Package sb_learner_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the Learner API (sb_learner).The primary procedure of this package is p_validate. This executes the business rules for the learner (SGBSTDN table). |
Program units |
p_register_entity | Registers the attribute/value pairs to the message cache. |
p_register_entity | Registers the attribute/value pairs to the message cache. |
p_validate | Validates all the data in the learner record. |
Procedure p_register_entity(p_operation_type NUMBER, p_internal_record_id VARCHAR2)
Registers the attribute/value pairs to the message cache.
This signature uses the primary key only for the delete operations.
Parameters |
p_pidm |
PIDM: Unique internal ID for an individual who has records in the system. NUMBER(8) Required Key. | |
p_term_code_eff |
EFF TERM: Effective term of the learner record. VARCHAR2(6) Required Key. |
Procedure p_register_entity(p_operation_type NUMBER, p_pidm sgbstdn.sgbstdn_pidm%TYPE, p_term_code_eff sgbstdn.sgbstdn_term_code_eff%TYPE, p_stst_code sgbstdn.sgbstdn_stst_code%TYPE, p_styp_code sgbstdn.sgbstdn_styp_code%TYPE, p_exp_grad_date sgbstdn.sgbstdn_exp_grad_date%TYPE, p_full_part_ind sgbstdn.sgbstdn_full_part_ind%TYPE, p_sess_code sgbstdn.sgbstdn_sess_code%TYPE, p_resd_code sgbstdn.sgbstdn_resd_code%TYPE, p_orsn_code sgbstdn.sgbstdn_orsn_code%TYPE, p_prac_code sgbstdn.sgbstdn_prac_code%TYPE, p_advr_pidm sgbstdn.sgbstdn_advr_pidm%TYPE, p_grad_credit_appr_ind sgbstdn.sgbstdn_grad_credit_appr_ind%TYPE, p_capl_code sgbstdn.sgbstdn_capl_code%TYPE, p_leav_code sgbstdn.sgbstdn_leav_code%TYPE, p_leav_from_date sgbstdn.sgbstdn_leav_from_date%TYPE, p_leav_to_date sgbstdn.sgbstdn_leav_to_date%TYPE, p_astd_code sgbstdn.sgbstdn_astd_code%TYPE, p_term_code_astd sgbstdn.sgbstdn_term_code_astd%TYPE, p_rate_code sgbstdn.sgbstdn_rate_code%TYPE, p_edlv_code sgbstdn.sgbstdn_edlv_code%TYPE, p_incm_code sgbstdn.sgbstdn_incm_code%TYPE, p_emex_code sgbstdn.sgbstdn_emex_code%TYPE, p_aprn_code sgbstdn.sgbstdn_aprn_code%TYPE, p_trcn_code sgbstdn.sgbstdn_trcn_code%TYPE, p_gain_code sgbstdn.sgbstdn_gain_code%TYPE, p_voed_code sgbstdn.sgbstdn_voed_code%TYPE, p_blck_code sgbstdn.sgbstdn_blck_code%TYPE, p_term_code_grad sgbstdn.sgbstdn_term_code_grad%TYPE, p_acyr_code sgbstdn.sgbstdn_acyr_code%TYPE, p_site_code sgbstdn.sgbstdn_site_code%TYPE, p_egol_code sgbstdn.sgbstdn_egol_code%TYPE, p_degc_code_dual sgbstdn.sgbstdn_degc_code_dual%TYPE, p_levl_code_dual sgbstdn.sgbstdn_levl_code_dual%TYPE, p_dept_code_dual sgbstdn.sgbstdn_dept_code_dual%TYPE, p_coll_code_dual sgbstdn.sgbstdn_coll_code_dual%TYPE, p_majr_code_dual sgbstdn.sgbstdn_majr_code_dual%TYPE, p_bskl_code sgbstdn.sgbstdn_bskl_code%TYPE, p_prev_code sgbstdn.sgbstdn_prev_code%TYPE, p_term_code_prev sgbstdn.sgbstdn_term_code_prev%TYPE, p_cast_code sgbstdn.sgbstdn_cast_code%TYPE, p_term_code_cast sgbstdn.sgbstdn_term_code_cast%TYPE, p_user_id sgbstdn.sgbstdn_user_id%TYPE, p_data_origin sgbstdn.sgbstdn_data_origin%TYPE, p_scpc_code sgbstdn.sgbstdn_scpc_code%TYPE, p_internal_record_id VARCHAR2)
Registers the attribute/value pairs to the message cache.
This signature registers the all parameters.
Parameters |
p_pidm |
PIDM: Unique internal ID for an individual who has records in the system. NUMBER(8) Required Key. | |
p_term_code_eff |
EFF TERM: Effective term of the learner record. VARCHAR2(6) Required Key. | |
p_stst_code |
STATUS: Student's status for the effective term. VARCHAR2(2) Required Key. | |
p_styp_code |
STUDENT TYPE: Student type for the effective term. VARCHAR2(1) Required Key. | |
p_exp_grad_date |
EXPECTED GRAD: Expected graduation date. DATE Required Key. | |
p_full_part_ind |
FULL PART: Specifies whether the student is a full-time or part-time student. VARCHAR2(1) Required Key. | |
p_sess_code |
SESSION: Session that the student is attending for the effective term. VARCHAR2(6) Required Key. | |
p_resd_code |
RESIDENCE: Residency status of the student for the effective term. VARCHAR2(1) Required Key. | |
p_orsn_code |
ORIENTATION: Orientation session assigned to the student for the effective term. VARCHAR2(1) Required Key. | |
p_prac_code |
PRAC TRAINING: Practical training experience of the student for the effective term. VARCHAR2(2) Required Key. | |
p_advr_pidm |
ADVISOR: Internal identification number for the advisor assigned to the student for the effective term. NUMBER(8) Required Key. | |
p_grad_credit_appr_ind |
GRAD CREDIT: Eligibility of the student to take graduate courses for credit for the effective term. Valid values are Y or blank only. VARCHAR2(1) Optional Key. | |
p_capl_code |
CAREER:Career plan of the student for the effective term. VARCHAR2(2) Required Key. | |
p_leav_code |
LEAVE: Reason for the student's leave of absence for the effective term. VARCHAR2(1) Required Key. | |
p_leav_from_date |
LEAVE FROM DATE: Begin date of the student's leave of absence for the effective term. DATE Required Key. | |
p_leav_to_date |
LEAVE TO DATE: End date of the student's leave of absence for the effective term. DATE Required Key. | |
p_astd_code |
ACAD STAND: Academic standing override for the student for the effective term. VARCHAR2(2) Required Key. | |
p_term_code_astd |
ACAD STAND TERM: Term associated with the academic standing override. VARCHAR2(6) Required Key. | |
p_rate_code |
RATE: Specific assessment rate of the student for the effective term. VARCHAR2(5) Required Key. | |
p_edlv_code |
EDUCATION LEVEL: Two-position alphanumeric field used to indicate the highest level of education that the student completed. VARCHAR2(3)Required Key. | |
p_incm_code |
INCOME: Two-position alphanumeric field used to indicate the income range of the student. VARCHAR2(2) Required Key. | |
p_admt_code |
ADMISSIONS: Admissions type from the admissions application. VARCHAR2(2) Required Key. | |
p_emex_code |
EMPLOY EXPEPT: General Student Employment Expectation Code. VARCHAR2(2) Required Key. | |
p_aprn_code |
APPRENTICESHIP: General Student Apprenticeship Code. VARCHAR2(2) Required Key. | |
p_trcn_code |
TRANSFER: General Student Transfer Center Code. VARCHAR2(2) Required Key. | |
p_gain_code |
EMPLOY TRAINING: Employment and training code of the student for the effective term. VARCHAR2(2) Required Key. | |
p_voed_code |
VOCATIONAL: General Student Vocation Education Status Code VARCHAR2(2) Required Key. | |
p_blck_code |
BLOCK: Block Schedule Code. VARCHAR2(10) Required Key. | |
p_term_code_grad |
GRAD TERM: Term that the student intends to graduate. VARCHAR2(6) Required Key. | |
p_acyr_code |
GRAD YEAR: Year that the student intends to graduate. VARCHAR2(4) Required Key. | |
p_site_code |
SITE: Site Code. VARCHAR2(3) Required Key. | |
p_egol_code |
EDUC LEVEL: Educational Goal code. VARCHAR2(2) Required Key. | |
p_degc_code_dual |
DUAL DEGREE: Degree code for dual degree. VARCHAR2(6) Required Key. | |
p_levl_code_dual |
DUAL LEVEL: Level code for a dual degree. VARCHAR2(2) Required Key. | |
p_dept_code_dual |
DUAL DEPARTMENT: Department code for a dual degree. VARCHAR2(4) Required Key. | |
p_coll_code_dual |
DUAL COLLEGE: College code for a dual degree. VARCHAR2(2) Required Key. | |
p_majr_code_dual |
DUAL MAJOR: Major code for a dual degree. VARCHAR2(4) Required Key. | |
p_bskl_code |
BASIC SKILLS: Student Basic Skills Code. VARCHAR2(2) Required Key. | |
p_prev_code |
PROG EVAL: General Student record Progress Evaluation code. This code overrides the code in table SHRTTRM. VARCHAR2(2) Required Key. | |
p_term_code_prev |
PROG EVAL TERM: General Student record Progress Evaluation term. This is the term for which the progress evaluation code override becomes effective. VARCHAR2(6) Required Key. | |
p_cast_code |
COMBINED ACAD STAND: General Student record Combined Academic Standing code. This code overrides the code in table SHRTTRM. VARCHAR2(2) Required Key. | |
p_term_code_cast |
COMBINED ACAD STAND TERM: General Student record Combined Academic Standing term. This is the term for which the combined academic standing code override becomes effective. VARCHAR2(6) Required Key. | |
p_user_id |
USER: Oracle ID of the person who updated the record. VARCHAR2(30) Required Key. | |
p_data_origin |
DATA ORIGIN: Origination of the data. VARCHAR2(30) Required Key. | |
p_rowid |
Database ROWID of the record to be updated. VARCHAR2(18) Required Key. | |
p_scpc_code |
STUDENT CENTRIC PERIOD CYCLE: Cycle Code for the student centric semester. Varchar2(6) Optional key. |
Procedure p_validate(p_pidm sgbstdn.sgbstdn_pidm%TYPE, p_term_code_eff sgbstdn.sgbstdn_term_code_eff%TYPE, p_stst_code sgbstdn.sgbstdn_stst_code%TYPE, p_styp_code sgbstdn.sgbstdn_styp_code%TYPE, p_exp_grad_date sgbstdn.sgbstdn_exp_grad_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_full_part_ind sgbstdn.sgbstdn_full_part_ind%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_sess_code sgbstdn.sgbstdn_sess_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_resd_code sgbstdn.sgbstdn_resd_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_orsn_code sgbstdn.sgbstdn_orsn_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_prac_code sgbstdn.sgbstdn_prac_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_advr_pidm sgbstdn.sgbstdn_advr_pidm%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_grad_credit_appr_ind sgbstdn.sgbstdn_grad_credit_appr_ind%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_capl_code sgbstdn.sgbstdn_capl_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_leav_code sgbstdn.sgbstdn_leav_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_leav_from_date sgbstdn.sgbstdn_leav_from_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_leav_to_date sgbstdn.sgbstdn_leav_to_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_astd_code sgbstdn.sgbstdn_astd_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_term_code_astd sgbstdn.sgbstdn_term_code_astd%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_rate_code sgbstdn.sgbstdn_rate_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_edlv_code sgbstdn.sgbstdn_edlv_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_incm_code sgbstdn.sgbstdn_incm_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_emex_code sgbstdn.sgbstdn_emex_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_aprn_code sgbstdn.sgbstdn_aprn_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_trcn_code sgbstdn.sgbstdn_trcn_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_gain_code sgbstdn.sgbstdn_gain_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_voed_code sgbstdn.sgbstdn_voed_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_blck_code sgbstdn.sgbstdn_blck_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_term_code_grad sgbstdn.sgbstdn_term_code_grad%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_acyr_code sgbstdn.sgbstdn_acyr_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_site_code sgbstdn.sgbstdn_site_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_egol_code sgbstdn.sgbstdn_egol_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_degc_code_dual sgbstdn.sgbstdn_degc_code_dual%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_levl_code_dual sgbstdn.sgbstdn_levl_code_dual%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_dept_code_dual sgbstdn.sgbstdn_dept_code_dual%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_coll_code_dual sgbstdn.sgbstdn_coll_code_dual%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_majr_code_dual sgbstdn.sgbstdn_majr_code_dual%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_bskl_code sgbstdn.sgbstdn_bskl_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_prev_code sgbstdn.sgbstdn_prev_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_term_code_prev sgbstdn.sgbstdn_term_code_prev%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_cast_code sgbstdn.sgbstdn_cast_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_term_code_cast sgbstdn.sgbstdn_term_code_cast%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_user_id sgbstdn.sgbstdn_user_id%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_data_origin sgbstdn.sgbstdn_data_origin%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_scpc_code sgbstdn.sgbstdn_scpc_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL)
Validates all the data in the learner record.
Validates that the required data is present:
Parameters |
p_pidm |
PIDM: Unique internal ID for an individual who has records in the system. NUMBER(8) Required Key. | |
p_term_code_eff |
EFF TERM: Effective term of the learner record. VARCHAR2(6) Required Key. | |
p_stst_code |
STATUS: Students status for the effective term. VARCHAR2(2) Required Key. | |
p_styp_code |
STUDENT TYPE: Student type for the effective term. VARCHAR2(1) Required Key. | |
p_exp_grad_date |
EXPECTED GRAD: Expected graduation date. DATE Required Key. | |
p_full_part_ind |
FULL PART: Specifies whether the student is a full- or part-time student. VARCHAR2(1) Required Key. | |
p_sess_code |
SESSION: Session that the student is attending for the effective term. VARCHAR2(6) Required Key. | |
p_resd_code |
RESIDENCE: Residency status of the student for the effective term. VARCHAR2(1) Required Key. | |
p_orsn_code |
ORIENTATION: Orientation session assigned to the student for the effective term. VARCHAR2(1) Required Key. | |
p_prac_code |
PRAC TRAINING: Practical training experience of the student for the effective term. VARCHAR2(2) Required Key. | |
p_advr_pidm |
ADVISOR: Internal identification number for the advisor assigned to the student for the effective term. NUMBER(8) Required Key. | |
p_grad_credit_appr_ind |
GRAD CREDIT: Eligibility of the student to take graduate courses for credit for the effective term. Valid values are Y or blank only. VARCHAR2(1) Optional Key. | |
p_capl_code |
CAREER: Career plan of the student for the effective term. VARCHAR2(2) Required Key. | |
p_leav_code |
LEAVE: Reason for the student's leave of absence for the effective term. VARCHAR2(1) Required Key. | |
p_leav_from_date |
LEAVE FROM DATE: Begin date of the student's leave of absence for the effective term. DATE Required Key. | |
p_leav_to_date |
LEAVE TO DATE: End date of the student's leave of absence for the effective term. DATE Required Key. | |
p_astd_code |
ACAD STAND: Academic standing override for the student for the effective term. VARCHAR2(2) Required Key. | |
p_term_code_astd |
ACAD STAND TERM: Term associated with the academic standing override. VARCHAR2(6) Required Key. | |
p_rate_code |
RATE: Specific assessment rate of the student for the effective term. VARCHAR2(5) Required Key. | |
p_edlv_code |
EDUCATION LEVEL: Two-position alphanumeric field used to indicate the highest level of education that the student completed. VARCHAR2(3)Required Key. | |
p_incm_code |
INCOME: Two-position alphanumeric field used to indicate the income range of the student. VARCHAR2(2) Required Key. | |
p_admt_code |
ADMISSIONS: Admissions type from the admissions application. VARCHAR2(2) Required Key. | |
p_emex_code |
EMPLOY EXPEPT: General Student Employment Expectation Code. VARCHAR2(2) Required Key. | |
p_aprn_code |
APPRENTICESHIP: General Student Apprenticeship Code. VARCHAR2(2) Required Key. | |
p_trcn_code |
TRANSFER: General Student Transfer Center Code. VARCHAR2(2) Required Key. | |
p_gain_code |
EMPLOY TRAINING: Employment and training code of the student for the effective term. VARCHAR2(2) Required Key. | |
p_voed_code |
VOCATIONAL: General Student Vocation Education Status Code VARCHAR2(2) Required Key. | |
p_blck_code |
BLOCK: Block Schedule Code. VARCHAR2(10) Required Key. | |
p_term_code_grad |
GRAD TERM: Term that the student intends to graduate. VARCHAR2(6) Required Key. | |
p_acyr_code |
GRAD YEAR: Year that the student intends to graduate. VARCHAR2(4) Required Key. | |
p_site_code |
SITE: Site Code. VARCHAR2(3) Required Key. | |
p_egol_code |
EDUC LEVEL: Educational Goal code. VARCHAR2(2) Required Key. | |
p_degc_code_dual |
DUAL DEGREE: Degree code for a dual degree. VARCHAR2(6) Required Key. | |
p_levl_code_dual |
DUAL LEVEL: Level code for a dual degree. VARCHAR2(2) Required Key. | |
p_dept_code_dual |
DUAL DEPARTMENT: Department code for a dual degree. VARCHAR2(4) Required Key. | |
p_coll_code_dual |
DUAL COLLEGE: College code for a dual degree. VARCHAR2(2) Required Key. | |
p_majr_code_dual |
DUAL MAJOR: Major code for a dual degree. VARCHAR2(4) Required Key. | |
p_bskl_code |
BASIC SKILLS: Student Basic Skills Code. VARCHAR2(2) Required Key. | |
p_prev_code |
PROG EVAL: General Student record Progress Evaluation code. This code overrides the code in table SHRTTRM. VARCHAR2(2) Required Key. | |
p_term_code_prev |
PROG EVAL TERM: General Student record Progress Evaluation term. This is the term for which the progress evaluation code override becomes effective. VARCHAR2(6) Required Key. | |
p_cast_code |
COMBINED ACAD STAND: General Student record Combined Academic Standing code. This code overrides the code in table SHRTTRM. VARCHAR2(2) Required Key. | |
p_term_code_cast |
COMBINED ACAD STAND TERM: General Student record Combined Academic Standing term. This is the term for which the combined academic standing code override becomes effective. VARCHAR2(6) Required Key. | |
p_user_id |
USER: Oracle ID of the person who updated the record. VARCHAR2(30) Required Key. | |
p_data_origin |
DATA ORIGIN: Origination of the data. VARCHAR2(30) Required Key. | |
p_scpc_code |
STUDENT CENTRIC PERIOD CYCLE: Cycle Code for the student centric semester. Varchar2(6) Optional key. |