
Package sb_catlg_int_partner_rules

Support subprograms for the Catalog Integration Partner API.

Program units


Function f_parent_exists(
     p_subj_code scrintg.scrintg_subj_code%TYPE,
     p_crse_numb scrintg.scrintg_crse_numb%TYPE) RETURN VARCHAR2

Checks for the existence of the parent course record.

p_subj_code   Subject code of the course. VARCHAR2(4) Required
p_crse_numb   Course number of the course. VARCHAR2(5) Required


Procedure p_register_entity(
    p_operation_type            NUMBER,
    p_subj_code                 scrintg.scrintg_subj_code%TYPE,
    p_crse_numb                 scrintg.scrintg_crse_numb%TYPE,
    p_term_code_eff             scrintg.scrintg_term_code_eff%TYPE,
    p_user_id                   scrintg.scrintg_user_id%TYPE DEFAULT gb_common.f_sct_user,
    p_intg_cde                  scrintg.scrintg_intg_cde %TYPE,
    p_data_origin               scrintg.scrintg_data_origin%TYPE,
    p_internal_record_id        gb_common.internal_record_id_type)

Registers the attribute/value pairs to the message cache for create and update operations.
This signature registers the all parameters.

p_operation_type   Type of DML operation: create, update, delete. NUMBER Required
p_subj_code   Identifies the subject code of the course that the integration partner is attached to. VARCHAR2(4) Required Key
p_crse_numb   Identifies the course number of the course that the integration partner is attached to. VARCHAR2(5) Required Key
p_term_code_eff   Identifies the term for which the integration partner is effective. VARCHAR2(6) Required Key
p_user_id   Most recent user to create or update the record. VARCHAR2(30) Required
p_intg_cde   Code defined on the GORINTG table that is associated with the integration partner code. VARCHAR2(5) Required Key
p_data_origin   Origin of the data. VARCHAR2(30)
p_internal_record_id   Database ROWID. VARCHAR2(18) required


Procedure p_validate(
    p_subj_code                 scrintg.scrintg_subj_code%TYPE,
    p_crse_numb                 scrintg.scrintg_crse_numb%TYPE,
    p_term_code_eff             scrintg.scrintg_term_code_eff%TYPE,
    p_user_id                   scrintg.scrintg_user_id%TYPE DEFAULT gb_common.f_sct_user,
    p_intg_cde                  scrintg.scrintg_intg_cde%TYPE,
    p_data_origin               scrintg.scrintg_data_origin%TYPE DEFAULT NULL)

Validates all the data in the record.

p_subj_code   Identifies the subject code of the course that the integration partner is attached to. VARCHAR2(4) Required Key
p_crse_numb   Identifies the course number of the course that the integration partner is attached to. VARCHAR2(5) Required Key
p_term_code_eff   Identifies the term for which the integration partner is effective. VARCHAR2(6) Required Key
p_user_id   Most recent user to create or update the record. VARCHAR2(30) Required
p_intg_cde   Code defined on GORINTG table that is associated with the integration partner code. VARCHAR2(5) Required Key
p_data_origin   Origin of the data. VARCHAR2(30)