Package sb_roompreference_rules This package provides support subprograms for the Room Preference API. |
Program units |
f_parent_exists |
p_register_entity |
p_validate |
p_check_assignments |
p_check_combinations |
Function f_parent_exists( p_prefered_building slbrmap.slbrmap_prefered_building%TYPE, p_prefered_bcat_code slbrmap.slbrmap_prefered_bcat_code%TYPE) RETURN VARCHAR2
Checks to see if a parent record exists.
Parameters |
p_prefered_building |
Preferred building code. VARCHAR2(6) Required | |
p_prefered_bcat_code |
Preferred building category code. VARCHAR2(4) Required |
Procedure p_register_entity( p_operation_type NUMBER, p_pidm slbrmap.slbrmap_pidm%TYPE, p_artp_code slbrmap.slbrmap_artp_code%TYPE, p_from_term slbrmap.slbrmap_from_term%TYPE, p_to_term slbrmap.slbrmap_to_term%TYPE, p_appl_priority slbrmap.slbrmap_appl_priority%TYPE, p_prefered_building slbrmap.slbrmap_prefered_building%TYPE, p_prefered_room slbrmap.slbrmap_prefered_room%TYPE, p_prefered_bcat_code slbrmap.slbrmap_prefered_bcat_code%TYPE, p_prefered_camp_code slbrmap.slbrmap_prefered_camp_code%TYPE, p_mrcd_code slbrmap.slbrmap_mrcd_code%TYPE, p_haps_code slbrmap.slbrmap_haps_code%TYPE, p_haps_date slbrmap.slbrmap_haps_date%TYPE, p_add_date slbrmap.slbrmap_add_date%TYPE, p_data_origin slbrmap.slbrmap_data_origin%TYPE, p_user_id slbrmap.slbrmap_user_id%TYPE DEFAULT gb_common.f_sct_user, p_internal_record_id VARCHAR2)
Register the attribute/value pairs to the message cache.
This signature registers the all parameters.
Parameters |
p_pidm |
Internal identifier of room/meal applicant. NUMBER(8) Required key | |
p_artp_code |
Type of application. VARCHAR2(4) Required | |
p_from_term |
Beginning term of the application. VARCHAR2(6) Required key | |
p_to_term |
End term of the application. VARCHAR2(6) Required | |
p_appl_priority |
Priority of the application, this is order in which applications will be processed in the batch scheduler. VARCHAR2(8) Required | |
p_prefered_building |
Applicant's preferred building for housing. VARCHAR2(6) Required | |
p_prefered_room |
Applicant's preferred room for housing. VARCHAR2(10) Required | |
p_prefered_bcat_code |
Applicant's preferred category for housing. VARCHAR2(4) Required | |
p_prefered_camp_code |
Applicant's preferred campus for housing. VARCHAR2(3) Required | |
p_mrcd_code |
Meal rate code associated with the meal assignment. VARCHAR2(4) Required | |
p_haps_code |
Housing application status code associated with the applicant. VARCHAR2(2) Required | |
p_haps_date |
Date when the housing application status code was last changed. DATE Required | |
p_add_date |
Date the application was added to the system. DATE Required | |
p_data_origin |
Source system that generated the data. VARCHAR2(30) Required | |
p_user_id |
Oracle ID of the user who inserted or last updated the data. VARCHAR2(30) | |
p_internal_record_id |
Database ROWID. VARCHAR2(18) Required |
Procedure p_validate( p_pidm slbrmap.slbrmap_pidm%TYPE, p_artp_code slbrmap.slbrmap_artp_code%TYPE, p_from_term slbrmap.slbrmap_from_term%TYPE, p_to_term slbrmap.slbrmap_to_term%TYPE, p_appl_priority slbrmap.slbrmap_appl_priority%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_prefered_building slbrmap.slbrmap_prefered_building%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_prefered_room slbrmap.slbrmap_prefered_room%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_prefered_bcat_code slbrmap.slbrmap_prefered_bcat_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_prefered_camp_code slbrmap.slbrmap_prefered_camp_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_mrcd_code slbrmap.slbrmap_mrcd_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_haps_code slbrmap.slbrmap_haps_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_haps_date slbrmap.slbrmap_haps_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_add_date slbrmap.slbrmap_add_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_rowid VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_data_origin slbrmap.slbrmap_data_origin%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_user_id slbrmap.slbrmap_user_id%TYPE DEFAULT gb_common.f_sct_user)
Validates all the data in the record.
Parameters |
p_pidm |
Internal identifier of room/meal applicant. NUMBER(8) Key | |
p_artp_code |
Type of application. VARCHAR2(4) | |
p_from_term |
Beginning term of the application. VARCHAR2(6) Key | |
p_to_term |
End term of the application. VARCHAR2(6) | |
p_appl_priority |
Priority of the application, this is order in which applications will be processed in the batch scheduler. VARCHAR2(8) Required | |
p_prefered_building |
Applicant's preferred building for housing. VARCHAR2(6) Required | |
p_prefered_room |
Applicant's preferred room for housing. VARCHAR2(10) Required | |
p_prefered_bcat_code |
Applicant's preferred category for housing. VARCHAR2(4) Required | |
p_prefered_camp_code |
Applicant's preferred campus for housing. VARCHAR2(3) Required | |
p_mrcd_code |
Meal rate code associated with the meal assignment. VARCHAR2(4) Required | |
p_haps_code |
Housing application status code associated with the applicant. VARCHAR2(2) Required | |
p_haps_date |
Date when the housing application status code was last changed. DATE Required | |
p_add_date |
Date the application was added to the system. DATE Required | |
p_data_origin |
Source system that generated the data. VARCHAR2(30) Required | |
p_user_id |
Oracle ID of the user who inserted or last updated the data. VARCHAR2(30) |
Procedure p_check_assignments(p_rowid VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_pidm spriden.spriden_pidm%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_to_term stvterm.stvterm_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_from_term stvterm.stvterm_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL)
Checks assignments to make sure they are valid.
Parameters |
p_rowid |
Internal identifier of the ROWID. VARCHAR2(18) | |
p_pidm |
Internal identifier of room/meal applicant. NUMBER(8) Key | |
p_to_term |
End term of the application. VARCHAR2(6) | |
p_from_term |
Beginning term of the application. VARCHAR2(6) Key |
Procedure p_check_combinations( p_prefered_bcat_code slbrmap.slbrmap_prefered_bcat_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_prefered_room slbrmap.slbrmap_prefered_room%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_from_term stvterm.stvterm_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_to_term stvterm.stvterm_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_bldg slbbldg.slbbldg_bldg_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_bldg_sex spbpers.spbpers_sex%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_pers_sex spbpers.spbpers_sex%TYPE DEFAULT NULL)
Checks combinations to make sure they are valid.
Parameters |
p_prefered_bcat_code |
Preferred building category code. VARCHAR2(4) | |
p_prefered_room |
Preferred room number. VARCHAR2(10) | |
p_from_term |
Preferred From Term of the term range. VARCHAR2(6) | |
p_to_term |
Preferred To Term of the term range. VARCHAR2(6) | |
p_bldg |
Preferred building code. VARCHAR2(6) | |
p_bldg_sex |
Preferred building gender. VARCHAR2(1) | |
p_pers_sex |
Preferred gender. VARCHAR2(1) |