Package BANINST1.sb_section_rules This package provides the support subprograms for the Section API (sb_section).Because creating a section requires substantially different validation than updating a section, two validation procedures are used by this API: p_validate_create and p_validate_update. |
Program units |
Procedure p_register_entity(p_operation_type NUMBER, p_internal_record_id VARCHAR2)
Registers the attribute/value pairs to the message cache.
This signature uses the ROWID only for the delete operations.
Parameters |
p_internal_record_id |
Database ROWID. VARCHAR2(18) |
Procedure p_register_entity(p_operation_type NUMBER, p_term_code ssbsect.ssbsect_term_code%TYPE, p_crn ssbsect.ssbsect_crn%TYPE, p_ptrm_code ssbsect.ssbsect_ptrm_code%TYPE, p_subj_code ssbsect.ssbsect_subj_code%TYPE, p_crse_numb ssbsect.ssbsect_crse_numb%TYPE, p_seq_numb ssbsect.ssbsect_seq_numb%TYPE, p_ssts_code ssbsect.ssbsect_ssts_code%TYPE, p_schd_code ssbsect.ssbsect_schd_code%TYPE, p_camp_code ssbsect.ssbsect_camp_code%TYPE, p_crse_title ssbsect.ssbsect_crse_title%TYPE, p_credit_hrs ssbsect.ssbsect_credit_hrs%TYPE, p_bill_hrs ssbsect.ssbsect_bill_hrs%TYPE, p_gmod_code ssbsect.ssbsect_gmod_code%TYPE, p_sapr_code ssbsect.ssbsect_sapr_code%TYPE, p_sess_code ssbsect.ssbsect_sess_code%TYPE, p_link_ident ssbsect.ssbsect_link_ident%TYPE, p_prnt_ind ssbsect.ssbsect_prnt_ind%TYPE, p_gradable_ind ssbsect.ssbsect_gradable_ind%TYPE, p_tuiw_ind ssbsect.ssbsect_tuiw_ind%TYPE, p_reg_oneup ssbsect.ssbsect_reg_oneup%TYPE, p_prior_enrl ssbsect.ssbsect_prior_enrl%TYPE, p_proj_enrl ssbsect.ssbsect_proj_enrl%TYPE, p_max_enrl ssbsect.ssbsect_max_enrl%TYPE, p_enrl ssbsect.ssbsect_enrl%TYPE, p_seats_avail ssbsect.ssbsect_seats_avail%TYPE, p_tot_credit_hrs ssbsect.ssbsect_tot_credit_hrs%TYPE, p_census_enrl ssbsect.ssbsect_census_enrl%TYPE, p_census_enrl_date ssbsect.ssbsect_census_enrl_date%TYPE, p_ptrm_start_date ssbsect.ssbsect_ptrm_start_date%TYPE, p_ptrm_end_date ssbsect.ssbsect_ptrm_end_date%TYPE, p_ptrm_weeks ssbsect.ssbsect_ptrm_weeks%TYPE, p_reserved_ind ssbsect.ssbsect_reserved_ind%TYPE, p_wait_capacity ssbsect.ssbsect_wait_capacity%TYPE, p_wait_count ssbsect.ssbsect_wait_count%TYPE, p_wait_avail ssbsect.ssbsect_wait_avail%TYPE, p_lec_hr ssbsect.ssbsect_lec_hr%TYPE, p_lab_hr ssbsect.ssbsect_lab_hr%TYPE, p_oth_hr ssbsect.ssbsect_oth_hr%TYPE, p_cont_hr ssbsect.ssbsect_cont_hr%TYPE, p_acct_code ssbsect.ssbsect_acct_code%TYPE, p_accl_code ssbsect.ssbsect_accl_code%TYPE, p_census_2_date ssbsect.ssbsect_census_2_date%TYPE, p_enrl_cut_off_date ssbsect.ssbsect_enrl_cut_off_date%TYPE, p_acad_cut_off_date ssbsect.ssbsect_acad_cut_off_date%TYPE, p_drop_cut_off_date ssbsect.ssbsect_drop_cut_off_date%TYPE, p_census_2_enrl ssbsect.ssbsect_census_2_enrl%TYPE, p_voice_avail ssbsect.ssbsect_voice_avail%TYPE, p_capp_prereq_test_ind ssbsect.ssbsect_capp_prereq_test_ind%TYPE, p_gsch_name ssbsect.ssbsect_gsch_name%TYPE, p_best_of_comp ssbsect.ssbsect_best_of_comp%TYPE, p_subset_of_comp ssbsect.ssbsect_subset_of_comp%TYPE, p_insm_code ssbsect.ssbsect_insm_code%TYPE, p_reg_from_date ssbsect.ssbsect_reg_from_date%TYPE, p_reg_to_date ssbsect.ssbsect_reg_to_date%TYPE, p_learner_regstart_fdate ssbsect.ssbsect_learner_regstart_fdate%TYPE, p_learner_regstart_tdate ssbsect.ssbsect_learner_regstart_tdate%TYPE, p_dunt_code ssbsect.ssbsect_dunt_code%TYPE, p_number_of_units ssbsect.ssbsect_number_of_units%TYPE, p_number_of_extensions ssbsect.ssbsect_number_of_extensions%TYPE, p_data_origin ssbsect.ssbsect_data_origin%TYPE, p_user_id ssbsect.ssbsect_user_id%TYPE DEFAULT gb_common.f_sct_user, p_intg_cde ssbsect.ssbsect_intg_cde%TYPE, p_prereq_chk_method_cde ssbsect.ssbsect_prereq_chk_method_cde%TYPE, p_internal_record_id VARCHAR2)
Registers the attribute/value pairs to the message cache.
This signature registers all the parameters.
Parameters |
p_term_code |
Term code for the section. VARCHAR2(6) Required Key | |
p_crn |
Course Reference Number (CRN) of the section. VARCHAR2(5) Required Key | |
p_ptrm_code |
Part-of-Term in which the section is offered. Required for Traditional sections. NULL for Open Learning sections. VARCHAR2(3) | |
p_subj_code |
Subject code of the section. VARCHAR2(4) Required | |
p_crse_numb |
Course number of the section. VARCHAR2(5) Required | |
p_seq_numb |
Section number of the section. VARCHAR2(3) Required | |
p_ssts_code |
Status of the section. VARCHAR2(1) Required | |
p_schd_code |
Schedule type of the section. VARCHAR2(3) Required | |
p_camp_code |
Campus code of the section. VARCHAR2(3) Required | |
p_crse_title |
Title of the section. VARCHAR2(30) | |
p_credit_hrs |
Number of credit hours of the section. NUMBER(7,3) | |
p_bill_hrs |
Number of billing hours of the section. NUMBER(7,3) | |
p_gmod_code |
Grading mode of the section. VARCHAR2(1) | |
p_sapr_code |
Special approval a student must have to register for the section. VARCHAR2(2) | |
p_sess_code |
Session in which the section is scheduled. VARCHAR2(1) | |
p_link_ident |
Link identifier, used to link this section to other sections of the same course. VARCHAR2(2) | |
p_prnt_ind |
Indicates whether the section should print in the Schedule Report. VARCHAR2(1) | |
p_gradable_ind |
Indicates whether the section is gradable. VARCHAR2(1) | |
p_tuiw_ind |
Indicates whether the section is exempt from the assessment of tuition and fees. VARCHAR2(1) | |
p_reg_oneup |
Count associated with the last student registered for the section. NUMBER(4) Required | |
p_prior_enrl |
Enrollment from the prior term. NUMBER(4) Required | |
p_proj_enrl |
Anticipated enrollment in the section. NUMBER(4) Required | |
p_max_enrl |
Maximum enrollment for the section. NUMBER(4) Required | |
p_enrl |
Number of students enrolled in the section, with a course status that counts in enrollment. NUMBER(4) Required | |
p_seats_avail |
Number of remaining seats available in the section. NUMBER(4) Required | |
p_tot_credit_hrs |
Total of all enrolled credit hours in the section. NUMBER(9,3) | |
p_census_enrl |
Number of students registered for the section prior to the census date. NUMBER(4) | |
p_census_enrl_date |
Census date of the section. DATE Required | |
p_ptrm_start_date |
Start date for the part-of-term of the section. Required for Traditional sections. NULL for Open Learning sections. DATE | |
p_ptrm_end_date |
End date for the part-of-term of the section. Required for Traditional sections. NULL for Open Learning sections. DATE | |
p_ptrm_weeks |
Number of weeks defined for the part-of-term. Required for Traditional sections. NULL for Open Learning sections. NUMBER(3) | |
p_reserved_ind |
Indicates whether reserved seats are defined for the section. VARCHAR2(1) | |
p_wait_capacity |
Maximum waitlist enrollment for the section. NUMBER(4) | |
p_wait_count |
Number of student waitlisted for the section. NUMBER(4) | |
p_wait_avail |
Number of waitlist seats available for the section. NUMBER(4) | |
p_lec_hr |
Number of lecture hours of the section. NUMBER(9,3) | |
p_lab_hr |
Number of lab hours of the section. NUMBER(9,3) | |
p_oth_hr |
Number of other hours of the section, as defined by the institution. NUMBER(9,3) | |
p_cont_hr |
Number of contact hours of the section. NUMBER(9,3) | |
p_acct_code |
Accounting method code of the section. VARCHAR2(2) | |
p_accl_code |
Academic calendar type associated with the section. VARCHAR2(2) | |
p_census_2_date |
Census two date of the section. DATE | |
p_enrl_cut_off_date |
Last date on which students may enroll for the section. DATE | |
p_acad_cut_off_date |
Last date on which students may process the section without it appearing on their academic history information. DATE | |
p_drop_cut_off_date |
Last date on which students may drop the section without assessing a penalty. DATE | |
p_census_2_enrl |
Number of students registered for the section prior to the census two date. NUMBER(4) | |
p_voice_avail |
Indicates whether section is available to Web and Voice Response Registration. VARCHAR2(1) Required | |
p_capp_prereq_test_ind |
Indicates whether CAPP (degree evaluation) areas or existing prerequisite and test score restrictions are in effect for the section. VARCHAR2(1) Required | |
p_gsch_name |
Grade scale definition code of the section. VARCHAR2(10) | |
p_best_of_comp |
Number of child components to be used in subset "best of" calculations when calculating a section score. NUMBER(3) | |
p_subset_of_comp |
Number of child components to be used in subset calculations when calculating a section score. NUMBER(3) | |
p_insm_code |
Instructional method code assigned to the section. VARCHAR2(5) | |
p_reg_from_date |
Registration From Date. Required for Open Learning sections. NULL for Traditional sections. DATE | |
p_reg_to_date |
Registration To Date. Required for Open Learning sections. NULL for Traditional sections. DATE | |
p_learner_regstart_fdate |
Learner Registration Start Date. Required for Open Learning sections. NULL for Traditional sections. DATE | |
p_learner_regstart_tdate |
Learner Registration To Date. Required for Open Learning sections. NULL for Traditional sections. DATE | |
p_dunt_code |
Duration unit code assigned to the section. Required for Open Learning sections. NULL for Traditional sections. VARCHAR2(4) | |
p_number_of_units |
Number of units the student will be given to complete the section. Required for Open Learning sections. NULL for Traditional sections. NUMBER(7,2) | |
p_number_of_extensions |
Number of extensions permitted for the section. NUMBER(3) Required | |
p_data_origin |
Source system that generated the data. VARCHAR2(30) | |
p_user_id |
Oracle ID of user who inserted or last updated the data. VARCHAR2(30) | |
p_intg_cde |
Integration Partner code assigned to the section. VARCHAR2(5) | |
p_prereq_chk_method_cde |
Denote B for Basic, C for CAPP, and D for DegreeWorks prerequisite checking method. VARCHAR2(1) | |
p_internal_id |
Database ROWID. VARCHAR2(18) |
Procedure p_validate_create(lv_ssbsect_rec_io IN OUT ssbsect%ROWTYPE)
Validates all the data in the record when creating a new section.
Parameters |
lv_ssbsect_rec_io |
Section record to be validated. SSBSECT%ROWTYPE |
Procedure p_validate_update(lv_validation_rec_io IN OUT sb_section.section_rec, lv_existing_rec IN sb_section.section_rec)
Validates all the data in the record when updating an existing section.
Parameters |
lv_validation_rec_io |
Section record containing the updated information. SECTION_REC%TYPE | |
lv_ssbsect_rec_io |
Section record containing the existing information. SECTION_REC%TYPE |
Procedure p_check_required_fields(p_term_code ssbsect.ssbsect_term_code%TYPE, p_crn ssbsect.ssbsect_crn%TYPE, p_subj_code ssbsect.ssbsect_subj_code%TYPE, p_crse_numb ssbsect.ssbsect_crse_numb%TYPE, p_seq_numb ssbsect.ssbsect_seq_numb%TYPE, p_ssts_code ssbsect.ssbsect_ssts_code%TYPE, p_schd_code ssbsect.ssbsect_schd_code%TYPE, p_camp_code ssbsect.ssbsect_camp_code%TYPE, p_reg_oneup ssbsect.ssbsect_reg_oneup%TYPE, p_prior_enrl ssbsect.ssbsect_prior_enrl%TYPE, p_proj_enrl ssbsect.ssbsect_proj_enrl%TYPE, p_max_enrl ssbsect.ssbsect_max_enrl%TYPE, p_enrl ssbsect.ssbsect_enrl%TYPE, p_seats_avail ssbsect.ssbsect_seats_avail%TYPE, p_census_enrl_date ssbsect.ssbsect_census_enrl_date%TYPE, p_voice_avail ssbsect.ssbsect_voice_avail%TYPE, p_capp_prereq_test_ind ssbsect.ssbsect_capp_prereq_test_ind%TYPE, p_number_of_extensions ssbsect.ssbsect_number_of_extensions%TYPE, p_prereq_chk_method_cde ssbsect.ssbsect_prereq_chk_method_cde%TYPE)
Checks to see that all required fields have been entered.
Parameters |
p_term_code |
Term code for the section. VARCHAR2(6) Required Key | |
p_crn |
Course Reference Number (CRN) of the section. VARCHAR2(5) Required Key | |
p_subj_code |
Subject code of the section. VARCHAR2(4) Required | |
p_crse_numb |
Course number of the section. VARCHAR2(5) Required | |
p_seq_numb |
Section number of the section. VARCHAR2(3) Required | |
p_ssts_code |
Status of the section. VARCHAR2(1) Required | |
p_schd_code |
Schedule type of the section. VARCHAR2(3) Required | |
p_camp_code |
Campus code of the section. VARCHAR2(3) Required | |
p_reg_oneup |
Count associated with the last student registered for the section. NUMBER(4) Required | |
p_prior_enrl |
Enrollment from the prior term. NUMBER(4) Required | |
p_proj_enrl |
Anticipated enrollment in the section. NUMBER(4) Required | |
p_max_enrl |
Maximum enrollment for the section. NUMBER(4) Required | |
p_enrl |
Number of students enrolled in the section, with a course status that counts in enrollment. NUMBER(4) Required | |
p_seats_avail |
Number of remaining seats available in the section. NUMBER(4) Required | |
p_census_enrl_date |
Census date of the section. DATE Required | |
p_voice_avail |
Indicates whether section is available to Web and Voice Response Registration. VARCHAR2(1) Required | |
p_capp_prereq_test_ind |
Indicates whether CAPP (degree evaluation) areas or existing prerequisite and test score restrictions are in effect for the section. VARCHAR2(1) Required | |
p_number_of_extensions |
Number of extensions permitted for the section. NUMBER(3) Required | |
p_prereq_chk_method_cde |
Denote B for Basic, C for CAPP, and D for DegreeWorks prerequisite checking method. VARCHAR2(1) |
Function f_parent_exists(p_subj_code ssbsect.ssbsect_subj_code%TYPE, p_crse_numb ssbsect.ssbsect_crse_numb%TYPE) RETURN VARCHAR2
Checks for the existence of the parent course record.
Parameters |
p_subj_code |
Subject code of the section. VARCHAR2(4) Required | |
p_crse_numb |
Course number of the section. VARCHAR2(5) Required |
Function f_check_offered(p_term_code ssbsect.ssbsect_term_code%TYPE, p_subj_code ssbsect.ssbsect_subj_code%TYPE, p_crse_numb ssbsect.ssbsect_crse_numb%TYPE) RETURN VARCHAR2
Checks to see if the course is offered for the term.
Parameters |
p_term_code |
Term code for the section. VARCHAR2(6) Required Key | |
p_subj_code |
Subject code of the section. VARCHAR2(4) Required | |
p_crse_numb |
Course number of the section. VARCHAR2(5) Required |
Function f_check_gsch(p_gsch_name ssbsect.ssbsect_gsch_name%TYPE, p_sect_rec sb_section.section_rec, p_crse_rec sb_course.course_rec) RETURN VARCHAR2
Validates the Grade Scale Definition Code.
Parameters |
p_gsch_name |
Grade scale definition code of the section. VARCHAR2(10) | |
p_sect_rec |
Section record containing the updated information. SECTION_REC%TYPE | |
p_crse_rec |
Course record for this section. SCBCRSE%ROWTYPE |
Function f_check_indicators(p_voice_ind ssbsect.ssbsect_voice_avail%TYPE, p_capp_ind ssbsect.ssbsect_capp_prereq_test_ind%TYPE, p_prnt_ind ssbsect.ssbsect_prnt_ind%TYPE, p_gradable_ind ssbsect.ssbsect_gradable_ind%TYPE, p_tuiw_ind ssbsect.ssbsect_tuiw_ind%TYPE, p_reserved_ind ssbsect.ssbsect_reserved_ind%TYPE) RETURN VARCHAR2
Validates all the indicator fields for the section.
Parameters |
p_voice_avail |
Indicates whether section is available to Web and Voice Response Registration. VARCHAR2(1) Required | |
p_capp_prereq_test_ind |
Indicates whether CAPP (degree evaluation) areas or existing prerequisite and test score restrictions are in effect for the section. VARCHAR2(1) Required | |
p_prnt_ind |
Indicates whether the section should print in the Schedule Report. VARCHAR2(1) | |
p_gradable_ind |
Indicates whether the section is gradable. VARCHAR2(1) | |
p_tuiw_ind |
Indicates whether the section is exempt from the assessment of tuition and fees. VARCHAR2(1) | |
p_reserved_ind |
Indicates whether reserved seats are defined for the section. VARCHAR2(1) |
Function f_check_csta(p_csta_code stvcsta.stvcsta_code%TYPE) RETURN VARCHAR2
Checks to see if the base course is active.
Parameters |
p_csta_code |
Status code of base course record. VARCHAR2(1) |
Function f_check_term_restrict(p_term_code ssbsect.ssbsect_term_code%TYPE, p_subj_code ssbsect.ssbsect_subj_code%TYPE, p_crse_numb ssbsect.ssbsect_crse_numb%TYPE) RETURN VARCHAR2
Checks to see if term restrictions exist for the course.
Parameters |
p_term_code |
Term code for the section. VARCHAR2(6) Required Key | |
p_subj_code |
Subject code of the section. VARCHAR2(4) Required | |
p_crse_numb |
Course number of the section. VARCHAR2(5) Required |
Function f_term_control(p_type VARCHAR2, p_sobptrm sobptrm%ROWTYPE, p_ssbsect ssbsect%ROWTYPE, p_validation sb_section.section_rec) RETURN VARCHAR2
Checks to see if the Part-of-Term information may be overridden on a Traditional section.
Parameters |
p_type |
Process type. 'C' for create; 'U' for update. VARCHAR2(1) | |
p_sobptrm |
Part-of-Term record. SOBPTRM%ROWTYPE | |
p_ssbsect |
Section record being created. SSBSECT%ROWTYPE | |
p_validation |
Section record being updated. SECTION_REC%TYPE |
Function f_olr_control(p_type VARCHAR2, p_reg_start_date sobodte.sobodte_reg_start_date%TYPE, p_reg_end_date sobodte.sobodte_reg_end_date%TYPE, p_census_date_one sobodte.sobodte_census_date_one%TYPE, p_census_date_two sobodte.sobodte_census_date_two%TYPE, p_ssbsect ssbsect%ROWTYPE, p_validation sb_section.section_rec) RETURN VARCHAR2
Checks to see if the default date rules have been violated for an Open Learning section.
Parameters |
p_type |
Process type. 'C' for create; 'U' for update. VARCHAR2(1) | |
p_reg_start_date |
Default rule registration start date. DATE | |
p_reg_end_date |
Default rule registration end date. DATE | |
p_census_date_one |
Default rule census date one. DATE | |
p_census_date_two |
Default rule census date two. DATE | |
p_ssbsect |
Section record being created. SSBSECT%ROWTYPE | |
p_validation |
Section record being updated. SECTION_REC%TYPE |
Function f_check_link(p_term_code ssbsect.ssbsect_term_code%TYPE, p_crn ssbsect.ssbsect_crn%TYPE, p_link_ident ssbsect.ssbsect_link_ident%TYPE) RETURN VARCHAR2
Checks to ensure that the Link Identifier does not exist as a Link Connector.
Parameters |
p_term_code |
Term code for the section. VARCHAR2(6) Required Key | |
p_crn |
Course Reference Number (CRN) of the section. VARCHAR2(5) Required Key | |
p_link_ident |
Link identifier, used to link this section to other sections of the same course. VARCHAR2(2) |
Function f_check_campus(p_term_code ssbsect.ssbsect_term_code%TYPE, p_subj_code ssbsect.ssbsect_subj_code%TYPE, p_crse_numb ssbsect.ssbsect_crse_numb%TYPE, p_camp_code ssbsect.ssbsect_camp_code%TYPE) RETURN VARCHAR2
Validates the campus code. Also ensures that the user has permission to access the campus and that no campus restrictions exist for the course.
Parameters |
p_term_code |
Term code for the section. VARCHAR2(6) Required Key | |
p_subj_code |
Subject code of the section. VARCHAR2(4) Required | |
p_crse_numb |
Course number of the section. VARCHAR2(5) Required | |
p_camp_code |
Campus code of the section. VARCHAR2(3) Required |
Function f_check_acct(p_acct_code ssbsect.ssbsect_acct_code%TYPE, p_open_learning BOOLEAN) RETURN VARCHAR2
Validates the accounting method. Also ensures that the accounting method is defined as Independent Study for an Open Learning section.
Parameters |
p_acct_code |
Accounting method code of the section. VARCHAR2(2) | |
p_open_learning |
Specifies whether section is Open Learning. BOOLEAN |
Function f_check_ssts(p_ssts_code ssbsect.ssbsect_ssts_code%TYPE, p_old_ssts_code ssbsect.ssbsect_ssts_code%TYPE, p_meeting_exists BOOLEAN, p_enrollment_exists BOOLEAN) RETURN VARCHAR2
Validates the section status code. Also prohibits inactivating the section if meeting times or enrollments exist.
Parameters |
p_ssts_code |
Updated status of the section. VARCHAR2(1) Required | |
p_old_ssts_code |
Existing status of the section. VARCHAR2(1) | |
p_meeting_exists |
Specifies whether meeting times exist. BOOLEAN | |
p_enrollment_exists |
Specifies whether enrollments exist. BOOLEAN |
Function f_check_schd(p_term_code ssbsect.ssbsect_term_code%TYPE, p_subj_code ssbsect.ssbsect_subj_code%TYPE, p_crse_numb ssbsect.ssbsect_crse_numb%TYPE, p_schd_code ssbsect.ssbsect_schd_code%TYPE) RETURN VARCHAR2
Validates the schedule code. Also checks to see if the schedule type is allowed for the course.
Parameters |
p_term_code |
Term code for the section. VARCHAR2(6) Required Key | |
p_subj_code |
Subject code of the section. VARCHAR2(4) Required | |
p_crse_numb |
Course number of the section. VARCHAR2(5) Required | |
p_schd_code |
Schedule type of the section. VARCHAR2(3) Required |
Function f_check_gmod(p_term_code ssbsect.ssbsect_term_code%TYPE, p_subj_code ssbsect.ssbsect_subj_code%TYPE, p_crse_numb ssbsect.ssbsect_crse_numb%TYPE, p_gmod_code ssbsect.ssbsect_gmod_code%TYPE) RETURN VARCHAR2
Validates the grading mode code. Also checks to see if the grading mode is allowed for the course.
Parameters |
p_term_code |
Term code for the section. VARCHAR2(6) Required Key | |
p_subj_code |
Subject code of the section. VARCHAR2(4) Required | |
p_crse_numb |
Course number of the section. VARCHAR2(5) Required | |
p_gmod_code |
Grading mode code of the section. VARCHAR2(1) |
Function f_valid_ptrm(p_term_code sobptrm.sobptrm_term_code%TYPE, p_ptrm_code sobptrm.sobptrm_ptrm_code%TYPE) RETURN VARCHAR2
Validates the Part-of-Term code and ensures that it is defined for the term.
Parameters |
p_term_code |
Term code for the section. VARCHAR2(6) Required Key | |
p_ptrm_code |
Part-of-Term in which the section is offered. VARCHAR2(3) |
Function f_check_credit_hrs(p_credit_hr_ind scbcrse.scbcrse_credit_hr_ind%TYPE, p_credit_hrs ssbsect.ssbsect_credit_hrs%TYPE, p_credit_hr_low scbcrse.scbcrse_credit_hr_low%TYPE, p_credit_hr_high scbcrse.scbcrse_credit_hr_high%TYPE) RETURN VARCHAR2
Validates the section credit hours against the base course credit hours.
Parameters |
p_credit_hr_ind |
Credit hours OR/TO indicator of the base course. VARCHAR2(2) | |
p_credit_hrs |
Number of credit hours of the section. NUMBER(7,3) | |
p_credit_hr_low |
Low credit hours of the base course. NUMBER(7,3) | |
p_credit_hr_high |
High credit hours of the base course. NUMBER(7,3) |
Function f_check_bill_hrs(p_bill_hr_ind scbcrse.scbcrse_bill_hr_ind%TYPE, p_bill_hrs ssbsect.ssbsect_bill_hrs%TYPE, p_bill_hr_low scbcrse.scbcrse_bill_hr_low%TYPE, p_bill_hr_high scbcrse.scbcrse_bill_hr_high%TYPE) RETURN VARCHAR2
Validates the section billing hours against the base course billing hours.
Parameters |
p_bill_hr_ind |
Billing hours OR/TO indicator of the base course. VARCHAR2(2) | |
p_bill_hrs |
Number of billing hours of the section. NUMBER(7,3) | |
p_bill_hr_low |
Low billing hours of the base course. NUMBER(7,3) | |
p_bill_hr_high |
High billing hours of the base course. NUMBER(7,3) |
Function f_check_cont_hrs(p_cont_hr_ind scbcrse.scbcrse_cont_hr_ind%TYPE, p_cont_hrs ssbsect.ssbsect_cont_hr%TYPE, p_cont_hr_low scbcrse.scbcrse_cont_hr_low%TYPE, p_cont_hr_high scbcrse.scbcrse_cont_hr_high%TYPE, p_ceu_ind scbcrse.scbcrse_ceu_ind%TYPE) RETURN VARCHAR2
Validates the section contact hours against the base course contact hours.
Parameters |
p_cont_hr_ind |
Contact hours OR/TO indicator of the base course. VARCHAR2(2) | |
p_cont_hrs |
Number of contact hours of the section. NUMBER(7,3) | |
p_cont_hr_low |
Low contact hours of the base course. NUMBER(7,3) | |
p_cont_hr_high |
High contact hours of the base course. NUMBER(7,3) |
Function f_check_lec_hrs(p_lec_hr_ind scbcrse.scbcrse_lec_hr_ind%TYPE, p_lec_hr ssbsect.ssbsect_lec_hr%TYPE, p_lec_hr_low scbcrse.scbcrse_lec_hr_low%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_lec_hr_high scbcrse.scbcrse_lec_hr_high%TYPE DEFAULT NULL) RETURN VARCHAR2
Validates the section lecture hours against the base course lecture hours.
Parameters |
p_lec_hr_ind |
Lecture hours OR/TO indicator of the base course. VARCHAR2(2) | |
p_lec_hrs |
Number of lecture hours of the section. NUMBER(7,3) | |
p_lec_hr_low |
Low lecture hours of the base course. NUMBER(7,3) | |
p_lec_hr_high |
High lecture hours of the base course. NUMBER(7,3) |
Function f_check_oth_hrs(p_oth_hr_ind scbcrse.scbcrse_oth_hr_ind%TYPE, p_oth_hr ssbsect.ssbsect_oth_hr%TYPE, p_oth_hr_low scbcrse.scbcrse_oth_hr_low%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_oth_hr_high scbcrse.scbcrse_oth_hr_high%TYPE DEFAULT NULL) RETURN VARCHAR2
Validates the section other hours against the base course other hours.
Parameters |
p_oth_hr_ind |
Other hours OR/TO indicator of the base course. VARCHAR2(2) | |
p_oth_hrs |
Number of other hours of the section. NUMBER(7,3) | |
p_oth_hr_low |
Low other hours of the base course. NUMBER(7,3) | |
p_oth_hr_high |
High other hours of the base course. NUMBER(7,3) |
Function f_check_lab_hrs(p_lab_hr_ind scbcrse.scbcrse_lab_hr_ind%TYPE, p_lab_hr ssbsect.ssbsect_lab_hr%TYPE, p_lab_hr_low scbcrse.scbcrse_lab_hr_low%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_lab_hr_high scbcrse.scbcrse_lab_hr_high%TYPE DEFAULT NULL) RETURN VARCHAR2
Validates the section lab hours against the base course lab hours.
Parameters |
p_lab_hr_ind |
Lab hours OR/TO indicator of the base course. VARCHAR2(2) | |
p_lab_hrs |
Number of lab hours of the section. NUMBER(7,3) | |
p_lab_hr_low |
Low lab hours of the base course. NUMBER(7,3) | |
p_lab_hr_high |
High lab hours of the base course. NUMBER(7,3) |