
Package BANINST1.fp_encumbrance_str

Error messages and error message functions for ENCUMBRANCE.

Message NameError Message
CANCEL_MISSING_PARMDocument Number and Change Number are both required to cancel change.
An attempt was made to cancel an incomplete change to a general encumbrance without providing both the document and change document numbers.
CANCEL_INVALID_DOC_CHANGEChange Number for cancellation does not match this Encumbrance.
An attempt was made to cancel an incomplete change to a general encumbrance with an incorrect document change number.
DOC_COMPLETEDocument has already been completed.
An attempt was made to Complete or Cancel an encumbrance that has previously been completed.
DOC_HAS_ERRDocument contains errors and cannot be marked complete.
An attempt was made to complete an encumbrance which has transactions that are not Postable.
DOC_HAS_NSFCannot complete a document having transactions in NSF status.
An attempt was made to complete a document that has transactions for which funds are not available.
DOC_NO_DETAILEncumbrance document does not have any detail records; cannot complete.
An attempt was made to complete a document that has no associated detail records.
DOC_POSTEDEncumbrance posted to ledgers; change number must be entered to post adjustment.
An attempt was made to complete a document with an encumbrance number that has previously been posted to the encumbrance ledger.
DOC_TOTALTotal amount of all transactions (%01%) must equal document total.
The net total of all the detail records must match the document total.
INVALID_COPY_SOURCEThe source encumbrance does not exist.
An attempt was made to copy an encumbrance that does not exist in the encumbrance tables (FGBENCH, FGBENCD).
INVALID_DELETE_POSTEDUnable to delete this Encumbrance; it has already been posted.
An attempt was made to delete an encumbrance document which has already been posted to the encumbrance ledger.
INVALID_DISTRIB_PCTNot all detail records for this document have distribution percentages.
An attempt was made to redistribute the total amount when not all of the detail records have a distribution percentage defined.
MISSING_DOC_AMTDocument Amount is missing in encumbrance header.
The Document Amount must be populated before attempting to recalculate the amounts in the detail records.
MIX_MATCH_ASSETMixing asset and non-asset accounts results in an incomplete fixed asset record.
The account codes used include both fixed asset and non-asset accounts, which results in an incomplete fixed asset record. (Warning only)
NO_DETAILThere are no detail records for the encumbrance.
An attempt was made to revalidate or redistribute the detail records of an encumbrance that has no detail.
NO_SOURCEThe source encumbrance to be copied does not exist.
An attempt was made to copy an encumbrance that does not exist in the encumbrance tables (FGBENCH, FGBENCD).
PERIOD_CLOSEDAttempt to complete document with a closed fiscal period; not allowed.
An attempt was made to complete a document that has transactions in a fiscal period that is no longer Open.

Program units
f_get_error   Returns the error message corresponding to p_errorname.

error_tab   Global PL/SQL table that holds the error messages.


error_tab gb_common_strings.errmsg_tab_type;

Global PL/SQL table that holds the error messages.


Function f_get_error(p_errorname VARCHAR2)
  RETURN gb_common_strings.err_type

Returns the error message corresponding to p_errorname.

p_errorname   Name associated with the error message.