
Package sb_recruit_rules

Support subprograms for Recruit API.
This package provides the field-level business rules validation for SB_RECRUIT.

Program units


Function f_select_ind_exists(p_pidm        NUMBER,
                    p_term_code   VARCHAR2,
                    p_admin_seqno NUMBER,
                    p_select_ind    VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2

Checks to see if a selected SRBRECR row exists.

p_pidm   Internal identification number. NUMBER(8) Required Key
p_term_code   Effective term the recruiting records will be viewed or created. VARCHAR2(6) Required Key
p_admin_seqno   Internal sequence number for each recruit term record. NUMBER(2) Required Key
p_select_ind   Value assigned to the Select Indicator, as defined by sb_recruit_str SELECT_IND_VALUE. VARCHAR2(1)

Y or N to indicate whether a selected SRBRECR exists.


Procedure p_register_entity(
      p_operation_type             NUMBER,
      p_pidm                      srbrecr.srbrecr_pidm%TYPE,
      p_term_code                 srbrecr.srbrecr_term_code%TYPE,
      p_admin_seqno               srbrecr.srbrecr_admin_seqno%TYPE,
      p_recr_code                 srbrecr.srbrecr_recr_code%TYPE,
      p_rsta_code                 srbrecr.srbrecr_rsta_code%TYPE,
      p_select_ind                srbrecr.srbrecr_select_ind%TYPE,
      p_add_date                  srbrecr.srbrecr_add_date%TYPE,
      p_admt_code                 srbrecr.srbrecr_admt_code%TYPE,
      p_edlv_code                 srbrecr.srbrecr_edlv_code%TYPE,
      p_egol_code                 srbrecr.srbrecr_egol_code%TYPE,
      p_full_part_ind             srbrecr.srbrecr_full_part_ind%TYPE,
      p_sbgi_code                 srbrecr.srbrecr_sbgi_code%TYPE,
      p_wrsn_code                 srbrecr.srbrecr_wrsn_code%TYPE,
      p_rtyp_code                 srbrecr.srbrecr_rtyp_code%TYPE,
      p_resd_code                 srbrecr.srbrecr_resd_code%TYPE,
      p_sess_code                 srbrecr.srbrecr_sess_code%TYPE,
      p_site_code                 srbrecr.srbrecr_site_code%TYPE,
      p_styp_code                 srbrecr.srbrecr_styp_code%TYPE,
      p_data_origin               srbrecr.srbrecr_data_origin%TYPE,
      p_user_id                   srbrecr.srbrecr_user_id%TYPE DEFAULT gb_common.f_sct_user,
      p_internal_record_id         VARCHAR2)

Registers the attribute/value pairs to the message cache.
This signature registers the all parameters.

p_pidm   Internal identification number. NUMBER(8) Required Key
p_term_code   Effective term the recruiting records will be viewed or created. VARCHAR2(6) Required Key
p_admin_seqno   Internal sequence number for each recruit term record. NUMBER(2) Required Key
p_recr_code   Recruiter assigned to the prospect recruiting record. VARCHAR2(3)
p_rsta_code   Status of the prospect associated with the recruiting    record. VARCHAR2(2)
p_select_ind   Selected indicator, which is used to specify which record is the current or most recent recruiting record. Informational only.  Values are Y or null. Only one record per term may be selected. VARCHAR2(1)
p_add_date   Date the record was added. DATE Required
p_admt_code   Admission Type code. VARCHAR2(2)
p_edlv_code   Education Level code. VARCHAR2(3)
p_egol_code   Education Goal code. VARCHAR2(2)
p_full_part_ind   Full-time or Part-time Indicator.  If not null, values are F or P. VARCHAR2(1)
p_sbgi_code   Institution Attending code of the institution the student decided to attend instead of the home institution. VARCHAR2(6)
p_wrsn_code   Withdrawal Reason code. Used when a student decides not to attend the home institution. VARCHAR2(2)
p_rtyp_code   Recruit Type code. VARCHAR2(2)
p_resd_code   Residency code. VARCHAR2(1)
p_sess_code   Session code. VARCHAR2(1)
p_site_code   Site code. VARCHAR2(3)
p_styp_code   Student Type code. VARCHAR2(1)
p_data_origin   Source system that generated the data. VARCHAR2(30)
p_user_id   Oracle ID of the most recent user to create or update a record. VARCHAR2(30)
p_internal_record_id   Database ROWID. VARCHAR2(18)


Procedure p_validate(
      p_pidm                      srbrecr.srbrecr_pidm%TYPE,
      p_term_code                 srbrecr.srbrecr_term_code%TYPE,
      p_admin_seqno               srbrecr.srbrecr_admin_seqno%TYPE,
      p_recr_code                 srbrecr.srbrecr_recr_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
      p_rsta_code                 srbrecr.srbrecr_rsta_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
      p_select_ind                srbrecr.srbrecr_select_ind%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
      p_add_date                  srbrecr.srbrecr_add_date%TYPE,
      p_admt_code                 srbrecr.srbrecr_admt_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
      p_edlv_code                 srbrecr.srbrecr_edlv_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
      p_egol_code                 srbrecr.srbrecr_egol_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
      p_full_part_ind             srbrecr.srbrecr_full_part_ind%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
      p_sbgi_code                 srbrecr.srbrecr_sbgi_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
      p_wrsn_code                 srbrecr.srbrecr_wrsn_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
      p_rtyp_code                 srbrecr.srbrecr_rtyp_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
      p_resd_code                 srbrecr.srbrecr_resd_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
      p_sess_code                 srbrecr.srbrecr_sess_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
      p_site_code                 srbrecr.srbrecr_site_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
      p_styp_code                 srbrecr.srbrecr_styp_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
      p_data_origin               srbrecr.srbrecr_data_origin%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
      p_user_id                   srbrecr.srbrecr_user_id%TYPE DEFAULT gb_common.f_sct_user)

Validates all the data in the record.

p_pidm   Internal identification number. NUMBER(8) Required Key
p_term_code   Effective term the recruiting records will be viewed or created. VARCHAR2(6) Required Key
p_admin_seqno   Internal sequence number for each recruit term record. NUMBER(2) Required Key
p_recr_code   Recruiter assigned to the prospect recruiting record. VARCHAR2(3)
p_rsta_code   Status of the prospect associated with the recruiting    record. VARCHAR2(2)
p_select_ind   Selected indicator,which is used to specify which record is the current or most recent recruiting record. Informational only.  Values are Y or null. Only one record per term may be selected. VARCHAR2(1)
p_add_date   Date the record was added. DATE Required
p_admt_code   Admission Type code. VARCHAR2(2)
p_edlv_code   Education Level code. VARCHAR2(3)
p_egol_code   Education Goal code. VARCHAR2(2)
p_full_part_ind   Full-time or Part-time Indicator.  If not null, values are F or P. VARCHAR2(1)
p_sbgi_code   Institution Attending code of the institution the student decided to attend instead of the home institution. VARCHAR2(6)
p_wrsn_code   Withdrawal Reason code. Used when a student decides not to attend the home institution. VARCHAR2(2)
p_rtyp_code   Recruit Type code. VARCHAR2(2)
p_resd_code   Residency code. VARCHAR2(1)
p_sess_code   Session code. VARCHAR2(1)
p_site_code   Site code. VARCHAR2(3)
p_styp_code   Student Type code. VARCHAR2(1)
p_data_origin   Source system that generated the data. VARCHAR2(30)
p_user_id   Oracle ID of the most recent user to create or update a record. VARCHAR2(30)