Message Name | Error Message |
INVALID_PIDM | Invalid unique identifier (PIDM) for the archived curriculum |
Unique identifier (PIDM) for the archived curriculum is not valid. |
MISSING_CACT_CDE | Curriculum activity status code for the archived curriculum is missing |
There is no curriculum activity status code value for the archived curriculum. |
MISSING_COLL_CDE | College code for the archived curriculum is missing |
There is no college code value for the archived curriculum. |
MISSING_DATA_ORIGIN | Data source for the archived curriculum is missing |
There is no data source value for the archived curriculum. |
MISSING_DEGC_CDE | Degree code for the archived curriculum is missing |
There is no degree code value for the archived curriculum. |
MISSING_KEY_SEQNO | Key sequence number for the archived curriculum is missing |
There is no key sequence number for the archived curriculum. |
MISSING_LEVL_CDE | Level code for the archived curriculum is missing |
There is no level code for the archived curriculum. |
MISSING_LMOD_CDE | Learner module code for the archived curriculum is missing |
Learner module code for the archived curriculum is missing. |
MISSING_PIDM | Unique identifier (PIDM) for the archived curriculum is missing |
There is no unique identifier (PIDM) for the archived curriculum. |
MISSING_PRIORITY_NO | Priority number for the archived curriculum is missing |
There is no priority number for the archived curriculum. |
MISSING_ROLL_IND | Roll indicator for the archived curriculum is missing |
There is no roll indicator for the archived curriculum. |
MISSING_SEQNO | Learner curriculum sequence number for the archived curriculum is missing |
There is no learner curriculum sequence number for the archived curriculum. |
MISSING_TERM_CDE | Term code for the archived curriculum is missing |
There is no term code for the archived curriculum. |
MISSING_USER_ID | User ID for the archived curriculum is missing |
There is no user ID for the archived curriculum. |
PK_NOT_FOUND | Cannot find the curriculum archive record using the primary or unique key |
Unable to locate the curriculum archive record using the primary or unique key. |
P_DELETE_FAILED | Cannot delete the curriculum archive because the record does not exist |
The curriculum archive record cannot be deleted because the record does not exist. |
RECORD_EXISTS | Cannot create curriculum archive record because the record already exists |
Unable to create the curriculum archive record because the record already exists. |