Message Name | Error Message |
INVALID_DATA_ORIGIN | Data source for the incomplete grade rule is not valid. |
An attempt was made to create or update the incomplete grade rule data origin with an invalid value. |
INVALID_DISP_WEB_IND | Web display indicator for the incomplete grade rule is not valid. |
An attempt was made to create or update the incomplete grade rule web display indicator with an invalid value. |
INVALID_INCMP_DATE_OVER_TYPE | Invalid value for the incomplete grade date override. Valid values are S-allow only to shorten, L-allow only to lengthen, A-allow any date or N-not allowed. |
An attempt was made to create or update the incomplete grade rule extension date with an invalid value. |
INVALID_INCMP_GRADING_IND | Incomplete grade indicator for the incomplete grade rule is not valid. |
An attempt was made to create or update the final grade indicator for the incomplete grade rule with an invalid value. |
INVALID_LEVL_CODE | Level code for the incomplete grade rule is not valid. |
An attempt was made to create or update the incomplete grade rule level code with an invalid value. |
INVALID_PRIMARY_KEY | Primary key for the incomplete grade rule is not valid. |
An attempt was made to create or update the unique sequence number of the incomplete grade rule with an invalid value. |
INVALID_SYSTEM_REQ_IND | System required indicator for the incomplete grade rule is not valid. |
An attempt was made to create or update the system required indicator for the incomplete grade rule with an invalid value. |
INVALID_TERM_CODE_EFF | Effective term code for the incomplete grade rule is not valid. |
An attempt was made to create or update the effective term of the incomplete grade rule with an invalid value. |
INVALID_USER_ID | User ID for the incomplete grade rule is not valid. |
An attempt was made to create or update the incomplete grade rule user ID with an invalid value. |
MISSING_DISP_WEB_IND | Web display indicator is missing. This field is required for the incomplete grade rule. |
The web display indicator for incomplete grade rule is missing and must be entered. |
MISSING_INCMP_DATE_OVER_TYPE | Incomplete grade date override is missing. This field is required for the incomplete grade rule. |
The incomplete grade date override for the incomplete grade rule is missing and must be entered. |
MISSING_INCMP_GRADING_IND | Incomplete grade indicator is missing. This field is required for the incomplete grade rule. |
The incomplete grade indicator for the incomplete grade rule is missing and must be entered. |
MISSING_INCMP_GRDE_OVER_IND | Incomplete grade override indicator is missing. This field is required for the incomplete grade rule. |
The incomplete grade override indicator for the incomplete grade rule is missing and must be entered. |
MISSING_PRIMARY_KEY | Primary key is missing. This field is required for the incomplete grade rule. |
The primary key for the incomplete grade rule is missing and must be entered. |
MISSING_SYSTEM_REQ_IND | System required indicator is missing. This field is required for the incomplete grade rule. |
The system required indicator for the incomplete grade rule is missing and must be entered. |
MISSING_TERM_CODE_EFF | Effective term code is missing. This field is required for the incomplete grade rule. |
The effective term code for the incomplete grade rule is missing and must be entered. |
MISSING_USER_ID | User ID is missing. This field is required for the incomplete grade rule. |
The user ID for the incomplete grade rule is missing and must be entered. |
PK_NOT_FOUND | Cannot find the record using the primary or unique key for the incomplete grade rule. |
Incomplete grade rule does not exist. |
P_DELETE_FAILED | Cannot delete the incomplete grade rule because the record does not exist. |
Incomplete grade rule does not exist. |
RECORD_EXISTS | Incomplete grade rule cannot be created because the record already exists. |
Incomplete grade rule already exists. |