Message Name | Error Message |
ACCTG_NSF_SUSP_IND | Accounting record %01% is in NSF suspense for item %02%. |
Accounting record is in NSF suspense for the item. |
ACCTG_SUSP_IND | Accounting record %01% is in suspense for item %02%. |
Accounting record is in suspense for the item. |
ADDL_CORRECTED | Corrected rounding error for additional charges amount on sequence: %01%. |
Warning message for correcting additional charges rounding error on the sequence. |
APPR_CORRECTED | Corrected rounding error for approval amount on sequence: %01%. |
Warning message for correcting approval amount rounding error on the sequence. |
CANCEL_LESS_TRANS | Invoice Cancel date cannot be less than the invoice transaction date. |
Invoice Cancel date cannot be less than the invoice transaction date. |
CANCEL_PERM_TAG_NOTE | One or more Permanent asset tags are associated with this invoice. |
One or more Permanent asset tags are associated with this invoice. |
CANCEL_RECURR_SUBMISSION_NOTE | Max Submissions set equal to the Submissions to Date on Recurring Payable for Invoice Cancel. |
Max Submissions set equal to the Submissions to Date on Recurring Payable for Invoice Cancel. |
CANCEL_SUCCESS | Cancellation successful. Cancelled invoice awaiting posting to the ledgers. |
Cancellation successful. Cancelled invoice awaiting posting to the ledgers. |
CANNOT_CANCEL | Cannot cancel the invoice. |
Cannot cancel the invoice. |
CANNOT_REESTABLISH_RECURRING | Cannot re-establish a recurring payable invoice. |
Cannot re-establish a recurring payable invoice. |
CHECK_RUN_PROGRESS | Check Run is in progress. |
Check Run is in progress. |
COMM_ACCTG_ADDL_NE | Accounting additional charge amounts are not equal to the commodity additional charge amounts for item %01%. |
Accounting additional charge amounts are not equal to the commodity additional charge amounts for the item. |
COMM_ACCTG_ADDL_NE_DOC | Accounting additional charge amounts are not equal to the commodity additional charge amounts. |
Accounting additional charge amounts are not equal to the commodity additional charge amounts. |
COMM_ACCTG_APPR_NE | Accounting amounts are not equal to the commodity extended amounts for item %01%. |
Accounting amounts are not equal to the commodity extended amounts for the item. |
COMM_ACCTG_APPR_NE_DOC | Accounting amounts are not equal to the commodity extended amounts. |
Accounting amounts are not equal to the commodity extended amounts. |
COMM_ACCTG_DISC_NE | Accounting discount amounts are not equal to the commodity discount amounts for item %01%. |
Accounting discount amounts are not equal to the commodity discount amounts for the item. |
COMM_ACCTG_DISC_NE_DOC | Accounting discount amounts are not equal to the commodity discount amounts. |
Accounting discount amounts are not equal to the commodity discount amounts. |
COMM_ACCTG_TAX_NE | Accounting tax amounts are not equal to the commodity tax amounts for item %01%. |
Accounting tax amounts are not equal to the commodity tax amounts for the item. |
COMM_ACCTG_TAX_NE_DOC | Accounting tax amounts are not equal to the commodity tax amounts. |
Accounting tax amounts are not equal to the commodity tax amounts. |
COMM_SUSP_IND | One or more commodity record is in suspense. |
One or more commodity record is in suspense. |
DIR_STK_GL | Direct pay invoice with stock items has inventory account. |
Direct pay invoice with stock items has inventory account. |
DISC_CORRECTED | Corrected rounding error for discount amount on sequence: %01%. |
Warning message for correcting discount amount rounding error on the sequence. |
DOC_NSF | Cannot complete a document having transactions in NSF status when approvals are on. |
Cannot complete a document having transactions in NSF status when approvals are on. |
FTVPRCE_NOT_FOUND | cannot update FTVPRCE table. |
cannot update FTVPRCE table. |
INCOMP_ACCTG | Incomplete accounting sequence record for accounting sequence item %01% and sequence number %02%. |
Incomplete accounting sequence record for the accounting sequence. |
INVALID_ATYP | Account type must be either General Ledger, Expenditure or Transfer for accounting record item %01% and sequence number %02%. |
Account type must be either General Ledger, Expenditure or Transfer for the accounting record. |
INVALID_CANCEL_PERIOD | Cancellation fiscal period is not valid. Either it is closed or user does not have authority to post to accrual period. |
Cancellation fiscal period is not valid. Either it is closed or user does not have authority to post to accrual period. |
INVALID_ORGN_CODE | Organization and Program are required for accounting record item %01% and sequence number %02%. |
Organization and Program are required for the accounting record. |
INVALID_PART_PMT_PY | Invalid Part Payment Indicator for a Prior Year Purchase Order. |
Invalid Part Payment Indicator for a Prior Year Purchase Order. |
INVALID_RECUR_STK | Recurring payables not allowed for payment of stock items. |
Recurring payables not allowed for payment of stock items. |
INVALID_RECUR_STK2 | Recurring payables not allowed for payment of stock item %01%. |
Recurring payables not allowed for payment of the stock item. |
INVOICE_CANCELLED | Invoice has been previously cancelled. |
Invoice has been previously cancelled. |
INVOICE_COMPLETED | Invoice has been completed. |
Invoice has been completed. |
INVOICE_IN_CHECK | Document is selected for payment, cannot cancel at this time. |
Document is selected for payment, cannot cancel at this time. |
INVOICE_NOT_APPROVED | Invoice has not been approved. |
Invoice has not been approved. |
INVOICE_NOT_COMPLETED | Invoice has not been completed. |
Invoice has not been completed. |
INVOICE_NOT_POSTED | Invoice has not been posted. |
Invoice has not been posted. |
INVOICE_PAID | Invoice has been paid. |
Invoice has been paid. |
INVOICE_PARTIAL_PAID | Invoice has been partially paid. |
Invoice has been partially paid. |
ITEM_CLOSED | The item from the purchase order cannot be copied to the invoice as it is closed. |
The item from the purchase order cannot be copied to the invoice as it is closed. |
MISMATCH_BANK_CODE | Bank code should be same in all accounting records. |
Bank code should be same in all accounting records. |
MISSING_ACCTG_ROW | No Accounting record found for Invoice %01%. |
No Accounting record found for the Invoice. |
MISSING_ACCTG_ROW_ITEM | No Accounting record found for Invoice %01% Item %02%. |
No Accounting record found for the Invoice/item. |
MISSING_BANK_CODE | Bank code is missing on header or accounting distributions. |
Bank code is missing on header or accounting distributions. |
MISSING_CANCEL_CODE | Invalid Cancellation reason code. |
Invalid Cancellation reason code. Data not found in FTVCRSN table. |
MISSING_CANCEL_DATE | Cancel date is mandatory to cancel an invoice. |
Cancel date is mandatory to cancel an invoice. |
MISSING_COMM_ROW | No Commodity record found for Invoice %01%. |
No Commodity record found for the Invoice. |
MISSING_FTVEQUL | Missing FTVEQUL conversion record for %01%/%02%. |
Missing FTVEQUL conversion record. |
MIX_MATCH_ASSET | Mixing asset and non-asset accounts results in an incomplete fixed asset record. |
Mixing asset and non-asset accounts results in an incomplete fixed asset record. |
MIX_STORES | Cannot mix stores with non-stores commodity. |
Cannot mix stores with non-stores commodity. |
NET_GE_ZERO | Invoice must net to zero dollars or greater. |
Invoice must net to zero dollars or greater. |
NON_AUTH_MATCH | User does not have receipt required override authority on User Profile(FOMPROF) for invoices. |
User does not have receipt required override authority on User Profile(FOMPROF) for invoices. |
NOT_ALLOWED_FTVCOMM | Could not update commodity record (ftvcomm). |
Could not update commodity record (ftvcomm). |
NOT_DELETED_FROM_GURAPAY | This document has not been deleted from the GURAPAY table. |
This document has not been deleted from the GURAPAY table. |
PCARD_SUCCESS_MSG | The following invoices have been created and forwarded. |
The following invoices have been created and forwarded. |
PRIOR_YR_CANCEL | Cancel date must be in the prior year for a prior year invoice. |
Cancel date must be in the prior year for a prior year invoice. |
STK_GL_MORE_SEQ | Only one GL accounting sequence allowed with stores commodities. |
Only one GL accounting sequence allowed with stores commodities. |
STK_GL_MORE_SEQ2 | Only one GL accounting sequence allowed with stores item number %01%. |
Only one GL accounting sequence allowed with stores item. |
TAX_CORRECTED | Corrected rounding error for tax amount on sequence: %01%. |
Warning message for correcting rounding error for tax amount on the sequence. |
VALID_SUCCESS | Passed validation. |
Passed validation. |