
Package BANINST1.fp_invoice_strings

This package contains the error messages and error message functions for FP_INVOICE.

Message NameError Message
ACCTG_NSF_SUSP_INDAccounting record %01% is in NSF suspense for item %02%.
Accounting record is in NSF suspense for the item.
ACCTG_SUSP_INDAccounting record %01% is in suspense for item %02%.
Accounting record is in suspense for the item.
ADDL_CORRECTEDCorrected rounding error for additional charges amount on sequence: %01%.
Warning message for correcting additional charges rounding error on the sequence.
APPR_CORRECTEDCorrected rounding error for approval amount on sequence: %01%.
Warning message for correcting approval amount rounding error on the sequence.
CANCEL_LESS_TRANSInvoice Cancel date cannot be less than the invoice transaction date.
Invoice Cancel date cannot be less than the invoice transaction date.
CANCEL_PERM_TAG_NOTEOne or more Permanent asset tags are associated with this invoice.
One or more Permanent asset tags are associated with this invoice.
CANCEL_RECURR_SUBMISSION_NOTEMax Submissions set equal to the Submissions to Date on Recurring Payable for Invoice Cancel.
Max Submissions set equal to the Submissions to Date on Recurring Payable for Invoice Cancel.
CANCEL_SUCCESSCancellation successful. Cancelled invoice awaiting posting to the ledgers.
Cancellation successful. Cancelled invoice awaiting posting to the ledgers.
CANNOT_CANCELCannot cancel the invoice.
Cannot cancel the invoice.
CANNOT_REESTABLISH_RECURRINGCannot re-establish a recurring payable invoice.
Cannot re-establish a recurring payable invoice.
CHECK_RUN_PROGRESSCheck Run is in progress.
Check Run is in progress.
COMM_ACCTG_ADDL_NEAccounting additional charge amounts are not equal to the commodity additional charge amounts for item %01%.
Accounting additional charge amounts are not equal to the commodity additional charge amounts for the item.
COMM_ACCTG_ADDL_NE_DOCAccounting additional charge amounts are not equal to the commodity additional charge amounts.
Accounting additional charge amounts are not equal to the commodity additional charge amounts.
COMM_ACCTG_APPR_NEAccounting amounts are not equal to the commodity extended amounts for item %01%.
Accounting amounts are not equal to the commodity extended amounts for the item.
COMM_ACCTG_APPR_NE_DOCAccounting amounts are not equal to the commodity extended amounts.
Accounting amounts are not equal to the commodity extended amounts.
COMM_ACCTG_DISC_NEAccounting discount amounts are not equal to the commodity discount amounts for item %01%.
Accounting discount amounts are not equal to the commodity discount amounts for the item.
COMM_ACCTG_DISC_NE_DOCAccounting discount amounts are not equal to the commodity discount amounts.
Accounting discount amounts are not equal to the commodity discount amounts.
COMM_ACCTG_TAX_NEAccounting tax amounts are not equal to the commodity tax amounts for item %01%.
Accounting tax amounts are not equal to the commodity tax amounts for the item.
COMM_ACCTG_TAX_NE_DOCAccounting tax amounts are not equal to the commodity tax amounts.
Accounting tax amounts are not equal to the commodity tax amounts.
COMM_SUSP_INDOne or more commodity record is in suspense.
One or more commodity record is in suspense.
DIR_STK_GLDirect pay invoice with stock items has inventory account.
Direct pay invoice with stock items has inventory account.
DISC_CORRECTEDCorrected rounding error for discount amount on sequence: %01%.
Warning message for correcting discount amount rounding error on the sequence.
DOC_NSFCannot complete a document having transactions in NSF status when approvals are on.
Cannot complete a document having transactions in NSF status when approvals are on.
FTVPRCE_NOT_FOUNDcannot update FTVPRCE table.
cannot update FTVPRCE table.
INCOMP_ACCTGIncomplete accounting sequence record for accounting sequence item %01% and sequence number %02%.
Incomplete accounting sequence record for the accounting sequence.
INVALID_ATYPAccount type must be either General Ledger,  Expenditure or Transfer for accounting record item %01% and sequence number %02%.
Account type must be either General Ledger,  Expenditure or Transfer for the accounting record.
INVALID_CANCEL_PERIODCancellation fiscal period is not valid. Either it is closed or user does not have authority to post to accrual period.
Cancellation fiscal period is not valid. Either it is closed or user does not have authority to post to accrual period.
INVALID_ORGN_CODEOrganization and Program are required for accounting record item %01% and sequence number %02%.
Organization and Program are required for the accounting record.
INVALID_PART_PMT_PYInvalid Part Payment Indicator for a Prior Year Purchase Order.
Invalid Part Payment Indicator for a Prior Year Purchase Order.
INVALID_RECUR_STKRecurring payables not allowed for payment of stock items.
Recurring payables not allowed for payment of stock items.
INVALID_RECUR_STK2Recurring payables not allowed for payment of stock item %01%.
Recurring payables not allowed for payment of the stock item.
INVOICE_CANCELLEDInvoice has been previously cancelled.
Invoice has been previously cancelled.
INVOICE_COMPLETEDInvoice has been completed.
Invoice has been completed.
INVOICE_IN_CHECKDocument is selected for payment, cannot cancel at this time.
Document is selected for payment, cannot cancel at this time.
INVOICE_NOT_APPROVEDInvoice has not been approved.
Invoice has not been approved.
INVOICE_NOT_COMPLETEDInvoice has not been completed.
Invoice has not been completed.
INVOICE_NOT_POSTEDInvoice has not been posted.
Invoice has not been posted.
INVOICE_PAIDInvoice has been paid.
Invoice has been paid.
INVOICE_PARTIAL_PAIDInvoice has been partially paid.
Invoice has been partially paid.
ITEM_CLOSEDThe item from the purchase order cannot be copied to the invoice as it is closed.
The item from the purchase order cannot be copied to the invoice as it is closed.
MISMATCH_BANK_CODEBank code should be same in all accounting records.
Bank code should be same in all accounting records.
MISSING_ACCTG_ROWNo Accounting record found for Invoice %01%.
No Accounting record found for the Invoice.
MISSING_ACCTG_ROW_ITEMNo Accounting record found for Invoice %01% Item %02%.
No Accounting record found for the Invoice/item.
MISSING_BANK_CODEBank code is missing on header or accounting distributions.
Bank code is missing on header or accounting distributions.
MISSING_CANCEL_CODEInvalid Cancellation reason code.
Invalid Cancellation reason code. Data not found in FTVCRSN table.
MISSING_CANCEL_DATECancel date is mandatory to cancel an invoice.
Cancel date is mandatory to cancel an invoice.
MISSING_COMM_ROWNo Commodity record found for Invoice %01%.
No Commodity record found for the Invoice.
MISSING_FTVEQULMissing FTVEQUL conversion record for %01%/%02%.
Missing FTVEQUL conversion record.
MIX_MATCH_ASSETMixing asset and non-asset accounts results in an incomplete fixed asset record.
Mixing asset and non-asset accounts results in an incomplete fixed asset record.
MIX_STORESCannot mix stores with non-stores commodity.
Cannot mix stores with non-stores commodity.
NET_GE_ZEROInvoice must net to zero dollars or greater.
Invoice must net to zero dollars or greater.
NON_AUTH_MATCHUser does not have receipt required override authority on User Profile(FOMPROF) for invoices.
User does not have receipt required override authority on User Profile(FOMPROF) for invoices.
NOT_ALLOWED_FTVCOMMCould not update commodity record (ftvcomm).
Could not update commodity record (ftvcomm).
NOT_DELETED_FROM_GURAPAYThis document has not been deleted from the GURAPAY table.
This document has not been deleted from the GURAPAY table.
PCARD_SUCCESS_MSGThe following invoices have been created and forwarded.
The following invoices have been created and forwarded.
PRIOR_YR_CANCELCancel date must be in the prior year for a prior year invoice.
Cancel date must be in the prior year for a prior year invoice.
STK_GL_MORE_SEQ Only one GL accounting sequence allowed with stores commodities.
Only one GL accounting sequence allowed with stores commodities.
STK_GL_MORE_SEQ2Only one GL accounting sequence allowed with stores item number %01%.
Only one GL accounting sequence allowed with stores item.
TAX_CORRECTEDCorrected rounding error for tax amount on sequence: %01%.
Warning message for correcting rounding error for tax amount on the sequence.
VALID_SUCCESSPassed validation.
Passed validation.

Program units
f_get_error   Returns the error message corresponding to p_errorname.

error_tab   Global PL/SQL table that holds the error messages.


error_tab gb_common_strings.errmsg_tab_type;

Global PL/SQL table that holds the error messages.


Function f_get_error(p_errorname VARCHAR2)
  RETURN gb_common_strings.err_type

Returns the error message corresponding to p_errorname.

p_errorname   Name associated with the error message.