
Package BANINST1.fp_journal_voucher_str

Error messages and error message functions for JOURNAL_VOUCHER.

Message NameError Message
DOCB_COASChart %01% is not in balance.
Rule Class Balancing Method requires that total debits equal total credits by Chart.
DOCB_DEBIT_CREDITTotal Debits: %01%  Total Credits: %02%  Difference: %03%
The total of debits, credits, and the calculated difference for the Rule Class Balancing Method.
DOCB_FUNDChart %01%, Fund %02% is not in balance.
Rule Class Balancing Method requires that total debits equal total credits by Chart and Fund.
DOCB_ORGNChart %01%, Organization %02% is not in balance.
Rule Class Balancing Method requires that total debits equal total credits by Chart and Organization.
DOCB_SELFTotal of debits and credits is not in balance.
Rule Class Balancing Method requires that total debits equal total credits.
DOC_COMPLETEDocument has already been completed.
An attempt was made to Complete a journal that has previously been completed.
DOC_HAS_ERRDocument contains errors and cannot be marked complete.
An attempt was made to complete a journal which has transactions that are not Postable.
DOC_HAS_NSFCannot complete a document having transactions in NSF status.
An attempt was made to complete a document that has transactions for which funds are not available.
DOC_TOTALTotal amount of all transactions (%01%) must equal document total.
The hash total of all the detail records must match the distribution total if populated, or the document total if not populated.
INVALID_COPY_SOURCEThe source journal does not exist.
An attempt was made to copy a journal that does not exist in either the Journal Voucher tables (FGBJVCH, FGBJVCD) or the Transaction History table (FGBTRNH).
INVALID_DISTRIB_PCTNot all detail records for this document have distribution percentages.
An attempt was made to redistribute the total amount when not all of the detail records have a distribution percentage defined.
MISSING_DISTRIB_AMTDistribution Amount is missing in Journal Voucher header.
The Distribution Amount must be populated before attempting to recalculate the amounts in the detail records.
NO_DETAILThere are no detail records for the journal voucher.
An attempt was made to revalidate or redistribute the detail records of a journal that has no detail.
NO_SOURCEThe source journal to be copied does not exist.
An attempt was made to copy a journal that does not exist in the journal tables (FGBJVCH, FGBJVCD) or transaction history (FGBTRNH).
PERIOD_CLOSEDAttempt to complete document with a closed fiscal period, not allowed.
An attempt was made to complete a document that has transactions in a fiscal period that is no longer Open.
INVALID_ENC_TYPEInvalid Encumbrance Type exists for encumbrance number %01%.
ENC_HDR_CLOSEDIndirect Cost Encumbrance is closed for encumbrance number %01%.
ENC_DTL_SEQ_CLOSEDIndirect Cost Encumbrance is closed for encumbrance number %01%, sequence %02%.
ENC_CMT_SEQ_WAR*WARNING* Indirect Cost Encumbrance updates are not created for Committed Encumbrances.
EXCL_GNRL_WAR*WARNING* The Available Balance for indirect cost may not be zero following an Indirect Cost
               Encumbrance posted as the required amount equal to the grant ledger exclusion rather than the total amount needed to adjusted the Available Balance to zero.
               The difference will be corrected with the next posting for the indirect cost account.

Program units
f_get_error   Returns the error message corresponding to p_errorname.

error_tab   Global PL/SQL table that holds the error messages.


error_tab gb_common_strings.errmsg_tab_type;

Global PL/SQL table that holds the error messages.


Function f_get_error(p_errorname VARCHAR2)
  RETURN gb_common_strings.err_type

Returns the error message corresponding to p_errorname.

p_errorname   Name associated with the error message.