
Package sb_phoneassignment_str

This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Phone Assignment API.

Message KeyError Message
ASSESSMENTS_PROCESSEDPhone Assignment assessments have already been processed; cannot delete
Phone assignment assessments for the term have been processed.  After the initial phone assessment for the term, records cannot be deleted.
ASSESS_DONE_NO_TERMPhone Assignment Assessments have already been processed; cannot change term
Phone assignment assessments for term have been processed in the past.  After the initial phone assessment for the term, phone assignment term code cannot be changed.
ASSESS_DONE_NO_RATEPhone Assignment Assessments have already been processed; cannot change rate code
Phone assignment assessments for term have been processed in the past.  After the initial meal assessment for the term, phone assignment rate code cannot be changed.
BEGIN_LESS_THAN_ENDBegin Date must be less than End Date for Phone Assignment
Date value specified for the begin date must be less than date value specified for the end date to create a valid phone assignment date range.
INACTIVE_APPLICATIONApplication is inactive
The application for this student and term in not active, therefore no phone assignments can be made.
INVALID_AR_INDInvalid Phone Assignment AR Indicator, must be Y or N
Value specified for phone assignment ar indicator must be Y or N.
INVALID_ASSESS_NEEDEDInvalid Phone Assignment Assessment Needed Indicator, must be Y or N
Value specified for phone assignment assessment needed must be Y or N.
INVALID_ONL_OR_BATInvalid Phone Assignment Online or Batch Indicator, must be O(Online) or B(Batch)
Value specified for the phone assignment online or batch indicator must have a valid vlaue of O (Online) or B (Batch).
INVALID_PIDMInvalid Phone Assignment PIDM
Value specified for the phone assignment internal personal identification number is invalid.
INVALID_PRCD_CODEInvalid Phone Assignment Phone Plan Code
Value specified for the phone assignment phone plan rate code must be established within assessments for the term.
INVALID_PSCD_CODEInvalid Phone Assignment Status Code
Value specified for the status code must be a valid phone assignment status code for the term.
INVALID_PSCD_DATEPhone Assignment Date must be between start and end date for status code
Date specified for the phone assignment must be within the date range for the status code.
INVALID_ROLL_INDInvalid Phone Assignment Roll Indicator, must be N or NULL
Value specified for the phone assignment roll indicator must have a valid value of N (Do Not Roll) or NULL (Allow Roll).
INVALID_SLBTERM_CODE Phone Assignment term not available for processing; check SLBTERM
Phone assignment term specified must be defined in the SLBTERM table.
INVALID_TERM_CODEInvalid Phone Assignment Term Code
Value specified for the phone assignment term code must have a valid value in the Term Code validation table (STVTERM).
MEAL_APPLICATIONApplication is for meal assignments only
The application is set up for meals only in SLBRMAP.
MISSING_ASSESS_NEEDEDMissing mandatory Phone Assignment Assessment Needed
Phone assignment assessment must have a value Y or N.
MISSING_AR_INDMissing mandatory Phone Assignment AR Indicator
Phone assignment accounts receivable indicator must have a value Y or N.
MISSING_BEGIN_DATEMissing mandatory Phone Assignment Begin Date
Phone assignment begin date must be specified.
MISSING_END_DATEMissing mandatory Phone Assignment End Date
Phone assignment end date must be specified.
MISSING_ONL_OR_BATMissing mandatory Phone Assignment Online/Batch Indicator
Phone assignment O(nline) or B(atch) indicator must be specified.
MISSING_PHONE_NUMBERMissing mandatory Phone Assignment Phone Number
Phone assignment phone number must be entered.
MISSING_PIDMMissing mandatory Phone Assignment PIDM
Phone assignment internal personal identification number must be specified.
MISSING_PRCD_CODEMissing mandatory Phone Assignment Phone Plan Code
Value for phone assignment phone rate code must be specified.
MISSING_PSCD_CODEMissing mandatory Phone Assignment Status Code
Value was not specified for the phone assignment status code.
MISSING_PSCD_DATEMissing mandatory Phone Assignment Status Date
Value was not specified for the phone assignment status date.
MISSING_TERM_CODEMissing mandatory Phone Assignment Term Code
Value for the phone assignment term code must be specified.
MISSING_TOTAL_DAYSMissing mandatory Phone Assignment Total Days
Number for the phone assignment total days must be specified.
MISSING_TOTAL_MONTHSMissing mandatory Phone Assignment Total Months
Number for phone assignment total months must be specified.
MISSING_TOTAL_TERMSMissing mandatory Phone Assignment Total Terms
Number for phone assignment total terms must be specified.
NO_APPLICATION Phone Assignment term must be between application 'from term' and 'to term'
Term specified for the phone assignment must be within the housing application term range.
NO_RATE_ASSESSPhone assignment assessments have already been processed; cannot update rate code
The rate code cannot be changed once the room assignment has been assessed.
PK_NOT_FOUNDCannot find Phone Assignment record using primary or unique key
Phone assignment record cannot be found in the table with the data specified.
PLAN_NOT_ESTABLISHEDPhone Plan Not Established within Assessments
Phone plan code must be valid for the term for the phone assessments.
P_DELETE_FAILEDCannot delete, Phone Assignment record does not exist
Phone assignment record could not be found in the table with the data specified.  Cannot delete.
RATE_CODE_NOT_DAILYRate code not set up for Phone Assignment daily assessment
Phone assignment rate code is not set up for daily assessment.
RATE_CODE_NOT_MONTHLYRate code not set up for Phone Assignment monthly assessment
Phone assignment rate code is not set up for monthly assessment.
RATE_CODE_NOT_TERMLYRate code not set up for Phone Assignment assessment by term
Phone assignment rate code is not set up for assessment by term.
DELETE_NOT_ALLOWEDCannot delete, not allowed because of assessments needed indicator and AR indicator settings.
Phone assignment requested cannot be deleted due to the setting of the assessment needed and ar indicator.
RATE_OUT_OF_MONTH_RANGEPhone Assignment rate value must be in range of 0 - 12
The value specified for the rate must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 12.

Program units



error_tab gb_common_strings.errmsg_tab_type;

Global error message table


Function f_get_error(p_errorname VARCHAR2) return varchar2

Returns the error message corresponding to p_errorname.

p_errorname   Name associated with error message.