
Package sb_learneroutcome_rules

This package provides support subprograms for the Learner Outcome APIs (sb_learneroutcome).

Program units
f_seqno   Selects the maximum outcome sequence number for the PIDM.
f_degree_awarded   Determines if the outcome degree has been awarded.
f_degree_sought   Determines if the outcome degree has a sought status.
f_academic_honors   Determines if the outcome degree has academic honors.
f_institutional_honors   Determines if the outcome degree has institutional honors.
f_invalid_next_status   Determines if the outcome degree status is null or invalid.
p_register_entity   Registers the attribute/value pairs to the message cache.
p_register_entity   Registers the attribute/value pairs to the message cache.
p_validate   Validates all the data in the learner outcome record.


Function f_seqno(p_pidm shrdgmr.shrdgmr_pidm%TYPE) RETURN NUMBER

Selects the maximum outcome sequence number for the PIDM. (unique internal ID for an individual who has records in the system.) If none exists, the sequence number is set to 1.

p_pidm   Internal identification number of the person.  NUMBER(8) Required Key.

Maximum sequence number used for the PIDM plus 1.


Function f_degree_awarded(p_pidm   shrdgmr.shrdgmr_pidm%TYPE,
                          p_seq_no shrdgmr.shrdgmr_seq_no%TYPE)

Determines if the outcome degree has been awarded.

p_pidm   Internal identification number of the person. NUMBER(8)  Required Key.
p_seq_no   Degree Sequence Number. Number assigned to each degree that the learner has. NUMBER(2).  Required Key.

A Y/N value indicating whether the degree has been awarded.


Function f_degree_sought(p_pidm   shrdgmr.shrdgmr_pidm%TYPE,
                         p_seq_no shrdgmr.shrdgmr_seq_no%TYPE)

Determines if the outcome degree has a sought status.

p_pidm   Internal identification number of the person.  NUMBER(8) Required Key.
p_seq_no   Degree Sequence Number. Number assigned to each degree that the learner has. NUMBER(2) Required Key.

A Y/N value indicating whether the degree is being sought.


Function f_academic_honors(p_pidm   shrdgmr.shrdgmr_pidm%TYPE,
                           p_seq_no shrdgmr.shrdgmr_seq_no%TYPE)

Determines if the outcome degree has academic honors.

p_pidm   Internal identification number of the person.  NUMBER(8)  Required Key.
p_seq_no   Degree Sequence Number. Number assigned to each degree that the learner has.  NUMBER(2)  Required Key.

A Y/N value indicating whether the degree has academic honors.


Function f_institutional_honors(p_pidm   shrdgmr.shrdgmr_pidm%TYPE,
                                p_seq_no shrdgmr.shrdgmr_seq_no%TYPE)

Determines if the outcome degree has institutional honors.

p_pidm   Internal identification number of the person.  NUMBER(8)  Required Key.
p_seq_no   Degree Sequence Number. Number assigned to each degree that the learner has.  NUMBER(2)  Required Key.

A Y/N value indicating whether the degree has institutional honors.


Function f_invalid_next_status(p_degs_code shrdgmr.shrdgmr_degs_code%TYPE,
                               p_grst_code shrdgmr.shrdgmr_grst_code%TYPE)

Determines if the outcome degree status is null or invalid.

p_degs_code   Degree Status Code.   Status of the learner's degree, for example sought, awarded, etc. VARCHAR2(6)  Required Key.
p_grst_code   Graduation Status Code. Status code of the graduation record.  VARCHAR2(3) Required Key.

A Y/N value indicating whether the next degree status is valid.


Procedure p_register_entity(p_operation_type     NUMBER,
                            p_internal_record_id VARCHAR2)

Registers the attribute/value pairs to the message cache.

p_pidm   Internal identification number of the person.  NUMBER(8)  Required Key.
p_seq_no   Degree Sequence Number. Number assigned to each degree that the learner has.  NUMBER(2)  Required Key.


Procedure p_register_entity(p_operation_type      NUMBER,
                            p_pidm                shrdgmr.shrdgmr_pidm%TYPE,
                            p_seq_no              shrdgmr.shrdgmr_seq_no%TYPE,
                            p_degs_code           shrdgmr.shrdgmr_degs_code%TYPE,
                            p_appl_date           shrdgmr.shrdgmr_appl_date%TYPE,
                            p_grad_date           shrdgmr.shrdgmr_grad_date%TYPE,
                            p_acyr_code_bulletin  shrdgmr.shrdgmr_acyr_code_bulletin%TYPE,
                            p_term_code_sturec    shrdgmr.shrdgmr_term_code_sturec%TYPE,
                            p_term_code_grad      shrdgmr.shrdgmr_term_code_grad%TYPE,
                            p_acyr_code           shrdgmr.shrdgmr_acyr_code%TYPE,
                            p_grst_code           shrdgmr.shrdgmr_grst_code%TYPE,
                            p_fee_ind             shrdgmr.shrdgmr_fee_ind%TYPE,
                            p_fee_date            shrdgmr.shrdgmr_fee_date%TYPE,
                            p_authorized          shrdgmr.shrdgmr_authorized%TYPE,
                            p_term_code_completed shrdgmr.shrdgmr_term_code_completed%TYPE,
                            p_degc_code_dual      shrdgmr.shrdgmr_degc_code_dual%TYPE,
                            p_levl_code_dual      shrdgmr.shrdgmr_levl_code_dual%TYPE,
                            p_dept_code_dual      shrdgmr.shrdgmr_dept_code_dual%TYPE,
                            p_coll_code_dual      shrdgmr.shrdgmr_coll_code_dual%TYPE,
                            p_majr_code_dual      shrdgmr.shrdgmr_majr_code_dual%TYPE,
                            p_user_id             shrdgmr.shrdgmr_user_id%TYPE,
                            p_data_origin         shrdgmr.shrdgmr_data_origin%TYPE,
                            p_internal_record_id  VARCHAR2,
                            p_stsp_key_sequence   shrdgmr.shrdgmr_stsp_key_sequence%TYPE)

Registers the attribute/value pairs to the message cache.
This signature registers all the parameters.

p_pidm   PIDM: Unique internal ID for an individual who has records in the system. NUMBER(8) Required Key.
p_seq_no   Degree Sequence Number: Number assigned to each of the learner's outcome records.  NUMBER(2)  Required Key.
p_degs_code   Degree Status Code: Status of the learner's degree, for example sought, awarded, etc. VARCHAR2(6)  Required Key.
p_appl_date   Degree Application Date: Date of the degree application. Defaults to the current date on entry of the degree. DATE  Required Key.
p_grad_date   Graduation Date: Graduation date of the learner.  DATE  Required Key.
p_acyr_code_bulletin   Degree Bulletin Year: Year of the  bulletin or catalog under which degree is being offered. VARCHAR2(4)  Required Key.
p_term_code_grad   Graduation Term: Term in which the learner graduates.  VARCHAR2(6)  Required Key.
p_term_code_sturec   Learner Effective Term: Term from which the learner record outcome record is rolled. VARCHAR2(6)  Required Key.
p_acyr_code   Academic Year: Year in which the learner graduates.  VARCHAR2(4)  Required Key.
p_grst_code   Graduation status.  Status code of the graduation record.  VARCHAR2(3)  Required Key.
p_fee_ind   Fee Indicator: Identifies whether a graduation fee was assessed.  VARCHAR2(1)  Required Key.
p_fee_date   Fee Date: Date the graduation fee was assessed.  DATE  Required Key.
p_authorized   Authorized User: Oracle user ID and the graduation status joined together to identify the person who authorized graduation adds or changes.  VARCHAR2(33)  Required Key.
p_term_code_completed   Term Completed: Term designated as the term in which graduate work must be completed.  VARCHAR2(6)  Required Key.
p_degc_code_dual   Dual Degree: Degree code for a dual degree. VARCHAR2(6)  Required Key.
p_levl_code_dual   Dual Degree Level: Level code for a dual degree. VARCHAR2(2)  Required Key.
p_dept_code_dual   Dual Degree Department: Department code for a dual degree.  VARCHAR2(4)  Required Key.
p_coll_code_dual   Dual Degree College: College code for a dual degree. VARCHAR2(2)  Required Key.
p_majr_code_dual   Dual Degree Major: Major code for a dual degree.  VARCHAR2(4)  Required Key.
p_user_id   User: Oracle ID of the user who last updated or inserted the row. VARCHAR2(30)Required Key.
p_data_origin   Data Origin: Origin of where the data was entered.  VARCHAR2(18)  Required Key.
p_internal_record_id   Database ROWID. Required Key.
p_stsp_key_sequence   Study Path Sequence:  The Study Path sequence from the learner curriculum rolled to the outcome.


Procedure p_validate(p_pidm                   shrdgmr.shrdgmr_pidm%TYPE,
                     p_seq_no                 shrdgmr.shrdgmr_seq_no%TYPE,
                     p_degs_code              shrdgmr.shrdgmr_degs_code%TYPE,
                     p_appl_date              shrdgmr.shrdgmr_appl_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_grad_date              shrdgmr.shrdgmr_grad_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_acyr_code_bulletin     shrdgmr.shrdgmr_acyr_code_bulletin%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_term_code_sturec       shrdgmr.shrdgmr_term_code_sturec%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_term_code_grad         shrdgmr.shrdgmr_term_code_grad%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_acyr_code              shrdgmr.shrdgmr_acyr_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_grst_code              shrdgmr.shrdgmr_grst_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_fee_ind                shrdgmr.shrdgmr_fee_ind%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_fee_date               shrdgmr.shrdgmr_fee_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_authorized             shrdgmr.shrdgmr_authorized%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_term_code_completed    shrdgmr.shrdgmr_term_code_completed%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_degc_code_dual         shrdgmr.shrdgmr_degc_code_dual%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_levl_code_dual         shrdgmr.shrdgmr_levl_code_dual%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_dept_code_dual         shrdgmr.shrdgmr_dept_code_dual%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_coll_code_dual         shrdgmr.shrdgmr_coll_code_dual%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_majr_code_dual         shrdgmr.shrdgmr_majr_code_dual%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_user_id                shrdgmr.shrdgmr_user_id%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_data_origin            shrdgmr.shrdgmr_data_origin%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_shrdgmr_orign_lv       shrdgmr%ROWTYPE,
                     p_insert_update_trn      VARCHAR2,
                     p_acyr_code_bulletin_out OUT shrdgmr.shrdgmr_acyr_code_bulletin%TYPE,
                     p_authorized_out         OUT shrdgmr.shrdgmr_authorized%TYPE,
                     p_appl_date_out          OUT shrdgmr.shrdgmr_appl_date%TYPE,
                     p_stsp_key_sequence      shrdgmr.shrdgmr_stsp_key_sequence%TYPE)

Validates all the data in the learner outcome record.
Validates that the following required data are not missing:

Validates Foreign Key constraints on all code columns.
Validates that the  Fee Indicator is Y, N, or blank.
Validates that if the dual degree level, major, department or college have been entered, then the dual degree has also been entered.
Degree status cannot be changed to "Sought" if honors exist for the learner outcome record.
Defaults the degree bulletin year to the one identified on the term table (STVTERM) for the graduation term.
Defaults the authorization to the Oracle ID plus the graduation status code.

p_pidm   PIDM: Unique internal ID for an individual who has records in the system. NUMBER(8) Required Key.
p_seq_no   Degree Sequence Number: Number assigned to each of the learner's outcome records.  NUMBER(2)  Required Key.
p_degs_code   Degree Status Code: Status of the learner's degree, for example sought, awarded, etc. VARCHAR2(6)  Required Key.
p_appl_date   Degree Application Date: Date of the degree application. Defaults to the current date on entry of the degree. DATE  Required Key.
p_grad_date   Graduation Date: Graduation date of the learner.  DATE  Required Key.
p_acyr_code_bulletin   Degree Bulletin Year: Year of the  bulletin or catalog under which the degree is being offered. VARCHAR2(4)  Required Key.
p_term_code_grad   Graduation Term: Term in which the learner graduates.  VARCHAR2(6)  Required Key.
p_term_code_sturec   Learner Effective Term: Term from which the learner record outcome record is rolled. VARCHAR2(6)  Required Key.
p_acyr_code   Academic Year: Year in which the learner graduates.  VARCHAR2(4)  Required Key.
p_grst_code   Graduation status.  Status code of the graduation record.  VARCHAR2(3)  Required Key.
p_fee_ind   Fee Indicator: Identifies whether a graduation fee was assessed.  VARCHAR2(1)  Required Key.
p_fee_date   Fee Date: Date the graduation fee was assessed.  DATE  Required Key.
p_authorized   Authorized User: Oracle user ID and the graduation status joined together to identify the person who authorized graduation adds or changes.  VARCHAR2(33)  Required Key.
p_term_code_completed   Term Completed: Term designated as the term in which graduate work must be completed.  VARCHAR2(6)  Required Key.
p_degc_code_dual   Dual Degree: Degree code for a dual degree. VARCHAR2(6)  Required Key.
p_levl_code_dual   Dual Degree Level: Level code for a dual degree. VARCHAR2(2)  Required Key.
p_dept_code_dual   Dual Degree Department: Department code for a dual degree.  VARCHAR2(4)  Required Key.
p_coll_code_dual   Dual Degree College: College code for a dual degree. VARCHAR2(2)  Required Key.
p_majr_code_dual   Dual Degree Major: Major code for a dual degree.  VARCHAR2(4)  Required Key.
p_user_id   User: Oracle ID of the user who last updated or inserted the row. VARCHAR2(30)Required Key.
p_data_origin   Data Origin: Origin of where the data was entered.  VARCHAR2(18)  Required Key.
p_insert_update_trn   Insert Update Transaction Indicator:  I/U code to indicate that the validation is for the p_create or p_update validation.   VARCHAR2.
p_acyr_code_bulletin_out   Degree Bulletin Year: Default the year of the bulletin or catalog under which the degree is being offered if the in parameter is null.  VARCHAR2(4).
p_authorized_out   Authorized User: Default user and the graduation status if the input parameter is blank during the insert.    VARCHAR2(33).
p_appl_date_out   Degree Application Date: Date of the degree application. Defaults to the current date on entry of the degree if blank during an insert.  DATE
p_stsp_key_sequence   Study Path Sequence:  The Study Path sequence from the learner curriculum rolled to the outcome.