Package BANINST1.fb_jv_header_rules Support subprograms for JV_HEADER.Note that the p_register_entity procedures commonly found in the API Rules package are not included, as Event Registration for Journal Vouchers occurs only at the document level through fp_journal_voucher. |
Program units |
p_validate | Validates all data in the record. |
Procedure p_validate(p_doc_num fgbjvch.fgbjvch_doc_num%TYPE, p_submission_number fgbjvch.fgbjvch_submission_number%TYPE, p_user_id fgbjvch.fgbjvch_user_id%TYPE, p_trans_date fgbjvch.fgbjvch_trans_date%TYPE, p_doc_description fgbjvch.fgbjvch_doc_description%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_doc_amt fgbjvch.fgbjvch_doc_amt%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_auto_jrnl_id fgbjvch.fgbjvch_auto_jrnl_id%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_reversal_ind fgbjvch.fgbjvch_reversal_ind%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_obud_code fgbjvch.fgbjvch_obud_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_obph_code fgbjvch.fgbjvch_obph_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_budg_dur_code fgbjvch.fgbjvch_budg_dur_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_edit_defer_ind fgbjvch.fgbjvch_edit_defer_ind%TYPE, p_status_ind fgbjvch.fgbjvch_status_ind%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_approval_ind fgbjvch.fgbjvch_approval_ind%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_distrib_amt fgbjvch.fgbjvch_distrib_amt%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_nsf_on_off_ind fgbjvch.fgbjvch_nsf_on_off_ind%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_data_origin fgbjvch.fgbjvch_data_origin%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_create_source fgbjvch.fgbjvch_create_source%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_existing_rec fb_jv_header.jv_header_rec DEFAULT NULL)
Validates all data in the record.
Parameters |
p_doc_num |
The unique identifier of a Journal Voucher document. VARCHAR2(8) Required Key | |
p_submission_number |
The submission number associated with the journal voucher document. NUMBER(2) Required Key | |
p_user_id |
The identification code of the user who last updated the journal voucher document. VARCHAR2(30) Required | |
p_trans_date |
The date the journal voucher document will be recorded in the ledgers. DATE Required | |
p_doc_description |
The title or purpose of the journal voucher. VARCHAR2(35) | |
p_doc_amt |
The control total for the document. This is a total of all sequences, irrespective of the debit/credit indicator. NUMBER(17,2) | |
p_auto_jrnl_id |
The unique value that identifies the jounal voucher as automatic or recurring. VARCHAR2(3) | |
p_reversal_ind |
An indicator which displays a value of "R" if the automatic journal voucher was reversed. VARCHAR2(1) | |
p_obud_code |
The Budget ID, if this journal is updating the ledgers as well as budget development. For example, this column will be populated if a journal is created using the Budget Maintenance Form (FBABDMN). VARCHAR2(6) | |
p_obph_code |
The Budget Phase of the Budget ID, if this journal was created using the Budget Maintenance Form (FBABDMN). VARCHAR2(6) | |
p_budg_dur_code |
The duration code referenced on the Activated Budget Phase, if this journal was created using the Budget Maintenance Form (FBABDMN). Valid values are "P" (Permanent) or "T" (Temporary). VARCHAR2(1) | |
p_edit_defer_ind |
Indicates that document editing of the journal voucher will be deferred until after completion. Valid values are "Y" or "N". VARCHAR2(1) Required | |
p_status_ind |
The current status of the journal voucher. Values are "I" (Incomplete) or "C" (Complete). VARCHAR2(1) | |
p_approval_ind |
Indicates if the document has been approved. If "Y", the document has received final approval. VARCHAR2(1) | |
p_distrib_amt |
A revised control total for the document, to be distributed among the existing detail of an incomplete Journal. NUMBER(17,2) | |
p_nsf_on_off_ind |
Indicates when non-sufficient funds checking will be done. If "Y", checking will be performed at time of data entry. Valid values are "Y", "N", or null. VARCHAR2(1) | |
p_data_origin |
Source system that last created or updated the data. VARCHAR2(30) | |
p_create_source |
Source system that initially created the record. VARCHAR2(30) | |
p_existing_rec |
Current FGBJVCH record, before updates. |