
Package sb_curriculum_str

This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Learner Base Curriculum API.  These messages are used in the sb_curriculum.p_insert and p_delete and the validation procedure sb_curriculum_rules.p_validate_insert.

Message KeyError Message
DUPLICATE_SEQNOInvalid curriculum sequence, number already in use
A curriculum record already exists for the PIDM and sequence number.
INVALID_ADMT_CODEInvalid curriculum admit code
Admissions code does not exist in table STVADMT.
INVALID_CACT_CODEInvalid curriculum activity code for curriculum
Curriculum activity code is invalid and does not exist on table STVCACT.
INVALID_CAMP_CODEInvalid curriculum campus code
Campus code does not exist on table table STVCAMP.
INVALID_COLL_CODEInvalid curriculum college code
College code does not exist on table STVCOLL.
INVALID_DATE_RANGEInvalid curriculum start and end date range
The start date must be less than the end date if entered.
INVALID_DEGC_CODEInvalid curriculum degree code
Degree code does not exist on table STVDEGC.
INVALID_END_DATEInvalid curriculum end date
Curriculum end date must be greater than or equal to the start date.
INVALID_KEY_SEQNOInvalid key sequence number for curriculum
Key sequence number must correspond to SHRDGMR_SEQNO, SARADAP_APPL_NO or SRBRECR_ADMIN_SEQNO.
INVALID_LEVL_CODEInvalid curriculum level code
Level code must exist on table STVLEVL.
INVALID_LMOD_CODEInvalid curriculum learner module code
Learner Module code must exist on table STVLMOD.
INVALID_LMOD_RANGEInvalid number of curricula for module as defined on SOACTRL. 
The number of curriculum entered may not exceed the count entered on the Curriculum Control page for the module.
INVALID_PIDMInvalid or missing PIDM for curriculum
PIDM value is required and must be not null.
INVALID_PROGRAMInvalid curriculum program
Program must exist on table SMRPRLE.
INVALID_ROLLED_SEQNOSORLCUR rolled sequence number is invalid
The rolled sequence number must exist on an outcome curriculum for the PIDM.
INVALID_ROLL_INDInvalid roll to outcome indicator for curriculum
Roll indicator must be Y or N.
INVALID_TERM_CODEInvalid term code for curriculum
Term code must exist on table STVTERM.
INVALID_TERM_CODE_ADMITInvalid curriculum admissions term code
Admissions term must exist on table STVTERM.
INVALID_TERM_CODE_CTLGInvalid curriculum catalog term code
Catalog term must exist on table STVTERM.
INVALID_TERM_CODE_ENDInvalid curriculum end term code
End term code must exist on table STVTERM.
INVALID_TERM_CODE_MATRICInvalid curriculum matriculation term code
Matriculation term code must exist on table STVTERM.
INVALID_TERM_RANGEInvalid curriculum term range; end term must be greater than term code
End term code must be greater than or equal to the term code.
MISSING_CACT_CODEMissing curriculum activity code for curriculum
Curriculum activity code (STVCACT) is required and cannot be null.
MISSING_COLL_CODEMissing curriculum college code
College code (STVCOLL) is required and cannot be null.
MISSING_DATA_ORIGINMissing curriculum data origin
Data origin of insert is required and cannot be null.
MISSING_DEGC_CODEMissing curriculum degree code
Degree code (STDEGC) is required and cannot be null.
MISSING_KEY_SEQNOMissing key sequence number for curriculum
Module key sequence number (SARADAP_APPL_NO, SHRDGMR_SEQNO, SRBRECR_ADMIN_SEQNO) cannot be null.
MISSING_LEVL_CODEMissing curriculum level code
Level code (STVLEVL) is required for the curriculum and cannot be null.
MISSING_LMOD_CODEMissing mandatory learner module code for curriculum
Learner module code (STVLMOD) is required and cannot be null.
MISSING_PIDMMissing mandatory value PIDM value for curriculum
PIDM is required and cannot be null.
MISSING_PRIORITY_NOMissing priority number for curriculum
Priority number is required; enter 1-999.
MISSING_ROLL_INDMissing roll to outcome indicator for curriculum
Roll to outcome is required; enter Y or N.
MISSING_SARADAP_ROWMissing admissions row for the admissions curriculum
Corresponding SARADAP record for the PIDM, term code and application number must exist to insert admissions curriculum.
MISSING_SGBSTDN_ROWMissing general student row for the curriculum
Corresponding SGBSTDN record for the PIDM and effective term must exist to insert learner curriculum.
MISSING_SHRDGMR_ROWMissing history row for curriculum
Corresponding SGRDGMR record for the PIDM and degree sequence number must exist to insert outcome curriculum.
MISSING_SRBRECR_ROWMissing recruit row for curriculum
Corresponding SRBRECR record for the PIDM and ADMIN sequence number and term must exist to insert recruit curriculum.
MISSING_TERM_CODEMissing term code for curriculum
Term code is required for the curriculum.
MISSING_USER_IDMissing user for curriculum
User ID is required for curriculum audit information.
P_DELETE_FAILEDCannot delete curriculum, record does not exist
Curriculum does not exist for the PIDM and curriculum sequence number.
INVALID_ACYR_CODEInvalid learner academic year code
Academic Year (ACYR) code is invalid and does not exist in table STVACYR.
INVALID_LEAV_CODEInvalid learner leave of absence code
Leave of absence (LEAV) code is invalid and must exist in table STVLEAV.
INVALID_LEAV_DATE_RANGELearner leave of absence from date must be less than the to date
Learner leave of absence from date must be less than the to date.
INVALID_LEAV_MISSING_CODELearner leave of absence code must be entered for leave dates
Learner leave of absence code must be entered for the leave dates.
INVALID_LEAV_MISSING_DATESLearner leave of absence dates must be entered for leave code
Learner leave of absence dates must be entered for the leave code.
INVALID_RATE_CODEInvalid learner rate code
Rate code is invalid and must exist in table STVRATE.
INVALID_STYP_CODEInvalid learner student type code
Student type (STYP) code is invalid and must exist in table STVSTYP.
INVALID_TERM_CODE_GRADInvalid learner graduation term
Graduation term code is invalid and must exist in table STVTERM.
MISSING_LEARNER_APPL_SEQNOApplication number on learner curriculum does not exist in SARADAP.
Application number entered on learner curriculum during the admit confirmation process does not exist in SARADAP.
MISSING_LEARNER_APPL_SEQNOCurriculum sequence number for the application on learner curriculum does not exist in SARADAP.
Curriculum sequence number for the application number entered on learner curriculum during the admit confirmation process does not exist in SARADAP.
INVALID_APPL_SEQNOCurriculum sequence number for an application can only be entered on a learner curriculum.
Curriculum sequence number for an application can only be entered on a learner curriculum.
INVALID_APPL_KEYSEQNOApplication number can only be entered on a learner curriculum.
Application number can only be entered on a learner curriculum.

Program units
f_get_error   Returns an error message corresponding to p_errorname.
f_learner   Returns the LEARNER module constant.
f_recruit   Returns the RECRUIT module constant.
f_admissions   Returns the ADMISSIONS module constant.
f_outcome   Returns the OUTCOME module constant.


ADMISSIONS   Constant for the Learner Module ADMISSIONS
RECRUIT   Constant for the Learner Module RECRUIT
LEARNER   Constant for the Learner Module LEARNER
OUTCOME   Constant for the Learner Module OUTCOME



Constant for the Learner Module ADMISSIONS



Constant for the Learner Module RECRUIT



Constant for the Learner Module LEARNER



Constant for the Learner Module OUTCOME


error_tab gb_common_strings.errmsg_tab_type;


FUNCTION f_get_error(p_errorname VARCHAR2) return varchar2;

Returns an error message corresponding to p_errorname.

p_errorname   Name associated with the error message.


FUNCTION f_learner return varchar2;

Returns the LEARNER module constant.

LEARNER Constant


FUNCTION f_recruit return varchar2;

Returns the RECRUIT module constant.

RECRUIT Constant


FUNCTION f_admissions return varchar2;

Returns the ADMISSIONS module constant.



FUNCTION f_outcome return varchar2;

Returns the OUTCOME module constant.

OUTCOME Constant