Message Name | Error Message |
ACCT_REC_EXISTS_DEFERRAL | Deferred Editing cannot be changed once accounting records are created. |
An attempt was made to change the defer edit indicator of an encumbrance header with accounting records. |
ACCT_REC_EXISTS_NSF | NSF Checking cannot be changed once accounting records are created. |
An attempt was made to change the NSF indicator of an encumbrance header with accounting records. |
AUTH_INTERNAL_IND | You are not authorized to change the status or approval indicators of the encumbrance. |
Status and Approval indicators are changed only by fp_encumbrance.p_complete and the Approval processes and forms. |
CHANGE_DESC_NOT_REQ | Change description not required. |
An attempt was made to enter a change description when a change number was not provided. |
CHANGE_NUM_NOT_REQ | Encumbrance not posted to ledgers; change number not required. |
An attempt was made to enter a change number to an encumbrance document that has not yet been posted. |
DOC_CHANGE_NUMBER_EXISTS | Document code %01% is in use. Choose another document code. |
The change number entered has already been used for another document. |
DOC_CHANGE_NUMBER_POSTED | Document code %01% has been posted. Choose another document code. |
The change number entered has already been used for a document that has been posted. |
INVALID_APPROVAL_IND | Approval Indicator is not valid, must be (Y)es or (N)o. |
Use an approval indicator of N when creating a new record - changes are enabled only for approval processing. |
INVALID_APPROVAL_IND_CONTEXT | You are not authorized to change the approval Status. |
Changes to the approval indicator are enabled only for approval processing. |
INVALID_APPROVAL_IND_CREATE | Approval Indicator may not be Y (approved) when creating a new record. |
An attempt was made to create a new record as approved - use a value of N for new records. |
INVALID_DELETE_DETAIL | Encumbrance detail must be deleted before deleting the Encumbrance Header. |
An attempt was made to delete the Header record of an encumbrance which still has detail records. |
INVALID_DELETE_TEXT | Document Text must be deleted before deleting the Encumbrance Header. |
An attempt was made to delete the Header record of an encumbrance which still has text records. |
INVALID_DOC_AUTH | You are not authorized to change a Travel Encumbrance. |
An attempt was made to change an encumbrance of type (T)ravel. |
INVALID_DOC_CHANGE_APPR | Encumbrance has been completed and is waiting for approvals; change not allowed. |
An attempt was made to change an encumbrance that has been completed and is waiting for approvals. |
INVALID_DOC_CHANGE_DINP | Encumbrance has been completed and is waiting for deferred edit; change not allowed. |
An attempt was made to change an encumbrance that has been completed and is waiting for deferred edit. |
INVALID_DOC_CHANGE_POST | Encumbrance has been completed and is waiting for posting; change not allowed. |
An attempt was made to change an encumbrance that has been completed and is waiting for posting. |
INVALID_DOC_TYPE | Encumbrance created by Requisition or Purchase Order may not be changed by the General Encumbrance API. |
An attempt was made to change an encumbrance of type (R)equisition or (P)urchase Order. |
INVALID_EDIT_DEFERRAL | Deferred Editing must be (Y)es or (N)o . |
An attempt was made to create or update a record using a Defer Edit Indicator other than Y or N. |
INVALID_EDIT_DEFER_NSF | Defer Edit Indicator may not be Y if NSF Processing Indicator is N. |
An attempt was made to defer editing when NSF processing is not enabled. |
INVALID_NSF_ON_OFF_IND | NSF Processing Indicator is not valid; may be (Y)es or (N)o. |
An attempt was made to create or update a record using an NSF Processing Indicator other than Y or N. |
INVALID_NSF_SYSC | NSF Checking cannot be changed if FOASYSC Encumbrance NSF Checking is turned on. |
System controls require that the NSF Processing Indicator be Y. |
INVALID_SOURCE_IND | Encumbrance Source Indicator may be (T)ravel or NULL for General Encumbrances. |
An attempt was made to create an encumbrance of source other than T or NULL. |
INVALID_SOURCE_IND_AUTH | You are not authorized to create an encumbrance with Source Indicator (T)ravel. |
Encumbrances with source indicator T can be created only by the 'TRAVEL' module. |
INVALID_SOURCE_IND_CHANGE | You are not authorized to change the document Source indicator. |
An attempt was made to change the source indicator of an encumbrance. |
INVALID_SOURCE_IND_POST | Encumbrances for Requisition or Purchase Order may not be created by the General Encumbrance API. |
Encumbrances with source indicator R or P are created only by the posting process. |
INVALID_STATUS | Encumbrance Status must be (C)omplete or (I)ncomplete. |
An attempt was made to create an encumbrance with a status other than C or I. |
INVALID_STATUS_CHANGE | You are not authorized to change the document Status. |
An attempt was made to change the status of an encumbrance. |
INVALID_STATUS_CREATE | Status must be (I)ncomplete when creating a new record. |
An attempt was made to create an encumbrance with status (C)omplete; use a status of (I)ncomplete. |
INVALID_STATUS_IND | Encumbrance Status Indicator must be (C)losed or (O)pen. |
An attempt was made to create or update an encumbrance with status indicator other than C or O. |
INVALID_STATUS_IND_CHANGE | You are not authorized to change the document Status indicator. |
An attempt was made to change the status indicator. |
INVALID_STATUS_IND_CREATE | Status Indicator must be (O)pen when creating a new record. |
An attempt was made to create an encumbrance with status indicator (C)losed; use a status of (O)pen. |
INVALID_TYPE | Encumbrance Type must be (E)ncumbrance, (L)abor or (M)emo. |
An attempt was made to create or update a general encumbrance with a type other than E, M, or L. |
INVALID_TYPE_CHANGE | You are not authorized to change the document Type. |
An attempt was made to change the document type to values other than E, M, or L. |
INVALID_TYPE_CREATE | You are not authorized to use type R, P, or T. |
Encumbrances of type R, P, or T are created only by the posting or travel process. |
INVALID_UPDATE_COMPLETE | Encumbrance has been Completed; you are not authorized to make changes. |
An attempt was made to change an encumbrance that has previously been completed. |
INVALID_VENDOR | Invalid vendor. Vendor must exist in Vendor table. |
An attempt was made to create or update an encumbrance with an invalid vendor. |
MISSING_CHANGE_DESC | Change description is missing. |
An attempt was made to change a posted encumbrance with a change number without providing the change description. |
MISSING_DOC_AMT | Document amount is missing. |
An attempt was made to create a header without a Document amount. |
MISSING_DOC_CHANGE_NUM | Encumbrance posted to ledgers. Change number must be entered to do adjustment. |
An attempt was made to change a posted encumbrance without providing the change number. |
MISSING_EDIT_DEFERRAL | Edit deferral is missing. |
An attempt was made to create a header without an edit deferral indicator. |
MISSING_ESTAB_DATE | Encumbrance Establishment Date is missing. |
An attempt was made to create a header without an establishment date. |
MISSING_NSF_IND | NSF indicator is missing. |
An attempt was made to create a header without an NSF indicator. |
MISSING_NUM | Document Number is missing. |
An attempt was made to create a header without a Document number. |
MISSING_STATUS_IND | Encumbrance Status Indicator is missing. |
An attempt was made to create a header without a Status Indicator. |
MISSING_TRANS_DATE | Transaction Date is missing. |
An attempt was made to create a header without a Transaction Date. |
MISSING_TYPE | Encumbrance Type is missing. |
An attempt was made to create a header without a Type. |
MISSING_USER_ID | User Identification is missing. |
An attempt was made to create a header without a User Identification. |
NEXT_NOT_ALLOWED | Cannot use "NEXT" to generate encumbrance change. Enter another value. |
An attempt was made to use "NEXT" as a change number. |
PK_NOT_FOUND | Cannot find record using the primary key. |
The key values passed in the update failed to locate a record in the table. |
POST_DELETE_FAILED | Unable to delete this Encumbrance; it has already been posted to the ledgers. |
An attempt was made to delete an encumbrance that has been posted. |
P_DELETE_FAILED | Cannot delete because the record does not exist. |
The key values passed in the delete failed to locate a record in the table. |
RECORD_EXISTS | Cannot create because the record already exists. |
The record already exists in the Encumbrance Header table (FGBENCH). |
STATUS_DELETE_FAILED | Unable to delete this Encumbrance; it has already been completed. |
An attempt was made to delete an encumbrance that has been completed. |