
Package BANINST1.fb_vendor

Common Business interface for vendor (FB_VENDOR).

Program units
f_active_vendor   Checks to see if vendor active as of a given date
f_api_version   Retrieves API version number
f_exists   Checks to see if record exists
f_query_all   Select all records for the entity
f_query_one   Select one record.
f_query_one_lock   Select one record and lock it.
p_create   Creates vendor record
p_delete   Deletes a record
p_lock   Locks a record
p_update   Update a record
f_vendor_exists   Checks to see if record exists

vendor_rec   Vendor record type
vendor_ref   Vendor reference cursor
vendor_tab   Vendor table type

M_ENTITY_NAME   Vendor entity name



Vendor entity name


TYPE vendor_rec IS RECORD (
   r_pidm                      FTVVEND.FTVVEND_PIDM%TYPE,
   r_eff_date                  FTVVEND.FTVVEND_EFF_DATE%TYPE,
   r_term_date                 FTVVEND.FTVVEND_TERM_DATE%TYPE,
   r_user_id                   FTVVEND.FTVVEND_USER_ID%TYPE,
   r_ityp_seq_code             FTVVEND.FTVVEND_ITYP_SEQ_CODE%TYPE,
   r_disc_code                 FTVVEND.FTVVEND_DISC_CODE%TYPE,
   r_1099_rpt_id               FTVVEND.FTVVEND_1099_RPT_ID%TYPE,
   r_trat_code                 FTVVEND.FTVVEND_TRAT_CODE%TYPE,
   r_in_st_ind                 FTVVEND.FTVVEND_IN_ST_IND%TYPE,
   r_grouping_ind              FTVVEND.FTVVEND_GROUPING_IND%TYPE,
   r_carrier_ind               FTVVEND.FTVVEND_CARRIER_IND%TYPE,
   r_contact                   FTVVEND.FTVVEND_CONTACT%TYPE,
   r_ctry_code_phone           FTVVEND.FTVVEND_CTRY_CODE_PHONE%TYPE,
   r_phone_area                FTVVEND.FTVVEND_PHONE_AREA%TYPE,
   r_phone_number              FTVVEND.FTVVEND_PHONE_NUMBER%TYPE,
   r_phone_ext                 FTVVEND.FTVVEND_PHONE_EXT%TYPE,
   r_atyp_code                 FTVVEND.FTVVEND_ATYP_CODE%TYPE,
   r_addr_seqno                FTVVEND.FTVVEND_ADDR_SEQNO%TYPE,
   r_fed_whold_pct             FTVVEND.FTVVEND_FED_WHOLD_PCT%TYPE,
   r_st_whold_pct              FTVVEND.FTVVEND_ST_WHOLD_PCT%TYPE,
   r_combined_fed_st_filer     FTVVEND.FTVVEND_COMBINED_FED_ST_FILER%TYPE,
   r_collect_tax               FTVVEND.FTVVEND_COLLECT_TAX%TYPE,
   r_vend_check_pidm           FTVVEND.FTVVEND_VEND_CHECK_PIDM%TYPE,
   r_vend_check_atyp_code      FTVVEND.FTVVEND_VEND_CHECK_ATYP_CODE%TYPE,
   r_vend_check_addr_seqno     FTVVEND.FTVVEND_VEND_CHECK_ADDR_SEQNO%TYPE,
   r_curr_code                 FTVVEND.FTVVEND_CURR_CODE%TYPE,
   r_entity_ind                FTVVEND.FTVVEND_ENTITY_IND%TYPE,
   r_pidm_owner                FTVVEND.FTVVEND_PIDM_OWNER%TYPE,
   r_eproc_ind                 FTVVEND.FTVVEND_EPROC_IND%TYPE,
   r_data_origin               FTVVEND.FTVVEND_DATA_ORIGIN%TYPE,
   r_po_hold_rsn_code          FTVVEND.FTVVEND_PO_HOLD_RSN_CODE%TYPE,
   r_pmt_hold_rsn_code         FTVVEND.FTVVEND_PMT_HOLD_RSN_CODE%TYPE,
   r_1099_atyp_code            FTVVEND.FTVVEND_1099_ATYP_CODE%TYPE,
   r_1099_addr_seqno           FTVVEND.FTVVEND_1099_ADDR_SEQNO%TYPE,
   r_tax_form_status           FTVVEND.FTVVEND_TAX_FORM_STATUS%TYPE,                          
   r_tax_form_date         FTVVEND.FTVVEND_TAX_FORM_DATE%TYPE,                          
   internal_record_id          VARCHAR2(18) );

Vendor record type


TYPE vendor_ref IS REF CURSOR RETURN vendor_rec;

Vendor reference cursor



Vendor table type


Function f_active_vendor(p_pidm     ftvvend.ftvvend_pidm%TYPE,
                         p_eff_date ftvvend.ftvvend_eff_date%TYPE DEFAULT SYSDATE)

Checks to see if vendor active as of a given date

p_pidm   Personal identification number for the vendor record.  This number exists on SATURN.SPRIDEN.
p_eff_date   The date to verify the vendor record.

Y if found and active, otherwise N.


Function f_api_version RETURN PLS_INTEGER

Retrieves API version number

Version of API signature. Changes only when signature changes.


Function f_exists(p_pidm  ftvvend.ftvvend_pidm%TYPE,
                  p_rowid VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL) RETURN BOOLEAN

Checks to see if record exists

p_pidm   Personal identification number for the vendor record.  This number exists on SATURN.SPRIDEN.

TRUE if found, otherwise FALSE


Function f_query_all(p_pidm     ftvvend.ftvvend_pidm%TYPE default NULL,
                     p_eff_date ftvvend.ftvvend_eff_date%type default null)
  RETURN vendor_REF

Select all records for the entity

p_pidm   Personal identification number for the vendor record.  This number exists on SATURN.SPRIDEN.
p_eff_date   The date to query the vendor record.

A cursor variable that will fetch the set of records


Function f_query_one(p_pidm     ftvvend.ftvvend_pidm%TYPE,
                     p_eff_date ftvvend.ftvvend_eff_date%type default null)
  RETURN vendor_REF

Select one record.

p_pidm   Personal identification number for the vendor record.  This number exists on SATURN.SPRIDEN.
p_eff_date   The date to query the vendor record.

A cursor variable that will fetch exactly one record


Function f_query_one_lock(p_pidm     ftvvend.ftvvend_pidm%TYPE,
                          p_rowid    VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
                          p_eff_date ftvvend.ftvvend_eff_date%type default null)
  RETURN vendor_REF

Select one record and lock it.

p_pidm   Personal identification number for the vendor record.  This number exists on SATURN.SPRIDEN.
p_rowid   The oracle rowid of the required record
p_eff_date   The date to query the vendor record.

A cursor variable for one record, locking the record


Procedure p_create(p_pidm                  ftvvend.ftvvend_pidm%TYPE,
                   p_eff_date              ftvvend.ftvvend_eff_date%TYPE DEFAULT SYSDATE,
                   p_term_date             ftvvend.ftvvend_term_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_user_id               ftvvend.ftvvend_user_id%TYPE,
                   p_ityp_seq_code         ftvvend.ftvvend_ityp_seq_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_disc_code             ftvvend.ftvvend_disc_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_1099_rpt_id           ftvvend.ftvvend_1099_rpt_id%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_trat_code             ftvvend.ftvvend_trat_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_in_st_ind             ftvvend.ftvvend_in_st_ind%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_grouping_ind          ftvvend.ftvvend_grouping_ind%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_carrier_ind           ftvvend.ftvvend_carrier_ind%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_contact               ftvvend.ftvvend_contact%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_ctry_code_phone       ftvvend.ftvvend_ctry_code_phone%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_phone_area            ftvvend.ftvvend_phone_area%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_phone_number          ftvvend.ftvvend_phone_number%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_phone_ext             ftvvend.ftvvend_phone_ext%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_atyp_code             ftvvend.ftvvend_atyp_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_addr_seqno            ftvvend.ftvvend_addr_seqno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_fed_whold_pct         ftvvend.ftvvend_fed_whold_pct%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_st_whold_pct          ftvvend.ftvvend_st_whold_pct%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_combined_fed_st_filer ftvvend.ftvvend_combined_fed_st_filer%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_collect_tax           ftvvend.ftvvend_collect_tax%TYPE,
                   p_vend_check_pidm       ftvvend.ftvvend_vend_check_pidm%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_vend_check_atyp_code  ftvvend.ftvvend_vend_check_atyp_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_vend_check_addr_seqno ftvvend.ftvvend_vend_check_addr_seqno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_curr_code             ftvvend.ftvvend_curr_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_entity_ind            ftvvend.ftvvend_entity_ind%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_pidm_owner            ftvvend.ftvvend_pidm_owner%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_eproc_ind             ftvvend.ftvvend_eproc_ind%TYPE DEFAULT 'N',
                   p_data_origin           ftvvend.ftvvend_data_origin%TYPE DEFAULT 'BANNER',
                   p_po_hold_rsn_code      ftvvend.ftvvend_po_hold_rsn_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_pmt_hold_rsn_code     ftvvend.ftvvend_pmt_hold_rsn_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_1099_atyp_code        ftvvend.ftvvend_1099_atyp_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_1099_addr_seqno       ftvvend.ftvvend_1099_addr_seqno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_tax_form_status       ftvvend.ftvvend_tax_form_status%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, /*Added for RPE1-1BTRG0R*/
                   p_tax_form_date         ftvvend.ftvvend_tax_form_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, /*Added for RPE1-1BTRG0R*/
                   p_rowid_out             OUT VARCHAR2)

Creates vendor record
* @param p_pidm Personal identification number for the vendor record.  This number exists on SATURN.SPRIDEN.
* @param p_eff_date EFFECTIVE DATE: The effective date for this particular record.
* @param p_term_date TERMINATION DATE: The date when this particular record is no longer in effect.
* @param p_user_id USER IDENTIFICATION: The unique identification code of the user.
* @param p_ityp_seq_code INTERNAL SEQUENCE CODES: The predefined internal codes which represent transaction types such as permanent budget and YTD actual which direct these data values to specific accumulatorsin the operating account ledger (OPAL).
* @param p_disc_code DISCOUNT CODE: The value of the discount code established on form FTVDISC.
* @param p_1099_rpt_id 1099 REPORT IDENTIFCATION: The vendor's taxpayer identification number (TIN).
* @param p_trat_code TAX RATE CODE: A user-defined value that corresponds to a specific tax rate.
* @param p_in_st_ind IN-STATE INDICATOR: This indicator is to designate whether a vendor is 'I' for in-state or 'O' for out of state.
* @param p_grouping_ind GROUPING INDICATOR: Indicates the relationship between the number of invoices processed and the number of checks.  A value of '1' will create one check per invoice whereas a value of 'M' will combine many invoices on one
* @param p_carrier_ind CARRIER INDICATOR: This indicator is used to designate vendors who are also carriers.
* @param p_contact AGENCY CONTACT: The name or title of the primary contact at the agency.
* @param p_ctry_code_phone TELEPHONE COUNTRY CODE: Code designating the region or country.
* @param p_phone_area ADDRESS PHONE AREA CODE: The telephone area code for this particular record.
* @param p_phone_number Phone number for the vendor.
* @param p_phone_ext ADDRESS PHONE EXTENSION: The telephone extension number for this particular record.
* @param p_atyp_code ADDRESS TYPE CODE: The user-defined code that describes the type of address, i.e.  Purchase Order, Remit To, Mailing, etc.  Must exist on SATURN.STVATYP.
* @param p_addr_seqno ADDRESS SEQUENCE NUMBER: The user-defined sequence number associated with the address.
* @param p_fed_whold_pct FEDERAL WITHHOLDING PERCENTAGE: The backup withholding percentage used for federal income tax reporting purposes.
* @param p_st_whold_pct STATE WITHHOLDING PERCENTAGE: The backup withholding percentage used for state/income tax reporting purposes.
* @param p_combined_fed_st_filer
* @param p_collect_tax This required field designates which compensating or use taxes should be collected.  Values are: 'N' for no taxes, 'S' for selected taxes and 'A' for all taxes.
* @param p_vend_check_pidm CHECK VENDOR PIDM: Personal identification number of check vendor in the case of third party billings.  Must exist on SATURN.SPRIDEN.
* @param p_vend_check_atyp_code CHECK VENDOR CHECK ADDRESS TYPE CODE: Address type for the vendor to whom checks are to be mailed in the case of third party billings.  This value must exist on SATURN.STVATYP.
* @param p_vend_check_addr_seqno CHECK VENDOR CHECK ADDRESS SEQUENCE NUMBER: Address sequence number for the vendor to whom checks are to be addressed in the case of third party billings.
* @param p_curr_code CURRENCY CODE: Used as a default currency code for vendor.
* @param p_entity_ind ENTITY_IND: Set by form FTMVEND to distinguish between corporation and person vendors.
* @param p_pidm_owner DOING BUSINESS AS PIDM OWNER: Purpose is to provide cross-reference from Doing Business As vendor record to the ftvvend_pidm record.
* @param p_eproc_ind EPROCUREMENT INDICATOR: A value of Y indicates that this vendor exists in an eprocurement system at the institution.  If the value is Y and the vendor record changes, a message will be sent to the eprocurement system.
* @param p_po_hold_rsn_code ORDER HOLD:  A code selected from the list of valid vendor hold reason codes when present for a vendor indicates that new purchase orders cannot be created for the vendor except by  an authorized user.
* @param p_pmt_hold_rsn_code PAYMENT HOLD:  A code selected from the list of valid vendor hold reason codes when present for a vendor indicates that invoices cannot be paid unless the vendor payment hold is overridden by an authorized user.
* @param p_1099_atyp_code 1099 ADDRESS TYPE:  The user-defined code that describes the type of address, i.e.  Purchase Order, Remit To, Mailing, etc.  Must exist on SATURN.STVATYP.
* @param p_1099_addr_seqno ADDRESS SEQUENCE NUMBER: The user-defined sequence number associated with the address.
* @param p_tax_form_status TAX FORM STATUS:  The user-defined code that describes current status for collection of tax forms from a vendor.  Must exist on FTMSDAT.
* @param p_tax_form_date TAX FORM DATE:  The user-defined date that can maintain a date corresponding to the Tax Form Status field.
* @param p_rowid_out Database rowid of record created
* @throws RECORD_EXISTS Cannot create, record already exists


Procedure p_delete(p_pidm  ftvvend.ftvvend_pidm%TYPE,
                   p_rowid VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL)

Deletes a record

p_pidm   Personal identification number for the vendor record.  This number exists on SATURN.SPRIDEN.
p_rowid   Database rowid of record to delete


Procedure p_lock(p_pidm  ftvvend.ftvvend_pidm%TYPE,
                 p_rowid VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL)

Locks a record

p_pidm   Personal identification number for the vendor record.  This number exists on SATURN.SPRIDEN.


Procedure p_update(p_pidm                  ftvvend.ftvvend_pidm%TYPE,
                   p_eff_date              ftvvend.ftvvend_eff_date%TYPE DEFAULT Dml_Common.F_UNSPECIFIED_DATE,
                   p_term_date             ftvvend.ftvvend_term_date%TYPE DEFAULT Dml_Common.F_UNSPECIFIED_DATE,
                   p_user_id               ftvvend.ftvvend_user_id%TYPE DEFAULT Dml_Common.F_UNSPECIFIED_STRING,
                   p_ityp_seq_code         ftvvend.ftvvend_ityp_seq_code%TYPE DEFAULT Dml_Common.F_UNSPECIFIED_NUMBER,
                   p_disc_code             ftvvend.ftvvend_disc_code%TYPE DEFAULT Dml_Common.F_UNSPECIFIED_STRING,
                   p_1099_rpt_id           ftvvend.ftvvend_1099_rpt_id%TYPE DEFAULT Dml_Common.F_UNSPECIFIED_STRING,
                   p_trat_code             ftvvend.ftvvend_trat_code%TYPE DEFAULT Dml_Common.F_UNSPECIFIED_STRING,
                   p_in_st_ind             ftvvend.ftvvend_in_st_ind%TYPE DEFAULT Dml_Common.F_UNSPECIFIED_STRING,
                   p_grouping_ind          ftvvend.ftvvend_grouping_ind%TYPE DEFAULT Dml_Common.F_UNSPECIFIED_STRING,
                   p_carrier_ind           ftvvend.ftvvend_carrier_ind%TYPE DEFAULT Dml_Common.F_UNSPECIFIED_STRING,
                   p_contact               ftvvend.ftvvend_contact%TYPE DEFAULT Dml_Common.F_UNSPECIFIED_STRING,
                   p_ctry_code_phone       ftvvend.ftvvend_ctry_code_phone%TYPE DEFAULT Dml_Common.F_UNSPECIFIED_STRING,
                   p_phone_area            ftvvend.ftvvend_phone_area%TYPE DEFAULT Dml_Common.F_UNSPECIFIED_STRING,
                   p_phone_number          ftvvend.ftvvend_phone_number%TYPE DEFAULT Dml_Common.F_UNSPECIFIED_STRING,
                   p_phone_ext             ftvvend.ftvvend_phone_ext%TYPE DEFAULT Dml_Common.F_UNSPECIFIED_STRING,
                   p_atyp_code             ftvvend.ftvvend_atyp_code%TYPE DEFAULT Dml_Common.F_UNSPECIFIED_STRING,
                   p_addr_seqno            ftvvend.ftvvend_addr_seqno%TYPE DEFAULT Dml_Common.F_UNSPECIFIED_NUMBER,
                   p_fed_whold_pct         ftvvend.ftvvend_fed_whold_pct%TYPE DEFAULT Dml_Common.F_UNSPECIFIED_NUMBER,
                   p_st_whold_pct          ftvvend.ftvvend_st_whold_pct%TYPE DEFAULT Dml_Common.F_UNSPECIFIED_NUMBER,
                   p_combined_fed_st_filer ftvvend.ftvvend_combined_fed_st_filer%TYPE DEFAULT Dml_Common.F_UNSPECIFIED_STRING,
                   p_collect_tax           ftvvend.ftvvend_collect_tax%TYPE DEFAULT Dml_Common.F_UNSPECIFIED_STRING,
                   p_vend_check_pidm       ftvvend.ftvvend_vend_check_pidm%TYPE DEFAULT Dml_Common.F_UNSPECIFIED_NUMBER,
                   p_vend_check_atyp_code  ftvvend.ftvvend_vend_check_atyp_code%TYPE DEFAULT Dml_Common.F_UNSPECIFIED_STRING,
                   p_vend_check_addr_seqno ftvvend.ftvvend_vend_check_addr_seqno%TYPE DEFAULT Dml_Common.F_UNSPECIFIED_NUMBER,
                   p_curr_code             ftvvend.ftvvend_curr_code%TYPE DEFAULT Dml_Common.F_UNSPECIFIED_STRING,
                   p_entity_ind            ftvvend.ftvvend_entity_ind%TYPE DEFAULT Dml_Common.F_UNSPECIFIED_STRING,
                   p_pidm_owner            ftvvend.ftvvend_pidm_owner%TYPE DEFAULT Dml_Common.F_UNSPECIFIED_NUMBER,
                   p_eproc_ind             ftvvend.ftvvend_eproc_ind%TYPE DEFAULT Dml_Common.F_UNSPECIFIED_STRING,
                   p_data_origin           ftvvend.ftvvend_data_origin%TYPE DEFAULT Dml_Common.F_UNSPECIFIED_STRING,
                   p_po_hold_rsn_code      ftvvend.ftvvend_po_hold_rsn_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_pmt_hold_rsn_code     ftvvend.ftvvend_pmt_hold_rsn_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_1099_atyp_code        ftvvend.ftvvend_1099_atyp_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_1099_addr_seqno       ftvvend.ftvvend_1099_addr_seqno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_tax_form_status       ftvvend.ftvvend_tax_form_status%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, /*Added for RPE1-1BTRG0R*/
                   p_tax_form_date         ftvvend.ftvvend_tax_form_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, /*Added for RPE1-1BTRG0R*/
                   p_rowid                 VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL)

Update a record
* @param p_pidm Personal identification number for the vendor record.  This number exists on SATURN.SPRIDEN.
* @param p_eff_date EFFECTIVE DATE: The effective date for this particular record.
* @param p_term_date TERMINATION DATE: The date when this particular record is no longer in effect.
* @param p_user_id USER IDENTIFICATION: The unique identification code of the user.
* @param p_ityp_seq_code INTERNAL SEQUENCE CODES: The predefined internal codes which represent transaction types such as permanent budget and YTD actual which direct these data values to specific accumulatorsin the operating account ledger (OPAL).
* @param p_disc_code DISCOUNT CODE: The value of the discount code established on form FTVDISC.
* @param p_1099_rpt_id 1099 REPORT IDENTIFCATION: The vendor's taxpayer identification NUMBER (TIN).
* @param p_trat_code TAX RATE CODE: A USER-defined value that corresponds TO a specific tax rate.
* @param p_in_st_ind IN-STATE INDICATOR: This INDICATOR IS TO designate whether a vendor IS 'I' FOR IN-state OR 'O' FOR OUT OF state.
* @param p_grouping_ind GROUPING INDICATOR: Indicates the relationship BETWEEN the NUMBER OF invoices processed AND the NUMBER OF checks.  A value OF '1' will CREATE one CHECK per invoice whereas a value OF 'M' will combine many invoices ON one
* @param p_carrier_ind CARRIER INDICATOR: This INDICATOR IS used TO designate vendors who are also carriers.
* @param p_contact AGENCY CONTACT: The name OR title OF the PRIMARY contact AT the agency.
* @param p_ctry_code_phone TELEPHONE COUNTRY CODE: Code designating the region or country.
* @param p_phone_area ADDRESS PHONE AREA CODE: The telephone area code for this particular RECORD.
* @param p_phone_number Phone NUMBER FOR the vendor.
* @param p_phone_ext ADDRESS PHONE EXTENSION: The telephone extension NUMBER for this particular RECORD.
* @param p_atyp_code ADDRESS TYPE CODE: The USER-defined code that describes the TYPE OF address, i.e.  Purchase ORDER, Remit TO, Mailing, etc.  Must exist ON SATURN.STVATYP.
* @param p_addr_seqno ADDRESS SEQUENCE NUMBER: The USER-defined SEQUENCE NUMBER associated WITH the address.
* @param p_fed_whold_pct FEDERAL WITHHOLDING PERCENTAGE: The BACKUP withholding percentage used FOR federal income tax reporting purposes.
* @param p_st_whold_pct STATE WITHHOLDING PERCENTAGE: The BACKUP withholding percentage used FOR state/income tax reporting purposes.
* @param p_combined_fed_st_filer
* @param p_collect_tax This required field designates which compensating OR USE taxes should be collected.  VALUES are: 'N' FOR no taxes, 'S' FOR selected taxes AND 'A' FOR ALL taxes.
* @param p_vend_check_pidm CHECK VENDOR PIDM: Personal identification NUMBER OF CHECK vendor IN the CASE OF third party billings.  Must exist ON SATURN.SPRIDEN.
* @param p_vend_check_atyp_code CHECK VENDOR CHECK ADDRESS TYPE CODE: Address TYPE FOR the vendor TO whom checks are TO be mailed IN the CASE OF third party billings.  This value must exist ON SATURN.STVATYP.
* @param p_vend_check_addr_seqno CHECK VENDOR CHECK ADDRESS SEQUENCE NUMBER: Address SEQUENCE NUMBER FOR the vendor TO whom checks are TO be addressed IN the CASE OF third party billings.
* @param p_curr_code CURRENCY CODE: Used AS a DEFAULT currency code FOR vendor.
* @param p_entity_ind ENTITY_IND: SET BY FORM FTMVEND TO distinguish BETWEEN corporation AND person vendors.
* @param p_pidm_owner DOING BUSINESS AS PIDM OWNER: Purpose IS TO provide cross-reference FROM Doing Business AS vendor RECORD TO the ftvvend_pidm RECORD.
* @param p_eproc_ind EPROCUREMENT INDICATOR: A value OF Y indicates that this vendor EXISTS IN an eprocurement SYSTEM AT the institution.  IF the value IS Y AND the vendor RECORD changes, a message will be sent TO the eprocurement SYSTEM.
* @param p_po_hold_rsn_code ORDER HOLD:  A code selected from the list of valid vendor hold reason codes when present for a vendor indicates that new purchase orders cannot be created for the vendor except by  an authorized user.
* @param p_pmt_hold_rsn_code PAYMENT HOLD:  A code selected from the list of valid vendor hold reason codes when present for a vendor indicates that invoices cannot be paid unless the vendor payment hold is overridden by an authorized user.
* @param p_1099_atyp_code 1099 ADDRESS TYPE:  The user-defined code that describes the type of address, i.e.  Purchase Order, Remit To, Mailing, etc.  Must exist on SATURN.STVATYP.
* @param p_1099_addr_seqno ADDRESS SEQUENCE NUMBER: The user-defined sequence number associated with the address.
* @param p_tax_form_status TAX FORM STATUS:  The user-defined code that describes current status for collection of tax forms from a vendor.  Must exist on FTMSDAT.
* @param p_tax_form_date TAX FORM DATE:  The user-defined date that can maintain a date corresponding to the Tax Form Status field.


Function f_vendor_exists(p_pidm  ftvvend.ftvvend_pidm%TYPE,
                         p_rowid VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL) RETURN VARCHAR2

Checks to see if record exists

p_pidm   Personal identification number for the vendor record.  This number exists on SATURN.SPRIDEN.

string 'TRUE' if found, otherwise 'FALSE'