Message Name | Error Message |
ABAL_FAILED | Unable to perform available balance checking. |
The available balance package was queried but provided no response - contact database administrator. |
DOC_COMPLETED | Document %01% has been completed, no changes allowed. |
An attempt was made to create or update detail of a general encumbrance marked complete. To process a change, make the header incomplete with a doc_change_num before proceeding. |
INVALID_ABAL_OVERRIDE | Available Balance Override for the Encumbrance Detail API must be Y or N. |
An invalid value was used for the available balance override. |
INVALID_APPR_IND_AUTH | You are not authorized to change the Approval Indicator of the encumbrance detail. |
An attempt was made to directly change the approval indicator to Y. |
INVALID_APPR_IND_CREATE | Approval Indicator may be N or NULL when creating a record. |
An attempt was made to create a record with a value other than N or NULL. |
INVALID_CMT_PCT | Commitment Percentage for encumbrances is maintained by the POSTING process. |
An attempt was made to create or update a record by providing a value for commitment percent. |
INVALID_CMT_TYPE | Commitment Type for the Encumbrance Detail API must be U or C. |
A value other than U or C was used when creating or updating a record. |
INVALID_CMT_TYPE_NEW | Commitment Type of Detail record must be Uncommitted for new Encumbrances. |
An attempt was made to create a record with a value other than (U)ncommitted. |
INVALID_CMT_TYPE_ROLLED | Commitment Type of Detail record can be Committed only for rolled encumbrances. |
An attempt was made to change a record from Uncommitted to Committed, when the encumbrance was not rolled from the prior year. |
INVALID_DOC_AUTH | You are not authorized to change a Travel Encumbrance. |
An attempt was made to create or update records related to a Travel Encumbrance outside of the travel module. |
INVALID_DOC_TYPE | Encumbrance created by Requisition or Purchase Order may not be changed by the General Encumbrance API. |
An attempt was made to create or update a record that was created by the posting of a requisition or purchase order. Only General Encumbrance detail is maintained by this API. |
INVALID_FSPD | Fiscal Period does not match transaction date. |
An attempt was made to create or update a record using a Fiscal Period that does not match the Transaction Date for the Chart of Accounts. |
INVALID_FSYR | Fiscal Year does not match transaction date. |
An attempt was made to create or update a record using a Fiscal Year that does not match the Transaction Date for the Chart of Accounts. |
INVALID_ITEM | Item Number for the Encumbrance Detail API is not valid. |
Item must be an integer between 0 and 9999 when creating a record. |
INVALID_OPAL_FIELD_AUTH | You are not authorized to change the OPAL Field of the encumbrance detail. |
An attempt was made to change the value of the operating account ledger field, which is maintained by the posting process. |
INVALID_OPAL_FIELD_CODE | OPAL Field Code should not be populated when creating a record. |
The operating account ledger field must be left NULL when creating a record. |
INVALID_RUCL_CODE | Rule Class Code %01% not found. |
The Rule Class Code used does not exist. |
INVALID_RUCL_TYPE | Rule Class Code %01% is not a Journal Type. |
The Rule Class used to create an encumbrance must be a Journal Type. |
INVALID_SEQ_NUM | Sequence Number for the Encumbrance Detail API is not valid. |
Sequence Number must be an integer between 1 and 9999 when creating a record. |
INVALID_STATUS_AUTH | You are not authorized to change the Status of the encumbrance detail. |
An attempt was made to change the Status, which is maintained by the posting process. |
INVALID_STATUS_CREATE | Status for the Encumbrance Detail must be (O)pen when creating a record. |
An attempt was made to create a record with status other than (O)pen. |
INVALID_STATUS_IND | Status Indicator for the Encumbrance Detail API is not valid. |
An attempt was made to create or update a record with status other than Open or Closed. |
MISSING_ABAL_OVERRIDE | Available Balance Override Indicator is missing. This field is required by the Encumbrance Detail API. |
An attempt was made to create or update a record with a NULL available balance override indicator. Must be Y or N. |
MISSING_CMT_TYPE | Commitment Type is missing. This field is required by the Encumbrance Detail API. |
An attempt was made to create or update a record with a NULL commitment type. Must be U to create. |
MISSING_COAS_CODE | Chart of Accounts Code is missing. This field is required by the Encumbrance Detail API. |
An attempt was made to create or update a record with a NULL chart of accounts. |
MISSING_ITEM | Item Number is missing. This field is required by the Encumbrance Detail API. |
An attempt was made to create a record with a NULL item number. |
MISSING_NUM | Document Number is missing. This field is required by the Encumbrance Detail API. |
An attempt was made to update a record with a NULL document number. |
MISSING_PARENT | Encumbrance Header not found. This record is required to create Detail Encumbrance row(s). |
An attempt was made to create or update a record referring to an encumbrance document number that does not exist. |
MISSING_PEND_AMT | Encumbrance Pending Amount is required, if percent is not provided. |
An attempt was made to create or update a record without specifying the amount or percent of the total. |
MISSING_RUCL_CODE | Rule Class Code is missing. This field is required by the Encumbrance Detail API. |
An attempt was made to create or update a record with a NULL rule class code. |
MISSING_SEQ_NUM | Sequence Number is missing. This field is required by the Encumbrance Detail API. |
An attempt was made to create a record with a NULL sequence number. |
MISSING_USER_ID | User Identification is missing. This field is required by the Encumbrance Detail API. |
The User Identification may not be null. |
PK_NOT_FOUND | Cannot find record using primary or unique key for the Encumbrance Detail API. |
The key values passed in the update failed to locate a record in the table. |
P_DELETE_FAILED | Cannot delete encumbrance detail because the record does not exist. |
The key values passed in the delete failed to locate a record in the table. |
P_DELETE_POSTED | Unable to delete this encumbrance record; it has already been posted to ledgers. |
An attempt was made to delete a record that has already resulted in a posting to the encumbrance ledger. |
RECORD_EXISTS | Cannot create encumbrance detail because the record already exists. |
Record must have unique document, item, and sequence number combination. |
USER_NSF_AUTH | User %01% does not have authority to override NSF checking. |
An attempt was made to override available balance checking by a user who is not authorized on the Finance User Profile (FOMPROF). |