
Package BANINST1.fb_encumbrance_detail_strings

Error messages and error message functions for ENCUMBRANCE_DETAIL.
Note that in addition to the messages below, errors may be raised from -
     FFKEDIT regarding rule class user edits
     FFKRULP regarding rule class process code edits
     FOKUTIL for Transaction Date validation
     FOKSELS for retrieval of Chart, Index, FOAPAL elements, Fiscal Year, and Period
     FFKFOAP for accounting validation and defaults, and for Fund/Orgn and Rule Class security

Message NameError Message
ABAL_FAILEDUnable to perform available balance checking.
The available balance package was queried but provided no response - contact database administrator.
DOC_COMPLETEDDocument %01% has been completed, no changes allowed.
An attempt was made to create or update detail of a general encumbrance marked complete. To process a change, make the header incomplete with a doc_change_num before proceeding.
INVALID_ABAL_OVERRIDEAvailable Balance Override for the Encumbrance Detail API must be Y or N.
An invalid value was used for the available balance override.
INVALID_APPR_IND_AUTHYou are not authorized to change the Approval Indicator of the encumbrance detail.
An attempt was made to directly change the approval indicator to Y.
INVALID_APPR_IND_CREATEApproval Indicator may be N or NULL when creating a record.
An attempt was made to create a record with a value other than N or NULL.
INVALID_CMT_PCTCommitment Percentage for encumbrances is maintained by the POSTING process.
An attempt was made to create or update a record by providing a value for commitment percent.
INVALID_CMT_TYPECommitment Type for the Encumbrance Detail API must be U or C.
A value other than U or C was used when creating or updating a record.
INVALID_CMT_TYPE_NEWCommitment Type of Detail record must be Uncommitted for new Encumbrances.
An attempt was made to create a record with a value other than (U)ncommitted.
INVALID_CMT_TYPE_ROLLEDCommitment Type of Detail record can be Committed only for rolled encumbrances.
An attempt was made to change a record from Uncommitted to Committed, when the encumbrance was not rolled from the prior year.
INVALID_DOC_AUTHYou are not authorized to change a Travel Encumbrance.
An attempt was made to create or update records related to a Travel Encumbrance outside of the travel module.
INVALID_DOC_TYPEEncumbrance created by Requisition or Purchase Order may not be changed by the General Encumbrance API.
An attempt was made to create or update a record that was created by the posting of a requisition or purchase order. Only General Encumbrance detail is maintained by this API.
INVALID_FSPDFiscal Period does not match transaction date.
An attempt was made to create or update a record using a Fiscal Period that does not match the Transaction Date for the Chart of Accounts.
INVALID_FSYRFiscal Year does not match transaction date.
An attempt was made to create or update a record using a Fiscal Year that does not match the Transaction Date for the Chart of Accounts.
INVALID_ITEMItem Number for the Encumbrance Detail API is not valid.
Item must be an integer between 0 and 9999 when creating a record.
INVALID_OPAL_FIELD_AUTHYou are not authorized to change the OPAL Field of the encumbrance detail.
An attempt was made to change the value of the operating account ledger field, which is maintained by the posting process.
INVALID_OPAL_FIELD_CODEOPAL Field Code should not be populated when creating a record.
The operating account ledger field must be left NULL when creating a record.
INVALID_RUCL_CODERule Class Code %01% not found.
The Rule Class Code used does not exist.
INVALID_RUCL_TYPERule Class Code %01% is not a Journal Type.
The Rule Class used to create an encumbrance must be a Journal Type.
INVALID_SEQ_NUMSequence Number for the Encumbrance Detail API is not valid.
Sequence Number must be an integer between 1 and 9999 when creating a record.
INVALID_STATUS_AUTHYou are not authorized to change the Status of the encumbrance detail.
An attempt was made to change the Status, which is maintained by the posting process.
INVALID_STATUS_CREATEStatus for the Encumbrance Detail must be (O)pen when creating a record.
An attempt was made to create a record with status other than (O)pen.
INVALID_STATUS_INDStatus Indicator for the Encumbrance Detail API is not valid.
An attempt was made to create or update a record with status other than Open or Closed.
MISSING_ABAL_OVERRIDEAvailable Balance Override Indicator is missing. This field is required by the Encumbrance Detail API.
An attempt was made to create or update a record with a NULL available balance override indicator.  Must be Y or N.
MISSING_CMT_TYPECommitment Type is missing. This field is required by the Encumbrance Detail API.
An attempt was made to create or update a record with a NULL commitment type.  Must be U to create.
MISSING_COAS_CODEChart of Accounts Code is missing. This field is required by the Encumbrance Detail API.
An attempt was made to create or update a record with a NULL chart of accounts.
MISSING_ITEMItem Number is missing. This field is required by the Encumbrance Detail API.
An attempt was made to create a record with a NULL item number.
MISSING_NUMDocument Number is missing. This field is required by the Encumbrance Detail API.
An attempt was made to update a record with a NULL document number.
MISSING_PARENTEncumbrance Header not found. This record is required to create Detail Encumbrance row(s).
An attempt was made to create or update a record referring to an encumbrance document number that does not exist.
MISSING_PEND_AMTEncumbrance Pending Amount is required, if percent is not provided.
An attempt was made to create or update a record without specifying the amount or percent of the total.
MISSING_RUCL_CODERule Class Code is missing. This field is required by the Encumbrance Detail API.
An attempt was made to create or update a record with a NULL rule class code.
MISSING_SEQ_NUMSequence Number is missing. This field is required by the Encumbrance Detail API.
An attempt was made to create a record with a NULL sequence number.
MISSING_USER_IDUser Identification is missing. This field is required by the Encumbrance Detail API.
The User Identification may not be null.
PK_NOT_FOUNDCannot find record using primary or unique key for the Encumbrance Detail API.
The key values passed in the update failed to locate a record in the table.
P_DELETE_FAILEDCannot delete encumbrance detail because the record does not exist.
The key values passed in the delete failed to locate a record in the table.
P_DELETE_POSTEDUnable to delete this encumbrance record; it has already been posted to ledgers.
An attempt was made to delete a record that has already resulted in a posting to the encumbrance ledger.
RECORD_EXISTSCannot create encumbrance detail because the record already exists.
Record must have unique document, item, and sequence number combination.
USER_NSF_AUTHUser %01% does not have authority to override NSF checking.
An attempt was made to override available balance checking by a user who is not authorized on the Finance User Profile (FOMPROF).

Program units
f_get_error   Returns the error message corresponding to p_errorname.

error_tab   Global PL/SQL table that holds the error messages.


error_tab gb_common_strings.errmsg_tab_type;

Global PL/SQL table that holds the error messages.


Function f_get_error(p_errorname VARCHAR2)
  RETURN gb_common_strings.err_type

Returns the error message corresponding to p_errorname.

p_errorname   Name associated with the error message.