Package sb_testscore_rules Support subprograms for the Test Score API (sb_testscore). |
Program units |
p_register_entity | Registers the attribute value pairs to the message cache for delete operations. |
p_register_entity | Registers the attribute/value pairs to the message cache for create and update operations. |
p_validate | Validates all data in the record. |
Procedure p_register_entity(p_operation_type NUMBER, p_internal_record_id gb_common.internal_record_id_type)
Registers the attribute value pairs to the message cache for delete operations.
This signature uses the ROWID only for delete operations.
Parameters |
p_operation_type |
Type of DML operation: create, update, delete. NUMBER Required | |
p_internal_record_id |
Database ROWID. VARCHAR2(18) required |
Procedure p_register_entity(p_operation_type NUMBER, p_pidm sortest.sortest_pidm%TYPE, p_tesc_code sortest.sortest_tesc_code%TYPE, p_test_date sortest.sortest_test_date%TYPE, p_test_score sortest.sortest_test_score%TYPE, p_tsrc_code sortest.sortest_tsrc_code%TYPE, p_tadm_code sortest.sortest_tadm_code%TYPE, p_admr_code sortest.sortest_admr_code%TYPE, p_tein_code sortest.sortest_tein_code%TYPE, p_tefr_code sortest.sortest_tefr_code%TYPE, p_teac_code sortest.sortest_teac_code%TYPE, p_tepr_code sortest.sortest_tepr_code%TYPE, p_rcrv_ind sortest.sortest_rcrv_ind%TYPE, p_sat_orig_score sortest.sortest_sat_orig_score%TYPE, p_term_code_entry sortest.sortest_term_code_entry%TYPE, p_appl_no sortest.sortest_appl_no%TYPE, p_instr_id sortest.sortest_instr_id%TYPE, p_release_ind sortest.sortest_release_ind%TYPE, p_equiv_ind sortest.sortest_equiv_ind%TYPE, p_sat_essay_id sortest.sortest_sat_essay_id%TYPE, p_user_id sortest.sortest_user_id%TYPE DEFAULT gb_common.f_sct_user, p_data_origin sortest.sortest_data_origin%TYPE, p_internal_record_id gb_common.internal_record_id_type)
Registers the attribute/value pairs to the message cache for create and update operations.
This signature registers all parameters.
Parameters |
p_operation_type |
Type of DML operation: create, update, delete. NUMBER Required | |
p_pidm |
Internal identification number of the student. NUMBER(8) Required Key | |
p_tesc_code |
Test score code associated with various tests,such as SAT, ACT, placement scores. VARCHAR2(4) Required Key | |
p_test_date |
Date the test was taken. DATE Required Key | |
p_test_score |
Test score. VARCHAR2(5) Required | |
p_tsrc_code |
Source, or how the test score was entered, such as magnetic tape, self reported. VARCHAR2(4) | |
p_tadm_code |
Administrative type of a particular test, such as locally or nationally administered. VARCHAR2(2) | |
p_admr_code |
Admissions checklist item code which is cross referenced to this table. VARCHAR2(4) | |
p_tein_code |
Test instrument code. VARCHAR2(6) | |
p_tefr_code |
Test form code. VARCHAR2(2) | |
p_teac_code |
Test accommodation code. VARCHAR2(4) | |
p_tepr_code |
Test purpose code. VARCHAR2(2) | |
p_rcrv_ind |
Indicator for whether the SAT score has been recentered and/or revised. VARCHAR2(1) | |
p_sat_orig_score |
Original SAT score. VARCHAR2(5) | |
p_term_code_entry |
Term code of the application associated with this test. VARCHAR2(6) | |
p_appl_no |
Application number associated with this test. NUMBER(2) | |
p_instr_id |
Instrument ID. VARCHAR2(10) | |
p_release_ind |
Indicator for whether or not release of test information is authorized. Values are "Y" or "N". VARCHAR2(1) | |
p_equiv_ind |
Indicator to show if the test score is an equivalency for the actual test taken. VARCHAR2(1) Required | |
p_sat_essay_id |
SAT essay ID to view the prospect's essay on the SAT website. VARCHAR2(10) | |
p_user_id |
Oracle ID of the user who inserted or last updated the data. VARCHAR2(30) | |
p_data_origin |
Source system that created or updated the row. VARCHAR2(30) | |
p_internal_record_id |
Database ROWID VARCHAR2(18) required |
Procedure p_validate(p_pidm sortest.sortest_pidm%TYPE, p_tesc_code sortest.sortest_tesc_code%TYPE, p_test_date sortest.sortest_test_date%TYPE, p_test_score sortest.sortest_test_score%TYPE, p_tsrc_code sortest.sortest_tsrc_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_tadm_code sortest.sortest_tadm_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_admr_code sortest.sortest_admr_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_tein_code sortest.sortest_tein_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_tefr_code sortest.sortest_tefr_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_teac_code sortest.sortest_teac_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_tepr_code sortest.sortest_tepr_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_rcrv_ind sortest.sortest_rcrv_ind%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_sat_orig_score sortest.sortest_sat_orig_score%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_term_code_entry sortest.sortest_term_code_entry%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_appl_no sortest.sortest_appl_no%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_instr_id sortest.sortest_instr_id%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_release_ind sortest.sortest_release_ind%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_equiv_ind sortest.sortest_equiv_ind%TYPE, p_sat_essay_id sortest.sortest_sat_essay_id%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_user_id sortest.sortest_user_id%TYPE DEFAULT gb_common.f_sct_user, p_data_origin sortest.sortest_data_origin%TYPE DEFAULT NULL)
Validates all data in the record.
Parameters |
p_pidm |
Internal identification number of the student. NUMBER(8) Required Key | |
p_tesc_code |
Test score code associated with various tests, such as SAT, ACT, placement scores. VARCHAR2(4) Required Key | |
p_test_date |
Date the test was taken. DATE Required Key | |
p_test_score |
Test score. VARCHAR2(5) Required | |
p_tsrc_code |
Source, or how the test score was entered, such as magnetic tape, self reported. VARCHAR2(4) | |
p_tadm_code |
Administrative type of a particular test, such as locally or nationally administered. VARCHAR2(2) | |
p_admr_code |
Admissions checklist item code which is cross referenced to this table. VARCHAR2(4) | |
p_tein_code |
Test instrument code. VARCHAR2(6) | |
p_tefr_code |
Test form code. VARCHAR2(2) | |
p_teac_code |
Test accommodation code. VARCHAR2(4) | |
p_tepr_code |
Test purpose code. VARCHAR2(2) | |
p_rcrv_ind |
Indicator for whether the SAT score has been recentered and/or revised. VARCHAR2(1) | |
p_sat_orig_score |
Original SAT score. VARCHAR2(5) | |
p_term_code_entry |
Term code of the application associated with this test. VARCHAR2(6) | |
p_appl_no |
Application number associated with this test. NUMBER(2) | |
p_instr_id |
Instrument ID. VARCHAR2(10) | |
p_release_ind |
Indicator for whether or not release of test information is authorized. Values are "Y" or "N". VARCHAR2(1) | |
p_equiv_ind |
Indicator to show if the test score is an equivalency for the actual test taken. VARCHAR2(1) Required | |
p_sat_essay_id |
SAT essay ID to view the prospect's essay on the SAT website. VARCHAR2(10) | |
p_user_id |
Oracle ID of the user who inserted or last updated the data. VARCHAR2(30) | |
p_data_origin |
Source system that created or updated the row. VARCHAR2(30) |