
Package BANINST1.fb_grant_effcert_strings

This package contains the error messages and error message functions for Effort Certification Grant API, FB_GRANT_EFFCERT.

Message NameError Message
CATEGORY_TYPE_NOT_REQUIREDEffort Category type cannot be assigned to the Report Section of Allocable.
Effort Category type cannot be assigned to the Report Section of Allocable.
CHARGE_TYPE_NOT_REQUIREDCharge Type cannot be assigned to the Report Section of Allocable.
Charge Type cannot be assigned to the Report Section of Allocable.
DIFF_GRANTCannot insert, grant identifier on fund maintenance is %01%.
Grant code on fund maintenance has different grant code for the accounting element value.
ELEMENT_VALUE_EXISTSAccount Element Value is associated with another grant.
Accounting Element Value is associated with another grant.
INVALID_ACCT_ELEMENTInvalid Account Element for Grant Effort Certification Rule.
Invalid Accounting Element other than O/F/P/A/L is entered for Grant Effort Certification Rule.
INVALID_ACCT_ELEMENT_VALUEInvalid Account Element Value for Grant Effort Certification Rule.
Invalid Accounting Element Value is entered for Grant Effort Certification Rule. List for valid values.
INVALID_CHARGE_TYPEInvalid Charge Type for Grant Effort Certification Rule.
Invalid Charge Type is entered for Grant Effort Certification Rule. Use 'C' for Cost Share or 'D' for Direct charge.
INVALID_COAS_CODECOA and Effort Rule COA must match to update Grant Effort Certification Rule.
Chart of Accounts is different from Grant Rule to Grant Effort Certification Rule.
INVALID_ECCG_CODEInvalid Effort Category Type for Grant Effort Certification Rule.
Invalid Effort Category Type is entered for Grant Effort Certification Rule. List for valid values.
INVALID_GRNT_CODEInvalid Grant Code for Grant Effort Certification Rule.
Invalid Grant Code entered for Grant Effort Certification Rule.
INVALID_REPORT_SECTIONInvalid Report Section for Grant Effort Certification Rule.
Invalid Report Section entered for Grant Effort Certification Rule. Use 'S' for Sponsored or 'N' for Non-Sponsored or 'A' for Allocable.
MISSING_ACCT_ELEMENTMissing mandatory Account Element for Grant Effort Certification Rule.
Accounting Element must be entered for Grant Effort Certification Rule.
MISSING_ACCT_ELEMENT_VALUEMissing mandatory Account Element Value for Grant Effort Certification Rule.
Accounting Element Value must be entered for Grant Effort Certification Rule.
MISSING_CHARGE_TYPEMissing mandatory Charge Type for Grant Effort Certification Rule.
Charge Type must be entered for Grant Effort Certification Rule.
MISSING_COAS_CODEMissing mandatory Chart of Account for Grant Effort Certification Rule.
Missing mandatory Chart of Account for Grant Effort Certification Rule.
MISSING_GRNT_CODEMissing mandatory Grant Code for Grant Effort Certification Rule.
Grant Code must be entered for Grant Effort Certification Rule.
MISSING_REPORT_SECTIONMissing mandatory Report Section for Grant Effort Certification Rule.
Report Section must be entered for Grant Effort Certification Rule.
PK_NOT_FOUNDCannot update Grant Effort Certification Rule, record does not exist.
Cannot update Grant Effort Certification Rule, record does not exist.
P_DELETE_FAILEDCannot delete Grant Effort Certification, record does not exist.
Cannot delete Grant Effort Certification, record does not exist.
RECORD_EXISTSCannot create Grant Effort Certification Rule, record already exists.
Cannot create Grant Effort Certification Rule, record already exists.
REPORT_SEC_IS_NOT_ALLOCABLEThe Fund requires Effort Report Allocation; Only the Allocable Section is allowed.
The Fund requires Effort Report Allocation; Only the Allocable Section is allowed.
REQUIRE_EFFORT_CATEGORYEffort Category Type is required when Report Section is Sponsored for Grant Effort Certification Rule.
Effort Category Type is required when Report Section is Sponsored for Grant Effort Certification Rule.

Program units
f_get_error   Returns the error message corresponding to p_errorname.

error_tab   Global PL/SQL table that holds the error messages.


error_tab gb_common_strings.errmsg_tab_type;

Global PL/SQL table that holds the error messages.


Function f_get_error(p_errorname VARCHAR2)
  RETURN gb_common_strings.err_type

Returns the error message corresponding to p_errorname.

p_errorname   Name associated with the error message.