
Package sb_gradapp_eligible_strings

This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Graduation Application Eligibility Rules API (sb_gradapp_eligible).

Message NameError Message
INVALID_ASTD_CODEAcademic Standing Code is not valid.
Code used for academic standing is not valid.
INVALID_ATTS_CODEAttribute Code is not valid.
Code used for attribute is not valid.
INVALID_CAMP_CODECampus Code is not valid.
Code used for campus is not valid.
INVALID_CAST_CODECombined Academic Standing Code is not valid.
Code used for combined academic standing is not valid.
INVALID_CHRT_CODECohort Code is not valid.
Code used for cohort is not valid.
INVALID_CLAS_CODEClass Code is not valid.
Code used for class is not valid.
INVALID_COLL_CODECollege Code is not valid.
Code used for college is not valid.
INVALID_DEGC_CODEDegree Code is not valid.
Code used for degree is not valid.
INVALID_DEGS_CODEDegree Status Code is not valid.
Code used for degree status is not valid.
INVALID_DEPT_CODEDepartment Code is not valid.
Code used for department is not valid.
INVALID_DGMR_FROM_TO_DATESGraduation From Date must be greater than Graduation To Date.
Graduation from date must be greater than graduation to date.
INVALID_DGMR_TERM_CODE_GRADDegree Expected Graduation Term is not valid.
Degree expected graduation term is not valid.
INVALID_EXP_FROM_TO_DATESExpected Graduation From Date must be greater than Expected Graduation To Date.
Expected Graduation from date must be greater than expected graduation to date.
INVALID_GRST_CODEGraduation Status Code is not valid.
Code used for graduation status is not valid.
INVALID_IN_PROGRESS_INDUse In-Progress Courses Indicator is not valid.
Use In-Progress Courses Indicator must be 'Y' or 'N'.
INVALID_LEVL_CODELevel Code is not valid.
Code used for level is not valid.
INVALID_LEVL_CODE_GPA_CALCGPA Level Code is not valid.
Code used for GPA level is not valid.
INVALID_LFST_CODEField Of Study Type is not valid.
Field of study type is not valid.
INVALID_LMOD_CDEModule Code is not valid.
Code used for module is not valid.
INVALID_MAJR_CODEMajor Code is not valid.
Code used for major is not valid.
INVALID_PROGRAMProgram is not valid.
Program is not valid.
INVALID_STDN_FROM_TO_DATESStudent Graduation From Date must be greater than Student Graduation To Date.
Student Graduation from date must be greater than student graduation to date.
INVALID_STDN_TERM_CODE_GRADStudent Expected Graduation Term Code is not valid.
Student expected graduation term code is not valid.
INVALID_STST_CODEStudent Status Code is not valid.
Code used for student status is not valid.
INVALID_TERM_CODE_ADMITTerm Code Admit is not valid.
Term code admit is not valid.
INVALID_TERM_CODE_GRADExpected Graduation Term Code is not valid.
Expected graduation term code is not valid.
INVALID_TERM_CODE_MATRICTerm Code Matriculated is not valid.
Term code matriculated is not valid.
MISSING_LMOD_CDEModule Code is missing.
Module code is required.
MISSING_SEQNOSequence Number is missing.
Sequence number is required.
MISSING_USER_IDUser ID is missing.
User ID is required.
PK_NOT_FOUNDCannot find record using primary or unique key.
Eligibility rule not found.
P_DELETE_FAILEDCannot delete eligibility rule because the record does not exist.
Cannot delete eligibility rule; eligibility rule not found.
RECORD_EXISTSCannot create eligibility rule because the record already exists.
Cannot create eligibility rule; eligibility rule already exists.

Program units



error_tab gb_common_strings.errmsg_tab_type;

Global PL/SQL table that holds the error messages.


Function f_get_error(p_errorname VARCHAR2)
  RETURN gb_common_strings.err_type

Returns the error message corresponding to p_errorname.

p_errorname   Name associated with the error message.