
Package BANINST1.sb_course

This package provides the Common Business interface for the Course API (sb_course).
Course records are created by subject code, course number, and effective term and must exist before course sections can be created for registration purposes. The effective term value of '000000' has a special meaning that represents the beginning of time. Effective terms should always be populated with codes that are strictly numeric, to reflect the correct chronological sequence for building the course catalog and associated sections for registration terms within academic years.
Upon initial creation of a course record for a particular subject code and course number, a Course Base Maintenance record is created (SCBCRKY), using the effective term from the course record as the start term for the Course Base Maintenance record. New course records for the same subject code and course number may then be created only for effective terms that are greater than the start term of the Course Base Maintenance record.
If course information needs to be updated for a term that does not match the effective term of any existing course records, a new course record with the appropriate effective term must be created.
Course records may not be deleted if section records exist for the particular subject code and course number, within the effective term range.  If no section records exist within the effective term range of the course record, it may be deleted, unless it is the initial course record that was created (that is, the one with the lowest effective term). The initial course record may only be deleted via the Course Base Maintenance form (SCABASE).
A level code, grading mode code, and schedule type code are required upon initial creation of a course. If the course already exists in the Course Base Maintenance Table (SCBCRKY), and a course record is being created for the same subject code and course number in a different term, the level code, grading mode code, and schedule type code are optional.  Child records will be inserted into the Course Level Repeating Table (SCRLEVL), the Course Grading Modes Repeating Table (SCRGMOD), and the Course Schedule Type Repeating Table (SCRSCHD) based on the values that are supplied.
The three child tables mentioned above will be inserted upon creation of the course and deleted upon deletion of the course. Any other maintenance of the child tables is beyond the scope of this API. Therefore, the potential exists for having invalid Level Codes associated with a course, if the course CEU indicator is updated via the API. This indicator should be maintained only from the Banner Basic Course Information Form (SCACRSE), so that Course Level codes will be processed correctly.

Program units





Business Entity name


TYPE course_rec IS RECORD (
   r_subj_code               scbcrse.scbcrse_subj_code%TYPE,
   r_crse_numb               scbcrse.scbcrse_crse_numb%TYPE,
   r_eff_term                scbcrse.scbcrse_eff_term%TYPE,
   r_coll_code               scbcrse.scbcrse_coll_code%TYPE,
   r_divs_code               scbcrse.scbcrse_divs_code%TYPE,
   r_dept_code               scbcrse.scbcrse_dept_code%TYPE,
   r_csta_code               scbcrse.scbcrse_csta_code%TYPE,
   r_title                   scbcrse.scbcrse_title%TYPE,
   r_cipc_code               scbcrse.scbcrse_cipc_code%TYPE,
   r_credit_hr_ind           scbcrse.scbcrse_credit_hr_ind%TYPE,
   r_credit_hr_low           scbcrse.scbcrse_credit_hr_low%TYPE,
   r_credit_hr_high          scbcrse.scbcrse_credit_hr_high%TYPE,
   r_lec_hr_ind              scbcrse.scbcrse_lec_hr_ind%TYPE,
   r_lec_hr_low              scbcrse.scbcrse_lec_hr_low%TYPE,
   r_lec_hr_high             scbcrse.scbcrse_lec_hr_high%TYPE,
   r_lab_hr_ind              scbcrse.scbcrse_lab_hr_ind%TYPE,
   r_lab_hr_low              scbcrse.scbcrse_lab_hr_low%TYPE,
   r_lab_hr_high             scbcrse.scbcrse_lab_hr_high%TYPE,
   r_oth_hr_ind              scbcrse.scbcrse_oth_hr_ind%TYPE,
   r_oth_hr_low              scbcrse.scbcrse_oth_hr_low%TYPE,
   r_oth_hr_high             scbcrse.scbcrse_oth_hr_high%TYPE,
   r_bill_hr_ind             scbcrse.scbcrse_bill_hr_ind%TYPE,
   r_bill_hr_low             scbcrse.scbcrse_bill_hr_low%TYPE,
   r_bill_hr_high            scbcrse.scbcrse_bill_hr_high%TYPE,
   r_aprv_code               scbcrse.scbcrse_aprv_code%TYPE,
   r_repeat_limit            scbcrse.scbcrse_repeat_limit%TYPE,
   r_pwav_code               scbcrse.scbcrse_pwav_code%TYPE,
   r_tuiw_ind                scbcrse.scbcrse_tuiw_ind%TYPE,
   r_add_fees_ind            scbcrse.scbcrse_add_fees_ind%TYPE,
   r_cont_hr_low             scbcrse.scbcrse_cont_hr_low%TYPE,
   r_cont_hr_ind             scbcrse.scbcrse_cont_hr_ind%TYPE,
   r_cont_hr_high            scbcrse.scbcrse_cont_hr_high%TYPE,
   r_ceu_ind                 scbcrse.scbcrse_ceu_ind%TYPE,
   r_reps_code               scbcrse.scbcrse_reps_code%TYPE,
   r_max_rpt_units           scbcrse.scbcrse_max_rpt_units%TYPE,
   r_capp_prereq_test_ind    scbcrse.scbcrse_capp_prereq_test_ind%TYPE,
   r_dunt_code               scbcrse.scbcrse_dunt_code%TYPE,
   r_number_of_units         scbcrse.scbcrse_number_of_units%TYPE,
   r_data_origin             scbcrse.scbcrse_data_origin%TYPE,
   r_user_id                 scbcrse.scbcrse_user_id%TYPE,
   r_prereq_chk_method_cde   scbcrse.scbcrse_prereq_chk_method_cde%TYPE,
   r_internal_record_id      gb_common.internal_record_id_type);

Entity record type


TYPE course_ref IS REF CURSOR RETURN course_rec;

Entity cursor variable type



Entity table type


Function f_api_version RETURN PLS_INTEGER

Returns the API version number.

Version of the API signature. Changes only when the signature changes.


Function f_exists(p_subj_code scbcrse.scbcrse_subj_code%TYPE,
                  p_crse_numb scbcrse.scbcrse_crse_numb%TYPE,
                  p_eff_term  scbcrse.scbcrse_eff_term%TYPE,
                  p_rowid     VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL) RETURN VARCHAR2

Checks to see if a record exists.

p_subj_code   Subject area of the course. VARCHAR2(4) Required Key
p_crse_numb   Course number associated with the subject for the course. VARCHAR2(5) Required Key
p_eff_term   Term this version of the course becomes effective. VARCHAR2(6) Required Key
p_rowid   Database ROWID of the record to select. VARCHAR2(18)

Y if found, otherwise N.


Function f_isequal(rec_one course_rec, rec_two course_rec) RETURN VARCHAR2

Compares two records for equality.

rec_one   First record to compare. Defined as type course_rec.
rec_two   Second record to compare. Defined as type course_rec.

Y if all values in records are equal, otherwise N. Nulls match nulls.


Function f_query_all(p_subj_code scbcrse.scbcrse_subj_code%TYPE,
                     p_crse_numb scbcrse.scbcrse_crse_numb%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_eff_term  scbcrse.scbcrse_eff_term%TYPE DEFAULT NULL)
  RETURN course_ref

Selects all records for the entity.

p_subj_code   Subject area of the course. VARCHAR2(4) Required Key
p_crse_numb   Course number associated with the subject for the course. VARCHAR2(5) Required Key
p_eff_term   Term this version of the course becomes effective. VARCHAR2(6) Required Key

A cursor variable that will fetch the set of records.


Function f_query_one(p_subj_code scbcrse.scbcrse_subj_code%TYPE,
                     p_crse_numb scbcrse.scbcrse_crse_numb%TYPE,
                     p_eff_term  scbcrse.scbcrse_eff_term%TYPE)
  RETURN course_ref

Selects one record using the key.

p_subj_code   Subject area of the course. VARCHAR2(4) Required Key
p_crse_numb   Course number associated with the subject for the course. VARCHAR2(5) Required Key
p_eff_term   Term this version of the course becomes effective. VARCHAR2(6) Required Key

A cursor variable that will fetch exactly one record.


Function f_query_current(p_subj_code scbcrse.scbcrse_subj_code%TYPE,
                         p_crse_numb scbcrse.scbcrse_crse_numb%TYPE,
                         p_eff_term  scbcrse.scbcrse_eff_term%TYPE)
  RETURN course_ref

Selects the course record current for the input effective term. This will always be the course record with the maximum effective term that is less than or equal to the input effective term.

p_subj_code   Subject area of the course. VARCHAR2(4) Required Key
p_crse_numb   Course number associated with the subject for the course. VARCHAR2(5) Required Key
p_eff_term   Term this version of the course becomes effective. VARCHAR2(6) Required Key

A cursor variable that will fetch exactly one record.


Function f_query_by_rowid(p_rowid VARCHAR2) RETURN course_ref

Selects one record using the ROWID.

p_rowid   Database ROWID of the record to be selected. VARCHAR2(18)

A cursor variable that will fetch exactly one record.


Function f_query_one_lock(p_subj_code scbcrse.scbcrse_subj_code%TYPE,
                          p_crse_numb scbcrse.scbcrse_crse_numb%TYPE,
                          p_eff_term  scbcrse.scbcrse_eff_term%TYPE,
                          p_rowid     VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL)
  RETURN course_ref

Selects one record and locks it.

p_subj_code   Subject area of the course. VARCHAR2(4) Required Key
p_crse_numb   Course number associated with the subject for the course. VARCHAR2(5) Required Key
p_eff_term   Term this version of the course becomes effective. VARCHAR2(6) Required Key
p_rowid   Database ROWID of the record to be selected. VARCHAR2(18)

A cursor variable for one record, locking the record.


Procedure p_create(p_subj_code             scbcrse.scbcrse_subj_code%TYPE,
                   p_crse_numb             scbcrse.scbcrse_crse_numb%TYPE,
                   p_eff_term              scbcrse.scbcrse_eff_term%TYPE,
                   p_coll_code             scbcrse.scbcrse_coll_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_divs_code             scbcrse.scbcrse_divs_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_dept_code             scbcrse.scbcrse_dept_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_csta_code             scbcrse.scbcrse_csta_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_title                 scbcrse.scbcrse_title%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_cipc_code             scbcrse.scbcrse_cipc_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_credit_hr_ind         scbcrse.scbcrse_credit_hr_ind%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_credit_hr_low         scbcrse.scbcrse_credit_hr_low%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_credit_hr_high        scbcrse.scbcrse_credit_hr_high%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_lec_hr_ind            scbcrse.scbcrse_lec_hr_ind%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_lec_hr_low            scbcrse.scbcrse_lec_hr_low%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_lec_hr_high           scbcrse.scbcrse_lec_hr_high%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_lab_hr_ind            scbcrse.scbcrse_lab_hr_ind%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_lab_hr_low            scbcrse.scbcrse_lab_hr_low%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_lab_hr_high           scbcrse.scbcrse_lab_hr_high%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_oth_hr_ind            scbcrse.scbcrse_oth_hr_ind%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_oth_hr_low            scbcrse.scbcrse_oth_hr_low%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_oth_hr_high           scbcrse.scbcrse_oth_hr_high%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_bill_hr_ind           scbcrse.scbcrse_bill_hr_ind%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_bill_hr_low           scbcrse.scbcrse_bill_hr_low%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_bill_hr_high          scbcrse.scbcrse_bill_hr_high%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_aprv_code             scbcrse.scbcrse_aprv_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_repeat_limit          scbcrse.scbcrse_repeat_limit%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_pwav_code             scbcrse.scbcrse_pwav_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_tuiw_ind              scbcrse.scbcrse_tuiw_ind%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_add_fees_ind          scbcrse.scbcrse_add_fees_ind%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_cont_hr_low           scbcrse.scbcrse_cont_hr_low%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_cont_hr_ind           scbcrse.scbcrse_cont_hr_ind%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_cont_hr_high          scbcrse.scbcrse_cont_hr_high%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_ceu_ind               scbcrse.scbcrse_ceu_ind%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_reps_code             scbcrse.scbcrse_reps_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_max_rpt_units         scbcrse.scbcrse_max_rpt_units%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_capp_prereq_test_ind  scbcrse.scbcrse_capp_prereq_test_ind%TYPE,
                   p_dunt_code             scbcrse.scbcrse_dunt_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_number_of_units       scbcrse.scbcrse_number_of_units%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_levl_code             scrlevl.scrlevl_levl_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_gmod_code             scrgmod.scrgmod_gmod_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_schd_code             scrschd.scrschd_schd_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_workload              scrschd.scrschd_workload%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_max_enrl              scrschd.scrschd_max_enrl%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_adj_workload          scrschd.scrschd_adj_workload%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_insm_code             scrschd.scrschd_insm_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_data_origin           scbcrse.scbcrse_data_origin%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_user_id               scbcrse.scbcrse_user_id%TYPE DEFAULT gb_common.f_sct_user,
                   p_prereq_chk_method_cde scbcrse.scbcrse_prereq_chk_method_cde%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_rowid_out             OUT VARCHAR2)

Creates a record in SCBCRSE. If this is the first record created for this subject code and course number, it also creates records in SCRLEVL, SCRGMOD, SCRSCHD, and SCBCRKY.

p_subj_code   Subject area of the course. VARCHAR2(4) Required Key
p_crse_numb   Course number associated with the subject for the course. VARCHAR2(5) Required Key
p_eff_term   Term this version of the course becomes effective. VARCHAR2(6) Required Key
p_coll_code   College which offers the course. VARCHAR2(2) Required
p_divs_code   Division which offers the course. VARCHAR2(4)
p_dept_code   Department which offers the course. VARCHAR2(4)
p_csta_code   Status of the course. VARCHAR2(1) Required
p_title   Title of the course. VARCHAR2(30)
p_cipc_code   CIP code of the course. VARCHAR2(6)
p_credit_hr_ind   Indicates whether the course can be offered for variable credit. VARCHAR2(2)
p_credit_hr_low   Minimum number of credit hours for which a course may be offered. NUMBER(7,3) Required
p_credit_hr_high   Maximum credit hour value within a range, or a second credit hour value for which the course may be taken. NUMBER(7,3)
p_lec_hr_ind   Indicates whether the course can be offered for variable lecture hours. VARCHAR2(2)
p_lec_hr_low   Minimum number of lecture hours for which a course may be offered. NUMBER(7,3)
p_lec_hr_high   Maximum lecture hour value within a range, or a second lecture hour value for which the course may be taken. NUMBER(7,3)
p_lab_hr_ind   Indicates whether the course can be offered for variable lab hours. VARCHAR2(2)
p_lab_hr_low   Minimum number of lab hours for which a course may be offered. NUMBER(7,3)
p_lab_hr_high   Maximum lab hour value within a range, or a second lab hour value for which the course may be taken. NUMBER(7,3)
p_oth_hr_ind   Indicates whether the course can be offered for variable other hours. VARCHAR2(2)
p_oth_hr_low   Minimum number of other hours for which the course may be offered. NUMBER(7,3)
p_oth_hr_high   Maximum other hour value within a range, or a second other hour value for which the course may be taken. NUMBER(7,3)
p_bill_hr_ind   Indicates whether the course can be offered for variable billing hours. VARCHAR2(2)
p_bill_hr_low   Minimum number of billing hours for which the course may be offered. NUMBER(7,3) Required
p_bill_hr_high   Maximum billing hour value within a range, or a second billing hour value for which the course may be taken. NUMBER(7,3)
p_aprv_code   Type of requirements a course is approved to fulfill. VARCHAR2(1)
p_repeat_limit   Maximum number of times the course may be repeated by a student. NUMBER(2)
p_pwav_code   Type of authorization a student must have in order to waive a prerequisite requirement. VARCHAR2(1)
p_tuiw_ind   Indicator that specifies whether the course is exempt from tuition and fees defined on the Registration Fees Process Control Form (SFARGFE). VARCHAR2(1)
p_add_fees_ind   Indicator that specifies that additional fees defined on the Fee Code block of the Course Detail Form (SCADETL) are charged for the course. VARCHAR2(1)
p_cont_hr_low   Minimum number of contact hours for which the course may be offered. NUMBER(7,3)
p_cont_hr_ind   Indicates whether the course can be offered for variable contact hours. VARCHAR2(2)
p_cont_hr_high   Maximum contact hour value within a range, or a second contact hour value for which the course may be taken. NUMBER(7,3)
p_ceu_ind   Indicates that a course is a Continuing Education course. VARCHAR2(1)
p_reps_code   Repeat status code used for reporting purposes. VARCHAR2(2)
p_max_rpt_units   Maximum number of credits for which a student may repeat the course. NUMBER(9,3)
p_capp_prereq_test_ind   Indicates whether CAPP (degree evaluation) areas or existing prerequisite and test score restrictions are in effect for the course. VARCHAR2(1) Required
p_dunt_code   Type of duration for which the course is offered. VARCHAR2(4)
p_number_of_units   Total number of times the duration unit extends. NUMBER(7,2)
p_levl_code   Level for which a course may be offered. VARCHAR2(2) Required
p_gmod_code   Grading mode authorized for the course. VARCHAR2(1) Required
p_schd_code   Schedule type code authorized for the course. VARCHAR2(3) Required
p_workload   Instructional workload value for the schedule type of the course. NUMBER(9,3)
p_max_enrl   Maximum student enrollment for the workload of the course. NUMBER(3)
p_adj_workload   Adjusted instructional workload value for the schedule type of the course. NUMBER(9,3)
p_insm_code   Instructional method for the course. VARCHAR2(5)
p_data_origin   Source system that generated the data. VARCHAR2(30)
p_user_id   Oracle ID of the user who inserted or last updated the data. VARCHAR2(30)
p_prereq_chk_method_cde   Denote B for Basic, C for CAPP, and D for DegreeWorks prerequisite checking method. VARCHAR2(1)
p_rowid_out   Database ROWID of the record to be created. VARCHAR2(18)


Procedure p_delete(p_subj_code scbcrse.scbcrse_subj_code%TYPE,
                   p_crse_numb scbcrse.scbcrse_crse_numb%TYPE,
                   p_eff_term  scbcrse.scbcrse_eff_term%TYPE,
                   p_rowid     VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL)

Deletes a record.

p_subj_code   Subject area of the course. VARCHAR2(4) Required Key
p_crse_numb   Course number associated with the subject for the course. VARCHAR2(5) Required Key
p_eff_term   Term this version of the course becomes effective. VARCHAR2(6) Required Key
p_rowid   Database ROWID of the record to be deleted. VARCHAR2(18)


Procedure p_lock(p_subj_code   scbcrse.scbcrse_subj_code%TYPE,
                 p_crse_numb   scbcrse.scbcrse_crse_numb%TYPE,
                 p_eff_term    scbcrse.scbcrse_eff_term%TYPE,
                 p_rowid_inout IN OUT VARCHAR2)

Locks a record. If the ROWID is not passed in, the record is located using the key values and the ROWID of the locked row is passed in p_rowid_inout.

p_subj_code   Subject area of the course. VARCHAR2(4) Required Key
p_crse_numb   Course number associated with the subject for the course. VARCHAR2(5) Required Key
p_eff_term   Term this version of the course becomes effective. VARCHAR2(6) Required Key
p_rowid_inout   Database ROWID of the record to be locked. VARCHAR2(18)


Procedure p_update(p_subj_code             scbcrse.scbcrse_subj_code%TYPE,
                   p_crse_numb             scbcrse.scbcrse_crse_numb%TYPE,
                   p_eff_term              scbcrse.scbcrse_eff_term%TYPE,
                   p_coll_code             scbcrse.scbcrse_coll_code%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_divs_code             scbcrse.scbcrse_divs_code%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_dept_code             scbcrse.scbcrse_dept_code%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_csta_code             scbcrse.scbcrse_csta_code%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_title                 scbcrse.scbcrse_title%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_cipc_code             scbcrse.scbcrse_cipc_code%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_credit_hr_ind         scbcrse.scbcrse_credit_hr_ind%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_credit_hr_low         scbcrse.scbcrse_credit_hr_low%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_credit_hr_high        scbcrse.scbcrse_credit_hr_high%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_lec_hr_ind            scbcrse.scbcrse_lec_hr_ind%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_lec_hr_low            scbcrse.scbcrse_lec_hr_low%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_lec_hr_high           scbcrse.scbcrse_lec_hr_high%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_lab_hr_ind            scbcrse.scbcrse_lab_hr_ind%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_lab_hr_low            scbcrse.scbcrse_lab_hr_low%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_lab_hr_high           scbcrse.scbcrse_lab_hr_high%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_oth_hr_ind            scbcrse.scbcrse_oth_hr_ind%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_oth_hr_low            scbcrse.scbcrse_oth_hr_low%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_oth_hr_high           scbcrse.scbcrse_oth_hr_high%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_bill_hr_ind           scbcrse.scbcrse_bill_hr_ind%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_bill_hr_low           scbcrse.scbcrse_bill_hr_low%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_bill_hr_high          scbcrse.scbcrse_bill_hr_high%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_aprv_code             scbcrse.scbcrse_aprv_code%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_repeat_limit          scbcrse.scbcrse_repeat_limit%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_pwav_code             scbcrse.scbcrse_pwav_code%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_tuiw_ind              scbcrse.scbcrse_tuiw_ind%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_add_fees_ind          scbcrse.scbcrse_add_fees_ind%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_cont_hr_low           scbcrse.scbcrse_cont_hr_low%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_cont_hr_ind           scbcrse.scbcrse_cont_hr_ind%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_cont_hr_high          scbcrse.scbcrse_cont_hr_high%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_ceu_ind               scbcrse.scbcrse_ceu_ind%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_reps_code             scbcrse.scbcrse_reps_code%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_max_rpt_units         scbcrse.scbcrse_max_rpt_units%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_capp_prereq_test_ind  scbcrse.scbcrse_capp_prereq_test_ind%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_dunt_code             scbcrse.scbcrse_dunt_code%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_number_of_units       scbcrse.scbcrse_number_of_units%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_data_origin           scbcrse.scbcrse_data_origin%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_user_id               scbcrse.scbcrse_user_id%TYPE DEFAULT gb_common.f_sct_user,
                   p_prereq_chk_method_cde scbcrse.scbcrse_prereq_chk_method_cde%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_rowid                 VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL)

Updates a record.

p_subj_code   Subject area of the course. VARCHAR2(4) Required Key
p_crse_numb   Course number associated with the subject for the course. VARCHAR2(5) Required Key
p_eff_term   Term this version of the course becomes effective. VARCHAR2(6) Required Key
p_coll_code   College which offers the course. VARCHAR2(2) Required
p_divs_code   Division which offers the course. VARCHAR2(4)
p_dept_code   Department which offers the course. VARCHAR2(4)
p_csta_code   Status of the course. VARCHAR2(1) Required
p_title   Title of the course. VARCHAR2(30)
p_cipc_code   CIP code of the course. VARCHAR2(6)
p_credit_hr_ind   Indicates whether the course can be offered for variable credit. VARCHAR2(2)
p_credit_hr_low   Minimum number of credit hours for which a course may be offered. NUMBER(7,3) Required
p_credit_hr_high   Maximum credit hour value within a range, or a second credit hour value for which the course may be taken. NUMBER(7,3)
p_lec_hr_ind   Indicates whether the course can be offered for variable lecture hours. VARCHAR2(2)
p_lec_hr_low   Minimum number of lecture hours for which a course may be offered. NUMBER(7,3)
p_lec_hr_high   Maximum lecture hour value within a range, or a second lecture hour value for which the course may be taken. NUMBER(7,3)
p_lab_hr_ind   Indicates whether the course can be offered for variable lab hours. VARCHAR2(2)
p_lab_hr_low   Minimum number of lab hours for which a course may be offered. NUMBER(7,3)
p_lab_hr_high   Maximum lab hour value within a range, or a second lab hour value for which the course may be taken. NUMBER(7,3)
p_oth_hr_ind   Indicates whether the course can be offered for variable other hours. VARCHAR2(2)
p_oth_hr_low   Minimum number of other hours for which the course may be offered. NUMBER(7,3)
p_oth_hr_high   Maximum other hour value within a range, or a second other hour value for which the course may be taken. NUMBER(7,3)
p_bill_hr_ind   Indicates whether the course can be offered for variable billing hours. VARCHAR2(2)
p_bill_hr_low   Minimum number of billing hours for which the course may be offered. NUMBER(7,3) Required
p_bill_hr_high   Maximum billing hour value within a range, or a second billing hour value for which the course may be taken. NUMBER(7,3)
p_aprv_code   Type of requirements a course is approved to fulfill. VARCHAR2(1)
p_repeat_limit   Maximum number of times the course may be repeated by a student. NUMBER(2)
p_pwav_code   Type of authorization a student must have in order to waive a prerequisite requirement. VARCHAR2(1)
p_tuiw_ind   Indicator that specifies whether the course is exempt from tuition and fees defined on the Registration Fees Process Control Form (SFARGFE). VARCHAR2(1)
p_add_fees_ind   Indicator that specifies that additional fees defined on the Fee Code block of the Course Detail Form (SCADETL) are charged for the course. VARCHAR2(1)
p_cont_hr_low   Minimum number of contact hours for which the course may be offered. NUMBER(7,3)
p_cont_hr_ind   Indicates whether the course can be offered for variable contact hours. VARCHAR2(2)
p_cont_hr_high   Maximum contact hour value within a range, or a second contact hour value for which the course may be taken. NUMBER(7,3)
p_ceu_ind   Indicates that a course is a Continuing Education course. VARCHAR2(1)
p_reps_code   Repeat status code used for reporting purposes. VARCHAR2(2)
p_max_rpt_units   Maximum number of credits for which a student may repeat the course. NUMBER(9,3)
p_capp_prereq_test_ind   Indicates whether CAPP (degree evaluation) areas or existing prerequisite and test score restrictions are in effect for the course. VARCHAR2(1) Required
p_dunt_code   Type of duration for which the course is offered. VARCHAR2(4)
p_number_of_units   Total number of times the duration unit extends. NUMBER(7,2)
p_data_origin   Source system that generated the data. VARCHAR2(30)
p_user_id   Oracle ID of the user who inserted or last updated the data. VARCHAR2(30)
p_prereq_chk_method_cde   Denote B for Basic, C for CAPP, and D for DegreeWorks prerequisite checking method. VARCHAR2(1)
p_rowid   Database ROWID of the record to be updated. VARCHAR2(18)