Message Key | Error Message |
DUPLICATE_SEQNO | Invalid curriculum sequence, number already in use |
A curriculum record already exists for the PIDM and sequence number. |
INVALID_ADMT_CODE | Invalid curriculum admit code |
Admissions code does not exist in table STVADMT. |
INVALID_CACT_CODE | Invalid curriculum activity code for curriculum |
Curriculum activity code is invalid and does not exist on table STVCACT. |
INVALID_CAMP_CODE | Invalid curriculum campus code |
Campus code does not exist on table table STVCAMP. |
INVALID_COLL_CODE | Invalid curriculum college code |
College code does not exist on table STVCOLL. |
INVALID_DATE_RANGE | Invalid curriculum start and end date range |
The start date must be less than the end date if entered. |
INVALID_DEGC_CODE | Invalid curriculum degree code |
Degree code does not exist on table STVDEGC. |
INVALID_END_DATE | Invalid curriculum end date |
Curriculum end date must be greater than or equal to the start date. |
INVALID_KEY_SEQNO | Invalid key sequence number for curriculum |
Key sequence number must correspond to SHRDGMR_SEQNO, SARADAP_APPL_NO or SRBRECR_ADMIN_SEQNO. |
INVALID_LEVL_CODE | Invalid curriculum level code |
Level code must exist on table STVLEVL. |
INVALID_LMOD_CODE | Invalid curriculum learner module code |
Learner Module code must exist on table STVLMOD. |
INVALID_LMOD_RANGE | Invalid number of curricula for module as defined on SOACTRL. |
The number of curriculum entered may not exceed the count entered on the Curriculum Control page for the module. |
INVALID_PIDM | Invalid or missing PIDM for curriculum |
PIDM value is required and must be not null. |
INVALID_PROGRAM | Invalid curriculum program |
Program must exist on table SMRPRLE. |
INVALID_ROLLED_SEQNO | SORLCUR rolled sequence number is invalid |
The rolled sequence number must exist on an outcome curriculum for the PIDM. |
INVALID_ROLL_IND | Invalid roll to outcome indicator for curriculum |
Roll indicator must be Y or N. |
INVALID_TERM_CODE | Invalid term code for curriculum |
Term code must exist on table STVTERM. |
INVALID_TERM_CODE_ADMIT | Invalid curriculum admissions term code |
Admissions term must exist on table STVTERM. |
INVALID_TERM_CODE_CTLG | Invalid curriculum catalog term code |
Catalog term must exist on table STVTERM. |
INVALID_TERM_CODE_END | Invalid curriculum end term code |
End term code must exist on table STVTERM. |
INVALID_TERM_CODE_MATRIC | Invalid curriculum matriculation term code |
Matriculation term code must exist on table STVTERM. |
INVALID_TERM_RANGE | Invalid curriculum term range; end term must be greater than term code |
End term code must be greater than or equal to the term code. |
MISSING_CACT_CODE | Missing curriculum activity code for curriculum |
Curriculum activity code (STVCACT) is required and cannot be null. |
MISSING_COLL_CODE | Missing curriculum college code |
College code (STVCOLL) is required and cannot be null. |
MISSING_DATA_ORIGIN | Missing curriculum data origin |
Data origin of insert is required and cannot be null. |
MISSING_DEGC_CODE | Missing curriculum degree code |
Degree code (STDEGC) is required and cannot be null. |
MISSING_KEY_SEQNO | Missing key sequence number for curriculum |
Module key sequence number (SARADAP_APPL_NO, SHRDGMR_SEQNO, SRBRECR_ADMIN_SEQNO) cannot be null. |
MISSING_LEVL_CODE | Missing curriculum level code |
Level code (STVLEVL) is required for the curriculum and cannot be null. |
MISSING_LMOD_CODE | Missing mandatory learner module code for curriculum |
Learner module code (STVLMOD) is required and cannot be null. |
MISSING_PIDM | Missing mandatory value PIDM value for curriculum |
PIDM is required and cannot be null. |
MISSING_PRIORITY_NO | Missing priority number for curriculum |
Priority number is required; enter 1-999. |
MISSING_ROLL_IND | Missing roll to outcome indicator for curriculum |
Roll to outcome is required; enter Y or N. |
MISSING_SARADAP_ROW | Missing admissions row for the admissions curriculum |
Corresponding SARADAP record for the PIDM, term code and application number must exist to insert admissions curriculum. |
MISSING_SGBSTDN_ROW | Missing general student row for the curriculum |
Corresponding SGBSTDN record for the PIDM and effective term must exist to insert learner curriculum. |
MISSING_SHRDGMR_ROW | Missing history row for curriculum |
Corresponding SGRDGMR record for the PIDM and degree sequence number must exist to insert outcome curriculum. |
MISSING_SRBRECR_ROW | Missing recruit row for curriculum |
Corresponding SRBRECR record for the PIDM and ADMIN sequence number and term must exist to insert recruit curriculum. |
MISSING_TERM_CODE | Missing term code for curriculum |
Term code is required for the curriculum. |
MISSING_USER_ID | Missing user for curriculum |
User ID is required for curriculum audit information. |
P_DELETE_FAILED | Cannot delete curriculum, record does not exist |
Curriculum does not exist for the PIDM and curriculum sequence number. |
INVALID_ACYR_CODE | Invalid learner academic year code |
Academic Year (ACYR) code is invalid and does not exist in table STVACYR. |
INVALID_LEAV_CODE | Invalid learner leave of absence code |
Leave of absence (LEAV) code is invalid and must exist in table STVLEAV. |
INVALID_LEAV_DATE_RANGE | Learner leave of absence from date must be less than the to date |
Learner leave of absence from date must be less than the to date. |
INVALID_LEAV_MISSING_CODE | Learner leave of absence code must be entered for leave dates |
Learner leave of absence code must be entered for the leave dates. |
INVALID_LEAV_MISSING_DATES | Learner leave of absence dates must be entered for leave code |
Learner leave of absence dates must be entered for the leave code. |
INVALID_RATE_CODE | Invalid learner rate code |
Rate code is invalid and must exist in table STVRATE. |
INVALID_STYP_CODE | Invalid learner student type code |
Student type (STYP) code is invalid and must exist in table STVSTYP. |
INVALID_TERM_CODE_GRAD | Invalid learner graduation term |
Graduation term code is invalid and must exist in table STVTERM. |
MISSING_LEARNER_APPL_SEQNO | Application number on learner curriculum does not exist in SARADAP. |
Application number entered on learner curriculum during the admit confirmation process does not exist in SARADAP. |
MISSING_LEARNER_APPL_SEQNO | Curriculum sequence number for the application on learner curriculum does not exist in SARADAP. |
Curriculum sequence number for the application number entered on learner curriculum during the admit confirmation process does not exist in SARADAP. |
INVALID_APPL_SEQNO | Curriculum sequence number for an application can only be entered on a learner curriculum. |
Curriculum sequence number for an application can only be entered on a learner curriculum. |
INVALID_APPL_KEYSEQNO | Application number can only be entered on a learner curriculum. |
Application number can only be entered on a learner curriculum. |