
Package BANINST1.fb_invoice_header_strings

This package contains the error messages and error message functions for FB_INVOICE_HEADER.

Message NameError Message
1099_ID_NOT_MATCH_VENDORThe 1099 ID of the Vendor does not match the value of the parameter.
The 1099 ID of the Vendor does not match the value of the parameter.
ACCTG_LEVEL_CANNOT_CHANGEAccounting level indicator should be the same as purchase order.
Accounting level indicator should be the same as purchase order.
ACH_OVERRIDE_NOT_AUTHUser not authorized to override ACH payment.
User not authorized to override ACH payment.
ANOTHER_PENDING_INVOICEThis order has pending invoices that have not been posted to the ledgers.
This order has pending invoices that have not been posted to the ledgers.
BO_CANCELLEDBlanket Order has been cancelled.
Blanket Order has been cancelled.
BO_CLOSEDBlanket Order is closed.
Blanket Order is closed.
BO_NOT_COMPAPPRBlanket Order not completed or approved.
Blanket Order not completed or approved.
BO_NOT_EXISTSBlanket Order does not exist.
Blanket Order does not exist.
BO_NOT_INVOICEABLEBlanket Order cannot be invoiced.
Blanket Order cannot be invoiced.
BO_TERMINATEDBlanket Order has been terminated.
Blanket Order has been terminated.
BO_TRANS_DATE_GREATERBlanket Order date cannot be greater than invoice transaction date.
Blanket Order date cannot be greater than invoice transaction date.
CANNOT_CHANGE_CR_MEMO_INDCredit Memo indicator cannot be changed if accounting records exist.
Credit Memo indicator cannot be changed if accounting records exist.
CANNOT_CHANGE_DEFER_EDITEdit Deferral cannot be changed once Accounting records are created.
Edit Deferral cannot be changed once Accounting records are created.
CANNOT_CHANGE_DEFER_INDEdit Defer indicator cannot be changed if accounting records exist.
Edit Defer indicator cannot be changed if accounting records exist.
CANNOT_CHANGE_NSF_INDNSF On-Off cannot be changed if system Invoice NSF On-Off Indicator is Yes
NSF On-Off cannot be changed if system Invoice NSF On-Off Indicator is Yes
CANNOT_CREATE_VENDORThe vendor cannot be created.
The vendor cannot be created.
CURR_CANNOT_CHANGECurrency code cannot be updated if accounting records exist.
Currency code cannot be updated if accounting records exist.
CURR_RATE_NOT_ACTIVEConversion Rate is not active for the Currency Code.
Conversion Rate is not active for the Currency Code.
CANNOT_COMPLETEPlease use the business process API to complete the invoice.
Please use the business process API to complete the invoice.
CANNOT_APPROVEPlease use the business process API to approve the invoice.
Please use the business process API to approve the invoice.
CANNOT_CANCELPlease use the business process API to cancel the invoice.
Please use the business process API to cancel the invoice.
DELETE_SUCCESSInvoice and any associated text has been deleted.
Invoice and any associated text has been deleted.
ENCH_CLOSEDEncumbrance has been closed.
Encumbrance has been closed.
ENCH_NOT_EXISTSEncumbrance does not exist.
Encumbrance does not exist.
ENCH_NOT_POSTEDGeneral Encumbrance has not been posted to the ledgers.
General Encumbrance has not been posted to the ledgers.
ENCH_TRANS_DATE_GREATEREncumbrance date cannot be greater than invoice transaction date.
Encumbrance date cannot be greater than invoice transaction date.
ENC_NOT_INVOICEABLEGeneral Encumbrance cannot be invoiced.
General Encumbrance cannot be invoiced.
INVALID_ACH_OVERRIDE_INDInvalid value for ACH override indicator
Invalid value for ACH override indicator
INVALID_APPR_INDInvalid value for approval indicator
Invalid value for approval indicator
INVALID_ATYP_CODEInvalid combination of address type and sequence for vendor.
Invalid combination of address type and sequence for vendor.
INVALID_ATYP_CODE_VENDInvalid value for vendor address type
Invalid value for vendor address type
INVALID_ATYP_SEQ_NUM_VENDInvalid value for vendor address sequence
Invalid value for vendor address sequence
INVALID_BANK_CODEInvalid value for invoice bank code
Invalid value for invoice bank code
INVALID_BO_CODEInvalid Blanket Order code.
Invalid Blanket Order code.
INVALID_CANCEL_DATEInvalid value for cancel date
Invalid value for cancel date
INVALID_CANCEL_INDInvalid value for cancel indicator
Invalid value for cancel indicator
INVALID_CODEInvalid value for invoice code
Invalid value for invoice code
INVALID_COMPLETE_DATEInvalid value for date that completed this invoice record
Invalid value for date that completed this invoice record
INVALID_COMPLETE_INDInvalid value for complete indicator
Invalid value for complete indicator
INVALID_COMPLETE_USERInvalid value for user ID that completed this record.
Invalid value for user ID that completed this record.
INVALID_CREATE_DATEInvalid value for date on which this invoice was created
Invalid value for date on which this invoice was created
INVALID_CREATE_USERInvalid value for user ID which created the invoice header record
Invalid value for user ID which created the invoice header record
INVALID_CR_MEMO_INDInvalid value for credit memo indicator
Invalid value for credit memo indicator
INVALID_CURR_CODEInvalid value for currency code
Invalid value for currency code
INVALID_DISB_AGENT_INDInvalid value for disbursement agent indicator
Invalid value for disbursement agent indicator
INVALID_DISC_CODEInvalid value for discount code
Invalid value for discount code
INVALID_EDIT_DEFER_INDInvalid value for deferring edit indicator
Invalid value for deferring edit indicator
INVALID_GROUPING_INDInvalid value for grouping indicator
Invalid value for grouping indicator
INVALID_HOLD_INDInvalid value for hold indicator
Invalid value for hold indicator
INVALID_INVD_RE_ESTABLISH_INDInvalid value for invoice re-establishment indicator
Invalid value for invoice re-establishment indicator
INVALID_ITYP_SEQ_CODEInvalid value for income type code
Invalid value for income type code
INVALID_MATCH_REQUIREDInvalid value for match required indicator
Invalid value for match required indicator
INVALID_MULTIPLE_INV_INDInvalid value for multiple invoice indicator
Invalid value for multiple invoice indicator
INVALID_NSF_ON_OFF_INDInvalid value for NSF indicator
Invalid value for NSF indicator
INVALID_ONE_TIME_VEND_NATNInvalid value for vendor nation code
Invalid value for vendor nation code
INVALID_ONE_TIME_VEND_STATEInvalid value for vendor state
Invalid value for vendor state
INVALID_ONE_TIME_VEND_ZIPInvalid value for vendor zip code
Invalid value for vendor zip code
INVALID_OPEN_PAID_INDInvalid value for open paid indicator
Invalid value for open paid indicator
INVALID_ORIGIN_CODEInvalid value for origin code
Invalid value for origin code
INVALID_PLUS_REFUND_ADDRESSValid address required for Parent PLUS refund.
Valid address required for Parent PLUS refund.
INVALID_PLUS_REFUND_NAMEParent name required for Parent PLUS refund.
Parent name required for Parent PLUS refund.
INVALID_POHD_CODEInvalid value for Purchase Order code
Invalid value for Purchase Order code
INVALID_PO_VENDPurchase order vendor cannot be changed on the invoice.
Purchase order vendor cannot be changed on the invoice.
INVALID_RUIV_COMBOInstallments are allowed only on Recurring payables.
Installments are allowed only on Recurring payables.
INVALID_RUIV_INDInvalid value for recurring payable indicator
Invalid value for recurring payable indicator
INVALID_RUIV_INSTALLMENT_INDInvalid value for recurring installment indicator
Invalid value for recurring installment indicator
INVALID_SINGLE_ACCTG_INDInvalid value for single accounting indicator
Invalid value for single accounting indicator
INVALID_SUSP_INDInvalid value for suspense indicator
Invalid value for suspense indicator
INVALID_SYSCCould not retrieve system control (FOBSYSC) data
Could not retrieve system control (FOBSYSC) data
INVALID_TGRP_CODEInvalid value for tax group code
Invalid value for tax group code
INVALID_UPDATEThis update cannot be performed. Invoice has been completed and there is no proper context set for the update.
This update cannot be performed. Invoice has been completed and there is no proper context set for the update.
INVALID_USER_IDInvalid value for user ID
Invalid value for user ID
INVALID_VEND_CHECK_PIDMInvalid value for check vendor
Invalid value for check vendor
INVALID_VEND_INV_CODEInvalid value for Vendor invoice number
Invalid value for Vendor invoice number
INVALID_VEND_PIDMInvalid value for vendor
Invalid value for vendor
INVOICE_IS_APPROVEDThis invoice has been approved.
This invoice has been approved.
INVOICE_IS_ARCHIVEDThis invoice has been archived.
This invoice has been archived.
INVOICE_IS_CANCELLEDThis invoice has been cancelled.
This invoice has been cancelled.
INVOICE_IS_COMPLETEDThis invoice has been completed.
This invoice has been completed.
INVOICE_POSTEDCannot delete: a previous submission exists in transaction history.
Cannot delete: a previous submission exists in transaction history.
INV_PO_CURR_NOMATCHInvoice and PO currency code do not match.
Invoice and PO currency code do not match.
INV_VEND_CURR_NO_MATCHCurrency Code does not match the Currency Code of the vendor.
Currency Code does not match the Currency Code of the vendor.
MISSING_ATYP_CODEVendor address type code is mandatory.
Vendor address type code is mandatory.
MISSING_ATYP_SEQ_NUMVendor address sequence is mandatory.
Vendor address sequence is mandatory.
MISSING_CANCEL_INDMissing mandatory value for cancel indicator
Missing mandatory value for cancel indicator
MISSING_CODEA valid invoice document code must be entered.
A valid invoice document code must be entered.
MISSING_CR_MEMO_INDMissing mandatory value for credit memo indicator
Missing mandatory value for credit memo indicator
MISSING_HOLD_INDMissing mandatory value for hold indicator
Missing mandatory value for hold indicator
MISSING_INVOICE_DATEInvoice Date is mandatory
Invoice Date is mandatory
MISSING_INVOICE_TYPE_INDMissing mandatory value for invoice type indicator
Missing mandatory value for invoice type indicator
MISSING_MATCH_REQUIREDMissing mandatory value for the match required indicator
Missing mandatory value for the match required indicator
MISSING_OPEN_PAID_INDMissing mandatory value for open paid indicator
Missing mandatory value for open paid indicator
MISSING_PMT_DUE_DATEPayment due date is mandatory.
Payment due date is mandatory.
MISSING_TRANS_DATETransaction date is mandatory.
Transaction date is mandatory.
MISSING_USER_IDMissing mandatory value for invoice user ID
Missing mandatory value for invoice user ID
MISSING_VENDORVendor ID or Name must exist before creation of Invoice
Vendor ID or Name must exist before creation of Invoice
MULT_NOT_ON_GEN_INVVendor Invoice Consolidation not allowed on General Encumbrance
Vendor Invoice Consolidation not allowed on General Encumbrance
MULT_NOT_ON_ONE_TIME_VENDVendor Invoice Consolidation not allowed with one time vendors.
Vendor Invoice Consolidation not allowed with one time vendors.
MULT_NOT_ON_STAND_POVendor Invoice Consolidation not allowed on Standing Orders
Vendor Invoice Consolidation not allowed on Standing Orders
MULT_NOT_ON_ZERO_POVendor Invoice Consolidation not allowed on Purchase Orders with all items having ZERO Unit Price
Vendor Invoice Consolidation not allowed on Purchase Orders with all items having ZERO Unit Price
NO_CRMEMO_IN_PRIOR_YRCannot create credit memo in prior year if the purchase order has rolled into the next year.
Cannot create credit memo in prior year if the purchase order has rolled into the next year.
NO_DOC_LVL_GEN_ENCGeneral encumbrance invoice can only be commodity level.
General encumbrance invoice can only be commodity level.
NO_ENCUMB_IN_CANCEL_DATE_FSYREncumbrance does not exist in the fiscal year in which the cancellation date falls.
Encumbrance does not exist in the fiscal year in which the cancellation date falls.
NO_ENCUMB_IN_DATE_FSYREncumbrance does not exist in the fiscal year in which the invoice transaction date falls.
Encumbrance does not exist in the fiscal year in which the invoice transaction date falls.
ONE_TIME_VEND_ADDR_REQUIREDAddress required for one-time vendors.
Address required for one-time vendors.
ONE_TIME_VEND_CITY_REQUIREDCity required for one-time vendors.
City required for one-time vendors.
ONE_TIME_VEND_STATE_REQUIREDState required for one-time vendors.
State required for one-time vendors.
ONE_TIME_VEND_ZIP_REQUIREDZip required for one-time vendors.
Zip required for one-time vendors.
PENDING_CHANGE_ORDERThis order has a pending change order not posted to the ledgers.
This order has a pending change order not posted to the ledgers.
PK_NOT_FOUNDCannot find record using primary or unique key
Cannot find record using primary or unique key
PK_OR_ROWID_NEEDEDInvoice code or Oracle rowid is needed.
Invoice code or Oracle rowid is needed.
PK_ROWID_DONT_MATCHThe Invoice Code and Rowid do not match.
The Invoice Code and Rowid do not match.
PMTDATE_LESS_INV_DATEPayment due date must be greater than or equal to the Invoice date
Payment due date must be greater than or equal to the Invoice date
PMTDATE_LESS_SYS_DATEPayment due date must be greater than or equal to the Current date
Payment due date must be greater than or equal to the Current date
PMTDATE_LESS_TRANS_DATEPayment due date must be greater than or equal to the Transaction date
Payment due date must be greater than or equal to the Transaction date
PO_BEING_CLOSEDCannot use this PO, exists on an encumbrance close document waiting to be processed.
Cannot use this PO, exists on an encumbrance close document waiting to be processed.
PO_CANCELLEDPurchase Order has been cancelled.
Purchase Order has been cancelled.
PO_CANNOT_BE_UPDATEDCannot update the Purchase Order code field.
Cannot update the Purchase Order code field.
PO_CLOSEDPurchase Order is closed.
Purchase Order is closed.
PO_NOT_COMPAPPRPurchase Order not completed or approved.
Purchase Order not completed or approved.
PO_NOT_INVOICEABLEPurchase Order cannot be invoiced.
Purchase Order cannot be invoiced.
PO_NOT_POSTEDPurchase Order has not been posted to the ledgers.
Purchase Order has not been posted to the ledgers.
PO_TRANS_DATE_GREATERPurchase Order date cannot be greater than invoice transaction date.
Purchase Order date cannot be greater than invoice transaction date.
P_DELETE_FAILED_COMPCannot delete: invoice has been completed.
Cannot delete: invoice has been completed.
P_DELETE_FAILED_ITEMCannot delete: invoice items exist for this record. Please delete the item records first or use the invoice business process API.
Cannot delete: invoice items exist for this record. Please delete the item records first or use the invoice business process API.
P_DELETE_FAILED_MATCHCannot delete: invoice has been forwarded to matching. Please use invoice business process API to delete.
Cannot delete: invoice has been forwarded to matching. Please use invoice business process API to delete.
RECORD_EXISTSCannot create: record already exists
Cannot create: record already exists
RUIV_NEEDS_VENDORRecurring Invoices require a Vendor
Recurring Invoices require a Vendor
STANDING_PO_VICStanding Purchase Order cannot be referenced on a VIC Invoice.
Standing Purchase Order cannot be referenced on a VIC Invoice.
TRANS_LESS_INV_DATEInvoice date must be less than or equal to the Transaction date.
Invoice date must be less than or equal to the Transaction date.
USER_NOT_AUTHUser is not authorized to create or update or delete an Invoice
User is not authorized to create or update or delete an Invoice
USER_NOT_DIR_AUTHUser is not authorized to create or update or delete a direct pay Invoice
User is not authorized to create or update or delete a direct pay Invoice
USER_NOT_GEN_AUTHUser is not authorized to create or update or delete a general encumbrance Invoice
User is not authorized to create or update or delete a general encumbrance Invoice
USER_NOT_REG_AUTHUser is not authorized to create or update or delete a regular Invoice
User is not authorized to create or update or delete a regular Invoice
VENDOR_CANNOT_BE_UPDATEDVendor or Vendor Name is required
Vendor or Vendor Name is required
VEND_ID_OR_NAME_REQUIREDVendor or Vendor Name is required
Vendor or Vendor Name is required
VEND_INV_EXISTSThis Vendor Invoice already exists for this vendor
This Vendor Invoice already exists for this vendor
VEND_MULT_IND_NOMATCHVendor Invoice number and multiple vendor invoice indicator do not match.
Vendor Invoice number and multiple vendor invoice indicator do not match.
INVALID_HOLD_USER_IDInvalid value for vendor hold override user ID.
Invalid value for vendor hold override user ID.
INVALID_HOLD_OVRD_INDInvalid value for vendor hold override indicator.
Invalid value for vendor hold override indicator.
VEND_HOLD_OVRD_MSGVendor is currently on hold.  An override is required for payment either in the Document Indicators window or using the Payment Control form (FAAPAYC).
Vendor is currently on hold.  An override is required for payment either in the Document Indicators window or using the Payment Control form (FAAPAYC).
ONE_TIME_VENDOR_ACH_TRANS_TYPEOne time vendor should not have ACH Transaction Type Code.
One time vendor should not have ACH Transaction Type Code.
ACH_TRANS_TYPE_MISSINGACH Transaction Type Code is required.
ACH Transaction Type Code is required.
INVALID_ACH_TRANS_TYPEACH Transaction Type Code is invalid.
ACH Transaction Type Code is invalid.

Program units
f_get_error   Returns the error message corresponding to p_errorname.

error_tab   Global PL/SQL table that holds the error messages.


error_tab gb_common_strings.errmsg_tab_type;

Global PL/SQL table that holds the error messages.


Function f_get_error(p_errorname VARCHAR2)
  RETURN gb_common_strings.err_type

Returns the error message corresponding to p_errorname.

p_errorname   Name associated with the error message.