
Package BANINST1.fb_encumbrance_header_strings

Error messages and error message functions for ENCUMBRANCE_HEADER.

Message NameError Message
ACCT_REC_EXISTS_DEFERRALDeferred Editing cannot be changed once accounting records are created.
An attempt was made to change the defer edit indicator of an encumbrance header with accounting records.
ACCT_REC_EXISTS_NSFNSF Checking cannot be changed once accounting records are created.
An attempt was made to change the NSF indicator of an encumbrance header with accounting records.
AUTH_INTERNAL_INDYou are not authorized to change the status or approval indicators of the encumbrance.
Status and Approval indicators are changed only by fp_encumbrance.p_complete and the Approval processes and forms.
CHANGE_DESC_NOT_REQChange description not required.
An attempt was made to enter a change description when a change number was not provided.
CHANGE_NUM_NOT_REQEncumbrance not posted to ledgers; change number not required.
An attempt was made to enter a change number to an encumbrance document that has not yet been posted.
DOC_CHANGE_NUMBER_EXISTSDocument code %01% is in use. Choose another document code.
The change number entered has already been used for another document.
DOC_CHANGE_NUMBER_POSTEDDocument code %01% has been posted. Choose another document code.
The change number entered has already been used for a document that has been posted.
INVALID_APPROVAL_INDApproval Indicator is not valid, must be (Y)es or (N)o.
Use an approval indicator of N when creating a new record - changes are enabled only for approval processing.
INVALID_APPROVAL_IND_CONTEXTYou are not authorized to change the approval Status.
Changes to the approval indicator are enabled only for approval processing.
INVALID_APPROVAL_IND_CREATEApproval Indicator may not be Y (approved) when creating a new record.
An attempt was made to create a new record as approved - use a value of N for new records.
INVALID_DELETE_DETAILEncumbrance detail must be deleted before deleting the Encumbrance Header.
An attempt was made to delete the Header record of an encumbrance which still has detail records.
INVALID_DELETE_TEXTDocument Text must be deleted before deleting the Encumbrance Header.
An attempt was made to delete the Header record of an encumbrance which still has text records.
INVALID_DOC_AUTHYou are not authorized to change a Travel Encumbrance.
An attempt was made to change an encumbrance of type (T)ravel.
INVALID_DOC_CHANGE_APPREncumbrance has been completed and is waiting for approvals; change not allowed.
An attempt was made to change an encumbrance that has been completed and is waiting for approvals.
INVALID_DOC_CHANGE_DINPEncumbrance has been completed and is waiting for deferred edit; change not allowed.
An attempt was made to change an encumbrance that has been completed and is waiting for deferred edit.
INVALID_DOC_CHANGE_POSTEncumbrance has been completed and is waiting for posting; change not allowed.
An attempt was made to change an encumbrance that has been completed and is waiting for posting.
INVALID_DOC_TYPEEncumbrance created by Requisition or Purchase Order may not be changed by the General Encumbrance API.
An attempt was made to change an encumbrance of type (R)equisition or (P)urchase Order.
INVALID_EDIT_DEFERRALDeferred Editing must be (Y)es or (N)o .
An attempt was made to create or update a record using a Defer Edit Indicator other than Y or N.
INVALID_EDIT_DEFER_NSFDefer Edit Indicator may not be Y if NSF Processing Indicator is N.
An attempt was made to defer editing when NSF processing is not enabled.
INVALID_NSF_ON_OFF_INDNSF Processing Indicator is not valid; may be (Y)es or (N)o.
An attempt was made to create or update a record using an NSF Processing Indicator other than Y or N.
INVALID_NSF_SYSCNSF Checking cannot be changed if FOASYSC Encumbrance NSF Checking is turned on.
System controls require that the NSF Processing Indicator be Y.
INVALID_SOURCE_INDEncumbrance Source Indicator may be (T)ravel or NULL for General Encumbrances.
An attempt was made to create an encumbrance of source other than T or NULL.
INVALID_SOURCE_IND_AUTHYou are not authorized to create an encumbrance with Source Indicator (T)ravel.
Encumbrances with source indicator T can be created only by the 'TRAVEL' module.
INVALID_SOURCE_IND_CHANGEYou are not authorized to change the document Source indicator.
An attempt was made to change the source indicator of an encumbrance.
INVALID_SOURCE_IND_POSTEncumbrances for Requisition or Purchase Order may not be created by the General Encumbrance API.
Encumbrances with source indicator R or P are created only by the posting process.
INVALID_STATUSEncumbrance Status must be (C)omplete or (I)ncomplete.
An attempt was made to create an encumbrance with a status other than C or I.
INVALID_STATUS_CHANGEYou are not authorized to change the document Status.
An attempt was made to change the status of an encumbrance.
INVALID_STATUS_CREATEStatus must be (I)ncomplete when creating a new record.
An attempt was made to create an encumbrance with status (C)omplete; use a status of (I)ncomplete.
INVALID_STATUS_INDEncumbrance Status Indicator must be (C)losed or (O)pen.
An attempt was made to create or update an encumbrance with status indicator other than C or O.
INVALID_STATUS_IND_CHANGEYou are not authorized to change the document Status indicator.
An attempt was made to change the status indicator.
INVALID_STATUS_IND_CREATEStatus Indicator must be (O)pen when creating a new record.
An attempt was made to create an encumbrance with status indicator (C)losed; use a status of (O)pen.
INVALID_TYPEEncumbrance Type must be (E)ncumbrance, (L)abor or (M)emo.
An attempt was made to create or update a general encumbrance with a type other than E, M, or L.
INVALID_TYPE_CHANGEYou are not authorized to change the document Type.
An attempt was made to change the document type to values other than E, M, or L.
INVALID_TYPE_CREATEYou are not authorized to use type R, P, or T.
Encumbrances of type R, P, or T are created only by the posting or travel process.
INVALID_UPDATE_COMPLETEEncumbrance has been Completed; you are not authorized to make changes.
An attempt was made to change an encumbrance that has previously been completed.
INVALID_VENDORInvalid vendor. Vendor must exist in Vendor table.
An attempt was made to create or update an encumbrance with an invalid vendor.
MISSING_CHANGE_DESCChange description is missing.
An attempt was made to change a posted encumbrance with a change number without providing the change description.
MISSING_DOC_AMTDocument amount is missing.
An attempt was made to create a header without a Document amount.
MISSING_DOC_CHANGE_NUMEncumbrance posted to ledgers. Change number must be entered to do adjustment.
An attempt was made to change a posted encumbrance without providing the change number.
MISSING_EDIT_DEFERRALEdit deferral is missing.
An attempt was made to create a header without an edit deferral indicator.
MISSING_ESTAB_DATEEncumbrance Establishment Date is missing.
An attempt was made to create a header without an establishment date.
MISSING_NSF_INDNSF indicator is missing.
An attempt was made to create a header without an NSF indicator.
MISSING_NUMDocument Number is missing.
An attempt was made to create a header without a Document number.
MISSING_STATUS_INDEncumbrance Status Indicator is missing.
An attempt was made to create a header without a Status Indicator.
MISSING_TRANS_DATETransaction Date is missing.
An attempt was made to create a header without a Transaction Date.
MISSING_TYPEEncumbrance Type is missing.
An attempt was made to create a header without a Type.
MISSING_USER_IDUser Identification is missing.
An attempt was made to create a header without a User Identification.
NEXT_NOT_ALLOWEDCannot use "NEXT" to generate encumbrance change. Enter another value.
An attempt was made to use "NEXT" as a change number.
PK_NOT_FOUNDCannot find record using the primary key.
The key values passed in the update failed to locate a record in the table.
POST_DELETE_FAILEDUnable to delete this Encumbrance; it has already been posted to the ledgers.
An attempt was made to delete an encumbrance that has been posted.
P_DELETE_FAILEDCannot delete because the record does not exist.
The key values passed in the delete failed to locate a record in the table.
RECORD_EXISTSCannot create because the record already exists.
The record already exists in the Encumbrance Header table (FGBENCH).
STATUS_DELETE_FAILEDUnable to delete this Encumbrance; it has already been completed.
An attempt was made to delete an encumbrance that has been completed.

Program units
f_get_error   Returns the error message corresponding to p_errorname.

error_tab   Global PL/SQL table that holds the error messages.


error_tab gb_common_strings.errmsg_tab_type;

Global PL/SQL table that holds the error messages.


Function f_get_error(p_errorname VARCHAR2)
  RETURN gb_common_strings.err_type

Returns the error message corresponding to p_errorname.

p_errorname   Name associated with the error message.