
Package BANINST1.fb_invoice_item_strings

This package contains the error messages and error message functions for FB_INVOICE_ITEM.

Message NameError Message
EXCEED_BO_AMTInvoice amount exceeds blanket order item remaining balance.
Invoice amount exceeds blanket order item remaining balance.
INACTIVE_TGRP_CODETax group code %01% is inactive or not in effect.
Tax group code is inactive or not in effect.
INACTIVE_UOMS_CODEUnit of measure code %01% is inactive or not in effect.
Unit of measure code is inactive or not in effect.
INVALID_ACCEPT_QTYInvalid value for Accepted quantity in item %01%.
Invalid value for Accepted quantity in item .
INVALID_ACCEPT_UNIT_PRICEInvalid value for Accepted unit price in item %01%.
Invalid value for Accepted unit price in item.
INVALID_ADDL_CHRG_AMTAdditional charges should be less than total of approved + Tax + discount amounts in item %01%.
Additional charges should be less than total of approved + Tax + discount amounts in item.
INVALID_APPR_AMTInvalid value for Approved amount in item %01%.
Invalid value for Approved amount in item.
INVALID_APPR_QTYInvalid value for Approved quantity in item %01%.
Invalid value for Approved quantity in item.
INVALID_APPR_QTY_DGApproved quantity is 1 for Direct Invoice and General Encumbrance.
Approved quantity is 1 for Direct Invoice and General Encumbrance.
INVALID_APPR_UNIT_PRICEApproved unit price should be positive.
Approved unit price should be positive.
INVALID_COMM_ASSETFixed Asset Commodity Code %01% cannot be used in a Standing Order Invoice.
Fixed Asset Commodity Code cannot be used in a Standing Order Invoice.
INVALID_COMM_CODE_GCommodity Code should not be valued for invoices of type General Encumbrance.
Commodity Code should not be valued for invoices of type General Encumbrance.
INVALID_COMM_CODE_STRCommodity Code cannot be updated on a stores invoice.
Commodity Code cannot be updated on a stores invoice.
INVALID_COMM_DESCCommodity description or Commodity Code is required.
Commodity description or Commodity Code is required.
INVALID_COMM_STOCKStores Commodity Code %01% cannot be used in a Standing Order Invoice.
Stores Commodity Code cannot be used in a Standing Order Invoice.
INVALID_COMPLETE_INDInvalid value for header complete indicator.
Invalid value for header complete indicator.
INVALID_DISC_AMTDiscount amount should be less than total of approved + Tax + additional charges in item %01%.
Discount amount should be less than total of approved + Tax + additional charges in item.
INVALID_DISC_AMT_CODEDiscount amount cannot be valued when discount code exists in header record.
Discount amount cannot be valued when discount code exists in header record.
INVALID_HOLD_INDInvalid value for Hold indicator.
Invalid value for Hold indicator.
INVALID_INVD_QTYInvalid value for Invoiced quantity in item %01%.
Invalid value for Invoiced quantity in item.
INVALID_INVD_UNIT_PRICEInvalid value for Invoiced unit price in item %01%.
Invalid value for Invoiced unit price in item.
INVALID_INVH_CODEInvalid value for Invoice document number.
An attempt was made to create an invoice item with an Invoice document number not in the invoice header table
INVALID_ITEMInvalid value for Invoice item number.
Invalid value for Invoice item number.
INVALID_OPEN_PAID_INDInvalid Open paid indicator.
Invalid Open paid indicator.
INVALID_PART_PMT_CHARFinal payment indicator cannot be F when a Change order document is in progress.
Final payment indicator cannot be F when a Change order document is in progress.
INVALID_PART_PMT_INDInvalid value for Final payment indicator, parameter p_part_pmt_ind. Must be F or Null for regular invoice.
Invalid value for Final payment indicator, parameter p_part_pmt_ind. Must be F or Null for regular invoice.
INVALID_PART_PMT_IND_DGInvalid value for Final payment indicator, parameter p_part_pmt_ind. Must be Null for Direct or General Encumbrances.
Invalid value for Final payment indicator, parameter p_part_pmt_ind. Must be Null for Direct or General Encumbrances.
INVALID_PART_PMT_PYInvalid value for Final payment indicator, parameter p_part_pmt_ind. Must be F when referencing prior year PO.
Invalid value for Final payment indicator, parameter p_part_pmt_ind. Must be F when referencing prior year PO.
INVALID_POHD_CODEPurchase Order number in commodity record is not the same as in header.
Purchase Order number in commodity record is not the same as in header.
INVALID_POHD_CODE_DIRPurchase Order parameter should be NULL for Direct Invoice
Purchase Order parameter should be NULL for Direct Invoice
INVALID_PO_ITEMInvalid value for Purchase Order item number.
Invalid value for Purchase Order item number.
INVALID_PO_ITEM2Purchase Order item number should not be valued for invoices of type Direct pay and General Encumbrance.
Purchase Order item number should not be valued for invoices of type Direct pay and General Encumbrance.
INVALID_PO_ITEM3Purchase Order item number should be zero for General Encumbrance when valued.
Purchase Order item number should be zero for General Encumbrance when valued.
INVALID_SUSP_INDInvalid value for Suspense indicator.
Invalid value for Suspense indicator.
INVALID_TAX_OVER_COMMTax Group Code %01% associated with the Commodity is not overrideable.
Tax Group Code associated with the Commodity is not overrideable.
INVALID_TGRP_CODEInvalid Tax group code %01%.
Invalid Tax group code.
INVALID_TGRP_CODE_TAX_OFFTax group can not be valued when tax processing is off in item %01%.
Tax group can not be valued when tax processing is off in item.
INVALID_TGRP_CODE_TAX_ONTax group should be valued when tax processing is on in item %01%.
Tax group should be valued when tax processing is on in item.
INVALID_TGRP_CODE_TERMTax group code %01% has been terminated.
Tax group code has been terminated.
INVALID_TOL_OVERRIDE_INDInvalid value for Tolerance override indicator.
Invalid value for Tolerance override indicator.
INVALID_TOL_OVER_AUTHUser does not have authority to override tolerance overage condition.
User does not have authority to override tolerance overage condition.
INVALID_UOMS_CODEUnit of measure code %01% does not exist.
Unit of measure code does not exist.
INVALID_UOMS_CODE_TERMUnit of measure code %01% has been terminated.
Unit of measure code has been terminated.
INVALID_USER_IDUser ID is not an authorized finance user.
User ID is not an authorized finance user.
INVALID_VEND_INV_CODEVendor invoice code %01% already exists for this vendor.
Vendor invoice code already exists for this vendor.
INVALID_VEND_INV_DATAIncomplete Vendor Invoice information in item %01%.
Incomplete Vendor Invoice information in item.
INV_CANCELInvoice already cancelled.
An attempt was made to create,update, or delete an invoice item with an Invoice document number that has already been cancelled
INV_COMPLETEInvoice already completed/approved.
An attempt was made to create,update, or delete an invoice item with an Invoice document number that has already been completed and approved
ITEM_ADJ_TO_COSTCannot Invoice item %01% with adjustment to cost occuring.
Cannot Invoice item with adjustment to cost occuring.
MISSING_HOLD_INDMissing mandatory value for Hold Indicator.
Missing mandatory value for Hold Indicator.
MISSING_INVH_CODEMissing mandatory value for Invoice document number.
Missing mandatory value for Invoice document number.
MISSING_ITEMMissing mandatory value for Invoice item number.
Missing mandatory value for Invoice item number.
MISSING_SUSP_INDMissing mandatory value for Suspense Indicator.
Missing mandatory value for Suspense Indicator.
MISSING_USER_IDMissing mandatory value for User ID.
Missing mandatory value for User ID.
NO_CONTEXTContext values are not set for Invoice Item.
Context values are not set for Invoice Item.
NO_CONTEXT_INTContext values are not set for Invoice Item  multiple row updates.
Context values are not set for Invoice Item  multiple row updates.
PK_NOT_FOUNDCannot find record using primary or unique key
Cannot find record using primary or unique key
PK_OR_ROWID_NEEDEDValid Invoice code/Item or Oracle rowid is needed.
Valid Invoice code/Item or Oracle rowid is needed.
P_DELETE_ACCTG_EXISTSCannot delete, invoice accounting record(s) exists.
Cannot delete, invoice accounting record(s) exists.
P_DELETE_FAILEDCannot delete, record does not exist.
Cannot delete, record does not exist.
P_DELETE_TAX_EXISTSCannot delete, invoice tax record(s) exists.
Cannot delete, invoice tax record(s) exists.
RECORD_EXISTSCannot create, record already exists.
Cannot create, record already exists.
TOLERANCE_EXCEEDApproved amount exceeds tolerance percent or amount on commodity item %01%.
Approved amount exceeds tolerance percent or amount on commodity item.
USER_NOT_AUTHUser is not authorized for this type of Invoice
User is not authorized for this type of Invoice

Program units
f_get_error   Returns the error message corresponding to p_errorname.

error_tab   Global PL/SQL table that holds the error messages.


error_tab gb_common_strings.errmsg_tab_type;

Global PL/SQL table that holds the error messages.


Function f_get_error(p_errorname VARCHAR2)
  RETURN gb_common_strings.err_type

Returns the error message corresponding to p_errorname.

p_errorname   Name associated with the error message.