
Package BANINST1.fp_journal_voucher

Process API for Journal Vouchers (JOURNAL_VOUCHER).

Program units
p_complete   Completes a Journal Voucher and forwards to the next step.
p_copy_journal   Copy a Journal Voucher.
p_delete_journal   Delete a Journal Voucher.
p_register_entity   Register an Event in the processing of a Journal Voucher.
p_rucl_balancing   Balance by Rule Class Method.
p_validate_detail   Validate all detail records.
p_create_idced_jv   Creates journal voucher document for indirect cost encumbrance for the transaction date passed as input


Procedure p_complete(p_doc_num            fgbjvch.fgbjvch_doc_num%TYPE,
                     p_submission_number  fgbjvch.fgbjvch_submission_number%TYPE DEFAULT 0,
                     p_complete_requested VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'Y',
                     p_user_id            fgbjvch.fgbjvch_user_id%TYPE DEFAULT gb_common.f_sct_user,
                     p_rowid              gb_common.internal_record_id_type DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_msg_out            OUT gb_common_strings.err_type)

Completes a Journal Voucher and forwards to the next step.

p_doc_num   The unique identifier of a Journal Voucher document. VARCHAR2(8) Required Key
p_submission_number   The submission number associated with the journal voucher document. NUMBER(2) Key
p_complete_requested   Designate whether document is to be left in progress, or completed and forwarded. VARCHAR2(1)
Y   Change status to Complete if no errors, and forward to the next processing step.
N   Validate balance and balancing method only, and leave JV as work in progress.

p_user_id   The identification code of the user requesting that the document be completed. VARCHAR2(30)
p_rowid   Database ROWID of the Journal Voucher Header record. VARCHAR2(18)
p_msg_out   A return message regarding disposition of the document. VARCHAR2(255)


Procedure p_copy_journal(p_doc_num_source           fgbjvch.fgbjvch_doc_num%TYPE,
                         p_submission_number_source fgbjvch.fgbjvch_submission_number%TYPE DEFAULT 0,
                         p_doc_num_in_out           IN OUT fgbjvch.fgbjvch_doc_num%TYPE,
                         p_trans_date               fgbjvch.fgbjvch_trans_date%TYPE DEFAULT SYSDATE,
                         p_reversal_ind             fgbjvch.fgbjvch_reversal_ind%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                         p_copy_text                VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'N')

Copy a Journal Voucher.
A new Journal Voucher will be created with submission number 0 and status Incomplete.  The copy is from the Journal Tables if the document has not yet been posted, or from the Transaction History Table FGBTRNH (where the serial number is 0 to recreate the original journal).
The Reversal Indicator is used to switch the debit credit sign for each detail record, and header text may be copied or omitted.

p_doc_num_source   The identifier of the Journal Voucher document to be copied. VARCHAR2(8) Required Key
p_submission_number   The submission number associated with the source journal voucher document. NUMBER(2) Key
p_doc_num_in_out   The identifier of the new Journal Voucher document.  The number may be system generated. VARCHAR2(8) Required
p_trans_date   The date the journal voucher document will be recorded in the ledgers. DATE
p_reversal_ind   Create exact copy or reverse the sign of the detail. VARCHAR2(1)
NULL   Journal copy has the same debit credit indicator as the source
R   The debit and credit signs are reversed from the source

p_copy_text   Copy header text. VARCHAR2(1)
Y   Copy header text if it exists
N   Do not copy header text


Procedure p_delete_journal(p_doc_num           fgbjvch.fgbjvch_doc_num%TYPE,
                           p_submission_number fgbjvch.fgbjvch_submission_number%TYPE)

Delete a Journal Voucher.
All detail records, header text, and the header record will be deleted.

p_doc_num   The unique identifier of a Journal Voucher document. VARCHAR2(8) Required Key
p_submission_number   The submission number associated with the journal voucher document. NUMBER(2) Key


Procedure p_register_entity(p_doc_num           fgbjvch.fgbjvch_doc_num%TYPE,
                            p_submission_number fgbjvch.fgbjvch_submission_number%TYPE,
                            p_event             VARCHAR2)

Register an Event in the processing of a Journal Voucher.
Note that this procedure will provide Event Registration in a future release, and does not currently perform any activity.

p_doc_num   The unique identifier of a Journal Voucher document. VARCHAR2(8) Required Key
p_submission_number   The submission number associated with the journal voucher document. NUMBER(2) Key
p_event   The change which has been made to the Journal Voucher which is to be registered. VARCHAR2


Procedure p_rucl_balancing(p_doc_num           fgbjvcd.fgbjvcd_doc_num%TYPE,
                           p_submission_number fgbjvcd.fgbjvcd_submission_number%TYPE)

Balance by Rule Class Method.
Raises an error if the journal voucher is not in balance by the Rule Class Balancing Method(s) associated with the Rule Classes used in the detail records.

p_doc_num   The unique identifier of the document. VARCHAR2(8) Required Key
p_submission_number   The submission associated with the journal voucher document. NUMBER(2)


Procedure p_validate_detail(p_doc_num           fgbjvcd.fgbjvcd_doc_num%TYPE,
                            p_submission_number fgbjvcd.fgbjvcd_submission_number%TYPE DEFAULT 0,
                            p_user_id           fgbjvch.fgbjvch_user_id%TYPE DEFAULT gb_common.f_sct_user,
                            p_dist_total        VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL)

Validate all detail records.
This procedure may be called, after populating the distribution amount of the Journal Voucher header record, to update each detail record with a new amount based on the Distribution Percent in each record.  If the total of all Distribution Percentages is exactly 100%, the last sequence is adjusted to account for any rounding difference.
If errors (including non-sufficent funds) are encountered in the detail records, they will not be raised by this procedure.  However, the status indicator of the record will be set to E (error) or N (NSF) as required.
Note that the User Id is changed in the records, and the Fiscal Year and Period are updated to reflect the current transaction date.

p_doc_num   The unique identifier of the document. VARCHAR2(8) Required Key
p_submission_number   The submission associated with the journal voucher document. NUMBER(2)
p_user_id   The identification code of the user requesting validation of the document. VARCHAR2(30)
p_dist_total   Request to redistribute Control Total. VARCHAR2
Y   Change transaction amount on each detail record using Distribution Percent times Distribution Amount


Procedure p_create_idced_jv(p_source_doc_code IN fgtidce.fgtidce_doc_code%TYPE,
                            p_trans_date      IN fgtidce.fgtidce_trans_date%TYPE,
                            p_fsyr_code       IN fgtidce.fgtidce_fsyr_code%TYPE,
                            p_fspd_code       IN fgtidce.fgtidce_fspd_code%TYPE,
                            p_src_rucl_code   IN fgbtrnd.fgbtrnd_rucl_code%TYPE,
                            p_doc_code        OUT fgbjvch.fgbjvch_doc_num%TYPE,
                            p_war_msg_out     OUT gb_common_strings.err_type,
                            p_err_msg_out     OUT gb_common_strings.err_type)

Creates journal voucher document for indirect cost encumbrance for the transaction date passed as input
This procedure is called from posting process to process indirect cost encumbrance document for the records stored in temporary table FGTIDCE.
For each of the trasnaction date one JV encumbrance document would be created with multiple accounting sequence to reset available balance of various grant fund and IDC accounts posted on that particular transaction date.

p_source_doc_code   Source indirect cost document code for which encumbrance journal voucher to be created VARCHAR2(8)  Required Key
p_trans_date   Source indirect cost document transaction date for which encumbrance journal voucher to be created DATE Required Key
p_fsyr_code   Source indirect cost document fiscal year   VARCHAR2(2)  Required Key
p_fspd_code   Source indirect cost document fiscal period VARCHAR2(2)  Required Key
p_src_rucl_code   Source indirect cost document rule code     VARCHAR2(4)  Required Key
p_doc_code   The identifier of the new Journal Voucher document.  The number may be system generated. VARCHAR2(8)
p_war_msg_out   A return message regarding warnnings generated while creating document. VARCHAR2(255)
p_err_msg_out   A return message regarding errors generated while creating document. VARCHAR2(255)