
Package BANINST1.fpkutil

Common routines for the finance procurement module (FPKUTIL)

Program units
f_get_success_message   Get a message that a document has been successfully forwarded to the forward process.
p_forward_document   This procedure forwards the document to the appropriate queue and returns any errors or a success message.
p_check_doc_dates   This procedure checks the transaction, order and delivery dates to validate that they are in appropriate sequence.
f_is_vendor_edi   This function returns a Y or an N depending on whether a vendor is an EDI vendor or not.
f_fgbench_exists   This function checks if an encumbrance exists in the encumbrance ledger.
f_get_tax_details   Function to get the Tax rate details.
f_get_tax_amount   Function to get the Tax amount.
f_get_autobuyr_code   Function returns a buyer code using the automatic buyer assignment functionality.
p_calc_encumb_adjustment   Calculates the amount of encumbrance that needs to be liquidated when a purchase order is being changed and populates the fprpoda_encb_adjt_amt column appropriately
table_to_string   Converts a table of error messages into a string.
appenderror   Append new error to the existing error.
appenderror   Append new error to the existing error table.
appenderror   Append new error table to the existing error table.
p_scrubdate   Scrubbing user entered date.
p_scrubnumb   Scrubbing user entered code.
p_scrubchar   Scrubbing user entered characters.
p_is_docacctg_postable   Checks if all the accounting sequences are to be checked at one time using passed in abal_entry_tabtype.
p_is_docacctg_postable   Checks if all the accounting sequences are to be checked at one time using passed in abal_query_tabtype.
p_is_foap_postable   Validating one accounting sequence at a time using passed in abal_entry_tabtype.
p_is_foap_postable   Validating one accounting sequence at a time using passed in abal_query_rectype.

coas_tabletype   Chart of accounts table type
foap_tabletype   Fund table type
tax_detail_rec   Tax rate record type
tax_detail_tabl   Tax rate table type
max_data_entry   Holding user entered date.
error_mesg_type   Holding error message.
error_mesg_tabtype   Error message table type
abal_entry_rectype   Available balance entry record type
abal_query_rectype   Available balance query record type
abal_entry_tabtype   Available balance entry table type
abal_query_tabtype   Available balance query record type


Function f_get_success_message(docname         varchar2,
                               doc_code        varchar2,
                               forward_process varchar2) return varchar2

Get a message that a document has been successfully forwarded to the forward process.


Procedure p_forward_document(doc_type     ftvdtyp.ftvdtyp_seq_num%type,
                             doc_desc     varchar2,
                             doc_Code     fgbtrnh.fgbtrnh_doc_Code%type,
                             user_id      fobprof.fobprof_user_id%type,
                             complete_ind varchar2,
                             approval_ind varchar2,
                             error_mesg   in out varchar2,
                             success_mesg in out varchar2,
                             doc_total    number default null,
                             chg_seq      number default null,
                             bank_code    varchar2 default null,
                             sub_num      varchar2 default null)

This procedure forwards the document to the appropriate queue and returns any errors or a success message.


Procedure p_check_doc_dates(trans_date date,
                            order_date date,
                            deliv_date date,
                            error_mesg in out varchar2)

This procedure checks the transaction, order and delivery dates to validate that they are in appropriate sequence.


Function f_is_vendor_edi(vend_pidm     FTVVEND.FTVVEND_PIDM%TYPE,
                         vend_atyp     ftvvend.ftvvend_atyp_code%type,
                         vend_atyp_seq ftvvend.ftvvend_addr_seqno%type,
                         doc_type      varchar2 default 'PO')
  return varchar2

This function returns a Y or an N depending on whether a vendor is an EDI vendor or not.


type coas_tabletype is table of varchar2(1) index by binary_integer;

Chart of accounts table type


type foap_tabletype is table of ftvfund.ftvfund_fund_code%type
                       index by binary_integer;

Fund table type


Function f_fgbench_exists(encumb_num fgbench.fgbench_num%type)
  return boolean

This function checks if an encumbrance exists in the encumbrance ledger.


type tax_detail_rec is record (
                  trat_code       ftvtrat.ftvtrat_code%type,
                  trat_desc       ftvtrat.ftvtrat_desc%type,
                  trat_rate       ftvtrat.ftvtrat_rate%type,
                  trat_pay_tax_to ftvtrat.ftvtrat_pay_tax_to%type,
                  trat_priority   ftvtrat.ftvtrat_priority_code%type,
                  trat_exempt_pct ftvtrat.ftvtrat_exempt_pct%type,
                  taxable_amt     fgbtrnh.fgbtrnh_trans_amt%type,
                  tax_amt         fgbtrnh.fgbtrnh_trans_amt%type,
                  rebate_amt      fgbtrnh.fgbtrnh_trans_amt%type);

Tax rate record type


type tax_detail_tabl is table of tax_detail_rec index by binary_integer;

Tax rate table type


Function f_get_tax_details(tgrp        ftvtgrp.ftvtgrp_tgrp_code%type,
                           asofdate    date,
                           vendor_pidm number,
                           vendor_id   varchar2,
                           appr_amt    number,
                           disc_amt    number,
                           addl_amt    number) return tax_detail_tabl

Function to get the Tax rate details.


Function f_get_tax_amount(tgrp     ftvtgrp.ftvtgrp_tgrp_code%type,
                          asofdate date,
                          appr_amt number,
                          disc_amt number,
                          addl_amt number) return number

Function to get the Tax amount.


Function f_get_autobuyr_code(chart_code varchar2,
                             orgn_code  varchar2,
                             trans_date date,
                             comm_code  varchar2) return varchar2

Function returns a buyer code using the automatic buyer assignment functionality.


Procedure p_calc_encumb_adjustment(p_po_code        VARCHAR2,
                                   p_change_seq_num NUMBER)

Calculates the amount of encumbrance that needs to be liquidated when a purchase order is being changed and populates the fprpoda_encb_adjt_amt column appropriately


subtype max_data_entry  is varchar2(100);

Holding user entered date.


subtype error_mesg_type is varchar2(1000);

Holding error message.


type error_mesg_tabtype is table of error_mesg_type index by binary_integer;

Error message table type


Function table_to_string(error_tab in error_mesg_tabtype) return varchar2

Converts a table of error messages into a string.


Procedure appenderror(origerror in out error_mesg_type,
                      newerror  error_mesg_type)

Append new error to the existing error.


Procedure appenderror(origerror in out error_mesg_tabtype,
                      newerror  error_mesg_type)

Append new error to the existing error table.


Procedure appenderror(origerror in out error_mesg_tabtype,
                      newerror  error_mesg_tabtype)

Append new error table to the existing error table.


Procedure p_scrubdate(indate     varchar2,
                      dateformat varchar2,
                      outdate    in out date,
                      error_mesg in out fpkutil.error_mesg_tabtype,
                      datename   varchar2 default NULL)

Scrubbing user entered date.


Procedure p_scrubnumb(incode     VARCHAR2,
                      maxlength  NUMBER,
                      outcode    IN OUT NUMBER,
                      error_mesg IN OUT Fpkutil.error_mesg_tabtype,
                      codename   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
                      maxscale   NUMBER DEFAULT 0)

Scrubbing user entered code.


Procedure p_scrubchar(incode      VARCHAR2,
                      maxlength   NUMBER,
                      defvalue    VARCHAR2,
                      outcode     IN OUT VARCHAR2,
                      error_mesg  IN OUT Fpkutil.error_mesg_tabtype,
                      codename    VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '',
                      toWhichcase VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'U',
                      errorout    VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'Y')

Scrubbing user entered characters.


TYPE abal_entry_rectype IS RECORD (
                             doctype       Fpkutil.max_data_entry,
                             doccode       Fpkutil.max_data_entry,
                             userid        Fpkutil.max_data_entry,
                             trans_date    Fpkutil.max_data_entry,
                             seqitem       Fpkutil.max_data_entry,
                             seqnum        Fpkutil.max_data_entry,
                             coas          Fpkutil.max_data_entry,
                             acci          Fpkutil.max_data_entry,
                             fund          Fpkutil.max_data_entry,
                             orgn          Fpkutil.max_data_entry,
                             acct          Fpkutil.max_data_entry,
                             prog          Fpkutil.max_data_entry,
                             actv          Fpkutil.max_data_entry,
                             locn          Fpkutil.max_data_entry,
                             percent_dist  Fpkutil.max_data_entry,
                             acctg_amt     Fpkutil.max_data_entry

Available balance entry record type


TYPE abal_query_rectype IS RECORD(
                           doc_type        fgbtrnd.fgbtrnd_doc_seq_code%TYPE,
                           doc_code        fgbtrnd.fgbtrnd_doc_code%TYPE,
                           userid          fgbtrnd.fgbtrnd_user_id%TYPE,
                           transdate       DATE,
                           item_num        fgbtrnd.fgbtrnd_item_num%TYPE,
                           seq_num         fgbtrnd.fgbtrnd_seq_num%TYPE,
                           coas            fgbtrnd.fgbtrnd_coas_code%TYPE,
                           acci            fgbtrnd.fgbtrnd_acci_code%TYPE,
                           fund            fgbtrnd.fgbtrnd_fund_code%TYPE,
                           orgn            fgbtrnd.fgbtrnd_orgn_code%TYPE,
                           acct            fgbtrnd.fgbtrnd_acct_code%TYPE,
                           prog            fgbtrnd.fgbtrnd_prog_code%TYPE,
                           actv            fgbtrnd.fgbtrnd_actv_code%TYPE,
                           locn            fgbtrnd.fgbtrnd_locn_code%TYPE,
                           trans_amt       fgbtrnd.fgbtrnd_trans_amt%TYPE,
                           nsf_override_ind          VARCHAR2(1)

Available balance query record type


TYPE abal_entry_tabtype IS TABLE OF abal_entry_rectype;

Available balance entry table type


TYPE abal_query_tabtype IS TABLE OF abal_query_rectype;

Available balance query record type


Procedure p_is_docacctg_postable(all_doc_foaps    abal_entry_tabtype,
                                 error_mesg_table IN OUT Fpkutil.error_mesg_tabtype,
                                 valid_ind        IN OUT VARCHAR2)

Checks if all the accounting sequences are to be checked at one time using passed in abal_entry_tabtype.


Procedure p_is_docacctg_postable(all_doc_foaps    abal_query_tabtype,
                                 error_mesg_table IN OUT Fpkutil.error_mesg_tabtype,
                                 valid_ind        IN OUT VARCHAR2)

Checks if all the accounting sequences are to be checked at one time using passed in abal_query_tabtype.


Procedure p_is_foap_postable(one_foap   abal_entry_rectype,
                             error_mesg IN OUT Fpkutil.error_mesg_tabtype,
                             valid_ind  IN OUT VARCHAR2)

Validating one accounting sequence at a time using passed in abal_entry_tabtype.


Procedure p_is_foap_postable(one_foap   abal_query_rectype,
                             error_mesg IN OUT Fpkutil.error_mesg_tabtype,
                             valid_ind  IN OUT VARCHAR2)

Validating one accounting sequence at a time using passed in abal_query_rectype.