
Package BANINST1.fokutil

Common utility functions and procedures for Banner Finance.

Program units
f_check_closed   Function to check that includes no fiscal period which is not Open.
f_convert_date_to_datetime   Function to add the timestamp to the date parameter.
f_convert_date_to_datetime   Function to add the timestamp to the date parameter.
gen_next_fobseqn7   Generates a 8 character document code for the given document type
gen_next_fobseqn8   Generates a 9 character document code for the given document type
gen_next_fobseqn15   Generates a 16 character document code for the given document type
p_gen_doc_code   Generates and/or validates the document code for the given document type
f_gen_edoc_number   Generates a document number for the eprocurement integration.
f_gen_fseq_number   Generates a document number for systems outside Finance.
f_no_dupdoc_exists   Tests if the given document number is unique for the given document type.
f_get_seqn_type   Returns the internal document prefix for the given document type.
p_get_fsyr_fspd   Get fiscal year and period and validate that period is open.
p_insert_fgrtrnr   Routine to insert a record into the Error Message table FGRTRNR.
p_insert_fgrtrnr   Routine to insert collected errors into the Error Message table FGRTRNR for a JV.
p_insert_fgrtrnr   Routine to insert collected errors into the Error Message table FGRTRNR for a General Encumbrance.
p_insert_fobappd   Routine to insert a record into the approved documents table FOBAPPD.
p_insert_fobdinp   Routine to insert a record into the documents in progress table FOBDINP.
p_insert_fobuapp   Routine to insert a record in the unapproved documents table.
p_is_foap_postable   Routine that validates whether an accounting sequence is valid and has sufficient available balance to be posted to the ledgers.
p_validate_transdate   Procedure to validate whether a date can be the transaction date for a document.
p_do_abal_query   Procedure that queries the available balance table to check whether an accounting sequence has sufficient balance.
p_get_financial_mgr   Procedure to get the financial manager data for a fund or organization code.
p_scrubdate   Scrubbing procedure to scrub the given date value.
p_scrubnumb   Scrubbing procedure to scrub a number value.
p_scrubchar   Scrubbing procedure to scrub the given character string.
p_insert_ftvtgrp   Routine to insert a record into the tax group table FTVTGRP.
f_create_nt_group   Function to return a non-taxable tax group from the tax group table FTVTGRP.
f_fund_org_security_fnc   Function to do the fund and organization security checking.
f_nsf_check_is_required   Function to check if not sufficient funds (NSF) checking is required during data entry for
p_reverse_abal   This procedure reverses the available balance entries of a document.
f_single_acctg_default_ind   Routine to return the site specific default value of the accounting level indicator that is setup in the system data table FTMSDAT.
f_get_currency_rate   Function that returns the effective currency rate for a currency code.
f_text_exists   Function that tests whether document or item level text exists for a document in the text table FOBTEXT.
p_complete_valid_curr_bank   This procedure validates the bank codes and currency code of the entire invoice.
p_validate_inv_curr   This procedure validates the currency code of the invoice as defined in the invoice header.
p_validate_bank_curr   This procedure validates the currency code attached to the header bank or attached to the accounting bank.
f_disb_agent_exist   This function returns Y when a disbursing agent is defined for the currency and returns N if not.
f_get_curr_from_bank   This function returns currency defined in header bank or in accounting bank.
f_get_curr_from_inv   This function returns currency defined in vendor for direct pay invoice or defined in PO for regular invoice.
f_next_display   This function returns keyword for generating new document number to be used in application forms to create new system generated document code
p_validate_advc_check_cancel   This procedure is a wrapper to invoke the Travel and Expense ftfktuil.p_validate_advc_check_cancel to validate the advance check cancelation.
f_pending_doc_status   This function returns Status of the Pending document record available in FGRBAKO.
p_pending_doc_info   This procedure retrieves the document information which are not posted from respective transaction table based on the document type.
f_get_1099_definition   This function returns Institution TIN for 1099 transaction based on the Chart and Bank passed as input.
f_get_gl_balance   This function returns GL Balance based on the as of date, chart, account and fund code passed as input
f_pne_inst_flag   This Function Returns Character Y to identify PNE product is installed and returns N if not.
p_load_guroutp   This procedure uses Upload Profile value to retrieve directory and file names of an uploaded data file from GURUPLP table, opens the data file and insert each line into guroutp table.
p_send_travel_pcard_email   This procedure notifies card owners once per run when pcard charges are available for their review on Travel and Expense System.

abal_rectype   Record type for available balance checking


len_foap   The following constants len_xxxxx denote the maximum lengths of codes and numbers in Banner Finance.


len_foap       CONSTANT NUMBER := 6;

The following constants len_xxxxx denote the maximum lengths of codes and numbers in Banner Finance.  These constants will be used to check the data entered by users if the user interface does not do the length validation.


len_item       CONSTANT NUMBER := 4;


len_doc        CONSTANT NUMBER := 8;


len_title      CONSTANT NUMBER := 35;


len_user       CONSTANT NUMBER := 30;


len_text       CONSTANT NUMBER := 4000;


len_ind        CONSTANT NUMBER := 1;


len_id         CONSTANT NUMBER := 9;


len_ship       CONSTANT NUMBER := 6;


len_buyr       CONSTANT NUMBER := 4;


len_comm       CONSTANT NUMBER := 10;


len_comm_desc  CONSTANT NUMBER := 50;


len_uom        CONSTANT NUMBER := 3;


len_qty        CONSTANT NUMBER := 8;


len_up         CONSTANT NUMBER := 19;


len_amt        CONSTANT NUMBER := 17;


len_tgrp       CONSTANT NUMBER := 4;


len_curr       CONSTANT NUMBER := 4;


scale_amt      CONSTANT NUMBER := 2;


scale_up       CONSTANT NUMBER := 4;


scale_qty      CONSTANT NUMBER := 2;


len_chg_seq    CONSTANT NUMBER := 3;


len_pct        CONSTANT NUMBER := 7;


scale_pct      CONSTANT NUMBER := 4;


error_sep      CONSTANT VARCHAR2(2) := ', ';


savecommand    CONSTANT VARCHAR2(6)  := 'COMMIT';


sev_error      CONSTANT VARCHAR2(1) := '1';


sev_warning    CONSTANT VARCHAR2(1) := '2';


sev_note       CONSTANT VARCHAR2(1) := '3';


error_prefix   CONSTANT VARCHAR2(100) := G$_NLS.Get('FOKUTIL-0000', 'SQL','ERROR: ');


warn_prefix    CONSTANT VARCHAR2(100) := G$_NLS.Get('FOKUTIL-0001', 'SQL','WARNING: ');


warn_item_mesg    VARCHAR2(200) :=
              G$_NLS.Get('FOKUTIL-0002', 'SQL','Budget is exceeded for item %01%, sequence %02%','%01%','%02%');


warn_seq_mesg     VARCHAR2(200) :=
              G$_NLS.Get('FOKUTIL-0003', 'SQL','Budget is exceeded for sequence %01%','%01%');


err_item_mesg     VARCHAR2(200) :=
              G$_NLS.Get('FOKUTIL-0004', 'SQL','Insufficient budget for item %01%, sequence %02%','%01%','%02%');


err_seq_mesg      VARCHAR2(200) :=
              G$_NLS.Get('FOKUTIL-0005', 'SQL','Insufficient budget for sequence %01%','%01%');


TYPE abal_rectype IS RECORD(
                      doc_type        fgbtrnd.fgbtrnd_doc_seq_code%TYPE,
                      doc_code        fgbtrnd.fgbtrnd_doc_code%TYPE,
                      transdate       DATE,
                      reversal_ind    VARCHAR2(1),
                      item_num        fgbtrnd.fgbtrnd_item_num%TYPE,
                      seq_num         fgbtrnd.fgbtrnd_seq_num%TYPE,
                      sub_num         fgbtrnd.fgbtrnd_submission_number%TYPE,
                      serial_num      fgbtrnd.fgbtrnd_serial_num%TYPE,
                      coas            fgbtrnd.fgbtrnd_coas_code%TYPE,
                      fsyr            fgbtrnd.fgbtrnd_fsyr_code%TYPE,
                      fund            fgbtrnd.fgbtrnd_fund_code%TYPE,
                      orgn            fgbtrnd.fgbtrnd_orgn_code%TYPE,
                      acct            fgbtrnd.fgbtrnd_acct_code%TYPE,
                      prog            fgbtrnd.fgbtrnd_prog_code%TYPE,
                      rucl            fgbtrnd.fgbtrnd_rucl_code%TYPE,
                      curr_code       gtvcurr.gtvcurr_curr_code%TYPE,
                      trans_amt       fgbtrnd.fgbtrnd_trans_amt%TYPE,
                      dr_cr_ind       VARCHAR2(1),
                      posting_period  fgbtrnd.fgbtrnd_posting_period%TYPE,
                      budget_period   fgbtrnd.fgbtrnd_budget_period%TYPE,
                      encd_num        fgbtrnd.fgbtrnd_encd_num%TYPE,
                      encd_item_num     NUMBER,
                      encd_seq_num      NUMBER,
                      encd_action_ind   VARCHAR2(1),
                      commitment_type   VARCHAR2(1),
                      nsf_override_ind  VARCHAR2(1)

Record type for available balance checking


Function f_check_closed(p_dtyp_seq_num FTVDTYP.FTVDTYP_SEQ_NUM%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                        p_doc_type     FTVDTYP.FTVDTYP_CODE%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                        p_doc_code     FOBUAPP.FOBUAPP_DOC_CODE%TYPE,
                        p_chg_seq      FOBUAPP.FOBUAPP_CHG_SEQ_NUM%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                        p_sub_num      FOBUAPP.FOBUAPP_SUBMISSION_NUMBER%TYPE DEFAULT NULL)

Function to check that includes no fiscal period which is not Open.
Either p_dtyp_seq_num (preferred if known) or p_doc_type is required.

p_dtyp_seq_num   Document Type Sequence Number as defined in Document Type Maintenance (FTMDTYP). NUMBER(2).
p_doc_type   Document Type Code as defined in Document Type Maintenance (FTVDTYP). VARCHAR2(3).
p_doc_code   The identifier of a Finance document. VARCHAR2(8). Required.
p_chg_seq   The change sequence number of the Finance document. NUMBER(3)
p_sub_num   The submission number of the Finance document. NUMBER(2)

Y if there is any record in period that is not Open, N if none, or U in unable to process.


Function f_convert_date_to_datetime(char_date   VARCHAR2,
                                    date_format VARCHAR2 DEFAULT G$_DATE.GET_NLS_DATE_FORMAT)

Function to add the timestamp to the date parameter.

char_date   The character string that represents a date. VARCHAR2. Required.
date_format   The format that the character string is supposed to be in. VARCHAR2. The default is the database NLS date format.

The date converted into a character string in the format value.


Function f_convert_date_to_datetime(p_date DATE) RETURN DATE

Function to add the timestamp to the date parameter.

p_date   The date that requires the timestamp. DATE. Required.

The date with the timestamp concatenated.


Procedure gen_next_fobseqn7(p_seq_type      IN VARCHAR2,
                            p_next_doc_code OUT VARCHAR2)

Generates a 8 character document code for the given document type

p_seq_type   The document type for which the document number is to be generated. VARCHAR2 Required
p_next_doc_code   The generated document number for the document type.  VARCHAR2


Procedure gen_next_fobseqn8(p_seq_type      IN VARCHAR2,
                            p_next_doc_code OUT VARCHAR2)

Generates a 9 character document code for the given document type

p_seq_type   The document type for which the document number is to be generated. VARCHAR2 Required
p_next_doc_code   The generated document number for the document type.  VARCHAR2


Procedure gen_next_fobseqn15(p_seq_type      IN VARCHAR2,
                             p_next_doc_code OUT VARCHAR2)

Generates a 16 character document code for the given document type

p_seq_type   The document type for which the document number is to be generated. VARCHAR2 Required
p_next_doc_code   The generated document number for the document type.  VARCHAR2


Procedure p_gen_doc_code(doc_type   IN NUMBER,
                         doc_code   IN OUT VARCHAR2,
                         doc_length NUMBER DEFAULT 8,
                         doc_prefix IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL)

Generates and/or validates the document code for the given document type

doc_type   The document type for which the document number is to be generated and validated. Number. For example, 1 for requisition, 2 for purchase order etc. Required
doc_code   The document number for the document type.  VARCHAR2.  The value of this parameter can be null, NEXT or a document number. If null or NEXT, this utility will generate a new document number.  The document number is then tested for uniqueness.
doc_length   The required length of the document number. The default value is 8.
doc_prefix   The internal prefix character for the document number. For example, R for requisition, P for purchase order, I or S for invoice etc.  The utility will then select the site specific prefix from the sequence table FOBSEQN based on this internal prefix character.


Function f_gen_edoc_number(doc_type IN ftvdtyp.ftvdtyp_seq_num%TYPE)

Generates a document number for the eprocurement integration.
This document number is used as a temporary document number during the validation of the eprocurement document.  Generates a document number using the oracle sequence finance_edoc_code_sequence instead of the one up number in fobseqn

doc_type   Denotes the type of document.  Number.  For example, 1 for Requisitions etc.

VARCHAR2 - The generated document number.


Function f_gen_fseq_number(system_id IN fobfseq.fobfseq_system_id%TYPE)

Generates a document number for systems outside Finance.
The document number is generated by increasing the current maximum sequence number for the System Id given, checking for prior use of that document number where possible.

system_id   Denotes the system requesting a document number.  VARCHAR2(8) Required

VARCHAR2 - The generated document number.


Function f_no_dupdoc_exists(doc_type IN NUMBER, doc_code IN VARCHAR2)

Tests if the given document number is unique for the given document type.

doc_type   The document type for which the document number is to be validated. Number. For example, 1 for requisition, 2 for purchase order etc. Required
doc_code   The document number that is being validated. VARCHAR2

Returns Y if the given document number is unique and N if this number already exists.


Function f_get_seqn_type(doc_type IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2

Returns the internal document prefix for the given document type.

doc_type   Denotes the type of document.  Number.  For example, 1 for Requisitions etc.

Returns the internal document prefix for the given document type. VARCHAR2 .


Procedure p_get_fsyr_fspd(p_coas_code       ftvfsyr.ftvfsyr_coas_code%TYPE,
                          p_trans_date      DATE,
                          p_user_id         fobprof.fobprof_user_id%TYPE,
                          p_fsyr_out        OUT ftvfsyr.ftvfsyr_fsyr_code%TYPE,
                          p_fspd_out        OUT ftvfspd.ftvfspd_fspd_code%TYPE,
                          p_check_user_auth VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'Y')

Get fiscal year and period and validate that period is open.
* @param p_coas_code Chart of Accounts Code. VARCHAR2
* @param p_trans_date The date the transaction is being processed. DATE
* @param p_user_id The unique identification code of the user. VARCHAR2
* @param p_fsyr_out Fiscal year code returned from the procedure. VARCHAR2
* @param p_fspd_out Fiscal period code returned from the procedure. VARCHAR2
* If the fiscal period is open then p_fspd_out will have a valid fiscal period
* value and the p_fsyr_out will have a valid fiscal year value.
* p_fspd_out will have a value of 14 under the following conditions:
    The fiscal period is closed
    the fiscal period is the last period of the fiscal year
    the accrual period is open
    The user has authority to post to the accrual period
* If the fiscal period is not valid then the following values are returned.
*      FN => fiscal period is not open
*      FC => fiscal period is not the last period and is closed
*      FI => fiscal period status indicator is not N, C or O
*      AN => accrual period is not open
*      AC => accrual period is closed
*      AI => Accrual period indicator is not N, C or O
*      AU => period was closed, was a last period, accrual period was open but user had no authority.


Procedure p_insert_fgrtrnr(p_doc_type           fgrtrnr.fgrtrnr_doc_type%TYPE,
                           p_doc_num            fgrtrnr.fgrtrnr_doc_num%TYPE,
                           p_seq_num            fgrtrnr.fgrtrnr_seq_num%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                           p_item_num           fgrtrnr.fgrtrnr_item_num%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                           p_submission_number  fgrtrnr.fgrtrnr_submission_number%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                           p_reversal_ind       fgrtrnr.fgrtrnr_reversal_ind%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                           p_edit_code          fgrtrnr.fgrtrnr_edit_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                           p_short_title        fgrtrnr.fgrtrnr_short_title%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                           p_field_name         fgrtrnr.fgrtrnr_field_name%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                           p_error_message      fgrtrnr.fgrtrnr_error_message%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                           p_user_id            fgrtrnr.fgrtrnr_user_id%TYPE DEFAULT gb_common.f_sct_user,
                           p_rucl_code          fgrtrnr.fgrtrnr_rucl_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                           p_doc_ref_num        fgrtrnr.fgrtrnr_doc_ref_num%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                           p_trans_date         fgrtrnr.fgrtrnr_trans_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                           p_trans_amt          fgrtrnr.fgrtrnr_trans_amt%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                           p_trans_desc         fgrtrnr.fgrtrnr_trans_desc%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                           p_dr_cr_ind          fgrtrnr.fgrtrnr_dr_cr_ind%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                           p_bank_code          fgrtrnr.fgrtrnr_bank_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                           p_obud_code          fgrtrnr.fgrtrnr_obud_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                           p_obph_code          fgrtrnr.fgrtrnr_obph_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                           p_budg_dur_code      fgrtrnr.fgrtrnr_budg_dur_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                           p_coas_code          fgrtrnr.fgrtrnr_coas_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                           p_acci_code          fgrtrnr.fgrtrnr_acci_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                           p_fund_code          fgrtrnr.fgrtrnr_fund_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                           p_orgn_code          fgrtrnr.fgrtrnr_orgn_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                           p_acct_code          fgrtrnr.fgrtrnr_acct_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                           p_prog_code          fgrtrnr.fgrtrnr_prog_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                           p_actv_code          fgrtrnr.fgrtrnr_actv_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                           p_locn_code          fgrtrnr.fgrtrnr_locn_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                           p_dep_num            fgrtrnr.fgrtrnr_dep_num%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                           p_encd_num           fgrtrnr.fgrtrnr_encd_num%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                           p_encd_item_num      fgrtrnr.fgrtrnr_encd_item_num%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                           p_encd_seq_num       fgrtrnr.fgrtrnr_encd_seq_num%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                           p_encd_action_ind    fgrtrnr.fgrtrnr_encd_action_ind%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                           p_prjd_code          fgrtrnr.fgrtrnr_prjd_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                           p_dist_pct           fgrtrnr.fgrtrnr_dist_pct%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                           p_bud_dispn          fgrtrnr.fgrtrnr_bud_dispn%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                           p_cmt_type           fgrtrnr.fgrtrnr_cmt_type%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                           p_cmt_pct            fgrtrnr.fgrtrnr_cmt_pct%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                           p_encb_type          fgrtrnr.fgrtrnr_encb_type%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                           p_vendor_pidm        fgrtrnr.fgrtrnr_vendor_pidm%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                           p_one_time_vend_code fgrtrnr.fgrtrnr_one_time_vend_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                           p_budget_period      fgrtrnr.fgrtrnr_budget_period%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                           p_accrual_ind        fgrtrnr.fgrtrnr_accrual_ind%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                           p_abal_override      fgrtrnr.fgrtrnr_abal_override%TYPE DEFAULT NULL)

Routine to insert a record into the Error Message table FGRTRNR.

p_doc_type   NUMBER(2) Required
p_doc_num   The unique number of the document being updated. VARCHAR2(15) Required
p_seq_num   A sequence number relating to transactions within a document. NUMBER(4)
p_item_num   An item number relating to transactions within a document. NUMBER(4)
p_submission_number   A submission number relating to iterations of a document. VARCHAR2(3)
p_reversal_ind   An indicator that the transaction is a reversal of a journal voucher. VARCHAR2(1)
p_edit_code   Edit criteria. VARCHAR2(4)
p_short_title   A short title of an error. VARCHAR2(20)
p_field_name   The data column for which the error is produced VARCHAR2(22)
p_error_message   Error message regarding the data problem encountered. VARCHAR2(80)
p_user_id   The unique identification code of the user. VARCHAR2(30) Required
p_rucl_code   The four character alphanumeric code identifying an accounting transaction rule class. VARCHAR2(4)
p_doc_ref_num   A user-defined number providing additional identification for the document. VARCHAR2(8)
p_trans_date   The date the transaction was processed. DATE
p_trans_amt   The dollar amount of the transaction associated with this particular account distribution. NUMBER(17,2)
p_trans_desc   A brief description of the purpose of the journal voucher record being created. VARCHAR2(35)
p_dr_cr_ind   This debit or credit indicator for the transactions. VARCHAR2(1)
p_bank_code   A user-defined bank code used for identification purposes on all cash transactions. VARCHAR2(2)
p_obud_code   The user-defined identifier of a budget. VARCHAR2(6)
p_obph_code   The user-defined identifier of a budget phase. VARCHAR2(6)
p_budg_dur_code   The budget duration code VARCHAR2(1)
p_coas_code   Chart of Accounts Code. VARCHAR2(1)
p_acci_code   Index Code representing a combination of FOAPAL elements. VARCHAR2(6)
p_fund_code   Fund Code that appears on a transaction. VARCHAR2(6)
p_orgn_code   Organization Code that appears on a transaction. VARCHAR2(6)
p_acct_code   Account Code that appears on a transaction. VARCHAR2(6)
p_prog_code   Program Code that appears on a transaction. VARCHAR2(6)
p_actv_code   Activity Code that appears on a transaction. VARCHAR2(6)
p_locn_code   Location Code that appears on a transaction. VARCHAR2(6)
p_dep_num   The deposit number assigned to this transaction. VARCHAR2(8)
p_encd_num   Encumbrance Number associated with the transaction. VARCHAR2(8)
p_encd_item_num   Item Number within Encumbrance Number. NUMBER(4)
p_encd_seq_num   Encumbrance Sequence Number for the account distribution within the referenced Encumbrance Number. NUMBER(4)
p_encd_action_ind   Encumbrance action - Partial or Total Liquidation or Adjustment. VARCHAR2(1)
p_prjd_code   Project Code if the encumbrance is related to a project (work order) from  cost accounting. VARCHAR2(8)
p_dist_pct   The percentage of the total encumbrance to be assigned to this accounting distribution. NUMBER(6,3)
p_bud_dispn   The indicator that determines the year-end processing or budget requested encumbrance amounts. VARCHAR2(1)
p_cmt_type   Commitment Type - Committed or Uncommitted. VARCHAR2(1)
p_cmt_pct   Commitment Percent. NUMBER(6,3)
p_encb_type   Encumbrance Type - Labor, General, Purchase VARCHAR2(1)
p_vendor_pidm   The unique personal identification master of a vendor. NUMBER(8)
p_one_time_vend_code   ID for a One Time Vendor. VARCHAR2(9)
p_budget_period   The Budget Period associated with the transaction. VARCHAR2(2)
p_accrual_ind   This indicator is used during the accrual period, to indicate transactions that affect both current and prior fiscal years. VARCHAR2(1)
p_abal_override   This indicator is used to override the availability of funds checking process, if the user has the authority. VARCHAR2(1)


Procedure p_insert_fgrtrnr(p_jv_detail_rec fb_jv_detail.jv_detail_rec,
                           p_jv_header_rec fb_jv_header.jv_header_rec,
                           p_err_tab       fb_common.err_tabtype)

Routine to insert collected errors into the Error Message table FGRTRNR for a JV.

p_jv_detail_rec   A record with journal voucher detail. FB_JV_DETAIL.JV_DETAIL_REC Required
p_jv_header_rec   A journal voucher header record. FB_JV_HEADER.JV_HEADER_REC Required
p_err_tab   A collection of errors encountered creating the JV detail record. FB_COMMON.ERR_TABTYPE Required


Procedure p_insert_fgrtrnr(p_encumbrance_detail_rec fb_encumbrance_detail.encumbrance_detail_rec,
                           p_encumbrance_header_rec fb_encumbrance_header.encumbrance_header_rec,
                           p_err_tab                fb_common.err_tabtype)

Routine to insert collected errors into the Error Message table FGRTRNR for a General Encumbrance.

p_encumbrance_detail_rec   A record with general encumbrance detail. FB_ENCUMBRANCE_DETAIL.ENCUMBRANCE_DETAIL_REC Required
p_encumbrance_header_rec   A general encumbrance header record. FB_ENCUMBRANCE_HEADER.ENCUMBRANCE_HEADER_REC Required
p_err_tab   A collection of errors encountered creating the encumbrance detail record. FB_COMMON.ERR_TABTYPE Required


Procedure p_insert_fobappd(seq_code  NUMBER,
                           doc_code  VARCHAR2,
                           seq_num   NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
                           bank_code VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL)

Routine to insert a record into the approved documents table FOBAPPD.

seq_code   The type of document being inserted into the table. NUMBER. Required
doc_code   The document number of the document being inserted into the table. VARCHAR2
seq_num   The change sequence number if the document to be posted is a change order. NUMBER
bank_code   The bank code if the document is a check. VARCHAR2


Procedure p_insert_fobdinp(seq_code  NUMBER,
                           doc_code  VARCHAR2,
                           seq_num   NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
                           bank_code VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL)

Routine to insert a record into the documents in progress table FOBDINP.

seq_code   The type of document being inserted into the table. NUMBER. Required
doc_code   The document number of the document being inserted into the table. VARCHAR2
seq_num   The change sequence number if the document to be posted is a change order. NUMBER
bank_code   The bank code if the document is a check. VARCHAR2


Procedure p_insert_fobuapp(seq_code    NUMBER,
                           user_code   VARCHAR2,
                           doc_code    VARCHAR2,
                           doc_amt     NUMBER,
                           orig_user   VARCHAR2,
                           chg_seq_num NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
                           sub_num     NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
                           status      VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL)

Routine to insert a record in the unapproved documents table.

seq_code   The type of document being inserted into the table. NUMBER. Required
user_code   The Banner UserID of the user who created, approved or disapproved the document. VARCHAR2 Required
doc_code   The document number of the document being inserted into the table. Required VARCHAR2
orig_user   The Banner UserID of the user who created the document. Required VARCHAR2
chg_seq_num   The change sequence number if the document is a change order. NUMBER
sub_num   The submission number of the document if the document is an invoice. NUMBER
status   The approval status of the document. It is N when originally created.


Procedure p_is_foap_postable(doc_type      VARCHAR2,
                             doc_code      VARCHAR2,
                             item_num      NUMBER,
                             seq_num       NUMBER,
                             coas          VARCHAR2,
                             acci          VARCHAR2,
                             fund          VARCHAR2,
                             orgn          VARCHAR2,
                             acct          VARCHAR2,
                             prog          VARCHAR2,
                             actv          VARCHAR2,
                             locn          VARCHAR2,
                             transdate     DATE,
                             trans_amt     NUMBER,
                             userid        VARCHAR2,
                             is_foap_valid OUT VARCHAR2,
                             message_out   OUT VARCHAR2,
                             curr_code     VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL)

Routine that validates whether an accounting sequence is valid and has sufficient available balance to be posted to the ledgers.

doc_type   Denotes the type of document.  Number.  For example, 1 for Requisitions, 2 for Purchase Orders etc.
doc_code   The document number of the document for which the available balance is being checked. VARCHAR2(8)
item_num   The item number of the accounting sequence. If 0, then document level accounting is in effect. NUMBER
seq_num   The sequence number of the accounting sequence. NUMBER
coas   The chart of accounts code. VARCHAR2(1). Required.
acci   The account index code. VARCHAR2(6)
fund   The fund code. VARCHAR2(6). Required if account index is not present or this code is not associated with the account index.
orgn   The organization code. VARCHAR2(6). Required if account index is not present or this code is not associated with the account index.
acct   The account code. VARCHAR2(6). Required if account index is not present or this code is not associated with the account index.
prog   The program code. VARCHAR2(6). Required if account index is not present or this code is not associated with the account index.
actv   The activity code. VARCHAR2(6).
locn   The location code. VARCHAR2(6).
transdate   The transaction date on the document. DATE. required.
trans_amt   THe transaction amount that will affect the ledgers. NUMBER. Required.
userid   The Banner UserID of the user creating the document. Required.
is_foap_valid   The out parameter that is set to Y if the accounting elements are all valid and sufficient funds exist, otherwise valued N.
message_out   The out parameter that holds any error or warning messages generated in the course of the checking.
curr_code   The currency code if the amount is not in base currency of the institution.


Procedure p_validate_transdate(coas              VARCHAR2,
                               transdate         DATE,
                               fsyr_code         OUT ftvfsyr.ftvfsyr_fsyr_code%TYPE,
                               fspd_code         OUT ftvfspd.ftvfspd_fspd_code%TYPE,
                               message           OUT VARCHAR2,
                               is_encumb_roll_ok VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'N',
                               p_user_id         fobprof.fobprof_user_id%TYPE DEFAULT gb_common.f_sct_user,
                               p_check_user_auth VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'Y')

Procedure to validate whether a date can be the transaction date for a document.
  This will validate whether the transaction date is in a valid and open fiscal year and period.
  It will also check if encumbrances have rolled forward.

coas   The chart of accounts. VARCHAR2. Required.
transdate   The date that is to be validated. DATE. Required.
fsyr_code   The out parameter that holds the fiscal year that the transaction date is valid for.
fspd_code   The out parameter that holds the fiscal period that the transaction date is valid for.
message   Any error message generated by the procedure during the course of the validation
is_encumb_roll_ok.   Y if error should be generated if encumbrances have rolled N if encumbrance roll is ok.


Procedure p_do_abal_query(doc_code          VARCHAR2,
                          doc_type          VARCHAR2,
                          trans_date        VARCHAR2,
                          reversal_ind      VARCHAR2,
                          item_number       NUMBER,
                          seq_number        NUMBER,
                          submission_number NUMBER,
                          serial_number     NUMBER,
                          coas_code         VARCHAR2,
                          fsyr_code         VARCHAR2,
                          fund_code         VARCHAR2,
                          orgn_code         VARCHAR2,
                          acct_code         VARCHAR2,
                          prog_code         VARCHAR2,
                          rucl_code         VARCHAR2,
                          trans_amount      NUMBER,
                          dr_cr_ind         VARCHAR2,
                          posting_period    VARCHAR2,
                          budget_period     VARCHAR2,
                          encd_num          VARCHAR2,
                          encd_item_num     NUMBER,
                          encd_seq_num      NUMBER,
                          encd_action_ind   VARCHAR2,
                          commitment_type   VARCHAR2,
                          nsf_override_ind  VARCHAR2,
                          abal_indicator    IN OUT VARCHAR2,
                          abal_message      IN OUT VARCHAR2)

Procedure that queries the available balance table to check whether an accounting sequence has sufficient balance.

doc_code   The document code of the document for which the ABAL checking is being done. VARCHAR2(8). Required.
doc_type   Denotes the type of document.
trans_date   The transaction date of the document. DATE. Required.
reversal_ind   Indicates whether the action is a cancellation or not. If Y, then the document is being cancelled.
item_number   The item number of the accounting sequence. If 0, the document is set to document level accounting.
seq_number   The sequence number of the accounting sequence. Required.
submission_number   THe submission number of the document if it is an invoice.
serial_number   The serial number of the document.
coas_code   The chart of accounts code for the accounting sequence. VARCHAR2(1). Required.
fsyr_code   The fiscal year when the document is being posted to the ledgers.
fund_code   The fund code. VARCHAR2(6). Required.
orgn_code   The Organization code. VARCHAR2(6). Required.
acct_code   The Account code. VARCHAR2(6). Required.
prog_code   The program code. VARCHAR2(6). Required.
rucl_code   The rule class code for this accounting sequence. VARCHAR2(4). Required.
trans_amount   The transaction amount that is being posted to the ledgers. NUMBER. Required.
dr_cr_ind   The debit/credit indicator. Indicates whether the amount will have a positive or negative effect on the ledgers and balance. VARCHHAR2(1). Required.
posting_period   The fiscal period when the document is being posted. Required.
budget_period   The budget period if this is a budget transaction.
encd_num   The encumbrance number if this transaction is going to affect the encumbrance ledger.
encd_item_num   The encumbrance item number of the encumbrance.
encd_seq_num   The encumbrance sequence number of the encumbrance.
encd_action_ind   The action on the encumbrance if this is a liquidation of the encumbrance. T - Total liquidation. P or null - Partial liquidation.
commitment_type   THe commitment indicator on the encumbrance. VARCHAR2(1). Uncommitted (U) or Committed (C).
nsf_override_ind   Y indicates that a non-sufficient funds condition can be overriden. N if it cannot.
abal_indicator   This is the OUT parameter that has a value Y, if there is sufficient budget and N if it does not.
abal_message   This is the OUT parameter that has any error or warning messages that were generated during the course of the NSF checking.


Procedure p_get_financial_mgr(fund_or_org     IN VARCHAR2,
                              coas_code       IN FTVCOAS.FTVCOAS_COAS_CODE%TYPE,
                              fund_code       IN FTVORGN.FTVORGN_ORGN_CODE%TYPE,
                              orgn_code       IN FTVORGN.FTVORGN_ORGN_CODE%TYPE,
                              as_of_date      IN DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE,
                              fmgr_pidm       OUT SPRIDEN.SPRIDEN_PIDM%TYPE,
                              fmgr_title      OUT VARCHAR2,
                              fmgr_first_name OUT VARCHAR2,
                              fmgr_mi_name    OUT VARCHAR2,
                              fmgr_last_name  OUT VARCHAR2)

Procedure to get the financial manager data for a fund or organization code.

fund_or_org   Indicates whether the financial manager should be retrieved from the fund code or organization code. Valid values are F (FUND) or O (Organization)
coas_code   The chart of accounts to which the fund and organization belong. Varchar2(1). Required.
fund_code   The fund code from which the financial manager is to be retrieved. Varchar2(6).
orgn_code   The organization code from which the financial manager is to be retrieved.. VARCHAR2(6).
as_of_date   The date as of which the data is to be retrieved. Default is the system date.
fmgr_pidm   The OUT parameter that holds the PIDM value of the financial manager.
fmgr_title   The OUT parameter that holds the title of the financial manager.
fmgr_first_name   The OUT parameter that holds the first name of the financial manager.
fmgr_mi_name   The OUT parameter that holds the middle name of the financial manager.
fmgr_last_name   The OUT parameter that holds the last name of the financial manager.


Procedure p_scrubdate(indate      VARCHAR2,
                      dateformat  VARCHAR2,
                      outdate     OUT DATE,
                      error_mesg  OUT VARCHAR2,
                      error_level OUT VARCHAR2,
                      datename    VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL)

Scrubbing procedure to scrub the given date value. This routine can be invoked when
  there is no edits done on data entry.  For example, when a user enters a date value
  on a web page, there might not be any edits done to validate if the entered value is
  a valid date. This routine can be invoked at that time to validate that the entered
  value is in the correct date format.

indate   The character string that needs to be scrubbed if it is a valid date. VARCHAR2. Required
dateformat   The format that the date is expected to be. VARCHAR2 Required.
outdate   The validated date that is the OUT parameter for this procedure. DATE.
error_mesg   If the input string is not in the proper date format, the error message that is returned. VARCHAR2
error_level   The severity level of the error. OUT parameter.
datename   Optional.  The description of the date if needed to be part of the error message.


Procedure p_scrubnumb(incode      VARCHAR2,
                      maxlength   NUMBER,
                      outcode     OUT NUMBER,
                      error_mesg  OUT VARCHAR2,
                      error_level OUT VARCHAR2,
                      codename    VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
                      maxscale    NUMBER DEFAULT 0)

Scrubbing procedure to scrub a number value. This routine can be invoked when
  there is no edits done on data entry.  For example, when a user enters a value
  on a web page, there might not be any edits done to validate if the entered value is
  a valid number. This routine can be invoked at that time to validate that the entered
  value is a valid number.

incode   The character string that needs to be scrubbed. VARCHAR2. Required
maxlength   The maximum number of digits that the number can have. NUMBER. Required.
outcode   The scrubbed number that is the OUT parameter for this procedure. NUMBER.
error_mesg   If the input string is not in the proper number format, the error message that is returned. VARCHAR2
error_level   The severity level of the error. OUT parameter.
codename   Optional.  The description of the number if needed to be part of the error message.
maxscale   Optional.  The maximum number of digits that the number can have after the decimal point. Number. The default is zero.


Procedure p_scrubchar(incode      VARCHAR2,
                      maxlength   NUMBER,
                      defvalue    VARCHAR2,
                      outcode     OUT VARCHAR2,
                      error_mesg  OUT VARCHAR2,
                      error_level OUT VARCHAR2,
                      codename    VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '',
                      toWhichcase VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'U',
                      errorout    VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'Y')

Scrubbing procedure to scrub the given character string. This routine can be invoked when
  there is no edits done on data entry.  For example, when a user enters a string value
  on a web page, there might not be any edits done to validate if the entered value is
  a valid string. This routine can be invoked at that time to validate that the entered
  value is in the correct format.

incode   The character string that needs to be validated. VARCHAR2. Required
maxlength   The maximum length of the character string. NUMBER. Required
defvalue   The default value if any, for the character string. VARCHAR2.
outcode   The scrubbed character string that is the OUT parameter for this procedure. VARCHAR2.
error_mesg   If the input string is not in the proper format, the error message that is returned. VARCHAR2
error_level   The severity level of the error. OUT parameter.
codename   The description of the string if needed to be part of the error message.
toWhichCase   Default value is U. Indicates whether the Character string should be converted to upper case. Values are L, U.
errorout   Indicates whether the procedure should raise an error if the string fails validation. The default value is Y, that is, it will raise an error.


Procedure p_insert_ftvtgrp(p_TGRP_CODE       VARCHAR2,
                           p_EFF_DATE        DATE,
                           p_USER_ID         VARCHAR2,
                           p_NCHG_DATE       DATE,
                           p_TERM_DATE       DATE,
                           p_TITLE           VARCHAR2,
                           p_STATUS_IND      VARCHAR2,
                           p_COAS_CODE_VALID VARCHAR2,
                           p_NON_TAXABLE     VARCHAR2)

Routine to insert a record into the tax group table FTVTGRP.

p_tgrp_code   The tax group code.  Required. VARCHAR2.
p_eff_date   The effective date of the tax group code that is being created. Required. DATE
p_user_id   The Banner UserID that is requesting this create.
p_nchg_date   The next change date if any for this tax group record. Can be NULL
p_term_date   The termination date for this tax group record. Can be NULL.
p_title   The title of the new tax group code. Required. VARCHAR2(35)
p_status_ind   The status of this record. Will default to A (Active). Other valid value is I (inactive)
p_coas_code   The chart of accounts code for which this tax group code is valid. If null then valid for all charts.
p_non_taxable.   If value = Y, this tax group has a 0% tax rate.


Function f_create_nt_group(userid   IN VARCHAR2,
                           asofdate IN DATE,
                           coas     VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL) RETURN VARCHAR2

Function to return a non-taxable tax group from the tax group table FTVTGRP.
  If none exists then a new non-taxable tax group code NT is created.

userid   The Banner UserID who is creating this tax group code. Required. VARCHAR2
asofdate   The effective date of the tax group to be created. Required. DATE

VARCHAR2.  Returns a non-taxable tax group code if it already exists or the new non-taxable tax group created.


Function f_fund_org_security_fnc(coas_code     VARCHAR2,
                                 fund_code     VARCHAR2,
                                 org_code      VARCHAR2,
                                 asof_date     DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE,
                                 query_or_post VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'Q',
                                 which_user_id VARCHAR2 DEFAULT USER,
                                 which_access  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL)
  RETURN fobsysc.fobsysc_fund_org_security_ind%TYPE

Function to do the fund and organization security checking.

coas_code   The chart of accounts code to which the fund and organization belong. Required. CHAR(1)
fund_code   The fund code. Required.  CHAR(6)
org_code   The organization code. Required. CHAR(6)
asof_date   The date for which the security checking has to be done. Required. DATE
query_or_post   Valid values for this parameter are Q and P. This parameter decides the type of security checking that is required. If the value is Q, the test is done to check if the user has authority to query data for the fund or organization. If the value is P, the test is done to check if the user has authority to post to the given fund or organization.
which_user_id   The user for whom this security testing is to be done.
which_access   The domain for which the security testing is to be done.  If B, the testing is for budget entry within the budget development module.

Returns Y if the user has authority for the fund or organization and N if the user has no authority.


Function f_nsf_check_is_required(p_doc_type   ftvdtyp.ftvdtyp_seq_num%TYPE,
                                 p_trans_date DATE DEFAULT NULL)

Function to check if not sufficient funds (NSF) checking is required during data entry for
  a document type. This value is selected from the system control setting in FOBSYSC.

p_doc_type   Denotes the type of document. Required. NUMBER.  For example, 1 for Requisitions, 2 for Purchase Orders etc.
p_trans_date   The date for which this check is to be performed.

Y if NSF checking is required, N if NSF checking is not set to be required.


Procedure p_reverse_abal(p_doc_type       ftvdtyp.ftvdtyp_seq_num%TYPE,
                         p_doc_code       fgbtrnh.fgbtrnh_doc_code%TYPE,
                         p_sub_num        NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
                         p_chg_seq_num    NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
                         p_is_abal_posted VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'N')

This procedure reverses the available balance entries of a document.
 It can be invoked in the following scenarios:
1. When a document is deleted before completion but the
   NSF checking was already done and the available balance table was already updated.
2. In case of eprocurement, when a document has been created and completed but got
   disapproved or rolled back in posting and therefore the document never got posted to
   the ledgers.
3. The document was posted but is being cancelled so the initial available balance
   updates have to be reversed.
 This procedure has 5 parameters - The doc type (1 for requisition, 2 for PO etc) and the document code are required parmameters.
 Submission and change sequence number parameters are optional.
 The 5th parameter p_is_abal_posted will default to N which implies the first 2 scenarios listed above.  A value of Y implies the 3rd scenario.
Currently this procedure only handles requisition,PO and invoice reversals.  Other document types will be added in the future.

p_doc_type   Denotes the type of document. Required. NUMBER. For example, 1 for Requisitions, 2 for Purchase Orders etc
p_doc_code   Document number of the document for which available balance is to be reversed
p_sub_num   Submission number of the document. Required only if document is invoice.
p_chg_seq_num   Change sequence number of the document. Required only if document is a change order
p_is_abal_posted   Y if the document has been posted and is being cancelled. N for scenarios 1 or 2 above. The default value is N.


Function f_single_acctg_default_ind(doc_type NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2

Routine to return the site specific default value of the accounting level indicator that is setup in the system data table FTMSDAT.

doc_type   Denotes the type of document. Required. NUMBER.  For example, 1 for Requisitions etc.

Y if the default is document level accounting and N if default is commodity level accounting.


Function f_get_currency_rate(p_curr_code gurcurr.gurcurr_curr_code%TYPE,
                             p_eff_date  gurcurr.gurcurr_rate_eff_date%TYPE)

Function that returns the effective currency rate for a currency code.

p_curr_code   The currency code for which the rate is desired. Required. VARCHAR2.
p_eff_date   The date for which the currency rate is desired. Required. DATE

the currency rate of the currency code.


Function f_text_exists(doc_type NUMBER,
                       doc_code VARCHAR2,
                       doc_item NUMBER DEFAULT NULL) RETURN VARCHAR2

Function that tests whether document or item level text exists for a document in the text table FOBTEXT.

doc_type   Denotes the type of document. Required. NUMBER.  For example, 1 for Requisitions, 2 for purchase orders etc.
doc_code   The document code of the document. Required. VARCHAR2
doc_item   The item number of the document. Required if checking for item level text. Value should be null if checking for document level text.

Y if text exists, N if text does not exist in the Finance table FOBTEXT


Procedure p_complete_valid_curr_bank(p_invh_code        fabinvh.fabinvh_code%TYPE,
                                     p_header_bank_code fabinvh.fabinvh_bank_code%TYPE,
                                     p_invoice_type_ind fabinvh.fabinvh_invoice_type_ind%TYPE,
                                     p_vend_pidm        fabinvh.fabinvh_vend_pidm%TYPE,
                                     p_pohd_code        fabinvh.fabinvh_pohd_code%TYPE,
                                     p_curr_code        fabinvh.fabinvh_curr_code%TYPE,
                                     p_disb_agent_ind   fabinvh.fabinvh_disb_agent_ind%TYPE,
                                     p_error_mesg_out   OUT gb_common_strings.err_type,
                                     p_warn_msg_out     OUT gb_common_strings.err_type)

This procedure validates the bank codes and currency code of the entire invoice.

p_invh_code   The unique identifier of an Invoice document. VARCHAR2(8) Required
p_header_bank_code   The invoice header bank code (as defined in table GXVBANK) to be used for processing the payment of the Invoice. VARCHAR2(2)
p_invoice_type_ind   Indicates the type of Invoice. Valid values are D for Direct Pay/General Encumbrance or R for Regular. VARCHAR2(1) Required
p_vend_pidm   The unique internal identification number of the Invoice vendor. NUMBER(8)
p_pohd_code   The Purchase Order or General Encumbrance document number which is referenced on the Invoice, if any.  Only populated for Regular or General Encumbrance Invoice types. VARCHAR2(8)
p_curr_code   The currency (as defined in table GTVCURR) to be used for the processing of the Invoice. VARCHAR2(4)
p_disb_agent_ind   Indicates that the Invoice will use a Disbursing Agent for payment.  Usually the Disbursing Agent is associated to a foreign currency. VARCHAR2(1)
p_error_mesg_out   An OUT parameter that will have any warning/success message resulting from the processing.
p_warn_msg_out   The warning message generated by the procedure.


Procedure p_validate_inv_curr(p_curr_code        fabinvh.fabinvh_curr_code%TYPE,
                              p_invoice_type_ind fabinvh.fabinvh_invoice_type_ind%TYPE,
                              p_vend_pidm        fabinvh.fabinvh_vend_pidm%TYPE,
                              p_pohd_code        fabinvh.fabinvh_pohd_code%TYPE,
                              p_error_mesg_out   OUT gb_common_strings.err_type,
                              p_warn_msg_out     OUT gb_common_strings.err_type)

This procedure validates the currency code of the invoice as defined in the invoice header.

p_curr_code   The currency (as defined in table GTVCURR) to be used for the processing of the Invoice. VARCHAR2(4) Required
p_invoice_type_ind   Valid values are D for Direct Pay/General Encumbrance or R for Regular. VARCHAR2(1) Required
p_vend_pidm   The unique internal identification number of the Invoice vendor. NUMBER(8)
p_pohd_code   The Purchase Order or General Encumbrance document number which is referenced on the Invoice, if any. Only populated for Regular or General Encumbrance Invoice types. VARCHAR2(8)
p_error_mesg_out   An OUT parameter that will have any warning/success message resulting from the processing.
p_warn_msg_out   The warning message generated by the procedure.


Procedure p_validate_bank_curr(p_header_bank_code fabinvh.fabinvh_bank_code%TYPE,
                               p_acctg_bank_code  farinva.farinva_bank_code%TYPE,
                               p_inv_curr_code    fabinvh.fabinvh_curr_code%TYPE,
                               p_disb_agent_ind   fabinvh.fabinvh_disb_agent_ind%TYPE,
                               p_error_mesg_out   OUT gb_common_strings.err_type)

This procedure validates the currency code attached to the header bank or attached to the accounting bank.

p_header_bank_code   The invoice header bank code (as defined in table GXVBANK). VARCHAR2(2)
p_acctg_bank_code   The bank code of the accounting record (as defined in table GXVBANK). VARCHAR2(2)
p_inv_curr_code   The currency (as defined in table GTVCURR). VARCHAR2(4) Required
p_disb_agent_ind   Indicates that the Invoice will use a Disbursing Agent for payment. VARCHAR2(1)
p_error_mesg_out   An OUT parameter that will have any warning/success message resulting from the processing.


Function f_disb_agent_exist(p_curr_code fabinvh.fabinvh_curr_code%TYPE)
  return varchar2

This function returns Y when a disbursing agent is defined for the currency and returns N if not.

p_curr_code   The currency (as defined in table GTVCURR) to be checked for a disbursing agency. VARCHAR2(4) Required

Y if exists, otherwise N.


Function f_get_curr_from_bank(p_bank_code fabinvh.fabinvh_bank_code%TYPE)
  return varchar2

This function returns currency defined in header bank or in accounting bank.

p_bank_code   The invoice header bank code or accounting bank code (as defined in table GXVBANK). VARCHAR2(2) Required

currency code.


Function f_get_curr_from_inv(p_invoice_type_ind fabinvh.fabinvh_invoice_type_ind%TYPE,
                             p_vend_pidm        fabinvh.fabinvh_vend_pidm%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                             p_pohd_code        fabinvh.fabinvh_pohd_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL)
  RETURN varchar2

This function returns currency defined in vendor for direct pay invoice or defined in PO for regular invoice.

p_invoice_type_ind   Indicates the type of Invoice. D for Direct Pay/General Encumbrance or R for Regular. VARCHAR2(1) Required
p_vend_pidm   The unique internal identification number of the Invoice vendor. NUMBER(8)
p_pohd_code   The Purchase Order document number which is referenced on the Invoice, if any. VARCHAR2(8)

currency code.


Function f_next_display RETURN varchar2

This function returns keyword for generating new document number to be used in application forms to create new system generated document code

keyword for generating new document number.


Procedure p_validate_advc_check_cancel(p_check_number            fabchks.fabchks_check_num%TYPE,
                                       p_bank_code               fabchks.fabchks_bank_code%TYPE,
                                       p_reestablish_payable_ind varchar2,
                                       p_msg_out                 OUT varchar2,
                                       p_msg_type_out            OUT varchar2)

This procedure is a wrapper to invoke the Travel and Expense ftfktuil.p_validate_advc_check_cancel to validate the advance check cancelation.

p_check_number   The pre-printed check number for the advance invoice. VARCHAR2(8) Required
p_bank_code   Bank code is a user-defined value which is used for identification purposes on all cash transactions. VARCHAR2(2)
p_reestablish_payable_ind   Indicates if the Re-establish Payable is set to (Y)es or (N)o.
p_msg_out   An OUT parameter that will have any error/warning message resulting from the processing.
p_msg_type_out   An OUT parameter that will mention the type of message returned W-warning, E-error.


Function f_pending_doc_status(p_doc_type    NUMBER,
                              p_doc_code    VARCHAR2,
                              p_doc_sub_num NUMBER) RETURN varchar2

This function returns Status of the Pending document record available in FGRBAKO.

p_doc_type   Denotes the type of document. Required. NUMBER.  For example, 1 for Requisitions, 2 for purchase orders etc.
p_doc_code   The document code of the document. Required. VARCHAR2
p_doc_sub_num   Submission number of the document.

Status of the pending document.


Procedure p_pending_doc_info(p_doc_type      IN NUMBER,
                             p_doc_code      IN VARCHAR2,
                             p_doc_sub_num   IN NUMBER,
                             p_doc_item_num  IN NUMBER,
                             p_doc_seq_num   IN NUMBER,
                             p_tran_date     OUT DATE,
                             p_activity_date OUT DATE,
                             p_tran_desc     OUT VARCHAR2,
                             p_rucl_code     OUT VARCHAR2)

This procedure retrieves the document information which are not posted from respective transaction table based on the document type.

p_doc_type   Denotes the type of document. Required. NUMBER.  For example, 1 for Requisitions, 2 for purchase orders etc.
p_doc_code   The document code of the document. Required. VARCHAR2
p_doc_sub_num   Submission number of the document. Optional. NUMBER
p_doc_item_num   Item number of the document. Optional. NUMBER
p_doc_seq_num   Sequence number of the document. Optional. NUMBER
p_tran_date   Optional. DATE. An OUT parameter that will have transaction date of the Document
p_activity_date   Optional. DATE. An OUT parameter that will have activity date of the Document
p_tran_desc   Optional. VARCHAR2. An OUT parameter that will have description or vendor name for the document
p_rucl_code   Optional. VARCHAR2. An OUT parameter that will have rule code which is used for posting


Function f_get_1099_definition(p_coas_code IN FOR1099.FOR1099_COAS_CODE%TYPE,
                               p_bank_code IN FOR1099.FOR1099_BANK_CODE%TYPE)

This function returns Institution TIN for 1099 transaction based on the Chart and Bank passed as input.

p_coas   The chart of accounts. VARCHAR2(1). Required.
p_bank_code   Bank code of a 1099 transaction. VARCHAR2(2). Required.

Institute TIN number.


Function f_get_gl_balance(p_asof_date              DATE,
                          p_coas_code              ftvfspd.ftvfspd_coas_code%TYPE,
                          p_account_code           fgbgenl.fgbgenl_acct_code%TYPE,
                          p_fund_code              fgbgenl.fgbgenl_fund_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                          p_include_accrual_period VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'N')

This function returns GL Balance based on the as of date, chart, account and fund code passed as input

p_asof_date   Retrieve GL balance as of this date for chart, account and fund. DATE. Required.
p_coas_code   The chart of accounts. VARCHAR2(1). Required.
p_account_code   The account code for which GL Balance need to be retrieved. VARCHAR2(6). Required.
p_fund_code   The fund code for which GL Balance need to be retrieved. VARCHAR2(6). Optional.
p_include_accrual_period   Flag to include(Y) /exclude(N) the accrual period transaction. Optional. Default N.

beginning balance as of the date passed parameter.


Function f_pne_inst_flag return varchar2

This Function Returns Character Y to identify PNE product is installed and returns N if not.

status Y if PNE installed, otherwise N.


Procedure p_load_guroutp(p_profile_name GURUPLP.GURUPLP_PROFILE_NAME%TYPE,
                         p_job          VARCHAR2,
                         p_one_up_no    NUMBER,
                         p_user_num     OUT NUMBER,
                         p_out_msg      OUT VARCHAR2)

This procedure uses Upload Profile value to retrieve directory and file names of an uploaded data file from GURUPLP table, opens the data file and insert each line into guroutp table.

p_profile_name   The Upload Utility profile name is used to retrieve the names of the Oracle directory and file. VARCHAR2(30) Required
p_job   The process name from which this procedure is called. This value is used for the value of GUBOUTP_JOB.  VARCHAR2(8) Required
p_one_up_no   The one up number generated when the job was submitted from a BANNER form.  NUMBER Required
p_user_num   The user_id as defined in all_users view.  NUMBER Required
p_msg_out   Error message resulting from the processing.  VARCHAR2 Required


Procedure p_send_travel_pcard_email(p_msg_out      OUT varchar2,
                                    p_msg_type_out OUT varchar2)

This procedure notifies card owners once per run when pcard charges are available for their review on Travel and Expense System.
These are records that have the _email_notify_cde set to 'Y'.
This is used in conjuntion with email template defined on SOAELTR student form.

p_msg_out   An OUT parameter that will have any error/warning message resulting from the processing.
p_msg_type_out   An OUT parameter that will mention the type of message returned W-warning, E-error.