
Package BANINST1.fb_encumbrance_detail_rules

Support subprograms for ENCUMBRANCE_DETAIL.
Note that the p_register_entity procedures commonly found in the API Rules package are not included, as Event Registration for General Encumbrances occurs only at the document level through fp_encumbrance.

Program units
p_process_edit_rulp   Procedure to process Rule Class editing.
p_valid_create   Validates data entered, sets defaults, and processes edits and security for insert.
p_valid_update   Validates data entered, sets defaults, and processes edits and security for update.


Procedure p_process_edit_rulp(p_rucl_code             fgbencd.fgbencd_rucl_code%TYPE,
                              p_trans_date            fgbench.fgbench_trans_date%TYPE,
                              p_num                   fgbencd.fgbencd_num%TYPE,
                              p_type                  fgbench.fgbench_type%TYPE,
                              p_submission_number     NUMBER,
                              p_item                  fgbencd.fgbencd_item%TYPE,
                              p_seq_num               fgbencd.fgbencd_seq_num%TYPE,
                              p_user_id               fgbencd.fgbencd_user_id%TYPE,
                              p_fsyr_code_in_out      IN OUT fgbencd.fgbencd_fsyr_code%TYPE,
                              p_pend_amt_in_out       IN OUT fgbencd.fgbencd_pend_amt%TYPE,
                              p_dr_cr_ind_in_out      IN OUT VARCHAR2,
                              p_acci_code_in_out      IN OUT fgbencd.fgbencd_acci_code%TYPE,
                              p_coas_code_in_out      IN OUT fgbencd.fgbencd_coas_code%TYPE,
                              p_fund_code_in_out      IN OUT fgbencd.fgbencd_fund_code%TYPE,
                              p_orgn_code_in_out      IN OUT fgbencd.fgbencd_orgn_code%TYPE,
                              p_acct_code_in_out      IN OUT fgbencd.fgbencd_acct_code%TYPE,
                              p_prog_code_in_out      IN OUT fgbencd.fgbencd_prog_code%TYPE,
                              p_actv_code_in_out      IN OUT fgbencd.fgbencd_actv_code%TYPE,
                              p_locn_code_in_out      IN OUT fgbencd.fgbencd_locn_code%TYPE,
                              p_cmt_type_in_out       IN OUT fgbencd.fgbencd_cmt_type%TYPE,
                              p_cmt_pct_in_out        IN OUT fgbencd.fgbencd_cmt_pct%TYPE,
                              p_prjd_code_in_out      IN OUT fgbencd.fgbencd_prjd_code%TYPE,
                              p_dist_pct_in_out       IN OUT fgbencd.fgbencd_dist_pct%TYPE,
                              p_posting_period_in_out IN OUT fgbencd.fgbencd_posting_period%TYPE,
                              p_err_tab_in_out        IN OUT fb_common.err_tabtype)

Procedure to process Rule Class editing.
Transactions are reviewed according to user defined edits in the Rule Class Edit table (FTVEDIT) and system defined edits for the associated processes in the Rule Class Validation table (FTVRULP).
Defaulted values may be returned from the Rule Class Edits where defined.

p_rucl_code   The user-entered rule class (as defined in table FTVRUCL) for the encumbrance sequence. VARCHAR2(4)
p_trans_date   The date the encumbrance document will be recorded in the ledgers. DATE
p_num   The unique identifier of an encumbrance document. VARCHAR2(8)
p_type   Indicates the type of the encumbrance. VARCHAR2(1)
p_submission_number   The submission number associated with the encumbrance document. NUMBER(2)
p_item   The reference number which associates an accounting record to a related item. NUMBER(4) Required Key
p_seq_num   A one-up sequence number associated with each line of an encumbrance document. NUMBER(4)
p_fsyr_code   The fiscal year code (as defined in table FTVFSYR) to be used when posting the transaction to the ledgers. VARCHAR2(2)
p_user_id   The identification code of the user who last updated the encumbrance sequence. VARCHAR2(30)
p_pend_amt_in_out   The amount of the encumbrance sequence. NUMBER(17,2)
p_dr_cr_ind_in_out   The sign associated with the encumbrance sequence. VARCHAR2(1)
p_acci_code_in_out   The Index Code (as defined in table FTVACCI) that may be entered to default various accounting elements. VARCHAR2(6)
p_coas_code_in_out   The Chart of Accounts code (as defined in table FTVCOAS) referenced by the encumbrance sequence. VARCHAR2(1)
p_fund_code_in_out   The Fund Code (as defined in table FTVFUND) referenced by the encumbrance sequence. VARCHAR2(6)
p_orgn_code_in_out   The Organization Code (as defined in table FTVORGN) referenced by the encumbrance sequence. VARCHAR2(6)
p_acct_code_in_out   The Account Code (as defined in table FTVACCT) referenced by the encumbrance sequence. VARCHAR2(6)
p_prog_code_in_out   The Program Code (as defined in table FTVPROG) referenced by the encumbrance sequence. VARCHAR2(6)
p_actv_code_in_out   The Activity Code (as defined in table FTVACTV) referenced by the encumbrance sequence. VARCHAR2(6)
p_locn_code_in_out   The Location Code (as defined in table FTVLOCN) referenced by the encumbrance sequence. VARCHAR2(6)
p_cmt_type_in_out   The commitment value associated with an encumbrance that has been rolled from a prior fiscal year. VARCHAR2(1).
p_cmt_pct_in_out   The percent of budget carried forward on the rolled encumbrance. NUMBER(6,3)
p_prjd_code_in_out   The Project Code (as defined in table FTVPROJ) referenced by the encumbrance sequence. VARCHAR2(8)
p_dist_pct_in_out   The percentage of the transaction amount assigned to the encumbrance sequence. NUMBER(6,3)
p_posting_period_in_out   The fiscal period (as defined in table FTVFSPD) to be used when posting the transaction to the ledgers. VARCHAR2(2)
p_err_tab_in_out   A collection of error messages resulting from the editing of the transaction. fb_common.err_tabtype


Procedure p_valid_create(p_detail_rec_in     fb_encumbrance_detail.encumbrance_detail_rec,
                         p_context_in        VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
                         p_detail_rec_out    OUT fb_encumbrance_detail.encumbrance_detail_rec,
                         p_err_tab_out       OUT fb_common.err_tabtype,
                         p_warning_out       OUT gb_common_strings.err_type,
                         p_abal_severity_out OUT VARCHAR2)

Validates data entered, sets defaults, and processes edits and security for insert.

p_detail_rec_in   Encumbrance Record Type created from the parameters requesting Create. fb_encumbrance_detail.encumbrance_detail_rec Required
p_context_in   Process context under which record is being created. VARCHAR2(50)
p_detail_rec_out   Encumbrance Record Type with additional values from calculations or defaults. fb_encumbrance_detail.encumbrance_detail_rec Required
p_err_tab_out   A collection of error messages resulting from the editing of the transaction. fb_common.err_tabtype Required
p_warning_out   Returns the message from available balance checking. VARCHAR2(4000) Required
p_abal_severity_out   Returns severity level from available balance checking. VARCHAR2(1) Required
Y   Sufficient funds are available
N   Funds are not available, and encumbrance sequence may not be set to P (ready to post)
W   Funds are not available (informational warning)
E   Validation or other errors encountered while checking available balance


Procedure p_valid_update(p_detail_rec_in     fb_encumbrance_detail.encumbrance_detail_rec,
                         p_detail_rec_out    OUT fb_encumbrance_detail.encumbrance_detail_rec,
                         p_original_rec      fb_encumbrance_detail.encumbrance_detail_rec,
                         p_err_tab_out       OUT fb_common.err_tabtype,
                         p_warning_out       OUT gb_common_strings.err_type,
                         p_abal_severity_out OUT VARCHAR2,
                         p_old_pct           NUMBER,
                         p_new_amt           NUMBER)

Validates data entered, sets defaults, and processes edits and security for update.

p_detail_rec_in   Encumbrance Record Type created from the existing record overlaid by the parameters requesting Update. fb_encumbrance_detail.encumbrance_detail_rec Required
p_detail_rec_out   Encumbrance Record Type with additional values from calculations or defaults. fb_encumbrance_detail.encumbrance_detail_rec Required
p_err_tab_out   A collection of error messages resulting from the editing of the transaction. fb_common.err_tabtype Required
p_warning_out   Returns the message from available balance checking. VARCHAR2(4000) Required
p_abal_severity_out   Returns severity level from available balance checking. VARCHAR2(1) Required
Y   Sufficient funds are available
N   Funds are not available, and encumbrance sequence may not be set to P (ready to post)
W   Funds are not available (informational warning)
E   Validation or other errors encountered while checking available balance

p_old_pct   Distribution Percent in existing record. NUMBER
p_new_amt   Transaction Amount proposed for update. NUMBER