Banner Business Entity and Business Process APIs - Finance
Release 8.10

fb_accounting_element Common Business interface for IFOAPAL information (FB_ACCOUNTING_ELEMENT).
fb_accounting_element_rules Support subprograms for IFOAPAL information API (FB_ACCOUNTING_ELEMENT_RULES).
fb_chart_of_accounts Common Business interface for chart of accounts information (FB_CHART_OF_ACCOUNTS).
fb_chart_of_accounts_rules Support subprograms for chart of accounts API (FB_CHART_OF_ACCOUNTS_RULES).
fb_circulation_header Common Business interface for the CIRCULATION_HEADER API (fb_circulation_header).
fb_circulation_header_rules Support subprograms for the CIRCULATION_HEADER (fb_circulation_header).
fb_circulation_header_strings Error messages and error message functions for the CIRCULATION_HEADER API (fb_circulation_header).
fb_circulation_notice Common Business interface for the CIRCULATION_NOTICE API (fb_circulation_notice).
fb_circulation_notice_rules Support subprograms for the CIRCULATION_NOTICE (fb_circulation_notice).
fb_circulation_notice_strings Error messages and error message functions for the CIRCULATION_NOTICE API (fb_circulation_notice).
fb_circulation_recip Common Business interface for the CIRCULATION_RECIP API (fb_circulation_recip).
fb_circulation_recip_rules Support subprograms for the CIRCULATION_RECIP (fb_circulation_recip).
fb_circulation_recip_strings Error messages and error message functions for the CIRCULATION_RECIP API (fb_circulation_recip).
fb_circulation_step Common Business interface for the CIRCULATION_STEP API (fb_circulation_step).
fb_circulation_step_rules Support subprograms for the CIRCULATION_STEP (fb_circulation_step).
fb_circulation_step_strings Error messages and error message functions for the CIRCULATION_STEP API (fb_circulation_step).
fb_commodity Common Business interface for commodity information (FB_COMMODITY).
fb_commodity_rules Support subprograms for commodity API (FB_COMMODITY_RULES).
fb_commodity_strings This package contains the error messages for commodity API (FB_COMMODITY_STRINGS)
fb_common Utility functions and procedures for Banner Finance APIs.
fb_common_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for FB_COMMON.
fb_encumbrance_detail Common Business interface for the General Encumbrance Detail API (ENCUMBRANCE_DETAIL).
fb_encumbrance_detail_rules Support subprograms for ENCUMBRANCE_DETAIL.
fb_encumbrance_detail_strings Error messages and error message functions for ENCUMBRANCE_DETAIL.
fb_encumbrance_header Common Business interface for the General Encumbrance Header API (ENCUMBRANCE_HEADER).
fb_encumbrance_header_rules Support subprograms for ENCUMBRANCE_HEADER.
fb_encumbrance_header_strings Error messages and error message functions for ENCUMBRANCE_HEADER.
fb_ftvbuyr Common Business interface for buyer information (FB_FTVBUYR).
fb_ftvcrsn Common Business interface for closed document reason (FB_FTVCRSN).
fb_ftvdisc Common Business interface for discount (FB_FTVDISC).
fb_ftvityp Common Business interface for income type (FB_FTVITYP).
fb_ftvtgrp Common Business interface for tax group (FB_FTVTGRP).
fb_ftvtrat Common Business interface for tax rate (FB_FTVTRAT).
fb_ftvuoms Common Business interface for unit of measure (FB_FTVUOMS).
fb_ftvvtyp Common Business interface for vendor type (FB_FTVVTYP).
fb_grant_effcert Common Business interface for the GRANT_EFFCERT API (fb_grant_effcert).
fb_grant_effcert_rules Support subprograms for the GRANT_EFFCERT (fb_grant_effcert).
fb_grant_effcert_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for Effort Certification Grant API, FB_GRANT_EFFCERT.
fb_invoice_acctg Common Business interface for the Invoice Accounting API (fb_invoice_acctg).
fb_invoice_acctg_rules Support subprograms for the Invoice Accounting API (fb_invoice_acctg).
fb_invoice_acctg_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for FB_INVOICE_ACCTG.
fb_invoice_header Common Business interface for the Invoice Header API (INVOICE HEADER).
fb_invoice_header_rules Support subprograms for the Invoice Header API (INVOICE HEADER)
fb_invoice_header_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for FB_INVOICE_HEADER.
fb_invoice_item Common Business interface for the INVOICE ITEM API (fb_invoice_item).
fb_invoice_item_rules Support subprograms for the INVOICE ITEM API (fb_invoice_item).
fb_invoice_item_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for FB_INVOICE_ITEM.
fb_invoice_tax Common Business interface for Invoice Tax API (FB_INVOICE_TAX).
fb_invoice_tax_rules Support subprograms for the Invoice Tax API (FB_INVOICE_TAX).
fb_invoice_tax_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Invoice Tax API (FB_INVOICE_TAX).
fb_jv_detail Common Business interface for the Journal Voucher Detail API (JV_DETAIL).
fb_jv_detail_rules Support subprograms for JV_DETAIL.
fb_jv_detail_strings Error messages and error message functions for JV_DETAIL.
fb_jv_header Common Business interface for the Journal Voucher Header API (JV_HEADER).
fb_jv_header_rules Support subprograms for JV_HEADER.
fb_jv_header_strings Error messages and error message functions for JV_HEADER.
fb_po_tax Common Business interface for the Purchase Order Tax API (fb_po_tax).
fb_po_tax_rules Support subprograms for the PO_TAX (fb_po_tax).
fb_po_tax_strings Error messages and error message functions for the PO_TAX API (fb_po_tax).
fb_purchase_order Common Business interface for purchase order (FB_PURCHASE_ORDER).
fb_purchase_order_rules Support subprograms for purchase order API (FB_PURCHASE_ORDER_RULES).
fb_req_tax Common Business interface for the Requisition Tax API (fb_req_tax).
fb_req_tax_rules Support subprograms for the Requisition Tax (fb_req_tax).
fb_req_tax_strings Error messages and error message functions for the REQ_TAX API (fb_req_tax).
fb_requisition Common Business interface for requisition (FB_REQUISITION).
fb_requisition_rules Support subprograms for requisition API (FB_REQUISITION_RULES).
fb_ship Common Business interface for ship (FB_SHIP).
fb_ship_rules Support subprograms for ship API (FB_SHIP_RULES).
fb_vendor Common Business interface for vendor (FB_VENDOR).
fb_vendor_rules Support subprograms for vendor API (FB_VENDOR_RULES).
fb_vendor_strings This package contains the error messages for vendor API (FB_VENDOR_STRINGS)
fb_vendor_type Common Business interface for vendor type (FB_VENDOR_TYPE).
fb_vendor_type_rules Support subprograms for vendor type API(FB_VENDOR_TYPE_RULES).
fb_vendor_type_strings This package contains the error messages for vendor type API (FB_VENDOR_TYPE_STRINGS)
ffkedit Common edit logic for rule classes (FFKEDIT).
ffkfoap Common procedures to validate foapal elements (FFKFOAP).
ffkrulp Common editing routines for Rule Process codes (FFKRULP).
foksels Common routines for selecting accounting codes (FOKSELS).
foktext Common routines for text (FOKTEXT).
fokutil Common utility functions and procedures for Banner Finance.
fp_circulation Process API for circulation (FP_CIRCULATION).
fp_encumbrance Process API for Encumbrances (ENCUMBRANCE).
fp_encumbrance_str Error messages and error message functions for ENCUMBRANCE.
fp_invoice Common Business interface for the composite entity INVOICE (FP_INVOICE).
fp_invoice_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for FP_INVOICE.
fp_journal_voucher Process API for Journal Vouchers (JOURNAL_VOUCHER).
fp_journal_voucher_str Error messages and error message functions for JOURNAL_VOUCHER.
Fpkpurr Common routines for purchase order (FPKPURR).
fpkreqn Common routines for requisition (FPKREQN).
fpkutil Common routines for the finance procurement module (FPKUTIL)