the curriculum.  Required Key.
p_coll_code   COLLEGE CODE: College code of the curriculum.  Required Key.
p_degc_code   DEGREE CODE: Degree code of the curriculum.  Required Key.
p_term_code_ctlg   TERM CATALOG: Catalog term code of the learner curriculum. Optional Key.
p_term_code_end   TERM END: End term code of the curriculum.  Optional Key.
p_term_code_matric   TERM MATRICULATED: Term code in which the learner matriculated into the curriculum.  Optional Key.
p_term_code_admit   TERM ADMIT: Term code in which the learner was admitted to the curriculum.  Optional Key.
p_admt_code   ADMIT CODE: Admission code for the learners admission to the curriculum.  Optional Key.
p_camp_code   CAMPUS CODE: Campus code of the curriculum.  Optional Key.
p_program   PROGRAM: Program of the curriculum.   Optional Key.
p_start_date   START DATE: Date  on which the curriculum starts.  Optional Key.
p_end_date   END DATE: Date on which the curriculum ends.  Optional Key.
p_curr_rule   CURRICULUM RULE NUMBER: Rule number of the curriculum.  Optional Key.
p_rolled_seqno   ROLLED SEQNO: Sequence number from the SORTLCUR table indicating the outcome created during the grade roll.  Optional Key.
p_override_severity_in   OVERRIDE SEVERITY: This is to override the curriculum error level coded on the Curriculum Control Page. Certain batch processes need to suppress a fatal error.  This allows the API to know when to suppress and when to raise an error.   Optional Key.
p_rowid_out   ROWID OUT: Database ROWID of record created.  Required Out Variable.
p_seqno_out   SEQNO OUT: Sequence number created for the new curriculum.  Required Out Variable.
p_curr_error_out   CURRICULUM ERROR: Error number assigned by curricululum error processing.    Required Out Variable.
p_severity_out   SEVERITY LEVEL:  Value of the curriculum checking severity level coded on the Curriculum Control Page.  Certain processes must suppress and not process fatal errors. The out value is so the user interface can take appropriate action.   Required Out Variable.
p_styp_code   STUDENT TYPE: Student type for the effective term.  VARCHAR2(1)  Required Key.
p_exp_grad_date   EXPECTED GRAD: Expected graduation date.  DATE  Optional Key.
p_leav_code   LEAVE: Reason for the student's leave of absence for the effective term.  VARCHAR2(1)  Optional Key.
p_leav_from_date   LEAVE FROM DATE: Begin date for the student's leave of absence for the effective term.  DATE  Optional Key.
p_leav_to_date   LEAVE TO DATE: End date for the student's leave of absence for the effective term.  DATE  Optional Key.
p_rate_code   RATE: Specific assessment rate of the student for the effective term. VARCHAR2(5)   Optional Key.
p_term_code_grad   GRAD TERM: Term that the student intends to graduate.  VARCHAR2(6)  Optional Key.
p_acyr_code   GRAD YEAR: Year that the student intends to graduate.  VARCHAR2(4)  Optional Key.
p_site_code   SITE: Site Code.  VARCHAR2(3)  Optional Key.
p_appl_seqno   APPL SEQNO: Sequence number from the application curriculum the learner curriculum was created from.  NUMBER(4) Optional Key.
p_appl_key_seqno   APPL KEY SEQNO: Application number from the application the learner curriculum was created from.  NUMBER(4) Optional Key.
p_gapp_seqno   GRADUATION APPLICATION SEQNO: Sequence number from the graduation application table indicating it's key.  Optional Key.
p_user_id_update   UPDATEUSER ID: Oracle ID of the most recent user to update a record.  Optional Key.
p_current_cde   CURRENT INDICATOR: Will be Y when row being displayed is the current curriculum.  Optional Key.


Procedure p_delete(p_pidm  sorlcur.sorlcur_pidm%TYPE,
                   p_seqno sorlcur.sorlcur_seqno%TYPE,
                   p_rowid VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL)

Deletes a curriculum record.  This will delete the curriculum and all fields of study for the curriculum.

p_pidm   PIDM: Unique internal ID for an individual who has records in the system. Required Key.
p_seqno   LCUR SEQNO: One-up number to define the row. Required Key.
p_rowid   Database ROWIDd of the record to be deleted.  Optional Key.


Procedure p_module_delete(p_pidm      sorlcur.sorlcur_pidm%TYPE,
                          p_lmod_code sorlcur.sorlcur_lmod_code%TYPE,
                          p_term_code sorlcur.sorlcur_term_code%TYPE,
                          p_key_seqno sorlcur.sorlcur_key_seqno%TYPE)

Deletes all curriculum records for a learner and module.  This is called from the Recruit, Admissions and Outcome delete APIs.  This procedure reads all curriculum records for the module, key sequence number and term code and calls the curriculum delete API.

p_pidm   PIDM: Unique internal ID for an individual who has records in the system. Required Key.
p_lmod_code   LEARNER MODULE CODE: Learner Module Code. Required Key.
p_term_code   TERM CODE: Term code. Required Key.
p_key_seqno   KEY SEQNO:  Sequence number for the key record, saradap_appl_no, srbrecr_seqno, shrdgmr_seqno. Required Key.


Procedure p_lock(p_pidm        sorlcur.sorlcur_pidm%TYPE,
                 p_seqno       sorlcur.sorlcur_seqno%TYPE,
                 p_rowid_inout IN OUT VARCHAR2)

Locks a curriculum record.

p_pidm   PIDM: Unique internal ID for an individual who has records in the system. Required Key.
p_seqno   LCUR SEQNO: One-up number to define the row. Required Key.