Message Name | Error Message |
DOC_COMPLETED | Document %01% has been completed, no changes allowed. |
An attempt was made to create or update a record in a JV that has been completed. |
INTERNAL_UPDATE_AUTH | You are not authorized to make this change. |
User is not authorized to update the record. |
INVALID_ABAL_OVERRIDE | Available Balance Override is not valid, must be Y or N |
Available Balance Override Indicator must be either Y or N. |
INVALID_CURR_CODE | Currency Code is not valid. |
Currency Code was not found as of the transaction date. |
INVALID_RUCL_CODE | Rule Class Code is not valid. |
Rule Class Code either does not exist or is invalid on the document transaction date. |
INVALID_RUCL_TYPE | Rule Class Code is not a Journal Type. |
Rule Class must be of type J. |
MISSING_COAS_CODE | Chart of Accounts is missing. |
The Chart of Accounts may not be null. |
MISSING_DOC_NUM | Document Number is missing. |
The Document Number may not be null. |
MISSING_EMC_INFO | Transaction meets unitization criteria. Gift Date is required. |
Gift Date is required when the Fund and Account are part of an Endowment Pool. |
MISSING_HEADER | Journal Voucher Header not found. |
A Journal Voucher Header record must exist before creating or updating detail records. |
MISSING_RUCL_CODE | Rule Class Code is missing. |
The Rule Class Code may not be null. |
MISSING_SEQ_NUM | Sequence Number is missing. |
The Sequence Number may not be null. |
MISSING_TRANS_AMT | Transaction Amount is missing. This field is required if distribution percent is not provided. |
The Transaction Amount may not be null unless it can be calculated from the distribution percent. |
MISSING_TRANS_DESC | Transaction Description is missing. |
The Transaction Description may not be null. |
MISSING_USER_ID | User Identification is missing. |
The User Identification may not be null. |
P_DELETE_FAILED | Cannot delete because the record does not exist. |
The key values passed in the delete failed to locate a record in the table. |
PK_NOT_FOUND | Cannot find record using primary or unique key. |
The key values passed in the update failed to locate a record in the table. |
RECORD_EXISTS | Cannot create because the record already exists. |
Record must have unique document, submission, and sequence number combination. |
REVERSAL_RUN | Cannot update %01% until reversals have run. |
Changes may not be made to the base record of a Recurring (Auto) JV when the next scheduled iteration is a reversal. |
USER_NSF_AUTH | User %01% does not have authority to override NSF checking. |
An attempt was made to override available balance checking by a user who is not authorized on the Finance User Profile (FOMPROF). |