
Package sb_course_registration_rules

NOTE: Please be advised that this API  is currently intended to only support internal operations.
To ensure data integrity,  this api  is not supported  when called by external applications or interfaces to manipulate data. The recommendation for external applications is to use message level integration  to integrate with this entitity in  SCT Banner.
This package provides the support subprograms for the Course Registration API (sb_course_registration).

Program units
f_parent_exists   Checks to see if a parent record exists for the course registration table.
p_register_entity   Registers the attribute/value pairs to the message cache.
p_register_entity   Registers the attribute/value pairs to the message cache.
p_validate   Validates all the data in the record.


Function f_parent_exists(p_pidm      sfrstcr.sfrstcr_pidm%TYPE,
                         p_term_code sfrstcr.sfrstcr_term_code%TYPE)

Checks to see if a parent record exists for the course registration table.
The enrollment record sb_enrollment is the parent record for the course registration record. If an enrollment record exists, the function returns a 'Y' otherwise it returns an 'N'.

p_pidm   Internal Identification Number of the person registered. NUMBER(8) Required Key
p_term_code   Registration term code. VARCHAR2(6) Required Key


Procedure p_register_entity(p_operation_type     NUMBER,
                            p_internal_record_id VARCHAR2)

Registers the attribute/value pairs to the message cache.
This signature uses the ROWID only for the delete operations.

p_internal_record_id   Database ROWID.


Procedure p_register_entity(p_operation_type        NUMBER,
                            p_term_code             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_term_code%TYPE,
                            p_pidm                  sfrstcr.sfrstcr_pidm%TYPE,
                            p_crn                   sfrstcr.sfrstcr_crn%TYPE,
                            p_class_sort_key        sfrstcr.sfrstcr_class_sort_key%TYPE,
                            p_reg_seq               sfrstcr.sfrstcr_reg_seq%TYPE,
                            p_ptrm_code             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_ptrm_code%TYPE,
                            p_rsts_code             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_rsts_code%TYPE,
                            p_rsts_date             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_rsts_date%TYPE,
                            p_error_flag            sfrstcr.sfrstcr_error_flag%TYPE,
                            p_rmsg_cde              sfrstcr.sfrstcr_rmsg_cde%TYPE,
                            p_message               sfrstcr.sfrstcr_message%TYPE,
                            p_bill_hr               sfrstcr.sfrstcr_bill_hr%TYPE,
                            p_waiv_hr               sfrstcr.sfrstcr_waiv_hr%TYPE,
                            p_credit_hr             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_credit_hr%TYPE,
                            p_bill_hr_hold          sfrstcr.sfrstcr_bill_hr_hold%TYPE,
                            p_credit_hr_hold        sfrstcr.sfrstcr_credit_hr_hold%TYPE,
                            p_gmod_code             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_gmod_code%TYPE,
                            p_grde_code             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_grde_code%TYPE,
                            p_grde_code_mid         sfrstcr.sfrstcr_grde_code_mid%TYPE,
                            p_grde_date             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_grde_date%TYPE,
                            p_dupl_over             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_dupl_over%TYPE,
                            p_link_over             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_link_over%TYPE,
                            p_corq_over             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_corq_over%TYPE,
                            p_preq_over             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_preq_over%TYPE,
                            p_time_over             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_time_over%TYPE,
                            p_capc_over             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_capc_over%TYPE,
                            p_levl_over             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_levl_over%TYPE,
                            p_coll_over             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_coll_over%TYPE,
                            p_majr_over             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_majr_over%TYPE,
                            p_clas_over             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_clas_over%TYPE,
                            p_appr_over             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_appr_over%TYPE,
                            p_appr_received_ind     sfrstcr.sfrstcr_appr_received_ind%TYPE,
                            p_add_date              sfrstcr.sfrstcr_add_date%TYPE,
                            p_levl_code             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_levl_code%TYPE,
                            p_camp_code             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_camp_code%TYPE,
                            p_reserved_key          sfrstcr.sfrstcr_reserved_key%TYPE,
                            p_attend_hr             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_attend_hr%TYPE,
                            p_rept_over             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_rept_over%TYPE,
                            p_rpth_over             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_rpth_over%TYPE,
                            p_test_over             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_test_over%TYPE,
                            p_camp_over             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_camp_over%TYPE,
                            p_user                  sfrstcr.sfrstcr_user%TYPE,
                            p_degc_over             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_degc_over%TYPE,
                            p_prog_over             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_prog_over%TYPE,
                            p_last_attend           sfrstcr.sfrstcr_last_attend%TYPE,
                            p_gcmt_code             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_gcmt_code%TYPE,
                            p_data_origin           sfrstcr.sfrstcr_data_origin%TYPE,
                            p_assess_activity_date  sfrstcr.sfrstcr_assess_activity_date%TYPE,
                            p_dept_over             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_dept_over%TYPE,
                            p_atts_over             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_atts_over%TYPE,
                            p_chrt_over             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_chrt_over%TYPE,
                            p_wl_priority           sfrstcr.sfrstcr_wl_priority%TYPE,
                            p_wl_priority_orig      sfrstcr.sfrstcr_wl_priority_orig%TYPE,
                            p_grde_code_incmp_final sfrstcr.sfrstcr_grde_code_incmp_final%TYPE,
                            p_incomplete_ext_date   sfrstcr.sfrstcr_incomplete_ext_date%TYPE,
                            p_mexc_over             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_mexc_over%TYPE,
                            p_stsp_key_sequence     sfrstcr.sfrstcr_stsp_key_sequence%TYPE,
                            p_internal_record_id    VARCHAR2,
                            p_blck_code             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_blck_code%TYPE,
                            p_brdh_seq_num          sfrstcr.sfrstcr_brdh_seq_num%TYPE)

Registers the attribute/value pairs to the message cache.
This signature registers all the parameters

p_term_code   Registration term code. VARCHAR2(6) Required Key
p_pidm   Internal Identification Number of the person registered. NUMBER(8) Required Key
p_crn   Course reference number associated with the class section. VARCHAR2(5) Required Key
p_class_sort_key   Class of the registrant. NUMBER(4)
p_reg_seq   Sequence in which the student enrolled in the associated class section. NUMBER(4) Required
p_ptrm_code   Part-Of-Term code associated with the CRN. VARCHAR2(3)
p_rsts_code   Course registration status associated with the CRN. VARCHAR2(2)
p_rsts_date   Date associated with the course registration status of the CRN. DATE
p_error_flag   Error associated with the registration of the CRN, if applicable. Valid values are F=Fatal, D=Do not count in enrollment, L=Waitlisted, O=Override. VARCHAR2(1)
p_rmsg_cde   Message type code associated with the registration of the CRN. VARCHAR2(4)
p_message   Message associated with the registration of the CRN. VARCHAR2(200)
p_bill_hr   Billing hours associated with the CRN. NUMBER(7,3)
p_waiv_hr   Waived hours associated with the CRN. NUMBER(7,3)
p_credit_hr   Credit hours associated with the CRN. NUMBER(7,3)
p_bill_hr_hold   Billing hours to hold for reinstatements. NUMBER(7,3)
p_credit_hr_hold   Credit hours to hold for reinstatements. NUMBER(7,3)
p_gmod_code   Grade mode associated with the CRN. VARCHAR2(1)
p_grde_code   Grade code associated with the CRN. VARCHAR2(6)
p_grde_code_mid   Midterm grade code associated with the CRN. VARCHAR2(6)
p_grde_date   Date associated with the grade of the CRN. DATE
p_dupl_over   Duplicate course override of the CRN. VARCHAR2(1)
p_link_over   Link override of the CRN. VARCHAR2(1)
p_corq_over   Corequisite override of the CRN. VARCHAR2(1)
p_preq_over   Prerequisite override of the CRN. VARCHAR2(1)
p_time_over   Time conflict override of the CRN. VARCHAR2(1)
p_capc_over   Capacity override of the CRN. VARCHAR2(1)
p_levl_over   Level restriction override of the CRN. VARCHAR2(1)
p_coll_over   College restriction override of the CRN. VARCHAR2(1)
p_majr_over   Major restriction override of the CRN. VARCHAR2(1)
p_clas_over   Class restriction override of the CRN. VARCHAR2(1)
p_appr_over   Special approval override of the CRN. VARCHAR2(1)
p_appr_received_ind   Special approval received indicator for the CRN. VARCHAR2(1)
p_add_date   Add date of the registrant in the CRN. DATE Required
p_levl_code   Level the registrant is enrolled for the CRN. VARCHAR2(2) Required
p_camp_code   Campus code of the CRN. VARCHAR2(3) Required
p_reserved_key   Student Course Registration Table Reserved Key. VARCHAR2(8)
p_attend_hr   Number of hours the student attended the class. NUMBER(9,3)
p_rept_over   Repeat course restriction override of the CRN. VARCHAR2(1)
p_rpth_over   Repeat course hour restriction override of the CRN. VARCHAR2(1)
p_test_over   Test score restriction override of the CRN. VARCHAR2(1)
p_camp_over   Campus Registration Restriction override code. VARCHAR2(1)
p_user   Oracle ID of the user who entered the registration request. VARCHAR2(30)
p_degc_over   Degree restriction override indicator. VARCHAR2(1)
p_prog_over   Program restriction override indicator. VARCHAR2(1)
p_last_attend   Date student last attended the class. DATE
p_gcmt_code   Grade comment (result code) for the section. VARCHAR2(7)
p_data_origin   Source system that generated the data. VARCHAR2(30)
p_assess_activity_date   Date of registration activity that impacted Fee Assessment. DATE
p_dept_over   Department restriction override indicator. VARCHAR2(1)
p_atts_over   Student attribute restriction override indicator. VARCHAR2(1)
p_chrt_over   Cohort restriction override indicator. VARCHAR2(1)
p_wl_priority   Waitlist Priority Number . NUMBER (11,6)
p_wl_priority_orig   Wheter Waitlist Priority Number was system or manually generated. VARCHAR2(1)
p_grde_code_incmp_final   Actual Grade code to identify default final grade for incomplete coursework. VARCHAR2(6)
p_incomplete_ext_date   Date to identify when the default final grade will be applied if coursework is incomplete. DATE
p_mexc_over   Mutual Exclusion restriction override indicator. VARCHAR2(1)
p_stsp_key_sequence   The key sequence of the learner study path under which the CRN is registered. NUMBER(2)
p_internal_record_id   Database ROWID.
p_blck_code   Block code student is registered.
p_brdh_seq_num   Sequence number that uniquely identifies the rule for block assignment.


Procedure p_validate(p_term_code             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_term_code%TYPE,
                     p_pidm                  sfrstcr.sfrstcr_pidm%TYPE,
                     p_crn                   sfrstcr.sfrstcr_crn%TYPE,
                     p_class_sort_key        sfrstcr.sfrstcr_class_sort_key%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_reg_seq               sfrstcr.sfrstcr_reg_seq%TYPE,
                     p_ptrm_code             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_ptrm_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_rsts_code             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_rsts_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_rsts_date             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_rsts_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_error_flag            sfrstcr.sfrstcr_error_flag%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_rmsg_cde              sfrstcr.sfrstcr_rmsg_cde%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_message               sfrstcr.sfrstcr_message%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_bill_hr               sfrstcr.sfrstcr_bill_hr%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_waiv_hr               sfrstcr.sfrstcr_waiv_hr%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_credit_hr             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_credit_hr%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_bill_hr_hold          sfrstcr.sfrstcr_bill_hr_hold%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_credit_hr_hold        sfrstcr.sfrstcr_credit_hr_hold%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_gmod_code             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_gmod_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_grde_code             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_grde_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_grde_code_mid         sfrstcr.sfrstcr_grde_code_mid%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_grde_date             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_grde_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_dupl_over             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_dupl_over%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_link_over             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_link_over%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_corq_over             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_corq_over%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_preq_over             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_preq_over%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_time_over             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_time_over%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_capc_over             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_capc_over%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_levl_over             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_levl_over%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_coll_over             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_coll_over%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_majr_over             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_majr_over%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_clas_over             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_clas_over%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_appr_over             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_appr_over%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_appr_received_ind     sfrstcr.sfrstcr_appr_received_ind%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_add_date              sfrstcr.sfrstcr_add_date%TYPE,
                     p_levl_code             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_levl_code%TYPE,
                     p_camp_code             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_camp_code%TYPE,
                     p_reserved_key          sfrstcr.sfrstcr_reserved_key%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_attend_hr             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_attend_hr%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_rept_over             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_rept_over%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_rpth_over             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_rpth_over%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_test_over             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_test_over%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_camp_over             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_camp_over%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_user                  sfrstcr.sfrstcr_user%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_degc_over             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_degc_over%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_prog_over             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_prog_over%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_last_attend           sfrstcr.sfrstcr_last_attend%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_gcmt_code             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_gcmt_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_data_origin           sfrstcr.sfrstcr_data_origin%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_assess_activity_date  sfrstcr.sfrstcr_assess_activity_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_dept_over             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_dept_over%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_atts_over             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_atts_over%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_chrt_over             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_chrt_over%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_wl_priority           sfrstcr.sfrstcr_wl_priority%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_wl_priority_orig      sfrstcr.sfrstcr_wl_priority_orig%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_grde_code_incmp_final sfrstcr.sfrstcr_grde_code_incmp_final%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_incomplete_ext_date   sfrstcr.sfrstcr_incomplete_ext_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_mexc_over             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_mexc_over%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_stsp_key_sequence     sfrstcr.sfrstcr_stsp_key_sequence%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_blck_code             sfrstcr.sfrstcr_blck_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_brdh_seq_num          sfrstcr.sfrstcr_brdh_seq_num%TYPE DEFAULT NULL)

Validates all the data in the record.

p_term_code   Registration term code. VARCHAR2(6) Required Key
p_pidm   Internal Identification Number of the person registered. NUMBER(8) Required Key
p_crn   Course reference number associated with the class section. VARCHAR2(5) Required Key
p_class_sort_key   Class of the registrant. NUMBER(4)
p_reg_seq   Sequence in which the student enrolled in the associated class section. NUMBER(4) Required
p_ptrm_code   Part-Of-Term code associated with the CRN. VARCHAR2(3)
p_rsts_code   Course registration status associated with the CRN. VARCHAR2(2)
p_rsts_date   Date associated with the course registration status of the CRN. DATE
p_error_flag   Error associated with the registration of the CRN, if applicable. Valid values are F=Fatal, D=Do not count in enrollment, L=Waitlisted, O=Override. VARCHAR2(1)
p_rmsg_cde   Message type code associated with the registration of the CRN. VARCHAR2(4)
p_message   Message associated with the registration of the CRN. VARCHAR2(200)
p_bill_hr   Billing hours associated with the CRN. NUMBER(7,3)
p_waiv_hr   Waived hours associated with the CRN. NUMBER(7,3)
p_credit_hr   Credit hours associated with the CRN. NUMBER(7,3)
p_bill_hr_hold   Billing hours to hold for reinstatements. NUMBER(7,3)
p_credit_hr_hold   Credit hours to hold for reinstatements. NUMBER(7,3)
p_gmod_code   Grade mode associated with the CRN. VARCHAR2(1)
p_grde_code   Grade code associated with the CRN. VARCHAR2(6)
p_grde_code_mid   Midterm grade code associated with the CRN. VARCHAR2(6)
p_grde_date   Date associated with the grade the CRN. DATE
p_dupl_over   Duplicate course override of the CRN. VARCHAR2(1)
p_link_over   Link override of the CRN. VARCHAR2(1)
p_corq_over   Corequisite override of the CRN. VARCHAR2(1)
p_preq_over   Prerequisite override of the CRN. VARCHAR2(1)
p_time_over   Time conflict override of the CRN. VARCHAR2(1)
p_capc_over   Capacity override of the CRN. VARCHAR2(1)
p_levl_over   Level restriction override of the CRN. VARCHAR2(1)
p_coll_over   College restriction override of the CRN. VARCHAR2(1)
p_majr_over   Major restriction override of the CRN. VARCHAR2(1)
p_clas_over   Class restriction override of the CRN. VARCHAR2(1)
p_appr_over   Special approval override of the CRN. VARCHAR2(1)
p_appr_received_ind   Special approval received indicator for the CRN. VARCHAR2(1)
p_add_date   Add date of the registrant in the CRN. DATE Required
p_levl_code   Level the registrant is enrolled for the CRN. VARCHAR2(2) Required
p_camp_code   Campus code of the CRN. VARCHAR2(3) Required
p_reserved_key   Student Course Registration Table Reserved Key. VARCHAR2(8)
p_attend_hr   Number of hours the student attended the class. NUMBER(9,3)
p_rept_over   Repeat course restriction override of the CRN. VARCHAR2(1)
p_rpth_over   Repeat course hour restriction override of the CRN. VARCHAR2(1)
p_test_over   Test score restriction override of the CRN. VARCHAR2(1)
p_camp_over   Campus Registration Restriction override code. VARCHAR2(1)
p_user   Identifies the user who entered the registration request. VARCHAR2(30)
p_degc_over   Degree restriction override indicator. VARCHAR2(1)
p_prog_over   Program restriction override indicator. VARCHAR2(1)
p_last_attend   Date student last attended the class. DATE
p_gcmt_code   Grade comment (result code) for the section. VARCHAR2(7)
p_data_origin   Source system that generated the data. VARCHAR2(30)
p_assess_activity_date   Date of registration activity that impacted Fee Assessment. DATE
p_dept_over   Department restriction override indicator. VARCHAR2(1)
p_atts_over   Student attribute restriction override indicator. VARCHAR2(1)
p_wl_priority   Waitlist Priority Number . NUMBER (11,6)
p_wl_priority_orig   Wheter Waitlist Priority Number was system or manually generated. VARCHAR2(1)
p_grde_code_incmp_final   Actual Grade code to identify default final grade for incomplete coursework. VARCHAR2(6)
p_incomplete_ext_date   Date to identify when the default final grade will be applied if coursework is incomplete. DATE
p_chrt_over   Cohort restriction override indicator. VARCHAR2(1)
p_mexc_over   Mutual Exclusion restriction override indicator. VARCHAR2(1)
p_stsp_key_sequence   The key sequence of the learner study path under which the CRN is registered. NUMBER(2)
p_blck_code   Block code student is registered. VAHRCHAR2(10)
p_brdh_seq_num   Sequence number that uniquely identifies the rule for block assignment. NUMBER(7)