
Package sb_facassignment_rules

This package provides support subprograms for the Faculty Assignment API (sb_facassignment).

Program units


Function f_parent_exists(
      p_term_code   sirasgn.sirasgn_term_code%TYPE,
      p_crn         sirasgn.sirasgn_crn%TYPE

Checks to see if a parent record exists.

p_term_code   Term of the faculty member assignment.  VARCHAR2(6) Required key.
p_crn   Course reference number (CRN) of the course that the instructor was assigned to. VARCHAR2(5) Required key.

Y if a parent record exists, N if a parent record does not exist.


Procedure p_register_entity(
      p_operation_type       NUMBER,
      p_term_code            sirasgn.sirasgn_term_code%TYPE,
      p_crn                  sirasgn.sirasgn_crn%TYPE,
      p_pidm                 sirasgn.sirasgn_pidm%TYPE,
      p_category             sirasgn.sirasgn_category%TYPE,
      p_percent_response     sirasgn.sirasgn_percent_response%TYPE,
      p_workload_adjust      sirasgn.sirasgn_workload_adjust%TYPE,
      p_percent_sess         sirasgn.sirasgn_percent_sess%TYPE,
      p_primary_ind          sirasgn.sirasgn_primary_ind%TYPE,
      p_over_ride            sirasgn.sirasgn_over_ride%TYPE,
      p_position             sirasgn.sirasgn_position%TYPE,
      p_fcnt_code            sirasgn.sirasgn_fcnt_code%TYPE,
      p_posn                 sirasgn.sirasgn_posn%TYPE,
      p_suff                 sirasgn.sirasgn_suff%TYPE,
      p_asty_code            sirasgn.sirasgn_asty_code%TYPE,
      p_data_origin          sirasgn.sirasgn_data_origin%TYPE DEFAULT gb_common.data_origin,
      p_user_id              sirasgn.sirasgn_user_id%TYPE DEFAULT gb_common.f_sct_user,
      p_internal_record_id   VARCHAR2

Register the attribute/value pairs to the message cache.
This signature registers the all parameters.

p_term_code   Term of the faculty member assignment.  VARCHAR2(6) Required key.
p_crn   The course reference of the course that the instructor was assigned to. VARCHAR2(5) Required key.
p_pidm   The internal personal identification number of the faculty member. NUMBER(8) Required key.
p_category   The session indicator associated with the assignment.  VARCHAR2(2) Required key.
p_percent_response   Faculty members percentage of responsibility to the assignment.  NUMBER(3) Required.
p_workload_adjust   Faculty Adjustied Workload for instructional assignment. NUMBER(9,3) Required.
p_percent_sess   Faculty session percentage of responsibility of instructional assignment.  NUMBER(3) Required.
p_primary_ind   The primary instructor of the course.  VARCHAR2(1) Required.
p_over_ride   Override Indicator.  VARCHAR2(1) Required.
p_position   Faculty Position.  NUMBER(8) Required.
p_fcnt_code   The contract type that the instructional assignment is associated with.  VARCHAR2(2) Required.
p_posn   Position number.  Used to tie the faculty member's assignment to a position defined in the BANNER Human Resources System.  VARCHAR2(6) Required.
p_suff   Position number suffix.  Used to tie the faculty member's assignment to a position defined in the BANNER Human Resources System.  VARCHAR2(2) Required.
p_asty_code   Faculty Assignment Type Code.  VARCHAR2(4) Required.
p_data_origin   Source system that generated the data.  VARCHAR2(30)
p_user_id   Oracle id of the user who inserted or last updated the data. VARCHAR2(30)
p_internal_record_id   Database ROWID.  VARCHAR2(18)


Procedure p_validate(
      p_term_code          sirasgn.sirasgn_term_code%TYPE,
      p_crn                sirasgn.sirasgn_crn%TYPE,
      p_pidm               sirasgn.sirasgn_pidm%TYPE,
      p_category           sirasgn.sirasgn_category%TYPE,
      p_percent_response   sirasgn.sirasgn_percent_response%TYPE,
      p_workload_adjust    sirasgn.sirasgn_workload_adjust%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
      p_percent_sess       sirasgn.sirasgn_percent_sess%TYPE,
      p_primary_ind        sirasgn.sirasgn_primary_ind%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
      p_over_ride          sirasgn.sirasgn_over_ride%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
      p_position           sirasgn.sirasgn_position%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
      p_fcnt_code          sirasgn.sirasgn_fcnt_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
      p_posn               sirasgn.sirasgn_posn%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
      p_suff               sirasgn.sirasgn_suff%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
      p_asty_code          sirasgn.sirasgn_asty_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
      p_data_origin        sirasgn.sirasgn_data_origin%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
      p_user_id            sirasgn.sirasgn_user_id%TYPE DEFAULT gb_common.f_sct_user

Validates all the data in the record.

p_term_code   Term of the faculty member assignment.  VARCHAR2(6) Required key.
p_crn   Course reference number (CRN) of the course that the instructor was assigned to. VARCHAR2(5) Required key.
p_pidm   Personal identification number of the faculty member.  NUMBER(8) Required key.
p_category   Session indicator associated with the assignment.  VARCHAR2(2) Required key.
p_percent_response   Faculty member's percentage of responsibility to the assignment.  NUMBER(3) Required.
p_workload_adjust   Faculty Adjusted Workload for the instructional assignment. NUMBER(9,3)
p_percent_sess   Faculty session percentage of responsibility of the instructional assignment.  NUMBER(3) Required.
p_primary_ind   Primary instructor of the course.  VARCHAR2(1)
p_over_ride   Override Indicator.  VARCHAR2(1)
p_position   Faculty Position.  NUMBER(8)
p_fcnt_code   Contract type that the instructional assignment is associated with.  VARCHAR2(2)
p_posn   Position number.  Used to link the faculty member's assignment to a position defined in the Banner Human Resources System.  VARCHAR2(6)
p_suff   Position number suffix.  Used to link the faculty member's assignment to a position defined in the Banner Human Resources System.  VARCHAR2(2)
p_asty_code   Faculty Assignment Type Code.  VARCHAR2(4)
p_data_origin   Source system that generated the data.  VARCHAR2(30)
p_user_id   Oracle user ID of the last person who inserted or updated the data.  VARCHAR2(30)


Function f_get_session(
      p_crn         sirasgn.sirasgn_crn%TYPE,
      p_term_code   sirasgn.sirasgn_term_code%TYPE,
      p_pidm        sirasgn.sirasgn_pidm%TYPE

Retrieves the session given the CRN, term code and internal personal identification number.

p_crn   Course reference number of faculty assignment. VARCHAR2(5) Required key.
p_term_code   Term of the faculty member assignment.  VARCHAR2(6) Required key.
p_pidm   Internal personal identification number of the faculty member. NUMBER(8) Required key.

Error message or blank if no errors occurred.


Function f_check_assignments(
      p_term_code   sirasgn.sirasgn_term_code%TYPE,
      p_crn         sirasgn.sirasgn_crn%TYPE,
      p_pidm        sirasgn.sirasgn_pidm%TYPE,
      p_category    sirasgn.sirasgn_category%TYPE

Checks the faculty assignments.

p_term_code   Term of the faculty member assignment.  VARCHAR2(6) Required key.
p_crn   Course reference number (CRN) of the faculty assignment. VARCHAR2(5) Required key.
p_pidm   Internal personal identification number of the faculty member. NUMBER(8) Required key.
p_category   Session indicator associated with the assignment.  VARCHAR2(2) Required key.

Error message or blank if no errors occurred.


Function f_check_ssrmeet_session(
      p_term_code   sirasgn.sirasgn_term_code%TYPE,
      p_crn         sirasgn.sirasgn_crn%TYPE,
      p_category    sirasgn.sirasgn_category%TYPE ) RETURN VARCHAR2

Checks if the instructor session exists in SSRMEET for a given term, CRN and category.

p_term_code   Term of the faculty member assignment.  VARCHAR2(6) Required key.
p_crn   Course reference number of faculty assignment. VARCHAR2(5) Required key.
p_category   Session indicator associated with the assignment.  VARCHAR2(2) Required key.

Error message or blank if no errors occurred.