* Message Key |
*Error Message |
* CONT_IND_REQ | OR/TO indicator is required with course high hours |
* The course OR/TO indicator is missing and must be entered when course high hours are entered. |
* DUNT_CODE_REQ | Course duration code must be entered if number of units is entered |
* The course duration code is missing and must be a valid value in the Duration Unit validation table (GTVDUNT) when duration units are entered. |
* HIGH_IND_HOURS_REQ | Course high hours are required with OR/TO indicator |
* The course high hours are missing and must be entered when the course OR/TO indicator is entered. |
* INVALID_ADD_FEES_IND | Invalid value for course additional fees indicator |
* An attempt was made to create or update the course additional fees indicator with a value other than 'Y' or 'N'. |
* INVALID_APRV_CODE | Invalid value for course prerequisite approval |
* An attempt was made to create or update the course prerequisite approval code with an invalid value. The approval code must exist in the Catalog Approval Code validation table (STVAPRV). |
* INVALID_BILL_HR_IND | Invalid value for course billing hours indicator |
* An attempt was made to create or update the course billing hours indicator with a value other than 'OR' or 'TO'. |
* INVALID_CAPP_PREREQ_TEST_IND | Invalid value for the indicator used to enable or restrict courses in CAPP (degree evaluation) areas to be used as prerequisites |
* An attempt was made to create or update the indicator used to enable or restrict courses in CAPP (degree evaluation) areas to be used as prerequisites with a value other than 'Y' or 'N'. |
* INVALID_CEU_IND | Invalid value for course continuing education indicator |
* An attempt was made to create or update the course continuing education indicator with a value other than 'Y' or 'N'. |
* INVALID_CEU_LEVL | Invalid level for CEU (Continuing Education) course |
* An attempt was made to create or update a Continuing Education course with a level that is not designated as Continuing Education in the Student Level validation table (STVLEVL). |
* INVALID_CIPC_CODE | Invalid value for course classification of instructional programs |
* An attempt was made to create or update the course classification of instructional programs (CIP) code with an invalid value. The CIP code must exist in the CIP Code validation table (STVCIPC). |
* INVALID_COLL_CODE | Invalid value for course college code |
* An attempt was made to create or update the course college code with an invalid value. The college code must exist in the College Code validation table (STVCOLL). |
* INVALID_CONT_HR_IND | Invalid value for course contact hours indicator |
* An attempt was made to create or update the course contact hours indicator with a value other than 'OR' or 'TO'. |
* INVALID_CREDIT_HR_IND | Invalid value for course credit hours indicator |
* An attempt was made to create or update the course credit hours indicator with a value other than 'OR' or 'TO'. |
* INVALID_CSTA_CODE | Invalid value for course status |
* An attempt was made to create or update the course status code with an invalid value. The course status code must exist in the Course Status Code validation table (STVCSTA). |
* INVALID_DEPT_CODE | Invalid value for course department |
* An attempt was made to create or update the course department code with an invalid value. The department code must exist in the Department Code validation table (STVDEPT). |
* INVALID_DIVS_CODE | Invalid value for course division |
* An attempt was made to create or update the course division code with an invalid value. The division code must exist in the Division Code validation table (STVDIVS). |
* INVALID_DUNT_CODE | Invalid value for course duration unit |
* An attempt was made to create or update the course duration unit code value with an invalid value. The duration unit code must exist in the Duration Unit code validation table (GTVDUNT). |
* INVALID_EFF_TERM | Invalid value for course effective term |
* An attempt was made to create or update the course effective term with an invalid value. The effective term code must exist in the Term Code validation table (STVTERM). |
* INVALID_GMOD_CODE | Invalid value for course grading mode code |
* An attempt was made to create or update the course grading mode code with an invalid value. The grading mode code must exist in the Grading Mode validation table (STVGMOD). |
* INVALID_INSM_CODE | Invalid value for course instructional method |
* An attempt was made to create or update the course instructional method with an invalid value. The instructional method code must exist in the Instructional Method Code validation table (GTVINSM
). |
* INVALID_LAB_HR_IND | Invalid value for course lab hours indicator |
* An attempt was made to create or update the course lab hours indicator with a value other than 'OR' or 'TO'. |
* INVALID_LEC_HR_IND | Invalid value for course lecture hours indicator |
* An attempt was made to create or update the course lecture hours indicator with a value other than 'OR' or 'TO'. |
* INVALID_LEVL_CODE | Invalid value for course level code |
* An attempt was made to create or update the course level code with an invalid value. The level code must exist in the Level Code validation table (STVLEVL). |
* INVALID_NON_CEU_LEVL | Invalid level for non-CEU (non-Continuing Education) course |
* An attempt was made to create or update a non-Continuing Education course with a level that is designated as Continuing Education in the Student Level validation table (STVLEVL). |
* INVALID_OTH_HR_IND | Invalid value for course other hours indicator |
* An attempt was made to create or update the course other hours indicator with a value other than 'OR' or 'TO'. |
* INVALID_PWAV_CODE | Invalid value for course prerequisite waiver indicator |
* An attempt was made to create or update the course prerequisite waiver code with an invalid value. The code must exist in the Pre-requisite Waiver Code validation table (STVPWAV). |
* INVALID_REPS_CODE | Invalid value for course repeat status |
* An attempt was made to create or update the course repeat status with an invalid value. The repeat status code must exist in the Repeat Status Code validation table (STVREPS). |
* INVALID_SCHD_CODE | Invalid value for course schedule type code |
* An attempt was made to create or update the course schedule type code with an invalid value. The schedule type code must exist in the Schedule Type Code validation table (STVSCHD). |
* INVALID_SUBJ_CODE | Invalid value for course subject code |
* An attempt was made to create or update the course subject code with an invalid value. The subject code must exist in the Subject Code validation table (STVSUBJ). |
* INVALID_TUIW_IND | Invalid value for course tuition waiver indicator |
* An attempt was made to create or update the course tuition waiver indicator with a value other than 'Y' or 'N'. |
* INV_START_TERM_DEL | From term is equal to start term; cannot delete course |
* An attempt was made to delete a course with a start term that is the first effective term for the course; must delete the course from the Course Base Form (SCABASE). |
* MISSING_BILL_HR_LOW | Missing mandatory value for course billing hours low |
* An attempt was made to create or update the course billing hours low to NULL. A numeric value between 0 and 9999.999 must be specified. |
* MISSING_CAPP_PREREQ_TEST_IND | Missing mandatory value for course enable CAPP (degree evaluation) areas for prerequisite restriction indicator |
* An attempt was made to create or update the course enable CAPP (degree evaluation) areas for prerequisite restriction indicator with a value other than 'Y' or 'N'. |
* MISSING_COLL_CODE | Missing mandatory value for course college code |
* An attempt was made to create or update the course college code to NULL. The college code must exist in the College Code validation table (STVCOLL). |
* MISSING_CREDIT_HR_LOW | Missing mandatory value for course credit hours low |
* An attempt was made to create or update the course credit hours low to NULL. A numeric value between 0 and 9999.999 must be specified. |
* MISSING_CRSE_NUMB | Missing mandatory value for course number |
* An attempt was made to create a course with a NULL course number. |
* MISSING_CSTA_CODE | Missing mandatory value for course status code |
* An attempt was made to create or update the course status code to NULL. The course status code must exist in the Course Status Code validation table (STVCSTA). |
* MISSING_GMOD_CODE | Missing mandatory value for course grading mode code |
* At least one grading mode code is required to create a course and must be a valid value in the Grading Mode validation table (STVGMOD). |
* MISSING_LEVL_CODE | Missing mandatory value for course level code |
* At least one level code is required to create a course and must be a valid value in the Level Code validation table (STVLEVL). |
* MISSING_SCHD_CODE | Missing mandatory value for course schedule code |
* At least one schedule code is required to create a course and must be a valid value in the Schedule Type Code validation table (STVSCHD). |
* MISSING_SUBJ_CODE | Missing mandatory value for course subject code |
* The subject code is required and must be a valid value from the Subject Code validation table (STVSUBJ). |
* MISSING_TITLE | Missing mandatory value for course title |
* An attempt was made to create or update the course title to NULL. |
* NUM_UNITS_REQ | Number of course duration units must be entered if duration code is entered |
* The course duration number of units is missing and is required with course duration code. |
* PK_NOT_FOUND | Cannot find course record using primary or unique key. |
* An attempt to update or delete a course was unsuccessful because the record could not be found using the primary or unique key of subject code, course number, and effective term. |
* P_DELETE_FAILED | Cannot delete course; record does not exist |
* An attempt to delete a course was unsuccessful because the record could not be found. |
* RECORD_EXISTS | Cannot create course; record already exists |
* An attempt to create a course was unsuccessful because the record already exists; duplicates are not allowed. |
* SECTIONS_EXIST | Section(s) exist for course; cannot delete |
* An attempt to delete a course was unsuccessful because sections exist for that course. |
* TERM_INVALID_FOR_BASE | Course effective term precedes course start term |
* An attempt was made to create a course with an effective term that is less than the start term in the Course Catalog Base Table (SCBCRKY) for the subject code and course number. |
* MISSING_PREREQ_CHK_METHOD_CDE | Missing mandatory value for course enabled prerequisite checking method |
* An attempt was made to create or update the course without a valid prerequisite checking method code of 'B','C', or 'D'. |
* INVALID_PREREQ_CHK_METHOD_CDE | Invalid mandatory value for course enabled prerequisite checking method |
* An attempt was made to create or update the course without a valid prerequisite checki
ng method code of 'B','C', or 'D'. |