Message Name | Error Message |
EXCEED_BO_AMT | Invoice amount exceeds blanket order item remaining balance. |
Invoice amount exceeds blanket order item remaining balance. |
INACTIVE_TGRP_CODE | Tax group code %01% is inactive or not in effect. |
Tax group code is inactive or not in effect. |
INACTIVE_UOMS_CODE | Unit of measure code %01% is inactive or not in effect. |
Unit of measure code is inactive or not in effect. |
INVALID_ACCEPT_QTY | Invalid value for Accepted quantity in item %01%. |
Invalid value for Accepted quantity in item . |
INVALID_ACCEPT_UNIT_PRICE | Invalid value for Accepted unit price in item %01%. |
Invalid value for Accepted unit price in item. |
INVALID_ADDL_CHRG_AMT | Additional charges should be less than total of approved + Tax + discount amounts in item %01%. |
Additional charges should be less than total of approved + Tax + discount amounts in item. |
INVALID_APPR_AMT | Invalid value for Approved amount in item %01%. |
Invalid value for Approved amount in item. |
INVALID_APPR_QTY | Invalid value for Approved quantity in item %01%. |
Invalid value for Approved quantity in item. |
INVALID_APPR_QTY_DG | Approved quantity is 1 for Direct Invoice and General Encumbrance. |
Approved quantity is 1 for Direct Invoice and General Encumbrance. |
INVALID_APPR_UNIT_PRICE | Approved unit price should be positive. |
Approved unit price should be positive. |
INVALID_COMM_ASSET | Fixed Asset Commodity Code %01% cannot be used in a Standing Order Invoice. |
Fixed Asset Commodity Code cannot be used in a Standing Order Invoice. |
INVALID_COMM_CODE_G | Commodity Code should not be valued for invoices of type General Encumbrance. |
Commodity Code should not be valued for invoices of type General Encumbrance. |
INVALID_COMM_CODE_STR | Commodity Code cannot be updated on a stores invoice. |
Commodity Code cannot be updated on a stores invoice. |
INVALID_COMM_DESC | Commodity description or Commodity Code is required. |
Commodity description or Commodity Code is required. |
INVALID_COMM_STOCK | Stores Commodity Code %01% cannot be used in a Standing Order Invoice. |
Stores Commodity Code cannot be used in a Standing Order Invoice. |
INVALID_COMPLETE_IND | Invalid value for header complete indicator. |
Invalid value for header complete indicator. |
INVALID_DISC_AMT | Discount amount should be less than total of approved + Tax + additional charges in item %01%. |
Discount amount should be less than total of approved + Tax + additional charges in item. |
INVALID_DISC_AMT_CODE | Discount amount cannot be valued when discount code exists in header record. |
Discount amount cannot be valued when discount code exists in header record. |
INVALID_HOLD_IND | Invalid value for Hold indicator. |
Invalid value for Hold indicator. |
INVALID_INVD_QTY | Invalid value for Invoiced quantity in item %01%. |
Invalid value for Invoiced quantity in item. |
INVALID_INVD_UNIT_PRICE | Invalid value for Invoiced unit price in item %01%. |
Invalid value for Invoiced unit price in item. |
INVALID_INVH_CODE | Invalid value for Invoice document number. |
An attempt was made to create an invoice item with an Invoice document number not in the invoice header table |
INVALID_ITEM | Invalid value for Invoice item number. |
Invalid value for Invoice item number. |
INVALID_OPEN_PAID_IND | Invalid Open paid indicator. |
Invalid Open paid indicator. |
INVALID_PART_PMT_CHAR | Final payment indicator cannot be F when a Change order document is in progress. |
Final payment indicator cannot be F when a Change order document is in progress. |
INVALID_PART_PMT_IND | Invalid value for Final payment indicator, parameter p_part_pmt_ind. Must be F or Null for regular invoice. |
Invalid value for Final payment indicator, parameter p_part_pmt_ind. Must be F or Null for regular invoice. |
INVALID_PART_PMT_IND_DG | Invalid value for Final payment indicator, parameter p_part_pmt_ind. Must be Null for Direct or General Encumbrances. |
Invalid value for Final payment indicator, parameter p_part_pmt_ind. Must be Null for Direct or General Encumbrances. |
INVALID_PART_PMT_PY | Invalid value for Final payment indicator, parameter p_part_pmt_ind. Must be F when referencing prior year PO. |
Invalid value for Final payment indicator, parameter p_part_pmt_ind. Must be F when referencing prior year PO. |
INVALID_POHD_CODE | Purchase Order number in commodity record is not the same as in header. |
Purchase Order number in commodity record is not the same as in header. |
INVALID_POHD_CODE_DIR | Purchase Order parameter should be NULL for Direct Invoice |
Purchase Order parameter should be NULL for Direct Invoice |
INVALID_PO_ITEM | Invalid value for Purchase Order item number. |
Invalid value for Purchase Order item number. |
INVALID_PO_ITEM2 | Purchase Order item number should not be valued for invoices of type Direct pay and General Encumbrance. |
Purchase Order item number should not be valued for invoices of type Direct pay and General Encumbrance. |
INVALID_PO_ITEM3 | Purchase Order item number should be zero for General Encumbrance when valued. |
Purchase Order item number should be zero for General Encumbrance when valued. |
INVALID_SUSP_IND | Invalid value for Suspense indicator. |
Invalid value for Suspense indicator. |
INVALID_TAX_OVER_COMM | Tax Group Code %01% associated with the Commodity is not overrideable. |
Tax Group Code associated with the Commodity is not overrideable. |
INVALID_TGRP_CODE | Invalid Tax group code %01%. |
Invalid Tax group code. |
INVALID_TGRP_CODE_TAX_OFF | Tax group can not be valued when tax processing is off in item %01%. |
Tax group can not be valued when tax processing is off in item. |
INVALID_TGRP_CODE_TAX_ON | Tax group should be valued when tax processing is on in item %01%. |
Tax group should be valued when tax processing is on in item. |
INVALID_TGRP_CODE_TERM | Tax group code %01% has been terminated. |
Tax group code has been terminated. |
INVALID_TOL_OVERRIDE_IND | Invalid value for Tolerance override indicator. |
Invalid value for Tolerance override indicator. |
INVALID_TOL_OVER_AUTH | User does not have authority to override tolerance overage condition. |
User does not have authority to override tolerance overage condition. |
INVALID_UOMS_CODE | Unit of measure code %01% does not exist. |
Unit of measure code does not exist. |
INVALID_UOMS_CODE_TERM | Unit of measure code %01% has been terminated. |
Unit of measure code has been terminated. |
INVALID_USER_ID | User ID is not an authorized finance user. |
User ID is not an authorized finance user. |
INVALID_VEND_INV_CODE | Vendor invoice code %01% already exists for this vendor. |
Vendor invoice code already exists for this vendor. |
INVALID_VEND_INV_DATA | Incomplete Vendor Invoice information in item %01%. |
Incomplete Vendor Invoice information in item. |
INV_CANCEL | Invoice already cancelled. |
An attempt was made to create,update, or delete an invoice item with an Invoice document number that has already been cancelled |
INV_COMPLETE | Invoice already completed/approved. |
An attempt was made to create,update, or delete an invoice item with an Invoice document number that has already been completed and approved |
ITEM_ADJ_TO_COST | Cannot Invoice item %01% with adjustment to cost occuring. |
Cannot Invoice item with adjustment to cost occuring. |
MISSING_HOLD_IND | Missing mandatory value for Hold Indicator. |
Missing mandatory value for Hold Indicator. |
MISSING_INVH_CODE | Missing mandatory value for Invoice document number. |
Missing mandatory value for Invoice document number. |
MISSING_ITEM | Missing mandatory value for Invoice item number. |
Missing mandatory value for Invoice item number. |
MISSING_SUSP_IND | Missing mandatory value for Suspense Indicator. |
Missing mandatory value for Suspense Indicator. |
MISSING_USER_ID | Missing mandatory value for User ID. |
Missing mandatory value for User ID. |
NO_CONTEXT | Context values are not set for Invoice Item. |
Context values are not set for Invoice Item. |
NO_CONTEXT_INT | Context values are not set for Invoice Item multiple row updates. |
Context values are not set for Invoice Item multiple row updates. |
PK_NOT_FOUND | Cannot find record using primary or unique key |
Cannot find record using primary or unique key |
PK_OR_ROWID_NEEDED | Valid Invoice code/Item or Oracle rowid is needed. |
Valid Invoice code/Item or Oracle rowid is needed. |
P_DELETE_ACCTG_EXISTS | Cannot delete, invoice accounting record(s) exists. |
Cannot delete, invoice accounting record(s) exists. |
P_DELETE_FAILED | Cannot delete, record does not exist. |
Cannot delete, record does not exist. |
P_DELETE_TAX_EXISTS | Cannot delete, invoice tax record(s) exists. |
Cannot delete, invoice tax record(s) exists. |
RECORD_EXISTS | Cannot create, record already exists. |
Cannot create, record already exists. |
TOLERANCE_EXCEED | Approved amount exceeds tolerance percent or amount on commodity item %01%. |
Approved amount exceeds tolerance percent or amount on commodity item. |
USER_NOT_AUTH | User is not authorized for this type of Invoice |
User is not authorized for this type of Invoice |