Message Name | Error Message |
INUSE | The issue or recommendation code cannot be deleted because the code is in use for faculty feedback. |
Use the purge process to delete faculty feedback data, then retry the operation. |
INVALID_ACTIVE_IND | Active Indicator is not valid. Should be Y or N |
Valid values are Y or N |
INVALID_SURROGATE_ID | Surrogate ID is not valid. |
The surrogate id does not exist in the table. |
INVALID_TYPE | Validation Type Code is not valid. Should be ISSUE or RECOMMENDATION |
Valid values are ISSUE or RECOMMENDATION. |
MISSING_ACTIVE_IND | Active Indicator is required. |
Valid values are Y or N. |
MISSING_CODE | Code is required. |
This value cannot be null. |
MISSING_DATA_ORIGIN | Data Origin Value is missing. This field is required. |
This value cannot be null. |
MISSING_DESC | Description is required. |
This value cannot be null. |
MISSING_TYPE | Type Of Validation Code (ISSUE or RECOMMENDATION) is required. |
This value cannot be null. |
MISSING_USER_ID | User ID is missing. This field is required. |
This value cannot be null. |
MISSING_VERSION | Version is missing. This field is required. |
This value cannot be null. |
NOUPDATECODE | Cannot update code because the the code already exists. |
This code is in use, so enter a different code. |
OPTIMISTIC_LOCK_ERROR | Cannot perform operation as record has been updated by another user. Please refresh and try again. |
Another user has changed the row while you were working on it. Requery and try the operation again. |
P_DELETE_FAILED | Cannot delete issue or recommendation because the record does not exist. |
Another user may have deleted the row while you were working on it. Requery and try the operation again. |
RECORD_EXISTS | Cannot create new issue or recommendation because the record already exists. |
Codes must be unique, try a different code. |